Chapter 697
It was past midnight, and the forest was dark. The first arrow pierced through the curtains, nailed deeply on the left window frame and almost penetrated, and hit the oblique rear of her left shoulder.

"Escort!" Hearing the sound outside the car, the march that was supposed to be clean and tidy suddenly hurried.

The surrounding area of ​​Yujia is even more guarded by the guards, and the three floors inside and outside are completely surrounded by four horses and one cart.The Qi army on the outer side tried to use torches to identify the enemy and ourselves, but the trees were high and the forest was deep, and the firelight alone could not penetrate into the dark.

"Keep in formation and protect your two majesties! Pass through this forest quickly!"

Duan Xirun and Shi Yue's car was behind the driver, and the sound of the arrow was drowned out by the loud warning, they didn't actually hear it.

But the word escort was clear enough, and the two looked at each other and sat up straight at the same time.

"Is it now?" October asked.

Duan Xirun twisted the curtains to look at the flames outside, the faster he walked, the distance to Yunshui was at least nine hundred miles.

"It's early." Duan Xirun murmured.

Shi Yue's heart beat wildly and she just nodded: "Yes. Qi Jun said that we will not act until Man Yi is found. It's too early."

The heavy troops were in the driver's seat, and their car followed behind, which seemed extremely unimportant.The occupants of the car therefore felt that they were in danger, and any continuous shooting of a few sharp arrows might kill them.

On the contrary, it is thoughtful.To be in danger is to be safe, to be strong without desire, the principles that seem to be different are actually the same.

But Shi Yue's face still turned pale, because she remembered the promise to Gu Xinglang to "protect the emperor until death";

Duan Xirun's face had been pale because of the empress dowager's bad news, and now it was even paler because he was worried about Man Yi.

If the person who killed the mother hurt Manyi tonight, if she could survive and sit back, she would cut him into pieces and turn them into ashes.

She listened to the wind outside.

Not sure if those strange air currents are coming back and forth from our own people or ambushes waiting for an opportunity.

Some people in the army obviously sensed the shadows that continued to shuttle among the treetops. They kept silent and gestured, and when the deep forest became shallower, they suddenly attacked. Hundreds of sharp arrows shot high from the string in an instant, making a full circle!
The dense and well-rounded shooting array was very effective. In the darkness, one heard the sound of falling, and soon there was another sound of wind breaking from a high place. It was the shadow counterattack, and the target was not only the emperor. Both Duan Xirun and Shiyue heard it clearly Arrow pierced the ridge of the car.

The driver swung his whip and drank the horse, and the speed was even faster, but no sharp arrows had yet entered the carriage.

"This group of reckless people! They aim at the emperor, so they must attract us to be enemies!" Shi Yue scolded, stretched his arms and embraced Duan Xirun, using himself as a shield.

"No need." Duan Xirun said lightly, and patted his arm.

"Accidental injury is also an injury. Just in case. I promised Qi Jun." Shi Yue was actually afraid of death. After hugging Duan Xirun, she trembled slightly, as if she was about to be killed by an arrow.

Duan Xirun felt it was funny again: "You listen to him instead."

October opened his mouth.

He didn't say anything.

The sound of the battle outside the car became louder, gradually faded, and then weakened, and then the sound of the wind changed and seemed to come out of the forest road. "Have they all been killed? Those ambushes?"

It is also hundreds of miles away from the border of Qinan.

To the west of the southern border, a small mountain range stands quietly under the moonlit night.There are also teams in the deep forest and narrow passages, but they are not soldiers and have no armor. They look like standard teams or gang members-at first glance, you can tell that they are very skilled, and their martial arts may be better than gang members. , the expression is also solemn, saying that it is not a soldier, but it is not entirely true.

Among the people sitting in an orderly manner, there are two, a little farther away from the others. They are both gentle and elegant, and they should be the leader or the owner.

"I mean, it's the safest way to send the young master back to the north by night."

Both of them are dressed in nocturnal black, and their faces are like crown jade. It can be seen that the older one is talking to the other.

"There is no problem at home, and this movement is more worthy of supervision." The other has twin star eyes, and there is also a look in the dark night mountain forest.

"This end is supervised by someone, the young master wants to control—"

"I have already suffered from long-distance losses." The star-eyed man said softly, "This time, we will watch the battle from the sidelines, and rewards and punishments will be completed in the arena."

Qi Nan was warm in Jidu in late autumn, and it was still cold with dew in the middle of the night, but it was too eye-catching and they didn't plan to light a fire.Chai Yinuo knew that Gu Xinglang had made up his mind, so he stopped persuading him, and looked at the sky between the branches of the dense forest under the moonlight, his voice was lower:

"Bailiyixinbao, the next one is about to come."

Gu Xinglang silently calculated the route and speed of the coalition forces.No matter how many twists and turns, as long as Duan Xirun is alive, he can enter Yunshui before tomorrow evening.

Duan Xirun sat in the car and stayed up all night.

October dozed off several times, with her head on her shoulder.She tried to make him sleep in a different position. Although the young man's brain was weak, his hands were strong, and he maintained the posture of a meat shield, with his arms tightly wrapped around him until he died.

Duan Xirun was protected by him like this, listening to the sound of the wind, the sound of horseshoes, the sound of armor clashing, and the chirping of birds at dawn, watching the sky lighten up little by little.

It was almost dawn, which meant that it was only five hundred miles away from the capital.And the day is easier to defend than the night, and she looked at the light, and there was a dawn in her heart.

The sound suddenly pierced the silence at this moment.

Either because she was distracted or because the attack came so suddenly, she didn't know the beginning, and realized that when the royal driver was attacked, the sound of weapons was already loud, and after a very short period of disturbance, human voices also rang out, only one sentence, deafening:

"The queen is dead, seal her throat with a sword!"

Shi Yue woke up from this roar, and when she opened her eyes, Duan Xirun's face was ashen.She seemed to want to open the door curtain to see, one hand was raised and then lowered, seeing that her body moved when she raised her hand again, Shi Yue hurriedly held her tightly with her arms: "Your Majesty, no!"

"Manyi," Duan Xirun looked back at him absent-mindedly, "it seems to be dead."

Shi Yue was awakened by the roar, but did not hear the content clearly. Hearing that the words were related to the chaos outside, Fang Dawu decided to watch Duan Xirun for a moment, "Then it is now. She will be discovered."

As the voice fell, voices came from under the window, "Please evacuate with your subordinates, my lady and son!"

The accident occurred according to Gu Xinglang's deduction, and the response was carried out according to Gu Xinglang's instructions, so this person belongs to him.

Shi Yue kept in mind her instructions and was about to get up when she heard the sound, but Duan Xirun didn't move immediately.

Before entering the border of Bai Kingdom, Gu Xinglang took the night golden cicada to escape his shell, but the thousands of imperial guards who followed him from Jidu went south as usual to "escort".

It's those around Yujia, who protect Manyi together with the Northern Frontier Army of the White Kingdom.

It stands to reason that this group of people is the most trustworthy, and they are more familiar with the mission of this trip than the Northern Frontier Army, which has been taken over by the queen for less than a year.The person under the window who was leading them away at this moment was obviously also from this group.

But can he really return to Yunshui with this?What about after going back?Time was running short, Gu Xinglang didn't explain a lot of things, and she didn't even think about the follow-up.

"Since Mr. Qi has given instructions, he must make arrangements, Your Majesty!" Seeing her hesitation, Shi Yue hurriedly urged.

"Shouting out the words that the lady is dead will disturb the morale of the army, why would they try their best to kill Yunshui?" Duan Xirun turned to ask the man under the window.Yunshui's condition is unknown, and this coalition army is the only force she can rely on.

"My lord has his own arrangements, and the opportunity is fleeting, please leave quickly!"

Duan Xirun and Shi Yue jumped onto the horse at the fastest possible speed, running as fast as they could, just moving forward.When everything was still in sight, Xirun couldn't help but look back, but when he saw the warriors fighting on the royal chariot, it must be the masters of the army who were rounding up the assassins.

Is that the person?People who killed Manyi.He jumped on the top of the carriage and pierced the back of her neck with a sword, and then penetrated again to seal her throat.

The horses galloped, from near to far in no time.She didn't see the enemy's face clearly from the beginning to the end, but she felt deeply.

The horses galloped wildly, and the sound of hooves increased.The situation where there was only one person protecting each other was broken, and more and more riders ran out from the woods and mountain roads alone, without any rules, galloping back and forth, enclosing Duan Xirun and Shi Yue in the middle.

"Where did this person come from?"

The person who was the first to evacuate was still standing next to Duan Xirun, "Qi Guo's imperial guards. After entering the country with the army, 20 people left the team one after another and waited on this necessary road."

So it's still those guards.Gu Xinglang brought them here from thousands of miles away, but once the situation changed, he decided on a strategy in less than half an hour, split up several groups of people, calculated the route according to the time and told them to take their positions.It is not difficult to think that the people who protected him from his shell last night were also from these guards.Is he already on his way back to Jidu?
"How do you know that the other party will attack in Baishui River Valley?"

It was the place where the incident happened just now that turned the path they opened up at this moment into a must.

"The lord said that the night is easy to fall, and the day is hard to attack. If you escape at night, the next attack will happen at dawn, before daylight. Judging from the marching route and speed, dawn will be in the White Water Valley."

 Thank you book friend 20200908212107761 for the reward, monthly ticket 2333~ Mystery of this week has become a double update every other day. It is really because of hot hands and busy before the festival, I can’t guarantee the writing time every day, but it is the same as the original one. Quantity Kazakhstan (it’s still very little, why should I mention it) ~~ Thank you for your understanding!

(End of this chapter)

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