Chapter 539

Gu Xinglang had no idea what suggestion it was.

The way of the king?Never had.

Border Garrison?Neither did.

And Murong Xun's expression was clearly familiar at the moment.

In the next moment, he caught the night in the Fuxi Nuan Pavilion in Yin Palace a few days ago.

He suggested that he still treat Jing Ting Ge with the courtesy of the monarch and his ministers, and draw it slowly.

Another court song.

Gu Xinglang felt chest tightness and shortness of breath, and his passion for going up to the roof to discuss matters felt like being splashed with cold water.

"Why is it useful?" The other party took the initiative to say, and they had to pick up the conversation before they could continue the conversation.The monarch discusses the matter of war but focuses on women, this Murong Xun is also considered unprecedented.

"Very well, anyway. Thanks."

Gu Xinglang watched with cold eyes the spring in the corners of his eyes and brows when he said "very good".

I couldn't bear to look directly at it, which made my head even more messy.

"Speaking of which, you plan to take action against Yin Guo, and the spearhead will naturally be pointed at Ruan Zhong. Is it easy to explain to your family?"

The bull's-eye hit Gu Xinglang's chest.He turned around completely, "Why is it difficult to explain?"

Murong Xun felt that he had never seen such a murderous look since the acquaintance, so he couldn't help lowering his aura, "So, doesn't Ruan Zhong like her?"

"He likes it, she doesn't. What a hard time I have for her."

Murong Xun thought to himself that you don't look like you have a plan in mind, you are obviously angry, at least you are bitter.

"As far as I know," Murong Xun also turned around and faced Gu Xinglang face to face. It was his rare turn to preach, so he was extraordinarily energetic.

"This woman is somewhat soft-hearted towards her admirer. Like means affirmation and appreciation. Who wouldn't like to be affirmed and appreciated? There is a soft heart in this gratitude and touch. The other party has difficulties, and more or less cares. Especially Ruan Zhong's strength is not bad, compared to yours, "

Seeing that Gu Xinglang's expression became more and more wrong, he said plainly:
"Naturally, you can't compare in appearance. There should be few people in Qingchuan's generation who can't compare. Brain is also incomparable. Body shape, you two have their own advantages. He has been fighting martial arts since he was a child, and he is slightly stronger than you. On the whole, "

Gu Xinglang's intention of intimidation is ready to come out.

"You are better."

Gu Xinglang was not comforted at all.The statement that she has a soft heart for Ruan Zhong is just adding insult to injury.

"She is not an ordinary woman. She is cold-tempered, without vanity, never caring whether she is liked or not.

It's more like convincing yourself.Ruan Zhong and her have a similar youth experience, they were both born in the royal family but grew up in loneliness, and they also share the status of brother and sister. To a certain extent, they can know each other and even cherish each other.

This is where he is most uncomfortable.Finally, it was clear on this snowy night.So that night in Dafengbao, when she heard his judgment for the first time, the expression that she didn't believe that Ruan Zhong would do this, but that it was Gu Xinglang who was thinking deeply, made him particularly annoyed.

Human voices came from the falling snow in the atrium.

The two people on the roof turned around and looked down, it was Gu Chunfeng; Chunfeng felt that his eyes were also looking up, but seeing the two big men sitting opposite each other, they were very confiding, secretly thought it was weird, didn't the sister-in-law say that the monarchs have important matters to discuss?

What a big deal, after discussing this battle?

The door of the inn opened, two or three soldiers came in, each holding a pot, and there were flowers in the pot, but the shape of each pot was different.

New Year's Eve roses on the Ning'an Glacier.

The flower pots were handed over to their masters respectively. Gu Chunfeng was satisfied and waved to the roof:

"Ninth Brother! Your Majesty Wei Jun! Yours are also brought in, let's celebrate the New Year together!"

How to observe the New Year ceremony when you are not in the palace?
Gu Xinglang knew that Chunfeng had many tricks, so he didn't respond much.Murong Xun patted his shoulder,
"On the eve of the New Year's Eve, let's calm down. Ruan Zhongxin has ascended the throne, and there will be a banquet for entertainment. I will give this continent a night of peace, and we will talk about what happens next." Murong Xun stared at the world in the snow and mist,

"The tens of thousands of soldiers are pitiful. They can't watch the New Year with their families. They have to set up camp and wait in the cold night."

Gu Xinglang glanced at him, "Don't you have any arrangements? Food, singing and dancing. I also took the family members of several generals over."

Murong Xun sighed in admiration, "People's hearts are drawn together like this." He jumped into the courtyard together and continued:
"Before the battle, I am most afraid of losing the morale of the army. If you send off your family members with such singing and dancing, if you suddenly fight—"

"There are tens of thousands of people, and they will take turns. If there is meat but no wine, I have enough soldiers. The most important thing is what you just said, Qingchuan is not ready to take advantage of this time to attack." Shuang Shuang Landing, Gu Xinglang looked at him leisurely,

"And do you really think that Ruan Zhong dares to fight me now? If you join forces, we can still fight."

In terms of national strength and military strength, this is true.Murong Xun has always been pragmatic and never thought it disobedient.

The custom of "photographing the year" is also followed outdoors, and the atrium is full of lights.Warm yellow light spills out from the corridor under the eaves, fainting on the ground of flying catkins and fresh snow like midnight sunlight.

"It was also snowing that night when the snow lamp was on." Gu Chunfeng stood next to Ruan Xueyin and whispered, "But it's not a warm yellow light, it's pure white, whiter than flying snow, it's so beautiful, it's a pity that you and Brother Nine didn't see it."

It's clearly a good story, but it's what Ruan Xueyin fears the most, and it's really embarrassing.

With divine help, Gu Xinglang walked over from afar and asked:

"What kind of trick again?"

Gu Chunfeng got excited immediately, pointing to the New Year's Eve roses lined up in the corridor,

"I asked my sister-in-law about the custom of New Year's Eve roses, which were originally used to pray. Before midnight, make a wish and place it where the moonlight can see it,"

"The wish will no longer come true." Jing Tingge answered quickly.

"That's not true!" Gu Chunfeng stared blankly, "Sister-in-law said that the custom in your country is to go and see the roses in the early morning of the next day. If the roses are still in full bloom, it means that the wish will come true, and the future can be expected!"

Jing Tingge scoffed, "If you put it where the moonlight can shine, you have to put it outside. In such a severe winter, the sky is full of snow, how can the delicate flowers survive the night? It is difficult in the south, but even more difficult in the north. Put it by the window inside the house. To get the moonlight, you have to keep the windows open all night, if you are not afraid of the cold, you can try it.”

How can a person spoil the scenery like this, and how can he win the affection of the monarch by spoiling the scenery like this?

Gu Chun felt that Murong Xun was respectable in the limelight, waved his hands and said:

"Whether you like to come or not, let's play with us." He went to pull Ruan Xueyin, and then greeted Shen Ji.

Gu Xinglang has long been familiar with strange things since he was a child, and he cooperates when he is in a good mood, and when he is in a bad mood——

For example, at this time, it is always not good, and playing is not playing.

It will pass calmly.

When Murong Xun arrived in front of his flower, he caught a glimpse of Ruan Moxi on the second floor in the northwest corner from the corner of his eye.

Dressed in red, the arrogance between her brows melted in the snow, warm and lonely.

"Are you coming?" He asked subconsciously.

Jing Tingge is right next to him: "Yes. If the king has no wishes, he might as well leave the opportunity to the queen. Girls always have more wishes."

"Who said I have no wish?"

"Oh, let me give this potted flower to the queen to make a wish. After all, I don't believe in these tricks to deceive children."

Ruan Moxi didn't come down.

Ruan Zhong was the only person who had bought flowers by skating on the Ning'an Glacier.

In shades of shades, everyone stood in a row under the porch, silently praying to the flowers with their drooping eyes, and it seemed like a New Year's ceremony.

Chunfeng lasted the longest, everyone stared wide-eyed for a long time before she opened them.Jingting Song sneered:

"Your Highness, have you said all your wishes for the rest of your life in one breath? In Wei State, you should perform Qi State's New Year's Ceremony according to the year, and your wishes—"

Gu Chunfeng didn't want his wish to be stained with the other party's crow's mouth and broke his skills, interrupted:
"Let's put the flowers now. After all, they should be placed outdoors," she raised her face to meet the falling snow, watching the roof gradually whitened and covered with white, "Why don't we put it on the roof together?"

It is difficult to have moonlight on a snowy night.Ruan Xueyin thought.Jing Tingge must have thought of it, but he didn't say it, which shows that his insincerity spoiled the scenery.

Who knows.In case the snow stops, it will be midnight, and there will be no moonlight.Because of Chunfeng or because of Gu Xinglang, or because of the past two years, she began to be willing to give many illusory things a chance.

"it is good."

(End of this chapter)

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