Qingchuan History

Chapter 532 Disorder

Chapter 532 Disorder
Gu Xinglang stared at her for a moment, seeming to look at her face and discerning expressions.

"How many times have you watched the score, how long have you watched it, and," he paused, "fate."

The first two items are easy to explain, but what is the explanation of fate?Ruan Xueyin didn't expect that Gu Xinglang could still say such erratic remarks, so she didn't answer and waited for a detailed explanation.

Gu Xinglang turned his head to look at the top of the tent, and wanted to raise his elbow to rest his head, but found that one of them couldn't move. He was rather depressed, and said embarrassingly:
"If you ask this way, it means that there are people who have not separated, and there are at least two women who have not been separated from a man. No matter how dull you are, you will always have a impression after reading it several times. The impression will stay in your heart, and you don't need to remember it. The endowment of life. There is usually only one most direct reason for not being able to tell the difference, too little to see. The frequency is small, or the time is short."

Jing Yanyi went out of the palace from January to March, the time is not short; Mrs. Yishu claimed that once every six or seven days, the frequency is also quite a lot.

So it is because the number of teachers is less.

She went out twice in December, so she may have seen Ji Huan twice or once.

If there is only one time, the first acquaintance is not enough to understand, let alone distinguish.

"How about fate?"

Gu Xinglang turned his face to look at her again, "It can also be called Lingxi. Even if some people have only met once, they haven't even said a word, but they will never make mistakes after a thousand years. For example, me and you."

Is this person injured and late at night, so he is particularly interested?Ruan Xueyin didn't think that she was barefoot and embarrassed when she took a look at Wannian that night on Yuehua Terrace, while Gu Xinglang looked at her indifferently and clearly throughout the whole process.

But there is merit to the argument.How did you see it, did you ever talk to your eyes, the impression will be different in different stories, and Ji Huan can't be blamed entirely.

"Who mistook who and whom?" Ruan Bi in the most lovable building of Yi Rong had already performed it in detail, so it was not difficult to imagine, Gu Xinglang asked casually.

"There are only two men in this story." Ruan Xueyin replied.

Ruan Bi, and Jing Tingge's father.And just now he had already guessed that it was a man who mistook two women.

Gu Xinglang snorted suddenly, "There are a lot of bad relationships."

Ruan Xueyin stood up and looked at him seriously, "Madam Yu stayed with you all night, didn't you talk about the portrait?"

Gu Xinglang immediately focused on the wrong point: "What a whole night, it's less than two hours. You and I are like this, it's called a whole night."

Ruan Xueyin was distracted by the other party's sudden approach, "You are guilty. If you are not guilty, you are always explaining something."

"I'm a gentleman who is magnanimous. If you are unhappy and don't say anything, I can only clarify twice."

"Is that my fault?"

Gu Xinglang was not afraid of her clear and lingling eyes, and was defeated, "I was wrong."

There should be no other man in the world who is so cute, who is clearly powerful outside, but is quick to admit his mistakes behind closed doors.Ruan Xueyin pursed her lips and smiled, leaned over to kiss him on the cheek,
"So Mrs. Yu saw it in Ji Xiang's study, right? Jing Yanyi's portrait."

Gu Xinglang tried his best to get out of this scent, grabbed his brain, and answered after a long while: "Yes."

Ruan Xueyin sat up straight.

"Have you told her?" Gu Xinglang said quietly.Ji Huan's childhood friend is Jing Yanyi, and there is no need to take the exam anymore, so this question is clear.

"Not yet." Ruan Xueyin became really uneasy, and asked a little hesitantly, "Will you use this thing?"

Gu Xinglang showed no expression, "Wan Ling said that she had seen the portrait in front of everyone, even though she was fooled later, with Jing Tingge's astuteness, she would not fail to guess. But she doesn't deny her relatives? Ji Huan is her father This kind of thing may not affect her."

Jing Tingge has her own weakness and blindness, and with her current physical condition, some thoughts may change for a while.

"So Ji Huan mistook Jing Yanyi and Ji Ji as Chu Di."

He doubted the teacher from the very beginning, until today, he can be called persistent.Ruan Xueyin thought for a while, and then spoke out the doubts about the costumes of the previous dynasty in one breath.

"What a chance for the three families to gather together." Gu Xinglang mused.

"You think it's impossible?"

"Everything is possible, only big and small. It is a small possibility that all three families have survivors, and it is even less likely that all three survivors are daughters of the same age. The three of them also entered the East Palace Medicine Garden at the same time. None." He looked up at her.

"Ms. Shu said who is who."

Ruan Xueyin didn't look at him.

There was no earthworm in the post house, no charcoal, the quilt was extremely thick, and Gu Xinglang was a young man with great firepower, so he felt hot after staying in the quilt for a while.

She didn't answer, looking at the flowers with dark patterns on the plain thick quilt.

Gu Xinglang changed his face slightly. "Nonsense. What I don't believe the most is that there are still orphans in Yuwen's family. The Taizu acted ruthlessly. Back then, he ordered the entire family to be beheaded, so it was impossible for them to survive."

"You just said anything is possible."

If the Yuwen family had started digging their way out at the beginning of the Gu Yecheng incident, it would not be difficult to save the lives of a few clansmen.Throughout the dynasties, such things have been happening.

The mountain wind rattled the windows.

"Father's surname is Ruan, and mother's surname is Yuwen. She raised you painstakingly for 16 years and finally sent it to me. It's a complete game." The guesses about Ji Ji's ten-year game of chess have also been formed since the past winter when she exchanged letters with Murong Xun. , he even asked clearly on this Chunpengxi Mountain.

This spring in Pengxi Mountain, on that light rainy morning, he used Jizhao Pavilion as an excuse to find out the other party's real motive for sending Ruan Xueyin into the Qi Palace, and even explicitly asked if he had extra confidence in Ruan Xueyin because he had seen the pictures of the two star officials.

The mountain wind rattled the windows.Gu Xinglang thought about it for a moment, and then told this paragraph.

It's more than just star official map matching.Ruan Xueyin remembered the story about Mrs. Shu's portrait.It's basically tailored.If this person is not himself, it will be someone else. In short, he will definitely like the girl the teacher has prepared for him for 16 years.

What he likes is a piece of work.Not Ruan Xueyin.

The corner of my heart has been wrinkled since the conversation on the mountainside earlier, and now I bring it up again, the corner is wrinkled to pulled, and it hurts a bit.

She pushes them down. "Also, what else did you say?"

He also emphasized that the Jizhaoge Heluo map is a property of Yuwen's family, saying that Ruan Xueyin may be a disaster rather than a blessing to him.

It matches what Mrs. Shu said today.

I didn't realize it at the time, because from the unsolved case to the current situation, it hasn't come to where it is today.

All kinds of judgments, in fact, there is no failure up to this moment, it is only a matter of time.The time has not come, and the gaps will be filled.

But she still said.The sound of the drizzle that morning came back, and Gu Xinglang felt his mind cleared up.She said that no one can fight against time, she told a few things about Ruan Xueyin's childhood, and said that he and Murong Xun or the two girls' best destination.

Does time also change who starts the game?

She finally gave him a kit, suggesting to wait until the most appropriate time to open it.

He didn't know when it should be.But there is still a long way to go to get out of Ji, so he took it with him, inside a robe in the box.

"Maybe I am not what I am today." Ruan Xueyin listened quietly to the wind in the winter night, and finally did not say the next sentence.

Gu Xinglang didn't care about that, so he didn't pay attention to what she said, "Regardless of whether it's true or not, I don't think it's a problem. It's been a hundred years, the previous generation, Su Luojin didn't leave a message, what will you do?" .Take a step back and say yes," he looked up at her,

"Do you care?"

Ruan Xueyin was thinking about this question all the way back to the posthouse.Su Luojin is a descendant of Yuwen's family, which is a serious contradiction, which will definitely bring some troubles, Jizhao Pavilion is one of them.Then there is his own situation in Qi Palace, and the predicament that Gu Xinglang may face as a monarch.

"What I care about so far is the truth about Donggong Medicine Garden, Jingting Song, and you."

"I'm the last one."

"From the back to the front, in reverse order."

[Related to this chapter: 269 Book of Nine Heavens; 344, 345 Advising the King to Cherish the Youth ([-]) ([-])]

(End of this chapter)

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