Chapter 213 Named Group A?
Because I didn't know that it was a big dog or a small dog, I just prepared the materials.

The program group is quite dark, and the dog's food and water basins need to be exchanged for food, and the young ladies refused decisively.

There is no need for Ning Fang to use his hands, use coconut shells as bowls, and find wood and hay for building kennels by himself.

He was the equivalent of an overseer all morning.

I didn't sleep at noon, so I came to the beach early and waited impatiently.

It was too early and the sun was too strong, so I made a floor under the shade of the trees again.

However, this opened a new door for everyone, the wild is much cooler than the shelter.

After taking a nap, almost everyone is sweating and needs to wash.

There is no way, in order to keep out the wind and rain, the shelter has been built more and more firmly, and all the points used for ventilation have been filled in. People are stuffy inside, so it is no wonder that it is not hot.

After waking up, a group of people frolicked at the beach for a while, and everyone seemed to be in a good mood.

Although the breakfast and lunch were not as extravagant as yesterday, they were enough to eat, but overall they were good.

It's just that the food is a bit unbearable.

In just a few meals, more than half of the rice was consumed, and a quarter of the flour was lost. If it hadn't been for the constant harvest of various fish, Song Tie would have stopped.

It's too damn edible!

Now, I'm a little impulsive, so let's stop making trouble, isn't it good to sit down, it's not easy to be hungry.

Especially sister Wang Meng, you don't even have the talent for swimming, why do you work so hard.

But she dared not say it.

The fish basket in the morning was collected by sister Wang Meng. There were no fish, but seven crabs. Although it was not the season to eat crabs, they were not small in size. The seafood noodle soup at noon was quite delicious.

The fish crate depends on luck. Although Ning Fang put it down, everyone agrees that the recipient is more important.


Xiao Ailing, who had been watching the broadcasting boat, yelled, and everyone's eyes shifted. A small boat slowly approached on the sea, and the direction of travel was the beach where the members of Group A were.

Even Ning Fang has some expectations.

"After waiting for a day, it finally came."

"Hope is a little milk dog."

"I think it's better to raise pigs, because they can eat meat after all."

"After all, this is a show. Even if it's raising pigs, I probably won't be willing to slaughter them. Refer to Xiaohua."

"It depends on the situation. If you are hungry, you can eat or not."

The boat stopped on the shore, and Wang Meng and Nini, who were already in the water, went up to meet them.

"so cute!"

A chubby little guy was transferred to Wang Meng's arms. He was not afraid of life at all, wagging his tail happily and stretching his neck, wanting to lick Wang Meng.

"Hey, we're so enthusiastic, we're not familiar yet."

"Will you not give me the cage?" Ning Fang saw that there was clearly a cage in the boat.

"Two catties of fish in exchange."


The three were speechless.

"How big is this dog?" Nini asked after receiving a bag of dog food.

"Three months, next, please take good care of the new members."

The staff didn't talk too much, turned around and left after the handover was completed.

Then, Gouzi was blinded.

It is estimated that it has never been treated warmly by so many young ladies in its dog life.

You just hugged for a while, and immediately another person took over, rubbing, rubbing, kissing, and then the next person.

After the five people completed a circle, they were all stunned.

Tsk tsk tsk here, it was about to go over there, and clapped its hands over there, attracting attention.

It must be said that although the time is tight, the dog selected by the program group is still good.

It can be seen that he is a little scared, but he is trying to be cute, as if he knows that the one in front of him is his master.

The dog is very beautiful.

The size of a handful of hands, the whole body looks fleshy, with erect ears, black nose, chest and four legs are white, and the rest is black and yellow hair.

"I remember, aren't Shiba Inu all black or yellow?"

"It's a puppy, it hasn't completely molted yet."

"Oh let's give it a name."

"Don't be flirtatious, it's too casual."

"What a wonderful little flower."

The ladies and sisters sat in a circle on the beach, and the dogs were in the circle, being petted here, pinched there, bouncing around, very cute.

Dogs are actually very smart and can tell whether humans like or hate it.

Obviously, this group of people belongs to the former.

Similarly, Group B also welcomed a new member of the family, a golden retriever at least twice the size of a Shiba Inu.

Both personnel are facing the same problem, naming.

"Ning Fang, why don't you think of a name?"

The five girls are the same as yesterday, and no one can convince the other.

Doudou, Chubby, Xiaoduner.
"I think it's all good." Ning Fang and Xi Ni.

Naming rights are very important to young ladies, and he doesn't want to get involved.

But everyone obviously didn't intend to let him go, and Lian Nini was also joining in the fun, so he had to think of one.

"Should I call it Group A?"

As soon as the words fell, the five chattering people quieted down and looked at him in disbelief, as if they were saying, how could you think of such a name.

"Otherwise, don't listen to the captain."

"Well, he probably named it Fei."

"Group A, thank goodness he figured it out."

"Hey!" Ning Fang felt a little embarrassed: "I'm still here, so don't whisper so loudly. Besides, I didn't take the initiative to choose a name, but you forced it."

A group of people busily returned to the camp.

For the changes in the two groups, the program group can see them.

Everything is going well so far, as expected, the two dogs are treated like treasures, and the mood of the members has improved a lot.

This is what they want.

I believe that with getting along for a longer time, the dogs should be able to do their jobs.

"Little Duner, come and see your new home!"

On the way back, Wang Meng used the attitude of a big sister to force Gouzi's naming rights. The others dared not speak out, so they had to agree.

Xiao Duner stood in the small courtyard, a little timid, looking here and sniffing there.

This place is very different from the place we usually live in. There is no iron cage, no friends, instead, there is fresh air, a land where you can run freely, and a .
What the hell is that?

Ever since Xiao Hua saw Xiao Dun'er, she became alert and hid aside to watch.

Unexpectedly, this hairy fat man found himself and ran over unsteadily.

Get down, get up, wag your tail, and jump a little.

The frightened Xiaohua ran around, was forced to a corner, unable to retreat, raised her wings fiercely, and tried to peck.

hum hum.
Xiao Dun'er immediately drooped his ears, turned around and ran, and came to Nini's little feet, forming a circle.

"Hahaha, cowardly dog."

"Xiao Hua came before you."

"It seems that the first meeting between the two of them was not very pleasant."

"Don't be cowardly, bite back."

Everyone saw this scene and couldn't help laughing, it was so cute.

For such a small dog, the litter does not need to be too large.

Ning Fang spent about an hour building a nest for Xiaodun'er with wood.

About one square meter, solid wood structure, roof and walls can be separated, outside when it is sunny, and can be moved to the shelter when it rains.

The young ladies carefully found a pile of hay and laid it with a super thick layer.

Not to mention, Xiao Dun'er is really smart, he probably has been trained in the pet shop.

It soon became clear that this was its new home, and I went inside to experience it for a while. After I came out, I began to inspect the small courtyard, and left my own taste in many places.

Looking at the unstoppable smiles on the faces of the girls, Ning Fang felt that he had made a wise choice.

If he hadn't agreed to adopt the dog yesterday, he might have received some inhuman treatment today.

(Thank you Qing Ming for the 2000 points reward, thanks to Ruoxi’s chef for the 500 points reward, thank you for the 51 stones, the reward in tears, the bosses are rich!)

(End of this chapter)

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