Chapter 114 Is it a heartbeat?

Li Shishi was a little surprised when she heard that Gongsun Qing had left.

She knew that Gongsun Qing would leave one day, but she didn't expect this day to come so soon.

After getting along for this period of time, Li Shishi can feel that although he is a prince, he never talks about his identity, and when Li Shishi needs help, he will always appear just right to help Li Shishi.

Although Li Shishi had been in danger because of him before, Gongsun Qing was not the kind of person who would not repay his kindness, and he helped Li Shishi as soon as he learned of his accident.

If it is said that she and Gongsun Qing were just nodding acquaintances before, but after getting along for so long, in Li Shishi's heart, she really regards him as a friend.

Hearing that he was leaving in the next two days, Li Shishi felt a little bit reluctant.

I don't know if it was because of shock or other factors, but when Li Shishi heard the news, she almost couldn't help asking: "Is it so soon? Then will you come back?"

Gongsun Qing didn't expect Li Shishi to say this, he was stunned for a moment, then shook his head: "It's hard to say, it's just that there is something in the court, I have to go back and deal with it."

"Then when are you leaving?" Li Shishi asked.

"Three days later." Gongsun Qing replied a little unnaturally, he took a sip of tea after saying this.

In fact, he was supposed to leave tomorrow, but seeing the surprise and reluctance in Li Shishi's eyes made him postpone his departure for another two days.

"Three days?" Li Shishi read silently, and then whispered as if talking to herself: "I didn't expect it to be so soon."

Gongsun Qing looked at Li Shishi, as if someone had rubbed her heart severely.

It's just that he still has important things to do now, if not, he really doesn't want to leave.

He didn't know when he fell in love with Li Shishi.

But he could clearly feel that he was moved by the resolute and resolute woman in front of him.

I don't know if it was when she went to the inn for the first time, or when she looked back and smiled under the peach blossom tree.

It's just that he was really tempted.

But what he knew more was Li Shishi's current identity.

It's not that he didn't want to be with Li Shishi, and he never cared about Li Shishi's reconciliation, but based on his understanding of Li Shishi, Li Shishi would definitely refuse when their identities were so disparate.

But after this farewell, we don't know when we will meet again.

Gongsun Qing may have known that the imminent parting had made him dizzy, so he looked up at Li Shishi and said, "Are you free today? Shall we go for a walk?"

Li Shishi was lowering her head and picking the tea leaves that had fallen on the tea tray. When she heard Gongsun Qing's suggestion, she looked up at him and said, "Okay."

The two walked out of the study together.

There is an acacia tree at the back of the other courtyard. Although it is not yet in flowering season, this acacia tree has already bloomed for some reason.

Gongsun Qing came here a few years ago and saw that the acacia tree was just in bloom, so he built the other courtyard here.

The two walked all the way, and soon came under the silk tree.

In fact, Li Shishi had already seen the dreamlike acacia flowers blooming in front of her before she reached the acacia tree.

When she was under the tree, a gust of wind blew, and a silk julienne flower happened to fall on her shoulder.

Gongsun Qing was dressed in white and stood side by side with Li Shishi.

He reached out and took the Albizia Julibrissin off Li Shishi's shoulder.

Li Shishi subconsciously took a step back, but accidentally stepped on the stone behind her.

She slipped on the soles of her feet and fell backwards, and then Gongsun Qing reached out and grabbed her sleeves, barely allowing Li Shishi to stabilize her figure.

When she stood still, her face was flushed red.

After so many years of being single, Li Shishi has never blushed so much.

With Li Shishi's character, even if someone chased her before, they basically became buddies in the end.

I don't know if it was because of the change of body, but at this time Li Shishi became inexplicably shy.

Gongsun Qing is very good-looking, with sword eyebrows and starry eyes, wearing white clothes, he really has a sense of elegance like jade from Mo Shangren.

In fact, Li Shishi has always had an inexplicable sense of alienation from this kind of people who look like those in the paintings. Even if there were people like him before, Li Shishi just looked at them and never had any delusions.

But now she doesn't know why, just looking at Gongsun Qing, her heartbeat starts to speed up inexplicably, and her head starts to feel dizzy.

This feeling is like drinking a bottle of white wine by yourself, with a floating and unrealistic feeling.

She was a little panicked by her changes, and quickly took a step back, trying to keep a distance from Gongsun Qing.

It's just that the distance was maintained, but this feeling didn't dissipate much.

She stood still and shook her head vigorously.

Gongsun Qing thought that Li Shishi was not feeling well, and quickly walked over and asked with concern: "What's wrong? Are you feeling unwell?"

Facing Gongsun Qing who was only a punch away from her, Li Shishi felt that she could hardly breathe.

She thought to herself: "What serious illness is this? Why do I still have this strange feeling?"

The sandalwood fragrance from Gongsun Qing's body seemed to be absent, and Li Shishi found that it was getting more and more difficult to breathe, and finally her consciousness began to blur.

Then she closed her eyes and fell to the ground with a plop...

And when she became conscious, she was surprised to find that she was floating in mid-air.

And she can't control her body.

Then she felt that she was flying higher and higher, and her speed was getting faster and faster.

She didn't know why she was like this, but she began to panic as the speed increased.

It wasn't until a glaring white light hit, and Li Shishi subconsciously stretched out her hand to cover it, that she heard someone calling her
"Shishi, wake up."

She opened her eyes and found herself lying on the bed.

And beside her is Gongsun Qing who brought her back.

She didn't know what was wrong with her. She tried to think about it, but found that she had a severe headache.

She watched Gongsun Qing open his mouth and found that his throat hurt badly.

Seeing that Li Shishi woke up, Gongsun Qing hurriedly brought a glass of water to feed Li Shishi.

Li Shishi felt much better after she got under the water.

She asked hoarsely, "What's wrong with me?"

"You have a fever." Gongsun Qing put down the water glass, then looked at Li Shishi and said, "The fever is severe. After seeing it, the doctor said it was a poisonous heat syndrome. In addition, you haven't had a good rest during this period, so it will appear." coma."

After hearing this, Li Shishi realized later that she actually felt a little uncomfortable when she woke up early in the morning.

At that time, she only thought that she was too tired and got angry during this time, but she didn't expect that she fell ill.

Not only that, but also fainted in front of Gongsun Qing, which is too shameful.

She was secretly annoyed, but she heard Gongsun Qing say: "Why don't you go to the capital with me."

(End of this chapter)

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