Liu Song Hanque

Chapter 474 Taunt

Chapter 474 Taunt
"Northern Wei envoy?"

"I'm not free."

Liu Yizhen was holding a baby in his arms at this time, and was nesting in the Ganlu Palace with several other concubines to keep warm, expressing that he did not want to engage in such meaningless diplomatic activities.

Based on the relationship between Liu Song and the Northern Wei Dynasty, it is enough to meet at the court meeting on the first day of every month and exchange credentials.Meeting in's not necessary at all.

not to mention……

Liu Yizhen held the baby in his hands high, the smile on his face never stopped for a moment.

After the end of the Battle of Xia Xia, Liu Yizhen took on a project that only he could do.Now is the time for this project to bear fruit.

First of all, the Helian family gave birth to the prince.

After that, the Guo family also got his wish, and also gave birth to a prince.

Finally, Concubine Xie.

She, who had been quiet all this time, gave birth to a pair of twins!

Four of Liu Yizhen's bloodlines continued at once!

With this achievement alone, Liu Yizhen can already be regarded as worthy of the ancestors of the old Liu family.

"Your Majesty, what do you think of how to arrange those Northern Wei servants?"

Liu Yizhen originally wanted to blame the Ministry of Rites directly, but when he thought that Zheng Xian was the current minister of the Ministry of Rites, his tone paused a little.

"Tell Du Ji to give me a copy of the materials of all the members of the Northern Wei Dynasty envoy."

For some reason, Liu Yizhen always felt that the envoys from the Northern Wei Dynasty were a little too subtle when they came.

"Could it be that Tuoba Tao is in a hurry?"

Pinching the face of the baby in his arms with his fingers, Liu Yizhen began to think about the current situation between Song and Wei from the perspective of Tuoba Tao.

"If it was a normal person, he would have been scared out of his wits at this moment. The slightly better ones, such as Juqu Mengxun from Beiliang, began to show their favor to Da Song, and even took the initiative to retreat."

But Tuoba Tao is obviously not a normal person.

Liu Yi really had every reason to suspect that this guy was thinking about how to bite Liu Song hard when Liu Song was panting, and even set the goal directly as "recovering Hebei".

And Choi Ho...

There were only two counselors in this period who left an evaluation in the history books that they "counted all the strategies", one was Wang Maide, and the other was Cui Hao.

The difference is that Wang Maide's "counting everything" is a little watery, it's just the words of He Lianbobo's family; Cui Hao is a monster verified by history books, and there is no room for Liu Yizhen to ignore it.


The lion fights the rabbit with all its strength.

With enemies like Tuoba Tao and Cui Hao, even Liu Song's national power has now completely surpassed the Northern Wei Dynasty, Liu Yizhen did not dare to relax at all.

The Empress Wang who was holding Liu An in her arms saw Liu Yizhen's eyebrows slightly folded, so she stepped forward and asked, "What trouble has your Majesty encountered?"

"Trouble? Not really."

Afterwards, Queen Wang stepped forward cautiously: "Your Majesty, do you want to call Tuoba?"

Ever since Tuoba's last use of a court lady to secretly steal Liu Song's secrets happened, not only was she thrown into the cold palace, she was also completely ignored by the people in the harem.

Just like now.

Empress Wang, Concubine Xie, Guo family and Helian family all sat around Liu Yizhen, only Tuoba family was not invited.

"Need not."

The marriage with the Tuoba family was to stabilize the Northern Wei Dynasty and provide a layer of insurance for the original capital move to Chang'an.

Now that Liu Song's crisis of moving the capital is over, the Tuoba family is somewhat dispensable.

After teasing the little prince in his hand for a while, the inner officer came to Liu Yizhen with the note from Jin Yiwei.

Originally, Liu Yizhen was just on a whim, but when he saw the envoy from the Northern Wei Dynasty who was here this time, he couldn't help but slowly sat up straight.

"Li Shun..."

When Li Shun was sent to Jiankang a few years ago, he and Chigan Ali, and then Rouran Prince Wu Ti wanted to play a "praise" to remove Liu Yizhen from the center.

In the end, Liu Yu used the excuse of "being married to Wang" to keep Liu Yizhen, and by the way, he also gained a wave of favor from the military at that time.

Logically speaking, even if Liu Yizhen didn't hold grudges, Li Shun would not dare to appear in front of Liu Yizhen.

But Li Shun continued to go to Liu Song from the Northern Wei Dynasty at this sensitive time...

"Forget it, call them into the palace. I will wait for them in Liangyi Hall."


For another meeting, Li Shunxian was a little nervous.

Liu Yizhen is not the same Liu Yizhen from back then.

Liu Song is not the same Liu Song back then.

In the empty palace room of Lue County, Li Shun's breathing seemed particularly heavy.

I saw him stroking his chest with one hand and bending over slowly: "The envoys of the State of Wei are visiting the Emperor of Song Dynasty."

Liu Yizhen stared at his other empty sleeve: "Li Shun, are you here to ask me for a debt?"

"I remember that one of your arms was cut off by Chigan Ali. Now you are here to ask me for an arm?"

"Don't dare."

Li Shun knew that this was an insult from Liu Yizhen, but he still didn't dare to force it.

"Back then, I saved my life with one arm. Now even if I came to pay off the debt, I would give that life back to Emperor Song."

Liu Yizhen narrowed his eyes: "You really look like a waiter."

"This time, are you here to be Yan Zi? Or Zhang Yi? Or... are you here to be Jing Ke?"

Every time he asked a question, Li Shun felt his heart skip a beat.

It's just that Liu Yizhen, who was sitting at the top in a regular suit, put the pressure on Li Shun far beyond his psychological expectations at the moment, and the intense pressure almost broke Li Shun.

"The envoy doesn't have the talent of Yan Zi, let alone the ability of Zhang Yi. As for Jing Ke..."

Li Shun withstood the pressure and shook his empty sleeves: "Does the Son of Heaven really think that someone like me can assassinate you in this palace?"

After a few words, Li Shun's forehead was covered with beads of sweat.


Just when Li Shun was about to be unable to hold on, Liu Yizhen relaxed, and said with a light smile like a spring breeze: "I was joking."

The few points left behind caused Li Shun to experience a great ups and downs in a short period of time.

That's how Li Shun realized that the person in front of him could not be the boy from before.

At that time, Liu Yi was really like a young lion, able to prove his bravery by not saving Li Shun any face in front of civil and military officials.

But the emperor in front of Li Shun's eyes no longer bothered to use that method to express something to the world.

Back then, the great Han and the Huns had to compete in the credentials.

Now Liu Yizhen can use blank space to deal with the diplomacy between the two countries.

This kind of humiliation may be more effective to Li Shun than Liu Yizhen mocking him for breaking his arm a thousand times.

"Li Shun, I want to ask you something."

"Emperor Song, please tell me."

"What task did Cui Hao give you... Let me put it another way, what method did he teach you to make him believe that with this strategy, you can hold me back and create time for Tuoba Tao to prepare for the war?"

"The envoy..."

"I'll answer after thinking about it, I don't have many old friends."

"What I came to see was not a corpse."

(End of this chapter)

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