Qingchuan History

Chapter 258 Heart-to-heart promise, this life will be the best

Chapter 258 Heart-to-heart promise, this life will be the best
Gu Xinglang has sunk to the point of sinking.

He heard this sentence, but he didn't want to respond at all, and fell down inch by inch, until at a certain moment, the person under him screamed.

She was ashamed to make any noise, she couldn't hold it back last night, and it seemed futile to control herself tonight.But the numbness and slight pain provoked her nerves at the same time, she regained her senses again, stretched out her hand to push him,

"you listen to me."

She spoke earlier.He couldn't stop anymore.

"Gu Xinglang." She felt more and more difficult, so she paused every word, trying to be as solemn as possible.

He must have tried his best in his life.He stopped attacking, stopped on the spot for a long time, his breath was hard to calm down, and finally raised his eyes to look at her a little bit.


The starlight in his eyes has completely shattered and turned into a thick night.His voice was hoarse, and a huge vortex was stirred up with the thick night, and it was about to come out.

"Are you not afraid?" she asked.His breath was uneven, and his complexion was brighter than a peach blossom.

"What?" He lost all his brain power and was so angry that he could only ask back.

"I was sent here by Ruan Yu. What if in the future," she looked at him burningly, and paused here, feeling that there was no need to explain, "Aren't you worried?"

Time elapses, returning to the starting point, this is the original sin.The crime of being pregnant.

He didn't answer right away.Seems to be recovering.

half an hour.

"Worried," he said.

The water in Ruan Xueyin's eyes moved a few times, and she continued to look at him.

"I like to prevent problems before they happen. I like to nip risks in the cradle." He continued, "I was, I am, and I will continue to be. Over the years, I have not so much solved many problems as I have prevented many. question."

The body is still clamoring, but the brain is gradually returning.Up and down, down and down, he looked directly at her, with deep words,
"The risks I have decided to take in the past 20 years, knowing that they are big risks, I still take them all, but you are just one."

Ruan Xueyin's heart is full of sympathies, and her sympathies go back and forth indescribably.

"Why." The declarative sentence is clearly a question.

"I told you last night."

Thinking about it day and night, lovesickness becomes a disaster.Naturally remember.I can't forget it even if I want to.

"There are a lot of people in this palace. They are all astonished." After a while, she said, not discussing and comparing, but just stating the facts, and even persuading him to persuade herself to a certain extent.
"There will be many people in the future, and maybe one of them will be better than the other. In your life, there will be no shortage of beauties to accompany you, and you don't need to be single-minded, and you don't need to be persistent."

"They are not you." He said, "I have already walked in, and I can't let them out again, because of my background, because this is the royal family. But no one will come in in the future, this is my promise."

And why make this promise?Embarrassing others, but also embarrassing himself.She was in distress, struggling with her mind and brain, and she was in a state of panic, not knowing how to advance or retreat.

"As for being single-minded or persistent," he looked at her deeply, the starlight in his eyes was still shattered, but he was [-]% determined and [-]% aggrieved, "It seems that I can't choose. You have already come."

Has come.

She repeated this sentence in her mind.She is not the only one who has come.Ji Wanling has existed in his life for 20 years.Now she is also in the palace with the same status, he will never treat her coldly, and will always take care of her, his heart will never be complete, this is a dead end.

But compared to the step he took for her, the decision to take the risk, are all of the above really important?She couldn't figure it out, it was hard to make a conclusion, she only saw the grievance in his eyes so close again.

Childlike grievances of having to eat, suffer, and beat for something you like.

"If one day I disappoint you," she said again, "stand opposite Qi Guo," she paused, "what will you do."

"Since I am willing to take the risk, there is a way to resolve it. The only difference is that all the solutions to the desperate situation are too decisive and more tragic." He smiled slightly, "But I have no way out. I can't give up on you."

She didn't know what he was talking about.Things have not come, the so-called method is just a certain way of thinking.She couldn't guess his train of thought, but according to his philosophy of the world first and then himself as the king, no matter what train of thought, it must be to protect the Gu family, protect the great Qi, and protect the people.

not sparing himself.

Her heart was bitter, like a blunt knife being sharpened, it hurt a little, but the blade was like honey, it was dense and sweet to the bone.

"I won't." She raised her hand to hold one side of his cheek, jerky and gentle, her voice and palms were gentle, "I won't do anything that is not good for you, Gu Shi, or Qi Guo. I said it earlier. Never lied to you."

The night fell.The heart also fell.

"Xiaoxue." He seemed to sigh, his throbbing heart turned into a bright and warm smile, "I thought about it for a long time, but I really didn't have a better choice besides Xiaoxue. Lady Ji Ji is jealous, she has called you like this for many years." He paused, his expression very serious, "Can she change her name?"

Ruan Xueyin sneered and laughed, "I'm afraid it will be difficult. Unless I change my name." She also looked at him seriously, "But getting along with people like this, like this," treats each other intimately and honestly, and gives her body and mind, she thinks silently, but There has never been anyone else, and there never will be, "only you."

Gu Xinglang understood.

The north wind in December shakes the shadows of the trees.The moonlight fell on the top of Zhexue Temple, and the cyan glazed tiles glowed with a white brilliance that looked like a snow lantern.The brilliance pours out and lasts for a long time, until the dawn is approaching, the sun will finally rise and the moon will end.

Another sunny day.It was three poles high in the sun, Ruan Xueyin opened her eyes.The Folding Snow Palace did not have the heavy gauze curtains of the Turning Waves Palace, so she stretched out her hand to lift the bed curtain, and looked through a corner gap to see the gradient of light and shadow leaking in from the window.

It's almost noon.again.Fortunately, it is my own bedroom, so there is no need to panic, and I can live freely without help.

She propped herself up, her whole body was emptied under the brocade quilt, and she opened the bed curtain even more, and saw that the clean clothes were neatly folded on the small table by the couch, everything was available from the inside to the outside.

So I grabbed them one by one and put them on. I got out of bed and took off my shoes. When I stood up, I felt sore all over my body, and my feet felt like they were stepping on cotton.

Then I remembered the inexplicable three chapters of the last night's conversation between the two of them.

Ruan Xueyin said that she can no longer leave traces where the clothes can't block.

Gu Xinglang said he couldn't guarantee it.

Unless she promises not to push him all the time, no matter what he does, he can't push or hide.

The two phases weighed and reached an agreement.As a result, no new scars were burned on the neck——

Indeed not, she went to the mirror to confirm.But because she couldn't push or hide, she went through a protracted ordeal that can be said to be inhuman.

A modest gentleman is like jade.When she thought of this sentence, she felt rather annoyed: Among the many evaluations of Gu Xinglang by the world, this is the biggest fallacy.This person is clearly a scoundrel, frivolous and domineering, and he is merciless in his attacks. How can he be a gentleman?

Her whole body was sore and limp, and her strength was exhausted, so she barely showed her face in the main hall.After breakfast and lunch, he went back to the bedroom in a leisurely manner, opened the agarwood box, took out the indigo porcelain bottle, and took a pill, which was considered as having completed his homework.

I don't know when I really fell asleep last night, so it's not too late to take the medicine at this time.She weighed the porcelain bottle in her hand, half bottle, I don't know how long it will last, if I knew it, I wouldn't let that girl go back so much——

Does she really need it?
Thinking like this, I turned my head to look at the clear sky outside the window, it was blue and cold, and even the clouds were cold.

The Pink Feather Golden Bird should be here.

And Yunxi's voice sounded at the door of the bedroom.

"Ma'am," she said with a strange expression, "Madam Jin is here."

 Puff haha, it was late and on time again. 【Volume [-] <A Thousand Miles of Fragrance> will be closed today, and volume [-] will enter tomorrow, see you tomorrow ~ ok~】

(End of this chapter)

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