Entertainment: Desert Island Survival with Celebrities

Chapter 272 The game is about to end?

Chapter 272 The game is about to end?

The group of six sat in the shelter.

Same rain, same sitting posture, same order, different expressions

Yes, dignified.

Because this is already the fourth day of heavy rain.

Sitting in it before, they were quite happy, they could justifiably rest, and there was grilled fish.

The bonfire was still burning, steam was coming out of the pot, and the entire base camp became extremely humid. The water in the pool not far away had overflowed, and the water at the outlet was extremely turbulent, and the lowlands nearby had long been submerged.

No matter how economical they are, those few fish are not enough for six people.

In yesterday afternoon, exhausted.

No one expected that a single rain could last so long.

During the period, Ning Fang went to the seaside once, put away the fish basket, and tried to cross the sea.

The wind is strong and the waves are strong, not to mention fishing, even standing on the beach is unstable.

"Or, cook the rice."

Ning Fang's passive skill is triggered again, and it feels okay.

But the young ladies have not eaten for a day and a night. This is not when they first came to the island, it would be fine to be hungry for a few meals.

Now, there may be physical problems at any time.

Last night, he could clearly hear his stomach growling and the sounds of the young ladies tossing and turning.

Must be hungry.

"Or, let's eat the plantain core first." Song Tie was a little reluctant: "Rice and flour are not for emergency use."

On the second day of heavy rain, Ning Fang cut down a few plantain trees just in case.

"Now is the most critical time!"

Ning Fang got up straight away, opened the box, and took out the rice first: "Reba, you cook the porridge."

"Okay!" Reba took a look at Tie Tie and saw that she was silent, so he took it.

"Xiao Ailing, let's soak these honey too, add some sugar."

"Is it too extravagant!" Song Tie couldn't help but speak again.

"I dare say, the opposite side is much worse than ours." Ning Fang motioned little Ailing to soak in honey water: "It's been four days, we can't find food, they must be the same.

It will only make you hungry even more. Now, as long as you maintain a good health, you will win! "

Song Tie was persuaded.

Staying in the shelter for several days in a row, there is not much to do, and I often look at the opposite side secretly.

Occasionally, I saw someone coming to the pool in the rain, and my face was not very good.

"Then eat, but if the rain doesn't stop, it will be really dangerous."

Clover, and the last emergency food, the men's gang will be miserable.

In the past five days, the most they ate was plantain cores.

The day before yesterday, Peng Yuyan was lucky, braved the rain, and found a small bunch of plantains, and divided them into one point, that is, two small roots per person.

The rest of the time, either drink water or plantain cores.

The program team couldn't think of it, because of the rain, because of the plantain core, the progress of the whole competition will be rushed forward a lot.

If you eat too much of this stuff, there are two obvious side effects.

First, diarrhea.

For the players, the body's resistance has dropped significantly, and the gastrointestinal function is not very good.

From the perspective of Chinese medicine, plantain core is cold in nature, which is easy to irritate the stomach.

After three consecutive meals, all seven of them experienced diarrhea to varying degrees.

Second, hyperkalemia.

This is for Cameron.

As he is getting older, his kidney function is not particularly good. The program team reminded him that he should not eat plantain cores anymore, because they are too rich in potassium.

For him, it is a big burden.

Also, symptoms of muscle weakness have appeared.

If you continue to eat it, you may have heart problems.

Of the seven people, one had hyperkalemia, and six had diarrhea of ​​varying degrees.

The point is that the damn weather has no intention of getting better. According to the latest news from the Meteorological Department, the tropical depression is slowly turning into a tropical storm, and may form a typhoon.

To put it simply, although the distance is far, the impact persists. The wind and rain will continue. I don’t know when it will stop!

The impact on the players can be seen by the audience.

The impact on the program is something that the director team needs to consider and make a decision on.

Men are strong.

However, it is not given a place to use it.

After arriving at Hudao, one step behind, and one step behind.

Five days have passed, and they are still living in the simple shelter. The members who sleep on both sides during the day will be baptized by the wind and rain.

Also, the whole state is quite wrong.

It's not just about the body, it's about the heart.

Sometimes, for a whole morning, among seven people, none of them said a word.

It's pretty scary.

Doctors and psychologists clearly came to the conclusion that the players were very depressed and might collapse at any time.

This is the 53rd day of the game, barely over half.

The current situation may end at any time.

This is not an exaggeration, it is the result of the analysis of the director team and experts.

The men's gang is in terrible shape.

In the previous typhoon, my physical strength was not bad, I could get some food, and with the variables specially designed by the program group, I persisted.

now what!
Everyone could see deep fatigue on their faces.

If the normal state value of ordinary people is set to 10, then they may be -3, not only bottomed out, but also overdrawn.

Unless, the program team made a move now, sent warm bedding, and fed and drank well for two days.

Otherwise, as long as one person withdraws, it may be the last straw that breaks the camel's back, and everyone will leave together.

In other words, Clover, the chances of winning are very high now, as long as you stay in the shelter and don't go to death, half of the championship has already fallen into the bag.

The original rules of the game were to persist for 5000 days, and then share [-] million bonuses based on the votes of the audience.

Now, a change has to be made.

If the Men's Gang withdraws collectively, Clover will win the championship.

Persevering for another hundred days will become meaningless.

The audience is used to watching various competitions, and suddenly it becomes a stand-alone game, which is worthless!

Since early in the morning, the door of the meeting room has been closed tightly.

The staff who occasionally pass by are also tiptoeing, for fear of disturbing the people inside.

After more than four hours of meetings, the creators came up with a plan.

However, it cannot be implemented for the time being, and it has to be conveyed to the boss to hear what they mean.

The chief director walked out of the conference room with a tired face, drank a full stomach of coffee, and was about to go to the bathroom.

Halfway there, he was cut off by a doctor.

"Director, I think it is necessary to go to the island to check Cameron.

For more than an hour, he has been lying in the shelter, basically not moving, and his face is not particularly good. "

"Okay, if you want to check, let's go together and call all the medical staff, and I will send a few more staff to assist you."

"it is good!"

"Why is it still raining!"

"Did I watch yesterday's replay?"

"If I were a player, I would have collapsed now."

"Bitch, I bought plantain cores online to eat, who the hell told me it was sweet, stand up, and I promise to kill him."

"Why do I feel that the situation of the men's gang is not good."

"Be confident, it seems to have gone."

"Hey, the doctor is on the island."

"Nothing will happen."

(End of this chapter)

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