The absurd game of a performance artist

Chapter 284 The Dawn of Dawn

Chapter 284 The Dawn of Dawn

At the moment when Quicksand was thinking carefully, the defeated opponent of Baijiao had already started to fight.

A priest wearing a white religious uniform stepped on the heads of several people, surrounded by them, and lifted up to a high place.

Standing on a high place, he loudly proclaimed to the people below.

"People of God! Have you all seen it? Those evil, dark, dirty, and filthy fallen monsters are occupying our sacred church! Their existence has tarnished the glory of God! Our greatness My valiant compatriots were killed by them, and died heroically in the great war in defense of the God-lord!"

"How abominable! How evil! These are the undead, these monsters crawling out of the darkness, they want to plunge us into eternal night, and we can no longer receive the light and fire of the Lord. They want to devour all good and bright things! Now we have reached the most critical moment, we must use everything to expel and annihilate them, and defend the glory of the God Lord! Great Lloyd, protect us!"

The voice had a provocative power, and one couldn't help but feel a frenzy of approval.

Under the instigation of the Baijiao elements, the militiamen under the church showed their faces of hatred, as if they were facing the heinous devil, they were excited!
"Brothers! For the great God Lord, we must fight today!"

"To expel the undead from Solderon, there will be no one left!"

"Lloyd, give us strength!"

The upbringing these people have received since childhood has deeply rooted in them the stereotype of being hostile to undead.

Therefore, under the impetus of such three views, almost no special words are needed to determine their firm position.

Facing Baijiao's real big move, mind control, Quicksand had difficulties.

Obviously, although Liusha has real kung fu in his hands, his verbal skills are not as good as Mo Zhen's.

Looking through Quicksand's [Ability] manual, although a bunch of messy things have been added during the journey in the world of Blast, it seems to be quite comprehensive.

But the level of the social business is 36, which has not yet reached the level of [Excellence], and it is far from the level of [Master].

what can we do about it……

Fortunately, even though Liusha lacked a little bit of effort in his words, his mind was still clear. He had an idea and thought of a way to crack it!
Since the other party has been making a fuss about [undead], then I can use this as a basis to break the game!

I saw that the quicksand was full of energy, and the sound was like thunder, and the male voice rolled and resounded through the audience!

"Nonsense! Folks, keep your eyes open and see what you are carrying, what are those riding on you! They are monsters covered in human skin, real man-eating devils! Everything you say is an untenable lie! Because they themselves are undead!"

Sure enough, as soon as this remark came out, it was like a huge stone falling into the water, causing waves among the people and shocking everyone!

Everyone turned their attention to the priests of the Baijiao who wore priesthood costumes above!

That is the doubtful gaze of shaken faith!
In an instant, the pressure came to themselves!

This is the fatal flaw in their rhetoric!

They stand on a veiled position. Although on the surface, relying on ignorance and education to make people hostile to undead, they have unscrupulous exploitation power, but they are completely unable to support their own teachings inside!

And the reason why they have been able to continue this kind of deception is not because of how clever their techniques are, but because no one dares to stand up to expose them and question them.

When the real fighters stand up and expose the lies, their hypocritical disguise is as vulnerable as paper in the face of the truth and facts!
While speaking, Quicksand flew forward, mobilized all his strength, and captured the priest who was instigating the people just now with lightning speed.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, he ruthlessly tore off the other party's hypocritical teaching robe, revealing the ring of darkness under the glamorous skin in front of everyone's eyes! ! !
The sound of the collapse of faith resounded under the church!
"My God! Lloyd! What did I see!"

"Oh no! This... this is crazy! I can't believe my eyes!"

"Hmph, hum, ah, ah, I... I can't do it anymore! Take this blasphemy away from my eyes! Take it away!"

"Scam! We were all deceived by them, so we were all deceived by them!"

Soon, these people fell from the crowd and were captured by the crazy crowd. They stripped off their armor to verify their identities!

As a result, as Quicksand said, without exception, these people are all undead with a ring of darkness! ! !

boom -

Like a mountain in my heart collapsed, the people went crazy!

They didn't expect that everything they believed in and insisted on was so true!
"Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa than-these people are really devils! God! God! Lloyd on! Lloyd on!"

"Quack—it's undead! It's undead! They're all undead! Quack—quack—quack—"

"This group of liars!! They are immortal themselves, but they use this kind of deception to deceive us and enslave our relatives and friends! Poor my 80-year-old mother still has to pull a cart..."

"Burn them to death! These liars are the most abominable dark fallen! They really tarnish the brilliance of the God Lord!"

On this day, everyone finally understood that they had been deceived by these beasts who dressed up as servants of the gods and people and spoke high-sounding teachings!
Today, under the exposure of Liusha, a group of undead warriors, the truth is finally revealed!

The curse that turned relatives and friends against each other, friends betrayed, and caused countless human tragedies has finally been resolved today!

When everyone was filled with righteous indignation and wanted to tear this group of people apart, Quicksand spoke again.

"People! Immortals themselves are not harmful! What is really harmful is the liars who deceive us in this name! We can't let the people here continue to be deceived! We want to spread the truth to every people, Hurry up and call those deceived people to come here together and witness the terrible truth of these cannibals!"

Hearing the quicksand's call, the people below woke up one after another, rushed to the street below the church, and ran around to tell each other, so that people could gather under the church.

More and more people gathered under the church, and witnessed the shattering truth in their unbelievable gazes!
Standing above, standing on a high place, quicksand announces the truth to everyone and guides the people to a bright future.

"My fellow citizens, we have been deceived by these beasts who wear sacred cloaks! These devils, speaking of sacred teachings and doing cannibalism, turned our relatives and friends against each other, broke up our families, and put everyone in danger. Mutual suspicion! Let us truly fall into the darkness of human nature!"

"But in fact, these beasts are just taking advantage of our belief in God to distort the harm of undead people! So that they can eat people recklessly! The ring of darkness itself is harmless, and undead people are not dark fallen people." ! They are the ones who are really harmful! This group of man-eating devils in holy cloaks!"

"Starting today, we will not be controlled by these demons, and have a beautiful paradise that truly belongs to us! In this area of ​​Disraeli, any undead can enjoy the same treatment as ordinary people! We don't need each other Suspicion, no need to report each other, no need to live in fear and confusion!"

"From now on, we will be freed from this curse of darkness! Even if we are born with the mark of the ring of darkness, we don't have to suffer from the suffering that shouldn't exist! This is imposed by those sanctimonious beasts. Our trumped-up charges!"

"On this day, starting from now, in this city, I declare that everyone will be liberated from the dark rule of the White Sect, and no longer have to accept those bondages that make people suffer. We are free from now on!"

The people below cheered like a boiling tide, celebrating this great moment!

This is the moment when the people are liberated. The people who have been oppressed and deceived by the Baijiao finally rise up to resist and break free from everything!
A truly free, democratic and liberated world is being born from here!

It worked!
Enjoying the free cheers of the crowd below, an unparalleled sense of pride, makes Quicksand satisfied!
He succeeded in doing things that had never been done before!
Although it was just an inconspicuous town among the many towns in Solderon, this is where it all started!

Under the call of Quicksand, an unprecedented city-state saw the long-lost light in Solderon shrouded in darkness!

Early the next morning, Disraeli announced his liberation from Solderon's White Cult rule!

And it is announced here that this city will accept any undead with good character, and the undead will not be discriminated against in this city!


As soon as the news spread, countless undead rushed to vote!

Those undead players hiding in the darkness, smelling the same kind of signal, sprang out of the darkness like mice in the gutter, and rushed towards Disraeli!

no doubt!

There is no doubt that every player who heard the news knew that the players who could do such outrageous operations must be players like them!

So Disraeli turned into the center of the universe, attracting countless undead and players to vote like a lighthouse!

The darker the world, as long as there is a light, there will be countless beings who yearn for the light!
The momentary impulse of the quicksand ignited a fire in the darkness, and the people in the darkness gathered together!
Quicksand and Bazahei immediately got busy.

As the old steward of Quicksand, Bazahei is responsible for accepting and registering countless undead people who come from all over the world to vote every day, and also uses the [fire] code to judge, distinguish and mark players.

As a veteran player of the Ring of Darkness, he is naturally more familiar with various content than Quicksand, and he is quite handy in doing this.

Quicksand naturally needless to say, although Disraeli's government affairs can be handed over to a temporary political committee, but those undead people who come to seek refuge must practice immediately.

These people are all freshmen, and many of them are players with unlimited potential!
Now is the time when the free city is just being born, and it needs to be protected by a powerful force.

These undead people cast from other places are the key to defending the city.

But all the undead who are recognized as players by Bazahei, without exception, all of them will be drafted into the army on the spot, and undertake the great mission of defending Disraeli and liberating the world!

And these players are not peaceful masters in the first place. There is absolutely no reason to farm with a hoe if they can go to the battlefield with a sword!
Under the daily fire education organized by Quicksand, everyone is full of emotions and emotions!
After seeing those players who have been trained in [Quicksand Road] have the strength to break stones, these competitive players immediately became motivated and started to exercise [Quicksand Road] one after another!
They hone their will and squeeze their potential in inhuman training all day long!
Let yourself have the power to adapt to all sufferings like quicksand!

Although this method of [XX Dao] cannot make people have a real [personality], it can still be used as a way to lead the way, allowing people to borrow a part of the power of [personality] from others.

Although the borrowed [personality] is just a poor imitation after all, it can also quickly develop a combat power like a quick chicken!
This hard-working army with a unified [personality] quickly expanded from the original dozens of people to hundreds of people.

Although the growth of personnel is gratifying, it also brings another trouble.

That is the problem of lack of equipment.

Although the entire church was taken down, the crowd seized a large number of clergymen's equipment, but the amount of these equipment was only enough to arm a team of hundreds of people.

In desperation, Quicksand could only recruit some idle equipment from Disraeli's original defenders for emergency.

These equipments are obviously much thinner and inferior in quality compared to the fine and heavy armor of the clergy, but they can still arm people in a decent manner.

And the blacksmith shops in the whole city are also busy day and night.

They have received a large number of orders from Quicksand, the new manager, and are working overtime to make equipment.

The gold, silver and jewels looted from the church were distributed to blacksmiths and the public by quicksand as capital to buy equipment, and were used to collect materials to make equipment.

Three days have passed, and everything is developing tensely and orderly towards a bright future.

The number of players arriving at Disraeli one after another has reached an astonishing one thousand!
It was a number that made Quicksand feel dizzy.

He didn't expect that this time the game would draw so many players in without knowing what kind of wind it was!
One must know that these thousand players were only attracted by the news of radiation from such a small place as Disraeli.

In this world of the Ring of Darkness, who knows how big it is, there may be tens of thousands of real players!
Quicksand has a hunch that after this game, it is likely to have an impact on the real world!

This makes his sense of mission even stronger!
[Chuan Huo], that's what he's going to do in this game!

So he was not in a hurry to go to Rodland to rekindle the so-called [First Fire].

Although in the original game, [passing the fire] refers to the process of rekindling the [primary fire].

But Quicksand, who has experienced searching for One Piece, naturally understands that the meaning of [Passing Fire] is far more than that...

[A long way around is the fastest shortcut]

In order to complete the mission of "Passing Fire" as soon as possible and rekindle the flames of the world, Quicksand decided to take another long detour and first liberate this world shrouded in darkness...

At this moment, a person he had never thought of appeared in front of him!

"It really is you...we meet again, V!"

(End of this chapter)

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