Chapter 471 Big Sister. Who Are You?

This is the third physical examination.

As far as the program group is concerned, the players are competing with their bodies overdrawn.

From their point of view, it's okay to challenge yourself, but there is still a bottom line.

Once a month before, ten days later.

The reason why Zhang hesitated was because his weight dropped to 59 kg during the last physical examination.

Although he is not as tall as Ning Fang Laohu, he is not short either, at 1.7 meters eight.

Moreover, he is a middle-aged man, he was resting before the game, he didn't manage his body at all, he did physical training afterwards, and his nutrition has been keeping up.

When competing, the weight reached more than 82 kg.

It's equivalent to two months, and I lost almost [-] catties.

Being so thin made the medical staff a little worried, and reminded: If you get thinner, then we must let you withdraw from the competition.

Lao Zhang tremblingly stood on the electronic scale.

Lao Hu couldn't bear to look at it, so he turned his head away.


"Is there something wrong with the scale?"

"what's the situation!"

Hearing the discussion next to him, Lao Hu quickly turned his head.

133.6 pounds, how much?

Almost 60.6 kg.

Ok? !

Old Hu's eyes widened: "Old Zhang, you've gained weight."

Zhang Yi couldn't believe it either, what?

I have gained weight?

The medical staff on the side asked him to come down, went up to weigh himself, and after finding that there was no problem, let Lao Zhang go up again.

Same, 133.66 lbs.

This move is not surprising.

Hundreds of contestants were weighed, but only those who went down, not one who went up.

"Old Zhang, turn around and let me have a look."

Old Zhang turned around obediently.

Lao Hu took a serious look up and down: "I don't feel like I'm growing fat."

"You look at it every day, of course you can't feel it. The dog at home will grow up if you keep it." Ning Fang pushed him away: "It's a good thing to be fat."

Lao Zhang:? ? ?
Stayed at the resort for ten days, ate well, slept well, no work, no stress.

Especially, from the third or fourth day.

Ning Fang felt that after Lao Zhang's stomach had almost adapted to the oil, the stewed meat was all heavy oil.

The fat removed from the bear is enough. If all the fat is boiled out, it is estimated that it will be enough to feed a family of three for half a year.

Everyone's body is different.

Lao Zhang estimated that the absorption is relatively good, and every cell is full of firepower, so he will grow flesh.

"Great, don't drop anyone."

The Huaxia fans outside were extremely happy.

In fact, even if Lao Zhang will remain the same, or even lose weight, the medical staff will not embarrass him.

This will not bring more burden to the body in the life of the Huaxia team.

After careful examination, Lao Zhang's body functions have indeed improved compared to the last time.

Simply put.

If the game is over now, the three of them don't need to go to the hospital, they can just have a normal diet.

Hearing the words of the medical staff, Mao Ziguo's audience, even if they were mentally prepared, would inevitably be a little disappointed.

They left one, and the remaining two are not particularly optimistic.

In particular, Lao Hu was happy to take the initiative to make lunch. The moment he opened the refrigerator, it was full of bear meat, which was even more desperate.

As for the bear skin, Ning Fang finally decided not to take it back.

The main reason is that Lao Hu reminded him that it is useless for you to take it back, showing off?

Just watch the video instead.

It is impractical to make a coat or something, and it is easy to be scolded. It is estimated that it will be placed in a corner in the end, and it will have to be nursed from time to time.

It's like bringing a problem back.

Lao Zhang also said that it was really not suitable.

After this national war, your popularity, money-absorbing ability, including influence, are even higher than the two of them.

It's easy to be targeted, bear skin is a hot potato.

Ning Fang felt that what they said made sense, so he took a walk, contacted the program group, gave them the bear skin, and turned around and asked them to keep the bear's teeth.

It should be no problem to give this thing away.

The program team readily agreed.

Before Mars left, he gave each of the three a complete set of fishing tackle.

It was also a helpless move by the program group.

They had a leisurely life, no problem at all, but the opponent was left with a group.

Oftentimes both teams sit in shelters or rooms with nothing to do, and the audience doesn't have much to watch.

Give a fishing rod, you pass the time, the fish must be released.

The three of them immediately became interested.

Go back and get dressed, and immediately go to the river.

"For one hour, you lose the work for the next two days."

"Come here, whoever is afraid."

"How about eating something first to warm up?"

In Binhai City, my aunt is in a very good mood these days.

I went to the hospital for a re-examination last month, and the doctor said that I have basically recovered.

Xiao Lanna fully adapted to the new environment, and ranked No.19 in the mock exam.

From time to time, some guests will come to the house, and they are all big stars.

Such as Wu Jing, such as the younger sister that my daughter likes, such as Huang Lei.
There are also various couriers, and many of the items in them seem to be quite expensive, and I don't know who sent them.

Here, my aunt has no acquaintances, so I can only ask Li Tong.

She is very affectionate, and usually calls out to each other when they meet each other.

Came here specially to have a look and understand.

Some are gifts from brands endorsed by Ning Fang, and some are celebrities in the circle.

Engage in relationships in advance!

After the explanation, my aunt also understood that she was here for Ning Fang.

Everything remained untouched, and was placed in the room by category.

The only person who was a little troubled was the eldest brother who opened a grocery store at the entrance of the same community.

Once when she bought rice, she couldn't carry it by herself, so her eldest brother brought it.

We just chatted for a few words, never thinking that the other party is also a widow.

It's not that he is a stalker, the eldest brother is quite down-to-earth, and he seems to be a person who knows how to live.

It's just that Xiaolan didn't go to college, so she doesn't have any ideas for the time being.

This Friday, my aunt checked the time. It was past three o'clock, and she went to the vegetable market with a basket.

The things in the supermarket are expensive, and the price cannot be bargained. She still likes to go to the nearby market to buy vegetables.

There are many things, this will pass, and many of them will be sold cheaply.

Xiaolan has been studying very hard recently.

She plans to buy half a catty of boiled shrimp, a steamed fish, stewed lotus root ribs soup, and stir-fried vegetables.

When she came back, the eldest brother came again, looking at the prawns in her basket, he insisted on sending a bottle of vinegar, but he couldn't stop her.

And a few old men and women who were basking in the sun at the gate of the community cast gossipy glances, which made my aunt quicken her pace.

After getting out of the elevator, she realized something was wrong.

Several people stood at the door, banging on the door.

One of them looked familiar to her.

Isn't this Ning Fang's uncle? What are so many people doing here?

"Hey, isn't this the eleventh floor?"

Seeing those people looking over, my aunt went into the elevator again, talking to herself.

Kakaka, close the door quickly.

"What is his uncle doing here now?"

My aunt was flustered for a while, remembering what Chen Rui said when she came to find the couple.

Could it be that there is trouble.

I hurried downstairs, left the community, and came to my eldest brother's shop.

Summarize things roughly.

The eldest brother is very sensible: "If you want to go back now, I will accompany you, but it is best to call the police for this matter!"

"That's right!" My aunt remembered that she had given a business card and saved it. The name was... Oh!
Yan Niuniu.

The eldest brother poured her a glass of water, looked at the screen of the phone, it was not 110, but a name, a little curious.

"Who are you calling?"


"You know the police?"

"I don't know him, but it seems to be the director."

Big brother:? ? ?
The phone was connected quickly, and a man's voice came from the other end.

"Hello. Who is this?"

"Excuse me, is it Yan Niuniu, Director?"

"It's me, who are you?"


My aunt was at a loss for words for a while, the other party didn't know her.

"Then what, do you know Chen Rui?"

"Old Chen?" The voice on the other side became more enthusiastic: "Who are you, Old Chen?"

"I have nothing to do with him. It's just that he came to my house last time and said that he can find you if he encounters trouble."

"Oh, you are Ning Fang's aunt, right?"

Apparently, Chen Rui had spoken to Director Yan.

"That's right, that's right!" Aunt nodded again and again: "I just came home and saw Uncle Ning Fang standing at the door with a few people, so..."

"I see, where are you now?"

"I'm at Lu Ming's grocery store at the gate of the community."

"Okay, you wait there, I'll be there in about 10 minutes."

"thanks, thanks!"

Put down the phone, brother, that is, Lu Ming is a little dizzy.

"Are you sure this is the director of the Public Security Bureau?"

"It should be." My aunt had never seen anyone before, and it was the first time she made a call.

"Okay then, just wait."

After sitting like this for a while, less than 10 minutes later, a black commercial vehicle stopped at the door, and four people got off.

"You are Ning Fang's aunt, right? I am Yan Niuniu."

One of them, a man in his forties with glasses, walked in.

There is only one man and one woman in the room, so there is no need to distinguish.

"Hello, Director Yan."

The aunt looked to be wearing casual clothes, and she didn't know what was going on.

And Lu Ming on the side can see clearly, the license plate is not simple.

Quickly bring chairs and water.

"That's what happened"

Just as my aunt was about to speak, hey, a few people passed by the door of the shop.

"It's them!"

At the same time, the two young people got up and went outside to stop them.

The leader was about to get angry, but when he saw the people sitting in the room, he immediately put on a smiling face.

"Leader, why are you here?"

Yan Niuniu raised his eyes: "You know me?"

"There was a meeting in the city, and I participated on behalf of the company, and I was honored to meet you."

Yan Niuniu naturally didn't remember: "I received a report. Someone called the police, saying that you guys were standing in front of someone's house, looking fierce, what's the matter?"

Lao Ning was taken aback, when will the chief come to call the police?

Moreover, there is no evil spirit.

"It's probably a misunderstanding," he said with a smile, "Then what, my nephew, Ning Fang, you know, the one who participated in the national war is the leader of our Huaxia team."

As he spoke, he puffed out his chest proudly.

"Of course I know, he is your nephew?" Yan Niuniu asked.

"That's right, it's true!"

"Oh and then what?"

Lao Ning changed his sad expression: "My brother and sister-in-law passed away due to accidents, and this is the only house left for him.

Two days ago, I heard that there were people living in it.

I just thought something was wrong, my nephew was competing abroad, how could there be someone at home.

Someone picked the lock, so come check it out! "

"What are you going to do if you see someone?"

Lao Ning accompanied him with a smile: "Of course I was asking about the situation. Don't worry, I am a good citizen who abides by the law and will never do anything illegal."

Yan Niuniu was noncommittal: "Sister-in-law, come on, tell me."

"I bought this house, and the head of the household is Ning Fang, and the transfer has been completed a long time ago." My aunt remembered Ning Fang's explanation very clearly.


Lao Ning secretly scolded his younger brother, even if he said that Ning Fang lived here, he indeed found out that someone was there, so he came to have a look.

"What?" Yan Niuniu looked at the other party: "Isn't Ning Fang your nephew? He sold the house and didn't tell you, the uncle?"

"Ahahaha, Ning Fang has a lot of things, I guess I forgot, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

"Don't tell me, apologize to this lady."

Lao Ning could hear the director of the Public Security Bureau calling his sister-in-law with his own ears. He guessed that these few people frightened each other.

"I'm sorry, I was rude, and I apologize to you."

A few people on the side also bent down.

"Okay, let's go." Yan Niuniu didn't talk nonsense.

Not a fool, know what to do.

After a few people left, Yan Niuniu put on a warm smile: "Sister, there is basically nothing wrong, if you need anything in the future, feel free to call me."

After speaking, he turned and got into the car.

Lu Ming on the side hesitated for a long time: "Big sister, who are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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