Liu Song Hanque

Chapter 527 Escape

Chapter 527 Escape

"Give you a chance, you are useless!"

At this moment, Wang Zhen'e and Zhu Lingshi in the rear had already left the valley. They thought they could happily take Tuoba Tao's head with Tan Daoji to explain to the emperor, but they never expected this to be the case.

Tan Daoji also showed shame: "Blame me."

"I saw that there were only dozens of cavalry around Tuoba Tao at that time, so he thought that he must have lost his fighting spirit, so he was a little lax in the formation of troops, and he took advantage of the loophole."

Wang Zhen'e and Zhu Lingshi looked at each other, wanting to take the big knife in their hands and hit Tan Daoji hard on the forehead.

How could the emperor of a country be captured so easily?

Especially the immediate emperor like Tuoba Tao.

If he didn't fight back, he would burn the incense, how could he expect him to surrender voluntarily?

Since the founding of the country by Liu Song, which Hu emperor could have a good death?Does Tuoba Tao have no idea in his heart?
It is impossible for Tuoba Tao to surrender to Liu Song even if he committed suicide, so how could he have no fighting spirit?
"Tan Daoji, Tan Daoji!"

Wang Zhen'e and Zhu Lingshi didn't know what to say, so they could only return to Liu Yizhen with Tan Daoji, who lowered his head.

After Liu Yizhen learned of the situation at that time, he did not get angry at Tan Daoji, but somewhat mourned his misfortune...

"Tan Daoji should not blame himself. At that time, the ministers and guards around Tuoba Tao all had the will to die. It is normal that they couldn't stop it."

Hearing that Liu Yizhen excused himself, Tan Daoji blushed even more: "I have failed Your Majesty's trust, and I will die!"

"Not really."

Liu Yizhen took a good look at the sky: "Tuoba Tao is now a frightened bird, and he will definitely flee overnight."

"He doesn't know the specific situation of Pingcheng yet, so he will definitely not go northwest. According to my opinion, he will roughly go to Youzhou by detour, and rush to Pingcheng and even Mobei along the Yanshan trail."

"From Langshan to Yanshan, at the speed of Tuoba Tao's Qingqi escape, I'm afraid I can escape in less than three days..."

At this time Tan Daoji also understood Liu Yizhen's meaning, and immediately fell to the ground: "I am willing to lead troops to arrest Tuoba Tao! If he escapes again this time, I will come to see you!"

"No, just try your best."

Although Liu Yizhen wanted to pursue Tuoba Tao with all his strength at this moment, he couldn't mess up the whole situation because of Tuoba Tao alone.

"Wang Zhen'e, you immediately lead [-] soldiers north to support Jinyang, and try to capture Yanmen with Pei Fangming."

Shen Tianzi's life and death in Pingcheng is uncertain now, what Liu Yizhen can do is to send more troops to attack Yanmen to relieve Shen Tianzi's military pressure.

"Du Ji, spread the news of Tuoba Tao's defeat, especially those who have been paying attention to this battle."

"The rest of the people rushed to Yecheng to repair the army."




After Tuoba Tao was sent out of the mountain pass by Qiu Dui, only a dozen people followed him.

Each of them was dusty and sluggish, with exhaustion and horror that could not be concealed on their faces.

"I... lost?"

Even at this moment, Tuoba Tao is still unwilling to believe that he failed so suddenly.

From tens of thousands of cavalry in hand to only a dozen or so cavalry following, everything seems dreamlike.

"I want to go back!"

After waking up, Tuoba Tao suddenly pulled the rein, and wanted to turn around in a trance.

"Those are my Xianbei elite! I can't leave them alone!"

The Xianbei clan, counting the Tuoba clan's nemesis Murong Xianbei, only had 200 million people.

There are 200 million people, 100 million are women, 50 are young and old, and only 50 are young and strong men.

Among the 50 people, after removing herdsmen, farmers, craftsmen, and unqualified people... there are only more than [-] people who are suitable for serving as soldiers.

Among the 10 people, half were buried with Tuobasi a few years ago, and the remaining [-] elites.

This time, Tuoba Tao left Changsun Song with [-] Xianbei soldiers to defend Pingcheng, and he took [-] cavalry to fight in Hebei.

In other words, the soldiers under Tuoba Tao are almost the only remaining essence of the Northern Wei Dynasty!
Without these tens of thousands of cavalry, even if Tuoba Tao fled back to the grassland, it would be difficult to restore the vitality of the Xianbei clan in a short time and continue to maintain their dominance on the grassland.

And a tribe lost its dominance on the grassland where the weak and the strong preyed on the strong, and with their butts, they all knew what would happen to them.

So Tuoba Tao knew that he must not lose these soldiers under his command!

"His Majesty!"

The guards beside him hurriedly hugged Tuoba Tao, and others jumped off their horses and knelt down in front of Tuoba Tao's horse.

"You must not go back!"

"Masters Xi Jin and Qiudui risked their lives to allow His Majesty to escape. Your Majesty must never return!"

I will go back now, what else can I do besides give away the head?
But at this moment, there were no ministers with senior Xianbei qualifications around, and many personal guards also knew that Tuoba Tao was not someone who could be persuaded easily, and some people immediately became ruthless secretly.

"Your Majesty! Offended!"

The two personal guards jumped on the back of Tuoba Tao's war horse, wrapped Tuoba Tao into rice dumplings with thick and long reins, put them on the horse's back, and fled towards the north.

"You guys! Damn it!"

Tuoba Tao is the emperor, when did he suffer such insults?So he immediately yelled at the guard who dared to tie him up.

This can cause a group of guards to face collapse.

Because they discovered that there was a steady stream of Song troops on the way back!

These Song soldiers were exactly the soldiers of the Song Army who "let go of a horse" when Tuoba Tao led the army to pursue them.

They are basically old soldiers with rich combat experience. The roads around several states and counties are basically locked. Even a fly flying past has to see if it is a fly from the north, let alone a person?

The situation is already so difficult, if Tuoba Tao continues to shout like this, sooner or later he will attract Song Jun's patronage!
The personal guard simply didn't do anything, and directly took a cloth strip and stuffed Tuoba Tao's mouth to prevent him from making any more sound.

At the same time, in order to avoid the pursuit of the Song army, they secretly touched several remote farmhouses at night and took some sets of civilian clothes to change into, so that they could continue to retreat towards the north along the path.

along the way,

When Tuoba Tao was hungry, they killed their war horses and fed Tuoba Tao horse meat, and when they were thirsty, they gave Tuoba Tao a drink of horse blood.

Yan land was bitterly cold, and Tuoba Tao felt cold, so there were guards who wrapped their clothes on Tuoba Tao, but he fell on the road forever under the erosion of cold and hunger.

When he reached Zhuo County, all the war horses around Tuoba Tao were dead, and only three personal guards were left to help Tuoba Tao shelter from the wind and cold with their bodies. .

Tuoba Tao, who fled all the way, obviously understood his situation. Although the hemp rope that bound his body and the cloth strip that blocked his mouth had been taken down by his own soldiers long ago, Tuoba Tao didn't want to move any more. Character.

"Your Majesty, I can't hold on anymore."

(End of this chapter)

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