Liu Song Hanque

Chapter 455 Guiyi Shanyu Shunde Khan

Chapter 455 Guiyi Shanyu Shunde Khan
Liu Gui has been in a daze since Liu Yizhen took him away from Hanzhong.

He didn't know why the Hu Xia army, which was still in the upper hand, was defeated by the Song army.

I don't know why Helian Bobo suddenly ran to Longyou.

I don't even know that Hu Xia... why did he die like this?
All these things happened too fast, especially when Hu Xia was destroyed, something in Liu Gui's heart that he thought didn't exist, but in fact had always been in his heart... was broken!
Surrendering to Liu Yizhen, and humiliatingly recognizing Liu Yizhen as "father and son", isn't it just to escape back to the north one day in the future and become his Chanyu?
Now that Hu Xia is dead, does this Shan Yu still make sense?


Liu Yizhen told him, yes.

And it means a lot!

Liu Gui, who had been in Chang'an for several months, was finally sent back to the grassland by Liu Yizhen. Not only did he explain to him many things about "planting trees" and "green storage", but he also added two words to his title - Gui righteous.

Song Guiyi Shanyu.

So far, Liu Gui is still very happy.

In his opinion, if he really put himself back to the north, Liu Song, what emperor, as long as there are people and horses, he may not be able to make a comeback like his father Helian Bobo!Recast the glory of the Huns!

But unfortunately...

Liu Gui looked at the person beside him with some fear, and silently restrained all his arrogance.

Fuck Ali!

He Lianbo's left and right hands!

It is also one of the founders of Hu Xia!

He was also sent to Hetao by Liu Yizhen, and because they Chigan Ali belonged to the Xianbei tribe and had nothing to do with the Huns, Chigan Ali himself was named the Great Song Shunde Khan by Liu Yizhen.

Attribution is only...

Shunde Khan...

There are actually two leaders in a small river loop!Isn't this a split for the Hetao nomads?Is it a betrayal of Hu Xia's country?
In fact.

That's what Liu Yizhen meant.

Don't think that Chigan Ali and Helianbobo are as close as brothers, so he can treat Helianbobo's son like this.

As early as when he unified Wancheng, he dared to shoot arrows at He Lianchang.

Now facing the "traitor" Liu Gui, can Chigan Ali get along with him peacefully?
Chigan Ali really hated Liu Gui in his heart.

In his opinion, if it weren't for the trash Helian Gui, Helian Bobo would have broken through Hanzhong and captured Guanzhong long ago, completely laying the foundation for Hu Xia's dynasty!

Many times, if he hadn't been concerned about his own clansmen, Chigan Ali would have rushed up and grabbed Liu Gui by the neck to strangle him to death!

Liu Gui also suppressed all the ambitions in his heart after realizing Chigan Ali's hatred for him.

In the current situation, not to mention getting rid of Liu Song's control, but preventing him from scolding Ali would consume all of Liu Gui's mind.For his own sake, Liu Gui felt that it would be more reliable to kill Chigan Ali first.

The two of them started heading towards the Hetao with some troops from the headquarters, gathering the scattered small tribes along the way, and soon gathered a considerable force.

Of course, this force was nothing compared to the main force of the Song Army deployed on the border of Hetao. Under the supervision of Fu Hongzhi and Xiao Chengzhi from the north to the west, they didn't dare to think about anything else.

In other words, their greatest intention is to kill each other.

Fu Hongzhi and Xiao Chengzhi, who received Liu Yizhen's order, also knew why the emperor sent them here, so they let Liu Yuanjing and Zongxi out.

Both Liu Yuanjing and Zongxi have read the new textbooks and participated in the imperial examination, so it is not difficult for them to understand the whole process of Qingchu.

As for planting trees, it's even simpler.

The current Hetao has not yet reached the point where it will completely collapse in later generations.

Even if you don't count the front and back areas, there are still places like Gyeongju in the middle, and there are places like Wancheng that can support Hu Xiaguo's capital.

If it is said that the protection of Hetao in later generations is from 60.00% to 60.00%, the situation Liu Song is now facing is from [-]%, or even [-]% to [-]%. The degree of difficulty has dropped sharply.

Among them, Liu Yuanjing, who had been with Liu Yizhen for a long time, even copied Jiankang's "small workshop" model to Hetao.

Green storage and tree planting are not difficult, but some barbarians are brains.

Forgot to dry the silage today, forgot to water the trees tomorrow...

Now that the small workshop is introduced, the simple and mechanical working method and the daily payment mode make these barbarians happy.

With the appearance of these people, correspondingly, some cities gradually appeared in Hetao.

The appearance of the city attracted some businessmen.

The emergence of merchants naturally brought about the circulation of wealth.

Unknowingly, the Hetao model has gradually deviated from the principle of "protecting the environment" conceived by Liu Yizhen and others...

Fu Hongzhi, who devoted himself to building a horse farm in Jincheng and forming a cavalry, went to Hetao in his spare time.

But he was also stunned when he saw the completely different "Hetao model".

Calling Liu Yuanjing, Fu Hongzhi asked him, "Don't these barbarians eat?"


"What about the food?"

"Buy it!"

"What to buy?"


"Where does the money come from?"


Liu Yuanjing and Zongxi looked excited: "Hetao has less farmland, but more pastures."

"These barbarians, in addition to making green storage and planting trees, we usually let them cut livestock fur. These furs are very cheap in Hetao, but they can be exchanged for a lot of food from merchants. In this way, these people will not Are you short of food?"

Fu Hongzhi's scalp was a little numb, and he smelled danger from the two people's words.

"However, they are not afraid of any accident one day..."

"Don't worry, General!"

Liu Yuanjing explained: "We all collect those furs and trade them with those merchants, and there are quite a lot of profits in it. We gave some of them to Liu Gui and Chigan Ali, that is, Guiyi Shanyu and Shunde Ke sweat."

"After these two people received the money, they called their tribe ruthless. Sometimes there were not enough people, and they secretly went to other tribes to grab some barbarians and put them in the workshop. Otherwise, the general thought that the cities in Hetao How can it be built so quickly?"

Something is wrong!
Very wrong!
Fu Hongzhi, who has decades of life experience and received Confucian orthodox education, sensed that something was wrong.

He asked sharply, "Have you reported this to the emperor?"

Liu Yuanjing and Zongxi shook their heads slightly.

"The emperor only asked us to manage the Hetao well, but didn't mention these things."

"Besides, the dead are all barbarians, and their leaders are Liu Gui and Chigan Ali. If there is something wrong, they are the ones in front."

Afterwards, Zongxi whispered into Fu Hongzhi's ear and said, "In fact, the general can also set up a workshop in Jincheng. There are Xianbei and Qiang people in the south, and Huns in the west. There are only a lot more!"

In an instant, Fu Hongzhi's heart started beating wildly!
(End of this chapter)

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