Chapter 908
Ruan Xueyin guessed that she went to Jidu and returned to Qi Palace, probably for Jizhao Pavilion.

This place from Yuwen's family, which is more mysterious than Buzhou Mountain, is really hidden in the city. After going around, it will be opened by the blood of Yuwen's family.

or destruction.

Although the Yuwen blood on Shangguan Concubine's body is very weak.

Although there is no picture of Heluo in the Jizhao Pavilion, it doesn't matter what great prophecy is hidden in the picture, in Ruan Xueyin's view, it is no longer important-she even secretly hopes that the ancient pavilion will never be opened, and the things inside Never be seen.

Let the legend remain the legend, true and false, leaving only a myth for the generations to add fuel to, and the prosperity and peace that would be easier to achieve without it.

Of course, it was not the above that prompted her to propose to take the official concubine with her when she got on the horse.

——Gu Xinglang might have really fallen for Wen Qi's trick, but she wasn't sure how to dismantle the trick. Ruan Zhong's Ming Loucui is still unresolved, and the anxiety at both ends made her have to keep her back, this one;

The star map shows that Shangguan concubine enters three times and exits three times in her life. She used to be ignorant of this, but now it is clear: the three entrances are Qi Palace, Wei Palace and the second entry Qi Palace. As for the three exits - two exits already. , so in the end she will still leave Qi Palace, so she might as well take it with her first, to ease the urgent need, and it is also her destiny - watching the stars for half of her life, there are some karmic fates, she can't help but not believe it, the second one. 【1】

Gu Xinglang was already on his horse when he heard this proposal, knowing that she was persuaded or coerced by the concubine Shangguan, but the situation was too urgent to discuss, so he frowned and half turned his head to give Jiang Chao instructions.

He has always believed in Ruan Xueyin's judgment and decision-making, but if he wanted to take them along again, he would not go with them, he would just go with the army, and if he could get there, he would be counted as an official concubine.

Huo Yan's order to attack sounded from the dark night.

It was a little hasty, but it was a matter of seconds, because Gu Xinglang only needed a moment to evacuate.He couldn't let any of them escape. The two monarchs, Empress Qi, Jing Tingge and even the Shangguan Banquet - all those who caused his family's grudges had to be buried, and Huo's ambition in Fufeng City would be inherited by him, Huo Yan. The world of Qingchuan will be taken into his pocket by an unexpected and reasonable person like him.

"Behead Qi Jun and recover the mountains and rivers!" He shouted violently, motivating the soldiers with the loss of the southern border counties and towns.

"Fight!" The old general Qi Guang replied with only two words, not even mentioning "protect your lord".

But Gu Xinglang and Ruan Xueyin had already disappeared into the darkness amidst the turbulent battle of soldiers and horses.

"Where's Chao Chao?" Ruan Xueyin asked urgently, unable to run at full speed.

"Don't worry." Gu Xinglang replied in a deep voice, "Speed ​​up!"

Ruan Xueyin couldn't speed up if she didn't get a clear answer. Only a real mother can understand the heart of being a mother. "What about Chao Chao!" she asked again.

"Surround that car!" Huo Yan's voice came from behind thousands of troops.

Ruan Xueyin didn't even need to think about it, she knew it was their car, the one that Chao Chao was riding in.

"She's not in the car! You've already moved when you spoke to Shangguan Concubine!" Gu Xinglang said.

"Then where is it now!"

"Xiaoba protects! There are Axiang and the others! Stay away from the border and get rid of all the pursuers, enter the hinterland of Qibei, and then we can meet up!"

Xiaoba is Gu Xinglang's most powerful secret guard, he followed from Jidu to Ning'an, then to Buzhou Mountain, until just now; he and Axiang have been getting along these days, and they have become familiar with each other, enough to cooperate seamlessly.

But Ruan Xueyin couldn't feel relieved because of this, not because she was worried about others, but because she was worried about any possible accidents.

"Take your daughter on the same journey!" The gust of wind made her ears hurt, she slowed down significantly, and went against the flow of Qi Guo soldiers gathered to look for Xiaoba Axiang's face.

There are so many people and horses, all of them are heads, where can I find them.

"It's me they're after! Of course it's better to go the other way!"

"But children are easier to chase! Once Chao Chao is a hostage, you and I can only submit! Wu Ruo is with you directly, at least don't worry!" Ruan Xueyin suddenly lost weight after shouting this sentence.

She would, but he might not.In front of Mingluan Palace that year, although there were various reasons, it was King Rongxin who stabbed the dagger into her chest.Jing Tingge is right, he can afford to gamble.

And she never blamed him for his choice at that time, which does not mean that she can handle her daughter's safety with the same mind at this moment.

She can't bet.

"Leave separately, I'll take Chao Chao! Meet outside Mei Zhou City!" Ruan Xueyin pulled the reins and was about to turn around.

"No!" Gu Xinglang rushed forward to stop her in a hurry, "I really don't feel at ease when the two of you are together! Believe me, this arrangement minimizes the danger!"

In the borderlands, the chaotic army is fighting, and there is no room for further dragging.

Ruan Xueyin completely understood the rare anxiety on Gu Xinglang's face: Huo Yan was already crazy, he didn't even bother to line up troops, he was so motivated by anger and the vigorous ambition born of anger that he could only charge and kill.Strategies, contingencies, and various schemes can deal with ordinary people and even enemies who are equally wise, but they cannot deal with a lunatic.

"Go!" He became fierce like never before, looking at her viciously.

In the blink of an eye, Ruan Xueyin thought through the pros and cons, and knowing that he was right, she gritted her teeth and ran against her country's soldiers and horses again.

Chao Chao will wait for mother, see you soon.She murmured silently in her heart, hearing Huo Yan's voice getting closer behind her: "Kill! Kill! Kill!"

This person is so determined that he rushes straight into Qi Jun's torrent and wants to finish them today.Ruan Xueyin's mind was buzzing, and she no longer had the energy to think about what to do with Jing Tingge.

Huo Yan lost his mind like this, there are still some people in the Shangguan Banquet, it is possible to get away.Once he escaped, he hurried back to Cangwu, and sentenced Huo Yan to death in the name of causing chaos-the battle on the border could not escape the heavy casualties, and General Huo might not even have the life to go back to lead him to death.

A century-long conspiracy to rule the world has ruined so many lives, destroyed many virtuous and brave families, and caused such a catastrophe!Qi and blood surged all over her body, and the joys and sorrows of life and death of her children, husband, junior sister, and friends flowed from her head to her heart, converging into a hot current, which suddenly overflowed.

A drop of bright red fell on the horse's back, and it was impossible to see in the dark.She knew that she had vomited blood, but she was not surprised, she wiped the corner of her lips, and Huo Yan's screams were replaced by the wind.

Of course he can't break through Qi Guang's 2 horses. If he recognizes the situation clearly and uses his superior force to kill Qi's army as much as possible, the best result is to capture Jing Tingge and the others and take back Weinan County Town.

The monstrous rumbling sound is getting farther and farther away.

The tranquility of Xia Ye came suddenly, and the emptiness caused Ruan Xueyin to be in a trance for a moment, feeling like she was in a dream.

Until the sound of horseshoes pierced my ears, it was Gu Xinglang who approached and said softly, "Take a break?"

The moment the silence fell, the team with a total of less than ten people actually slowed down.

So his voice was clear and soft.

Ruan Xueyin shook her head, "Where did you agree with Xiao Ba?" She wanted to wait for her daughter quickly.

Gu Xinglang raised his eyes and said, "The small incense gate in front."

It is the only river in this area, Mingxiang River. Yuwen once built a gate called "Xiaoxiang Gate", which has long been abandoned, because the Xianghe River dried up in the third year after Gu's Liqi.

Ruan Xueyin thought about the past in her mind and accelerated again, the others including Gu Xinglang had no choice but to follow closely.

The entire small incense gate was quiet and empty.

She looked at him.

"Don't be nervous, as you said earlier, it's always slower to bring a child." Gu Xinglang walked over to her and tightened her hand.

He was also nervous, and his palms, which were always like a furnace, were cold.Ruan Xueyin was drawing conclusions, and the sudden reaction might not be—maybe it was a dark fragrance, which was exerting its effect erratically.

"Are you cold?"

Gu Xinglang was taken aback for a moment, "A little bit. It's probably because of the heat from running and the wind blowing."

Ruan Xueyin gripped back hard, trying to convey more palm temperature to him, and said softly: "Ji can't wait, you can't waste here, start first? I'll catch Chao Chao and hurry back."

Gu Xinglang was actually anxious, but he didn't show it, he smiled and said: "It won't be too long, wait until my daughter, let's set off together."

The moon climbed along the branches in the scene of a stick of incense, and hung on the treetops, but there was still no one coming.

Ruan Xueyin's heart began to beat fast, and she almost jumped out, subconsciously raising her legs to ride the horse.

"Wait a little longer." Gu Xinglang suppressed his worries, but remained calm, "It's normal within half an hour."

"What if it's been half an hour and you haven't come?"

"Xiaoxue." He looked at her.

At such a time, we should only look forward, and should not speak discouraged words.Ruan Xueyin understood, but she swallowed an unbearable bitterness in just half a night, and couldn't smile at him lightly.

The sound came at the next moment, and the eyes of both of them lit up at the same time, and then changed, because Chao Chao shouldn't be coming from this direction.


"Go and have a look." Gu Xinglang instructed Xue Zhan.

That night, Xue Zhan led the carriage and formed a team of ten men as false soldiers. As Gu Xinglang expected, there was no ambush in the northern border, so he arrived at Rose Town to meet up; just now Xiao Ba and other three secret guards were sent to escort Chao Chao , although the remaining few people are enough, Gu Xinglang thinks about it, he must bring Xue Zhan back to Jidu, in order to add another bargaining chip for the victory.

So he still asked Xue Zhan to accompany him on the grounds of his cronies.

Xue Zhan went west in response, and Xianyue rose from the treetops during this waiting moment.

When he reappeared, there were five or six more riders behind him.Ruan Xueyin narrowed her eyes and soon saw Ruan Zhong's face.

It seems that she has lost a lot of weight, but her eyes are unusually bright, and she looks red-eyed.

She was too bitter tonight, and her heart, which was hanging several inches high, finally let go of an inch because of Ruan Zhongping's peace, so she was not as calm as usual, and drove her horse to meet her.

Ruan Zhongyuan laughed, and hurried towards this side.

They met again immediately, but it wasn't the tense situation in Xijidaowai back then.The reunion of relatives and relatives at the end of the world is a great fortune in the world.

"Riding skills are getting better and better." Ruan Zhong said.

"Practice makes perfect." Ruan Xueyin said, "Are you injured?"

Ruan Zhong smiled and shook his head: "A very light skin injury is not as severe as Ming Loucui. Those who sit before the gate of hell are afraid of getting hurt."

Gu Xinglang's back injury, she also thought it was a very light skin trauma.Ruan Xueyin replied silently. If she couldn't pass this test, she would be reminded of just listening to a word, and then filled with bitterness.

Ruan Zhong saw that her complexion was not good, and said: "Just now Xue Zhan gave me a general idea. Don't worry, if you leave the battlefield, this huge Qi Bei will not let them gallop, Chao Chao will definitely arrive soon. "

It has been almost half an hour.Ruan Xueyin looked up at the bright moon.

Gu Xinglang also rode his horse and bowed his hands to Ruan Zhong, "Thank you for your kindness."

Ruan Zhong raised his eyebrows and laughed jokingly, "I'm not used to you like this. It's better to be stingy and say something childish, and you'll be happy to hear it."

Gu Xinglang raised one corner of his mouth and smiled, "When the overall situation is settled, your bones will be better, so it's not too late to bicker." He hissed again, "I remember you used to be very talkative, have you changed your temper?"

"Look out."

The three of them gossip one after another, but in fact their minds are all in the north, and they all miss the children, deliberately disturbing the tranquility, so as to suppress their worries.

Half an hour was up, and the crescent moon was far away from the treetops, bending indifferently in the sky, casting a cold light.

For the first time in Xiao Ban's life, Ruan Xueyin couldn't make up her mind, her mind went blank, and the tall horse under her began to kick helplessly because she wanted to move.

To find, of course.How could she go back to Jidu with peace of mind!It's not even good to hang your heart back to Ji!

Discussing with Gu Xinglang again is no solution, but they tortured each other, she didn't say a word, and the next moment she vigorously urged her horse to go north!

"Ruan Xueyin!" Gu Xinglang shouted.

"No, Your Highness!" Xue Zhan rode his horse to chase after him.

Ruan Zhong also left.The two horses followed Ruan Xueyin one after another, and successfully intercepted after three miles.

"Get out of the way!" Ruan Xueyin originally wanted to rush over, but she was afraid that the two of them would be determined to stop and turn their backs, which would make a mistake and had to stop, but her voice was stern.

"You are alone, a horse, a woman, and you don't know martial arts yet. If Chao Chao is really in trouble, how can you help?!" Ruan Zhong saw that she was so impulsive like never before, and was also in a hurry.

"I have to be here if I can't help! I have to be by her side, I am her mother!"

Ruan Zhong had never seen her get angry like this, and he didn't even know that she could get angry like this.As the name suggests, Ruan Xueyin is like the snow flakes in the winter morning, and like her clothes, she is a deep lake with still water and slight waves.

At this moment, the snow flakes were violent, and the lake water was swirling, and she seemed to be a different person.

Then he saw that the circles of her eyes had turned red when she roared, it was the fragility of a mother who was strong, and the helplessness of knowing that she couldn't do anything.

He understood a little bit.What she lacked, mother, companionship, and protection, she hoped that Zhao Zhao could get them.She is Chao Chao's mother, as long as she can do it, Chao Chao can get it.

Ruan Zhong only felt that a corner of his heart was broken.

The gentle and intense shattering made him unable to get up in a hurry, so he approached cautiously, and said softly: "I know, I understand everything. But you can't help, and you may put yourself in danger. I'll go, I'll go." Make sure to bring her back unharmed, okay? She knows me, calls me uncle, and when she sees me, she will know that it is mother who asked me to pick her up. She will understand that you love her and want to be with her all the time. You are the best mother."

Ruan Xueyin burst into tears.She really shouldn't be crying at such a time, and she is still in front of people, but she is overwhelmed, and all her loved ones are in purgatory.

"Okay, okay." Ruan Zhong took out a handkerchief from his arms, crookedly embroidered with orange flowers, it was Ruan Xueyin's masterpiece that Jing Tingge gave him before.

I wanted to wipe her tears, but I finally held back and just handed over the handkerchief, "I will take my people there, and you will continue to go south, and I will chase after the child. This battle is dangerous, a battle of life and death, At this moment, are you really going to abandon him?"

It was because she couldn't give up at both ends that she simply put aside her mind, just for a moment.Ruan Xueyin calmed down a bit, but couldn't nod immediately.

"It's not too late, it's settled." Ruan Zhong said again.

[1] 617 Reminiscence and Hidden Bureau

 Here we come, everyone has been waiting.

(End of this chapter)

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