Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 49 Reunion Dinner

Chapter 49 Reunion Dinner

The airport in City H is quite small, dozens of times smaller than the Modu Airport, and there are usually small planes flying here. The big Boeing planes don’t fly here. After all, the airport in this small city, Not so many people fly out.

Su Wei's charter flight this time is the first time that a Gulfstream g550 private jet has flown here. It is even rarer for a private jet to fly over from this small airport than a j20 fighter jet.

Su Wei and the others took a Gulfstream G550 on this charter flight. It is silent and fast, but the price is really not cheap. It costs 30 yuan to fly from Shanghai to City H, and the journey does not exceed two hours. A big reason why it is so expensive is that it is a one-way trip, and if it is a one-day round trip, the price will be more than 5 yuan.

After getting off the plane, there is no Coaster pick-up at H City Airport, but the ordinary bus at the airport comes to pick up people.

After leaving the airport, the three bodyguards in City H were already waiting. They drove two Touaregs and a Mercedes-Benz gls550 this time.

"Xiao Zhao, how are you doing with the arrangements for you this time? I have been busy before, and I forgot to ask you." Su Wei took the Touareg this time, and left the Mercedes for his parents.

"President Su, don't worry, the fireworks are all ready. To be on the safe side, we will rent the three sets for the fireworks until the end of the new year."

"Okay, after the fireworks are over, I will make three red envelopes, and you can send them to the three drivers. It's Chinese New Year, and everyone is happy."

Su Weite likes to set off fireworks, but he used to have no money, so he just bought 80 yuan worth of fireworks for the Chinese New Year. People who celebrate the New Year in City H will watch a fireworks show together.

When I got home, many relatives and friends were already there, but this time they were all relatives.

Su Xiaoming is an only child, so he has no relatives here. This time, all the brothers and sisters of Zhang Guihua, their sons, daughters, and grandchildren are here.

"Weiwei is back"

"Weiwei, I heard from your dad that you bought a building in Shanghai, is it true?"

"Old Cousin, look at Uncle's circle of friends, you guys came back by private plane"

"Private jet, I heard it costs several hundred million."

Now Su Wei is the richest among his relatives. When the relatives talk, they will focus on him, and the topics will all revolve around praising him.

"I bought an office building. I just have some cash, and the building is on sale urgently. Why don't you pick a bargain?"

"Private jets are packaged, not bought by me, and it only costs 30 yuan to fly one trip"

"I just came back, you can ask my parents if you have anything, I will put things first"

After finally dealing with relatives, Su Wei took Liu Qiang and took his two suitcases to his room on the second floor.

Liu Qiang went down after putting down his things, and his own things hadn't been packed yet.

The downstairs is so lively now, but Su Wei doesn't want to go down, the main reason is that going down must be the center of the topic, so it's better to sleep in the room.

Su Wei thought it was good, but within half an hour, he was dazed when someone pinched his nose, someone pulled his hair, and what's more, someone stepped on the quilt.

Pushing away the hand pinching the nose, and opening the eyes, it turned out that it was my cousin's house, a few younger children, I just saw them playing on the balcony on the second floor, I didn't expect them to take advantage of the adults not paying attention, He ran to Su Wei's room.

"You guys, who told you to come here? I think you are looking for a beating." Su Wei just took off his coat when he was sleeping. Now that he got up, he threw down all the children, one with each hand, and then bed.

"Tiantian, Hanhan, let's go up together and knock uncle down."

"Okay, beat uncle"

"You still dare to resist, don't you? Look at how good I am at tickling."

Su Wei played with a few children for a while, but couldn't stand their clinginess, so it was the best policy to just walk and ran downstairs.

In the living room, Su Xiaoming and Zhang Guihua were talking to their relatives about what they had seen and heard in Shanghai during the past few days.

Seeing Su Wei himself coming down, all relatives ran over to pester Su Wei, asking him to tell him how he made money, but after not seeing him for a year, he suddenly became rich like this.

Su Wei took out something that few people in this small city of blockchain understand, and boasted about it, (he didn’t understand it himself, but it’s fine, anyway, people just want to know how to make money, the specific content No one really wants to know) and told them that if they have spare money, they can still play in the game. Bitcoin can still make a lot of money, but it is not as profitable as before, and the market has passed.

He can be regarded as naming a way to make a fortune for them, but now the price of a coin is more than 2 U.S. dollars, which is tripled at most. It is really not a huge profit. It is better to buy stocks of new energy vehicles to earn more. .

If the relatives know numbers, it is not impossible for him to lead them to make money, let them cross this class and develop to a higher level. After all, it is to buy stocks to make money. If you don’t make money, other people will make money too.

The New Year's Eve dinner in the evening was arranged at the Tianhua Hotel. The reason for choosing this restaurant was very simple. It was the hotel with the biggest reputation among the hotels that were still open on New Year's Eve.

After 5 o'clock, everyone started to leave for the hotel. Since grandma passed away, it had been a long time since there were so many people. There were nearly 30 relatives, big and small.

The private room that Su Wei booked at Tianhua Hotel was Chunmanlou. There were three big tables inside, all of which were for 12 people. There was also a mahjong machine and a big coffee table inside.

After going there, taking advantage of the absence of food, I don't know who took the lead, so I insisted on asking Su Wei to play bullfighting.

It's been a long time since Su Wei played. The last time he was the banker was his father. This time, there are all relatives here, so let's play together.

Zhang Guihua and Su Wei's aunt and cousin, they have already started to occupy the mahjong machine and started playing mahjong. Su Wei and the others can only play on the coffee table. Although they are relatively short, there are still many people playing mahjong, 9 Children are playing by themselves, and don't need too many people to watch.

I don’t know if people with a lot of money have the effect of sucking money. In more than an hour, Su Wei won more than 1 yuan. The main reason is that they see that Su Wei is rich, so the pressure is big, and they win more and lose more. Also lose a lot.

Su Xiaoming lost nearly [-] yuan in the fight, and basically all he won was his money.

At the dinner table, I was relatively reserved at first, but after a few glasses of wine, the relatives began to complain about what business was hard to do, how tired I was when I had no money at work, what debts I owed behind my back, and so on.

Su Wei knew that this kind of thing would happen from the beginning, but the convener of his family called all his relatives, and he also intended to give them a hand, not to mention making them rich and powerful, it's not a big problem to be a middle class .

After all, one person attains the Tao, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven, and Su Wei and his family have a good relationship with these relatives, and there is not so much bitterness and hatred.

But Su Wei didn't do this, and let his parents do it themselves, after all, they were all fucking brothers and sisters.

During the drinking process, Su Wei didn't hide it, but said that you can go to his parents after the new year is over for your difficulties.

It must be very happy for relatives to have Su Wei's words. After all, it is human nature for such a rich relative to come out of the family.

What I'm afraid of is the kind of turning face and denying people, being better to outsiders than relatives, thinking that outsiders are sincere, and relatives are not bullshit.

Because Su Wei gave everyone a reassurance at the wine table. When drinking later, there was a cousin who was overwhelmed by the burden of life and cried when he drank too much. He was Su Wei's little uncle. The eldest son of the family is 5 years older than Suwei.

Zhang Cheng sat next to him to comfort him, he knew his cousin's situation, his father owed a lot of debts, and then kept hiding XZ, he is almost 30 now, and he has no date yet, this time his aunt Zhang Guihua said it before eating , as long as Su Wei agrees, he will help his family pay off all the debts.

Although Zhang Liang was moved and cried, he was not soft-hearted at all when toasting with Su Wei. Basically, he toasted with white wine in one gulp.

If Su Wei hadn't been drinking red wine tonight, he would have been drunk by someone, but so many people were drunk, and most of them were elders, and at worst they were cousins ​​in the same generation. For a small cup, as long as you toast, you can do it directly.

(End of this chapter)

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