Chapter 453 Nini Withdraws

On the fifth day, the snow stopped and the sun came out.

Just when everyone thought the snow was finally going to pass.

Hehe, it rained in the afternoon, and the freezing rain caught many players who went out by surprise.

Then, another two days of snow.

On the first day, one day and one night, I rested all afternoon.

the next day, during the day,

On the third day, most of the day,

Fourth day.
As a result, the players couldn't get out at all and were all trapped in the shelter.

In the small courtyard of the Huaxia team, the snowman built had lost its original shape and turned into a snowdrift.

The snow outside was more than fifteen centimeters thick.

Ning Fang also finally understood why there were so many broken logs in the woods, many of them were overwhelmed by snow.

The night before yesterday, everyone slept soundly.


A loud noise startled the four of them, thinking that something had happened.

When I went out to see, the tree outside the small courtyard was overwhelmed and fell down.

Fortunately, the direction is not towards the shelter, otherwise, there may not be any consequences.

After getting up the next day, I braved the wind and snow and brought down the two trees near the side, just in case.

In these few days, I can only travel simply.

The farthest is to go to the lake to see the gillnets, and then go to the toilet.

It's too cold to go outside.

Most of the time, they are nestled in the bed.

In snowy weather, there is usually one steamed bun per kilometer, but now there are at least three.

The weather is cold, consumes a lot of calories, the road is difficult to walk, the risk factor increases, and animals are not easy to go out.

Every inconvenience you can think of is there.

And the audience also saw the most boring eight days since the game.

Nothing to see.

Before going out in the morning, the contestant was lying on the bed, wrapped in a sleeping bag, only showing his face,

After returning at night, they are still like this, and they will not miss any wonderful shots.

Because there are no great shots at all.

Players quit, this should not be counted.

In eight days, the contestants ushered in a climax of elimination.

There are ten teams, and there are five remaining. The number of players has changed from 34 to 16.

The biggest impact of the drastic changes in the weather is naturally food.

Without food, one has to starve.

Stars are still different from players.

Ordinary choices will definitely be desperately insisted on for huge bonuses.

But stars don't have the pressure of money.

Being able to survive for more than forty days has exceeded many people's expectations.

It is impossible to get used to it.

Waking up every day, facing the empty shelter, some people tried to eat the bark, but they couldn't swallow it, and it couldn't solve the problem.

I was woken up early, I was so hungry that I couldn’t sleep at noon, I was woken up by starvation at night
One person chooses to quit, and the others are immediately driven, without persuasion at all.

Enough, living for forty days, great
There's no point in holding on, forget it
I didn't want to win the championship, bye
If you want to quit, any reason is fine.

There is no right or wrong in this kind of thing.

There are those kind of radical fans who feel that the players are not up to date and not strong enough.

"You're starving for three days without your phone, and then you have an opinion."

Huaxia team: 4 people,
Maoziguo: 3 people,
Beautiful Country: 3 people,
Germany: 3 people,
Maple Leaf Country: 3 people.

Eight days of heavy snow instantly speeded up the pace of the competition.

Teams that have no stock and are in poor condition will quit first.

The remaining teams are not in particularly good shape.

Even if there is a fire in the shelter, the temperature inside is still below zero, and the mist can clearly come out of his mouth.

Sitting by the stove, there is some heat in front of me, but it is cold behind me.

And the remaining sixteen players are not in particularly good condition.

Nini and the other four players of the team all caught a cold.

Some people wonder, when you came here, the temperature was not considered high, haven't you adapted to it in forty days?
Moreover, they basically did not go out in the shelter and were wearing clothes.


Lao Hu did not sleep alone, but crowded beside Lao Zhang.

It has nothing to do with adapting or not.

Mainly due to malnutrition, the body's immunity has dropped sharply.

You can't even pay attention.

After waking up, I started to cough and my head was dizzy.

Fortunately, there was no fever for a long time.

In daily life, even if you don't take medicine for a cold, you will recover by yourself, but it takes time.

In the wild, the recovery time will be longer.

Ning Fang also thought of a way, braved the wind and snow and wanted to go out to find some herbs or something.

But in the ice and snow, you can't find it at all.

"cough cough"

Hearing the sound of coughing, the three men turned their heads in unison.

Ning Fang hurried forward.

"Give me some water to drink!"

Nini got up and seemed to be in better spirits.

Lao Hu took the kettle over.

Not only Ning Fang, he and Lao Zhang both love Nini very much.

He clearly wanted to cough at night, but he was afraid of disturbing others, so he crawled into bed and coughed.

The tonsils are inflamed, and I can't eat anything, but I still persist.

When I went to see the gillnet, Lao Zhang also said, or else, you persuade me, so I don’t have to suffer from it.

Ning Fang smiled wryly.

When I found out that she had a cold and was not feeling well on the first day, I had already said that.

Nini just gave a smile: I will keep going.

I can only do my best to take care of her.

These days, food is consumed very quickly.

Ning Fang adopted a different strategy from other teams.

The colder the weather, the more you don't travel, the more you need to eat more to ensure your personal condition.

Nini was sick, which also reminded him.

Blindly saving, may lead to a worse situation.

He himself was fine, but Old Zhang and Hu were also dangling on the edge, and it wasn't a surprise that he suddenly fell down one day.

Therefore, during these eight days, the Huaxia team not only ate a lot of meat.

The previous chocolates, Red Bull, and nuts are all taken out.

The players couldn't go out these days, so many guests were invited in the main broadcast room, including the main players who were eliminated before.

There are mixed reviews for Ning Fang's decision.

In terms of food storage, they originally had some advantages, followed by Maozi Country, and finally Pretty Country.

But after so much eating and drinking for a while.

The effect is indeed there, and the three male players are all very energetic.

One and a half wolf legs went into the stomach, and those high-calorie foods, plus staying in the shelter every day, naturally slowed down.


Here comes the risk.

The other two teams can completely wait for work and save food and expenses, and it will be absolutely fine for a few more days.

After you finish eating, you have to go out. If you don't get anything, you will immediately enter a vicious circle.

And some support, the reason is very simple,
Ning Fang, not an ordinary person, don't use your own level to substitute.

"Outside, is it still snowing?"

Nini took two sips of water and stopped.

Ning Fang shook his head: "It stopped in the morning, and the sky is getting brighter."

"Great, come here!"

Nini blinked.

Ning Fang didn't know why, but he sat forward anyway.

"Help me contact the program team."

Nini stretched out her hand, hugged Ning Fang for a while, and whispered in his ear.

(End of this chapter)

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