The absurd game of a performance artist

Chapter 269 The Fall of God

Chapter 269 The Fall of God
All the people present looked at the elf who could only speak in confusion.

This is an unprecedented rare thing!
And after eating a [Longfeng Po], it can only wake the other party to get up. The thickness of this terrifying blood bar is shocking!

Lu Mao couldn't help picking up the illustrated book to observe the other party's attributes.

[Name: Kahang Beast]

【Level: 54】

[Attribute: General]


[Qualification: Purple (one in a million)]

[Racial Potential: Seven Stars]

[Growth Difficulty: High]

[Introduction: An extremely lazy fat house elf, except for eating and sleeping. It can eat half a year's worth of food, and then sleep for half a year. It has rough skin and thick flesh. It has special powers to protect its body while sleeping, and it is difficult to cause harm to it... ...]

Seeing the other party's terrifying metallic affinity and telepathic affinity,

When Kadiao Beast sleeps, its superpowers will actively operate, producing extremely powerful [mysterious power] body protection.

Therefore, the blood bar of the Kahang beast is bottomless when it is in a deep sleep state, but its ability to resist blows will decrease after waking up.

There was also a message from the goggles on Elf Hunter J's head, she said coldly.

"Hmph, it turned out to be a card hanging beast. The blood dragon continued to bombard it. Now that it has awakened, it no longer has [mysterious power]!"

Chizhi's Kadiao Beast Heart Gold seemed to have no idea of ​​the situation at all, she stroked her belly and begged for food from Chizhi.


In this guy's mind, there are only eating and sleeping now, and he has completely turned into a fat house...

Chi Zhi had no choice but to guide him.

"Quick! After you defeat the elf in the sky, dinner will be served!"

During the conversation between the two, the blood flying dragon in the air was accumulating dragon energy without stopping for a moment!

This is a destructive move of pure dragon attribute - [Dragon's Breath]!
A thick white light flashed, and a terrifying killer move emerged!

A sharp look flashed in Xinjin's eyes, and he crossed his hands, blocking him like a sharp sword!
The energy of the gold element gathered in both arms, and a sword force blocked in front of him, cutting across the fierce dragon's breath!

【Imperial Swordsmanship · Block】!
Although she is now transformed into a super fat house, some [abilities] engraved in her soul will never be forgotten!
Just like Chizhi's [Boxing Technique], he became the original source of the Fatty House as he wished, and his [Swordsmanship] also remained in his mind.

On the fat claws, the golden energy is vertical and horizontal, and the four kinds of energy of fire, ice, electricity and evil are circulating at the same time. These four kinds of energy circle around the golden energy, forming a spiral sword energy!
When she was in the island empire, she was still the sword sect who was as famous as his brother sword soul,

Unlike his brother who specializes in swordsmanship, she follows the school of ghost swordsmen, and likes to incorporate all kinds of fancy [qi] into swordsmanship, such as [breath of water], [breath of fire], [breath of thunder] [Breath], [Dark Breath]... This guy is proficient in everything!
The result is a profound interpretation of the reason that Bai Yitong is not as good as Yiyi. In front of Yuan Sheng's instant mastery of Yi Nian's swordsmanship, he looks like an acrobatic clown...

However, in this elf world full of elemental power, her swordsmanship has finally been displayed!
"Drink! Enjoy!"

I saw the spiral sword energy stirring the five energies rose to the sky, and quickly killed the blood flying dragon in the air!
This move is the sword sect's unique skill - [Splitting Blade Sky Chong]!
Drilled a gap in the sky!
Feeling the power of his own sword energy, Xin Jin froze.

A strange feeling gushes out of my body, this long-lost feeling is...


At this moment, she felt the power of her masterful swordsmanship, and an unprecedented self-confidence filled her body, causing her body of more than 900 kilograms to swell!

The self-confidence that had been suppressed by her brother all the year round exploded like a rebound at this moment!
She thinks she can do it!
I am invincible in the world!

"Ha ha ha ha--"

I saw this fat scorpion using its sword tactics with all its strength, and the sword energy was cleared in the air for a while, and the elements overflowed!
Lu Mao was dumbfounded, he didn't expect this chubby Kahang beast to be Chi Zhi's real killing move!
Chi Zhi himself never imagined that this elf, who had never been trained before, would have such power!

His concept began to change: Could it be that elves don't need training from trainers at all, and can learn various skills by themselves?Is it true that the trainer has no meaning at all...

And Huo Hong fell into despair again.

She didn't expect that in the past two years when her life was weak, even... even this kind of fat cat who ate and slept would compare her!

When Xinjin was chasing the blood flying dragon in the air and frantically performing sword skills, a sword energy was suddenly distorted by a mysterious force and dissipated out of thin air!

I saw a masked monster wearing a red suit and a black vest, standing on top of a big green bird, appearing in the sky above Junpi Town.

The slender figure of this big green bird stands in the air like a human being, with strange totem-like patterns on its feathers.

The strangest thing is that it can stand in the air without flapping its wings!

Seeing the masked man, J seemed to have found a life-saving straw, and said impatiently.

"Kazuki! What the hell is going on here?! It's clearly stated in the agreement that people from your alliance will not hinder me. What's going on with these two guys? Don't tell me they have nothing to do with your alliance! I know , that stinky-faced brat is the new champion of your Quartz Conference, and that guy in the red hat is your newly elected Four Heavenly King, right?"

Feeling the extraordinary power of the green bird elf in the sky, Chi Zhi's eyes became serious.

He could feel the energy fluctuations in that elf's body, which was extremely powerful. Among the elves of many trainers, this elf was probably the strongest except for Du's fat back then!
【Name: Transcendence Bird】

【Level: 62】

[Attribute: Super Energy/Wind]

[Element Affinity: Super 71 Wind 56 Quiet 47]

[Qualification: Purple (one in a million)]

[Racial potential:? 】

[Growth Difficulty:? 】

[Introduction: A mysterious elf with strange superpowers, sometimes keeping his mysterious eyes motionless all day long, it is said that he is doing divination to predict the future, but it cannot be confirmed whether it really has the power to predict the future]

Seeing the other party's message, Lu Mao's forehead broke out in cold sweat!

An elf of this no longer something he can deal with!
An elf that can exceed level 60, no matter what kind it is, will become an extremely terrifying existence!

Ordinary elves can't parry their power at all!
Facing this guy who appeared suddenly, Chi Zhi was extremely vigilant.

I saw that the masked man ignored J, but spoke to the two people below in a leisurely manner.

"Master Lumao, Special Envoy Chizhi, thank you for your hard work, leave the rest to me..."

Saying that, this mysterious masked man, whom J called Kazuki, showed the two of them the token in his hand.

Seeing the object in the opponent's hand, Lu Mao's eyes revealed an unbelievable look.

"What?! is it possible! are also the Four Heavenly Kings! No, you are a fake, I have never heard of your name!"

The mysterious masked man standing on the detached bird said with a smile.

"Nothing is impossible. My name is Kazuki. As for the ostentatious title of the Four Heavenly Kings, don't use it for me. The inspector special envoy is not a big star. Compared with those guys who perform on stage, my task is Below the stage, dealing with all kinds of troubles within the alliance so that the guys on the stage can continue to perform glamorously..."

? !!

In an instant, Lu Mao felt chills all over his body, and the atmosphere at the scene became weird. Although the man named Kazuki didn't say anything directly, he seemed to have said everything, and Lu Mao's thoughts were confused again for a while. .

Confused, he subconsciously turned his attention to Chi Zhi, hoping to find the courage to make a choice from him.

Chizhi was still silent at this moment, just confronting Kazuki in the air without words.

The eyes of the two heavenly kings, one bright and the other dark, collided anxiously in the air. Although there was no sound, they were engaged in the most intense confrontation.

In the end, Kazuki suddenly attacked J!

"Damn it! How dare you break the contract! Just wait! I won't let you go!"

J ran away.

Soon, what happened in Junpi Town was dealt with and broadcasted by the alliance as a major event.

This news was like a depth charge, causing a sensation in the entire league!
In the broadcasts of all parties, the dark and ugly acts of the Rockets indiscriminately killing and robbing other people's elves are vividly rendered, deeply exposing their inner atrocities under the cover of revolution, and clearly pointing out that they are only launching riots for their own interests The heinous and lawless criminal group is the public enemy of the people of all walks of life in the entire alliance!
In the news event, the glorious images of the league champion Lumao and the new Four Heavenly King Chizhi, who are not afraid of hardships and dangers, take the lead alone, rescue the elves and fight against evil, have been highlighted from multiple angles, setting off a round of fanatical hero worship in the league!
Against the backdrop of the fierce and dehumanizing criminal group Rocket, the heroic images of Chizhi and Lumao are more upright than ever!
And another participant Kazuki, as he himself said, was completely hidden in the whole report, and continued to do his work under the dark stage.

After this incident, the Rockets, which had been somewhat vague in the past two years, were immediately reduced to a heinous criminal group again. The reputation of all levels of the alliance has dropped to the extreme, and it has become the public enemy of all trainers!
Although the Rockets later stated that those people entrenched in Juipi Town were not their members at all, they were all elf poachers disguised as them, and they also specifically stated that there had been ulterior motives between these people and the alliance for a long time , this so-called surprise operation is a performance, a transaction.

The Rockets even conducted investigations later and provided evidence of some members' contacts.

But in terms of credibility, it is natural that the alliance has an overwhelming advantage. Most people do not believe the Rockets' statement, and even because of the gap in information dissemination channels, many people have not seen the evidence of the Rockets at all.

After the Rockets suffered setbacks in the public opinion at the bottom, they gradually lost their original rapid momentum in the subsequent development.

As for the truth of this incident, it is natural that what is said is reasonable, and what is believed to be true is true.


Looking at the overwhelming reports on the screen, Lumao felt surprised, angry, unbelievable, and heavy and profoundly powerless.

He couldn't think of any way, and couldn't make up his mind, so he could only speak loudly to Chi Zhi.

"Hey! Xiaozhi, did you see that? Those... those guys dare to report like this, is... is this the truth? No... I don't believe it, Xiaozhi, you know, these guys are lying, right? That's right, you can definitely tell that this is not the real truth at all! We... we must expose the truth, what can you do?"

Chi Zhi was silent.

There was no way he could.

Walking casually on the street now, people will look at them with admiration and call them heroes.

The yearning for truth, goodness and beauty in those people's eyes is so earnest and simple.

Facing Chi Zhi's silence, Lu Mao also fell silent.


In front of those naive people, Lumao couldn't tell them the truth he had imagined!
They are indeed heroes, they have indeed done things that ordinary people cannot do, and they are indeed as aboveboard as the reports say!
But because of this, they tried their best to act in their true colors without the script, which made the performance perfect, and made the lies behind the truth more convincing and difficult to refute.

The brighter the light, the deeper the shadows...

After calming down, Lu Mao recognized the reality.

Under the lightning-fast follow-up processing by the league, he had neither evidence nor ability to prove to everyone the truth conceived in his mind.

What's even more tragic is that, as a member of the Tianmeng with a high background, he has no class, position, obligation, or qualification to do that!
Pain, suffering, grief, indignation, and powerless thinking make Lumao gradually lose himself.

In the end, like a sharp rock washed by the river and turned into pebbles, he completely lost even the last impulse.

"Xiaozhi, goodbye, you... want to become the best trainer!"

After bidding farewell to Chizhi, Lvmao ended his journey as a trainer, and focused on his research work regardless of the world. Like his grandfather, he embarked on the path of an elf researcher...

Maybe [personality] will indeed be inherited through DNA, this is fate.

At the time of parting, looking at Lu Mao's no longer unruly eyes, Chi Zhi was full of emotions and felt desolate.

He knew that after this farewell, he might never see his former rival again...

But, what can I do?
While continuing to travel with the last glimmer of hope, he thought about what method to use to make Huohong's last life more meaningful.

A week after parting with Lvmao, a voice came from the communicator, and it was Xiaosong who sent the message to Chizhi.

After the first battle in Yuanzhu City, he resigned from his position as the head of the gymnasium and searched everywhere for the whereabouts of the Phoenix God like Chi Zhi.

At this moment, he seemed to have made progress, and spoke to Chi Zhidao with a heavy tone.

"Xiaozhi, come to Yuanzhu City, I have something for you to see..."

After receiving the communication from the other party, Chi Zhi immediately took action and came to Yuanzhu City as promised.

Two years after the fire, the entire Yuanzhu City, like a grassland burned by wildfire, took root again in the burned grass ash, and the whole city took on a new look.

Although the fire took away many memories full of historical background, new buildings continue to rise up to replace those antiques, which are more brand new and more urban.

Still, the burn from the fire left scars that couldn't heal.

Many people who lost relatives and friends in the fire left this sad place and did not live long.

However, some people were warmed by the strange sun in the sky that day, and felt something they had never experienced before. They stayed firmly in this city, as if they were waiting for something to return.

Looking at this new city, Chi Zhi sighed with emotion at the time of the city's new construction, but his heart was deep.

Cities can be built, but their own flames cannot restore their lost source of life.

Just as Chi Zhi was standing silently in the city, Xiao Song's voice sounded behind him.

"Xiaozhi, you are here..."

Chizhi looked at Xiaosong behind him. He had gone through a long journey of more than two years like himself. Compared with his casual appearance two years ago, his face had some traces of vicissitudes.

After being influenced, he traveled all over the Kanto city in the past two years, searched for countless relics and ruins, and played games with various wild elves and dangerous elements in the primitive nature. The whole person has been sharpened and accumulated.

No matter the strength or state of mind of the current Komatsu, it is incomparable to the previous master of the Yuanzhu City Gymnasium.

Feeling the accumulation of years on the opponent, Chi Zhi also felt emotional, and was happy that the opponent has made further progress on the road of trainer.

But Xiao Song's expression remained solemn and downcast, and Chi Zhi knew that the other party must have discovered something important.

But Chi Zhi seems to have seen through everything and is ready to meet everything that is coming.

Seeing the calm expression on Chi Zhi's face, Xiao Song understood that the other party no longer needed him to say any more nonsense to comfort him.

So he took a deep breath and said bluntly.

"Xiaozhi, do you know the legend of the Bell Tower?"

Chi Zhi looked up at the scorched ancient pagoda ruins in the distance, and told the story that he knew by heart in the process of searching for the Phoenix God.

"This bell tower, according to legend, was originally the place where the god of elves, the Phoenix God, communicated with humans. Whenever the bell of the festival rang, the Phoenix God would appear and descend to the world. But one day, a thunderbolt fell from the sky. , lit the bell tower, and the fire spread rapidly and spread throughout Yuanzhu City. At this moment, the Phoenix God came to the world, extinguished the fire, and created three holy beasts. The Phoenix God ordered the three holy beasts to look after humans, but After that, the Phoenix God disappeared forever and never showed up here again."

Xiao Song nodded, and continued to speak with a pale face.

"That's right, this is the story that has been passed down from generation to generation in Yuanzhu City. Almost everyone in the Jotou area knows it, but this story is actually processed by later generations. After searching for ruins in Jotou and Kanto, I found a The truth covered up by history..."

Afterwards, Komatsu began to tell the ancient story that he discovered.

"Hundreds of years ago, Kanto and Joto were not an alliance area. People from the two places were on both sides of the mainland, and they fought constantly for their own interests. Finally, an unprecedented elf war broke out on the Quartz Plateau!"

"This is a real all-out war. Countless people and elves died in the war, and the battle intensified. The thoughts of the dead raised black clouds in the sky, covering the entire quartz plateau with endless darkness. in the dark……"

"Under the dark clouds, the flames of war and hatred are about to burn everything, along the quartz plateau, continue to spread to the two regions, rolling up the catastrophe of the world! At that moment, an elf appeared above the quartz plateau, blooming like the sun fire, dispel the darkness, and illuminate everything below!"

"Under the sunshine, the dead people and elves came back to life, but the sun-like elf gradually lost its life and landed on a tower of bells, where it rested for a long time. Inspired by this spirit, the two places finally reconciled and became the Kanto Alliance today, but in the end the elf still burned out his life, sat on the top of the tower, became ashes and disappeared in this world. This is the true story behind the Bell Tower. s story……"

After hearing the story, Chi Zhi remained silent.

Komatsu told the truth sadly.

" is no longer in this world! Just like your fiery red, it used that power to turn its life force into the sun to shine on the world, sacrificing itself..."

Chi Zhi seemed to have known everything, and Chi Zhi seemed very calm.

In the past two years, running around with that dim feather, Chi Zhi could vaguely understand that the owner of this feather might no longer be in this world.

It's just that the obsession in his heart is still unwilling to give up, and he still holds on to a glimmer of illusory hope and continues to pursue it.

And at this moment, the dust settled.

Chi Zhi looked at Xiao Song calmly, and smiled sincerely.

"Thank you for your hard work."

Xiao Song felt an indescribable taste like a sunset from the words, he wanted to say something to Chi Zhi, but he couldn't say anything when he opened his mouth.

I can only watch the figures of Chizhi and Huohong gradually go away in the setting sun...

At the end of the long journey, Chi Zhi and Huo Hong sat under the setting sun, watching the gradually setting sun side by side.

The sun on the horizon dyes the sky red, and it is still warm as it sinks down.

Looking at the fiery red sunset in the sky, Chi Zhi couldn't help crying.


(End of this chapter)

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