Chapter 937
"Why did you go to the border to serve? Why not execute? That night my sister-in-law said that it is best to execute, it is a real death; the younger sister suggested a fake death because it is easier to arrange, and the person disappears - it is troublesome to serve, no matter how desolate the border is." There are people too, whether the Queen has gone or not, if you inquire wholeheartedly, you can find out——Brother Ninth, do you really want your sister-in-law to suffer like that?"

Gu Xinglang was entangled in many things, especially he couldn't listen to Chunfeng's chatter.

"I will take her back to the palace in the future. How can I pick her up after she is executed." After a long while, she replied impatiently.

Chunfeng stared wide-eyed, "That was taken back quietly, maybe you have to change your appearance and identity—"

"She is Ruan Xueyin, the empress of Daqi, and she will never change her identity. If I want to take her back to the palace, I will do so in a fair way. She is innocent and has made great contributions to the country. It should be so."

Chunfeng was completely dumbfounded, "But you have demoted her to a commoner."

"Which sentence in the imperial edict says to be demoted to a common man?"

What it says is: as a commoner.Chunfeng remembered. "Ninth Brother, you actually played such a trick on the Emperor's Edict—"

"There are too many tricks." Gu Xinglang didn't have time to explain back and forth with her, so he finished in one breath:

"The whole article didn't convict her, it said that she was involved in the case of the public; defending the country, expanding the territory, and governing with morality are all her achievements. Compared with the crimes that cannot be fully proven, the merits clearly outweigh the demerits, so It is really saying that she has been greatly wronged; Bu Dezheng, of course refers to the female class, some people say that this is evidence of her treason, and some people say that her deeds have merits for thousands of years, I agree with the latter just like the women and children of the whole country —The edict of the Son of Heaven conveys the meaning of the Son of Heaven, anyway, I think so, and others may have different opinions."

Chunfeng took a deep breath, "It must have taken a lot of effort for Brother Jiu to consider this edict."

"Your sister-in-law Mingluandian's confession aroused the solidarity of women and children across the country. It is her strategy and her blessing. It adds a lot to the effectiveness of this edict."

Chunfeng was silent, "Ninth Brother doesn't want to wrong his sister-in-law at all. It's like sister-in-law doesn't want Jiu Brother to bear any stigma."

Gu Xinglang sighed softly, stopped what he was doing, "She won't go to the most wild land in the west. The western region is so big, and it is divided into old Qixi and new Qixi. That's right. It's already been arranged, and that's why I called you here at this moment—you send her there."

Chunfeng couldn't wait, so he agreed repeatedly.

Gu Xinglang hooked his fingers to tell her to come closer.

"Be sure to deliver it. No matter what anyone says to you on the way, no matter how reasonable the argument they come up with, they can't change their minds."

"That's natural, I will try my best to protect my sister-in-law well--" Chunfeng replied quickly, and immediately felt wrong, "This trip is top secret, few people know about it, and the team should be streamlined, who will say anything to me ?”

Gu Xinglang's eyes darkened, and he uttered a word after a long while: "Her."

"Who?" Chunfeng didn't understand at the beginning, and looked at his brother's eyes for a moment, "Sister-in-law? How could—"

"Just to remind you. If she comes up with a new reason, for me, for Daqi, she wants to leave, or," the next sentence is difficult, Gu Xinglang paused before saying, "I want to give up my life, You can never agree."

"I don't agree!"

"Not even leaving. Absolutely not. Understand?"

Chunfeng can't understand.The elder brother looked terrifying at the moment. "Yes. Sister Chen remembered it. But there are solutions, how can sister-in-law change her mind?"

Maybe it's not a change, it's just that I didn't promise at all.

Gu Xinglang wasn't sure, without any real evidence, even suspicions were extinguished and resurfaced - she used too many tricks to divert and extinguish his suspicions that night, which really reassured him for a while, but in the past two days, she became more and more confused. The more you think about it, the more wrong you are:

She agreed to Chunfeng's method too quickly and easily, which was completely inconsistent with Mingluan Hall's determination to plead guilty; on the first night of Youlan Hall, her words, expressions, and crying were also suspicious. Think back and scrutinize.

Have to guard against.Although he couldn't think of any reason for her to leave him. ——Chao Zhao?
"In short, you remember this sentence, and you must practice it." It's useless to talk too much, Gu Xinglang said in a deep voice, "It's best if there are no variables, if there are, there is only one way to deal with it—"

"Turn a deaf ear, don't eat oil and salt, escort my sister-in-law to arrive safely, arrive,"

Gu Xinglang hasn't told her exactly where he sent her.

"Shenquan Town. Xue Zhan leads the team."


The queen was convicted and sent to the frontier. Since she could no longer wear brocade clothes, she was ordered to return to Chengze Palace to change her outfit on the day of departure.

In fact, Ruan Xueyin wanted to go back to Zhexue Palace, because Gein's Biyuntian with Gu Xinglang was there, and it was the place where her Qi Gong career started, and at this time, the garden should be full of flowers.

That's it.

Xianghua belongs to Duan Mingcheng and has nothing to do with her.The same is true for Zhexue Palace.On the contrary, this Chengze Palace, which he refurbished and furnished specially for her, does not belong to any queen of any dynasty, it only belongs to her.

She turned around quickly, caressing everywhere, and when it came to a critical moment, she felt reluctant to let go.When she saw the huge osmanthus tree next to the pavilion in the northwest corner, she shook her head, remembering that on the second day of her wedding, she had agreed to a white head with him on that pavilion, the September osmanthus flowers were in full bloom, and the air was full of sweet fragrance.

It's all over.September this year is not far away, but she won't smell that sweet fragrance again, and she probably won't have a chance in this life.

"My maidservant is waiting for Your Highness to come back." Tangli showed her first signs of pregnancy, her belly was slightly protruding, but she was still firm.

Ruan Xueyin looked at her no longer lively face, and said some things that need to be paid special attention to during pregnancy, and finally hugged her, and agreed: "Okay."

Bi Tao knelt in front of the Wanlan Palace all night, and finally begged for the "grace" to go with His Highness. Now that everything was packed, she came to remind her, "Your Highness, it's time to change clothes."

When Chunfeng arrived, Ruan Xueyin had already changed into a Jingchai sarong, with a high neckline covering her neck. In midsummer, she looked hot.

"Why are you wearing so much?"

Because you have to cover the things you picked, and you have to hide the things you want to take away. "Recently, for some reason, I'm afraid of the cold." Ruan Xueyin replied with a smile.

Chunfeng didn't understand, raised his eyebrows, and said, "Let's go."

These two words are like a reminder.Ruan Xueyin thought to herself.Just listening to it has made people heartbroken and unable to move.

But you have to go out.She strode across the threshold, one threshold after another, and stopped when she passed the pot of incense, subconsciously turning her head back.

"Your Highness, don't worry." Tangli's face was full of tears, but she bit her words clearly, "Your maidservant remembers it. In the sixth year of Jinghong, my maidservant accompanied Your Highness to transplant it, and my maidservant has a predestined relationship with it."

Half an hour ago, Ruan Xueyin repeatedly asked to take good care of her.

She nodded, and finally stepped out of Chengze Hall. Looking back for the last time, she saw that the mica shells on the gray outer wall were like the sun and stars. It was extremely beautiful. mirage.

The illusion is too beautiful, so it cannot last long, just as the epiphyllum shows its incomparable beauty with a fleeting moment.

Even though the Jingchai cloth skirt, the sister-in-law is still the most eye-catching existence in the light and shadow of this midsummer.Chunfeng looked at her side face looking back, a little dazed, and immediately noticed the movement, turned his head, and hurriedly pulled Ruan Xueyin's sleeve.

Gu Xinglang came with his hands behind his back, his face was calm and he couldn't see any sadness or joy.

Ruan Xueyin wanted to kneel down, but he said no, and took two steps closer, still expressionless, but his extremely low voice was full of tenderness, "Safe journey. Wait for my news."

Most of the palace people in Chengze Palace were ignorant of the inside story, and the entire Qi Palace had to be kept in the dark, so Gu Xinglang had to hold back his sorrow of parting, so Ruan Xueyin could only listen and could not agree.

He really wanted to hear her promise.

It seems that if you agree at this moment, you really won't miss the appointment.

Ruan Xueyin took a step back and bowed solemnly three times.

Gu Xinglang was about to reach out his hand, couldn't help it, couldn't bear it, at least he wanted to shake her hand.

But she stepped up at that moment and quickly walked past him. The plain skirt swept to the lower edge of the dragon-pattern uniform, so light that she couldn't see it with the naked eye, nor should she feel it.

Suddenly a hurricane blew up in Gu Xinglang's heart, for some reason, he was so panicked that he couldn't stand still, he turned his head in panic, her back had become an unreachable ink dot.

"Your Majesty." Di Yan clearly saw that he was about to move and was about to chase him, so he hurried forward to support him, but the force of his arm was really hindering him, "Your Majesty can't." He whispered, "The overall situation is the most important thing, Your Majesty." superior."

It was really windy in the midsummer afternoon.

Ruan Xueyin and others went out of Changxin Gate, the carriage was waiting, they jumped on it.At the same time, the gate of Zheng'an was wide open, and the imperial guards escorted a carriage out to send the queen to the west.

Chunfeng didn't know that there was such an arrangement, but when he went to the street and heard the noise of people, he realized that he was doing a whole set of dramas.

"The queen is innocent! Please forgive me, Your Majesty!"

It was very rare to hear the remote path they walked.

Mostly female voices, one after another, one after another.

With mixed feelings, Chunfeng turned to look at Ruan Xueyin, but saw that she was in a daze, and she didn't know where her fascination had gone.

Ever since she bid farewell to Ninth Brother and passed by his side, she has been completely wrong.Chunfeng saw it clearly, and suddenly felt that his brother's worries were superfluous—the sister-in-law couldn't bear him at all, and the temporary separation was already a lost soul.

Then he approached and shook her hand, "Sister-in-law is not too sad. Listen to the situation, the love and solidarity of the whole country for you, and the reunion is waiting for you."

In addition to the spontaneous crowd, there should also be Gu Xinglang's deliberate arrangements in this solidarity.Ruan Xueyin thought to herself.If he wanted to bring her back as soon as possible, he would definitely seize and create every opportunity. The Queen's exile and death were the first opportunities.

Public opinion in the world is always a sharp weapon, and he is repaying it in his own way.

"Is this the way to Zhenguo Temple?" Ruan Xueyin asked instead of answering this sentence.

"Brother Jiu promised his sister-in-law, how can he not count?" Chunfeng looked out through the window for a while, "That's right, sister-in-law don't worry."

The monks of Zhenguo Temple have received imperial orders to meet them at the back door.The aunt and sister-in-law walked in with their heads buried, and were quickly brought to a two-story building deep in the flowers and trees.

Chunyue was waiting in front of the door, when she saw them approaching, she grabbed Ruan Xueyin's hand, "Come in quickly."

The door was shut tightly.

"Elder Sister." After the chaos, Chunfeng went to the northern border to search for Chaochao. He didn't accompany Chunyue in the most difficult time. He regretted so far and grabbed her other hand.

"You and I have plenty of time to talk." Chunyue hurriedly said, "The important thing now is," she looked at Ruan Xueyin.

This expression, caring and caring, is quite different from the early years.Ruan Xueyin's heart warmed up, "It's nothing important, everything has been arranged, just before I leave, I want to see my elder sister."

Although Chunfeng is not what it used to be, he has a careless nature after all, and he doesn't notice or think about many details.

However, Chunyue grew up with big eyes and a bright heart. At this age, after going through all these storms, her insights became even more keen.

Ever since she saw Ruan Xueyin, she felt strange.Hearing what the other party said at this moment, I felt even more suspicious, thought for a while, and said: "Elder sister has something for you, take it with you on the road, and think about it." Xiang Chunfeng said, "Don't go up, time is running out, We'll be down soon."

Chunfeng knew that the eldest sister would also be reluctant to part with her sister-in-law, so she must have something to say, so she nodded obediently, "It's not that urgent, it doesn't matter if you stay a little longer. I'll take care of it here."

When Ruan Xueyin followed Chunyue up the stairs, she wondered whether Ji Ping would be there.

When I really saw the empty room, I couldn't say I was not disappointed, but it was also expected, and I was speechless for a while.

"Your Majesty didn't cut him off." Chunyue said, "I sent him back from the lion's mouth. But he didn't send a doctor to treat his wounds. After your pills ran out, I asked Lao Qi to find a prescription and take a medicine belt." When I entered the temple, I only said to the outside world that I was not feeling well and needed medicine to recuperate."

"His injury is too close to the door of life. If there is no expert diagnosis and treatment, supplemented by careful maintenance, it is unlikely to recover." Ruan Xueyin said.

"Yes. So until three days ago, I went."

His voice is calm, and his expression is also calm.Ruan Xueyin looked at her, and said for a while: "He talks to elder sister every day when he is awake, and when he is dying, he is happy and content with his wife and children."

Chunyue showed a very faint smile, and went to shake Ruan Xueyin's hand, "Our Xueyin is really very bright and intelligent. I am content, really."

It was the relief and detachment after the great sorrow and grief, the reconciliation with oneself that was finally reached with the pain in the palms and backs of the hands.

There are obviously thousands of words after the word contentment, but there is no need to say any more.

Ruan Xueyin shook her hand, "Eldest sister, take care of yourself and bring up Chen'er."

Chunyue nodded, "He's listening to the scriptures right now."

"So young—"

"The Dharma is profound and profound, and it's worth being exposed to. I don't force him to understand whether he understands it or not. When he gets older, he will have some understanding."

"Elder Sister is far-sighted." Ruan Xueyin said sincerely.

"It's far worse than you." Chunyue said, "Your Majesty didn't kill Ji Ping, and it was because of your persuasion. Xueyin, there are so many things, I have to thank you, including this time, you are doing it for him and for Gu." , such a wronged sacrifice."

Grief and reluctance were deep, but Ruan Xueyin really didn't feel how wronged she was, and she couldn't even talk about sacrifice. "Eldest sister only regards it as a minister's contribution to the emperor and the country. Eldest sister forgot, I came from Pengxi Mountain. I was supposed to be the king's counselor just like Jing Tingge. The counselor regards himself as his own. Chess to help you win the game, it is really common."

Chunyue looked at her for a moment, "My little brother, I used to think that no woman was worthy of him, and Wanling was pretty good—but now I feel that he was able to marry you because it was a blessing of eight lifetimes."

Ruan Xueyin couldn't stand this kind of praise, and she was a little embarrassed, "There are talented people from generation to generation. The elder sister said it too early."

"So what? Can he marry those talented people again?"

Both were joking, but neither was a joke.

"Eldest sister said before that even if it is the incense of the royal family and the land continues, the emperor can't favor only one person." Ruan Xueyin turned her expression slightly.

"As you said before, you will never share your husband with others." Chunyue also turned her face away, her voice still gentle.

"I'm probably wrong." Ruan Xueyin said very lightly, "After this battle, he can't be like this. The next two important tasks of Jing Hong's reign are: stabilizing the country and unifying Qingchuan. The former is the cornerstone of the latter. To do the former well, He must consolidate the power of the monarch to be impeccable, and he must restore all the traditions of the Tian family, and the harem is of course one of his helpers in rebuilding the court."

Chunyue heard the answer in these words. "Even if you agree, he won't." The premise of this sentence is that Ruan Xueyin will come back.

"He will."

Chunyue suddenly took a step forward, reaching out to open her neckline.

Only Yubai's neck, without the lotus pod.

 Going to bed at 1 o'clock and waking up at 5 o'clock, probably due to working overtime.Happy weekend babies.Thank you Teneng Provincial Monthly Ticket 2333
(End of this chapter)

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