Qingchuan History

Chapter 762 Stunning

Chapter 762 Stunning

When Gu Xinglang entered the Taile Department, dusk was approaching, the peach and apricots in the courtyard and the sunset glow formed a shadow, and the pink and gold scattered in it reminded people of that big bird—it was really a good day.

In my impression, I have not set foot here in the nine years since I ascended the throne, so that the newcomers do not know each other, and the old ones are confused.Until Gu Xinglang, who was dressed in ivory-colored dark dragon-pattern uniform, walked into the flower forest, everyone responded that it was not the lord, but they knelt in every corner and wanted to cry out loudly.

Gu Xinglang raised his finger to his lips, in order not to make a sound.

All the girls in the yard were excited by this scene, and the teacher also ran out from the inside, but was restrained by the silence of the crowd and did not dare to call out. When he approached, he bowed in a low voice, and then he heard the lord ask:

"Is she in there?"

Who else can I ask, and the teacher nods in response.


The instructor looked back at the second floor, "Should we? Ma'am is thin-skinned. During the dance practice, except for Xiaowan to point out, no one else is allowed to watch."

Gu Xinglang was full of joy from the successful sneak attack, full of the pride of "don't let me look at you", he waved his hands to ask everyone to disperse, and the teacher led them upstairs.

When he was almost there, he asked the teacher and the inkstone to retreat, and he carefully pushed against the door frame and pulled a crack, with one eye on the line, and the figures of the two women on the carpet on the ground came into view.

Ruan Xueyin wore a light lake-colored thin skirt, which was quite thin, and the pair of beautiful butterfly bones on the back could be vaguely seen.

She was facing away from her, and Su Wanwan, who was kneeling opposite her, was facing the door.

Before today, Gu Xinglang didn't know that this girl was so vigilant.

He closed the door with one eye only for a moment, and before he was depressed, why wasn't the person dancing inside? Su Wanwan tilted her head and looked up, stared blankly, then got up immediately, straightened the hem of her skirt and stood by her side.

Ruan Xueyin was bewildered, she turned around, Gu Xinglang knew he had no choice but to hide, stood up and coughed, pushed the door open and entered.

"How did you come?"

For dancing, of course.A third person restrained his temper in Gu Xinglang, and said with a righteous face: "I'm free now, and I tried to find you, so I realized that you are in the Taile Department, so I came over to have a look."

Ruan Xueyin realized that she hadn't greeted her while she was sitting, so she hurriedly got up to repeat the etiquette.

Really thin.this skirt.It was ironed on her body like running water, outlining the jade peak under the collarbone, and the slender waist was suddenly tightened.So it's a dance skirt?

So outrageous!
Su Wanwan felt that she should retreat, saluted twice, and passed Gu Xinglang's side very quietly.

The person involved didn't perceive it, and was completely focused on Ruan Xueyin.

But Ruan Xueyin could see it, watched the girl go out, and waited a moment to confirm that she was gone, Fang sighed: "Gu Xinglang has too many peach blossoms, after four springs, the flowers are in full bloom as soon as he goes out."

She said while sitting back on the floor among the blankets.

This matter was asked by her last spring, and he answered at that time: Su Wanwan is withdrawn, although she lives in a brothel, she is a performer but not a person, but he is the only man who has really gotten along with many people in recent years--if you have a secret heart, you are also a woman. unusual.And he is only responsible for expressing his attitude, and he can't force people not to agree with Fangxin—this is also very arrogant, and Ruan Xueyin of course knows that it doesn't matter how many men he has dealt with Su Wanwan, Gu Xinglang was born to hunt for Fangxin.

And this piece of good news is now acting like a baby with her every day.

I really don't know whether to be happy or disturbed.

Gu Xinglang felt that he had made it very clear last year, so he was too lazy to bother with this kind of thing, so he went to sit on the blanket, which was thick and soft to the touch, and he couldn't help laughing: "What kind of dancing is so important, you still have to dance on the blanket."

"There are many movements on the ground." Ruan Xueyin replied casually.

Gu Xinglang understood that it was to cut off the cold air on the ground, even though it was late spring, she had always been particular about postpartum, paying attention to keeping warm.

Then he didn't react right. "Ground action?"

Ruan Xueyin just woke up, thinking about what Su Wanwan said earlier that this dance is like He Wu, she wished she could dig a hole. "Well, just kneel once in a while, that kind."

Why are you blushing on your knees?And just said that there are many ground movements, is it accidental again?This thin skirt also made people think about it. He made a little connection and guessed, he couldn't help laughing, and teased her: "I haven't seen a dance with a lot of ground movements. Let's dance and see."

"Haven't learned yet."

"You're a bully, right? You can clearly dance the whole branch, and it's not a problem to do five laps in a row."

The words of the fairy falling into the world are due to the five circles. It is said that the lake-colored skirt is like lotus petals, and she turned her wrists over her head, her swan neck is bright, and her face is displayed in the spring light, which is more shining than the peaches and apricots in the courtyard.

Who can spread the word so fast with a big mouth!Ruan Xueyin thought about it carefully, and opened the door only once after dancing, which was enough for everyone downstairs to see - but people from the Taile Department would not wander around the palace for no reason, and she didn't feel that everyone in the palace knew about her going out during the day.

It was clearly reported to Gu Xinglang alone.

She suddenly realized that she had made a mistake—Shi Fu Xiaoshan had been ordered to monitor Wan Wan for a long time, and she had to report regularly, even if Wen Qi was dead——Gu Xinglang, just like herself, never let go of any clues, and the ending was still unresolved. Before the solution, no matter how young a pawn is, it will not be regarded as a useless pawn.

Of course, the "dance practice" was also reported.

"Is there any place in this palace that is not under your control?!" Ruan Xueyin said angrily.

"You should ask, what else in this Qingchuan is not under my control." Gu Xinglang replied with a smile.

What a big tone.She was just about to tease her, when she suddenly remembered what Su Wanwan said earlier, put aside her playfulness and try to be serious, but Deng Tuzi approached her with thick eyes and obvious intentions.

Ruan Xueyin raised her hand and covered his mouth. "Not allowed here."

"But you're all dressed like this."

Ruan Xueyin lowered her head to examine herself, and it turned out that the material of the clothes was light and thin. Looking down, she could see snow piled up on the peaks and mountains.

"Let's change it now. I can't practice anymore when you come."

Gu Xinglang is not willing to agree, because her request has not been fulfilled, and it has been nearly a year since she was confirmed to be pregnant last year!I didn't plan to mess around here today, but I wanted to be gentle for a while, but I couldn't? !

So regardless of her resistance, she coaxed softly, and finally had to rub hands together and go up the stream with her hands in the hem of her skirt.The severity and depth made Ruan Xueyin fall down on the blanket, and she lost her sense of proportion. The twilight flowers and shadows appeared in front of her eyes, and it was difficult to understand the void.

"Is it okay?" Gu Xinglang couldn't bear it any longer, and asked forcefully because of the inappropriate place.

It's really impossible, and it's hard to guarantee that the inkstone will arrive in the next moment.Ruan Xueyin closed her eyes and shook her head, the man continued.She thought he didn't care about it, and was about to clear his head before shaking his throat, but Gu Xinglang stopped under the left collarbone.

It was a deep mouth drawn by King Xin last year.

After less than half a year of maintenance, the scars have become lighter, pink in the twilight, similar to the color of peach and apricot outside.

The mark he stroked was flat, and it may fade to nothing after years. "Does it still hurt?"

"It's long gone." Ruan Xueyin replied softly, her voice was a little soft before she calmed down.

Gu Xinglang leaned back against her face, "Xiaoxue."

Knowing that his guilt was haunting and his words were pale, she smiled and touched his cheek, "Got it." She also thought about the fact that the wound on his back was actually longer than her own, and she checked it not long ago, and there was also a scar, so she stretched her hand across his neck To the back, Gu Xinglang hid from the itching, "Don't move."

I can only figure out that it has grown flat and there is no excess growth.She withdrew her hand in relief, both of them became clearer, and they didn't want to move for a while, so they just lay down on the blanket and looked at the algae well.

The twilight is still strong, playing the shadow of peach and apricot in the algae well.It's already complicated, but after the film is connected, the flowers are even more abundant, and the warm wind blows in, as if wrapped in a whole spring day.

"When you came, I was chatting with her about the past."

"Yeah." Gu Xinglang didn't know what he was thinking, and he might still be in the mood just now, so he answered a little casually.

"She said that although she worked for Wen Qi, it was not Wen Qi who found her in the first place."

Gu Xinglang couldn't help concentrating on this sentence, so he put away his sloppiness, still looking at the shadow of flowers in the algae well and waiting for her to finish speaking.

"Shangguan Banquet."

(End of this chapter)

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