Stay away from Conan.

Chapter 584 The follow-up of the reward

Chapter 584 The follow-up of the reward

However, after Gao Yuan posted this post on the forum, it was noticed by many people in the industry almost immediately——

In Shuangbao Town, not far from Mihua Town, in a high-rise apartment building, a middle-aged man wearing slightly smaller round-frame glasses was sitting in front of the computer, eating chocolate while browsing some web pages. Forum, with a laid-back look——

After all, as a well-known electronic technical engineer in the industry, he often watches and learns some emerging technical issues that are emerging around the world in technical forums, which is also a means of maintaining his ability.

What's more, I was called to the newly opened "SONOKO" hotel before, and faced with the technical means that can remotely cut off the monitoring through the network, I didn't catch the other party's technical flaws at all.

And it is precisely because of this that I can't help feeling a sense of urgency. When I think of the environment I am in now, I always have a feeling of dread——

Maybe it wasn't a good choice to accept the invitation and join them...

Thinking like this, the man couldn't help but feel a little helpless. He even picked up and put down the chocolate he wanted to eat from the box, and began to focus a little bit on the current hot posts on the forum——

"A reward?"

Soon, the man noticed a post on the front page of the forum, and saw that it was lifted to the top position of the forum after almost only a short period of time.

So, out of curiosity, the man couldn't help but opened this post. Seeing that it was posted a year ago, the senior members of various forums suddenly paid attention to it today.

Therefore, the man was also curious, and carefully read the content of the post...


At the same time, due to the time difference, Schindler Corporation, a leading company in the information technology industry in the United States, is still working during the day at this moment.

At this time, as the boss of Schindler's company, Thomas Schindler was in the office, looking at the reward post that suddenly appeared on the homepage of the forum displayed on his computer screen, with a serious expression on his face.

However, without waiting too long, a tall middle-aged man walked into Thomas Schindler's office with a serious face——

"Chairman Schindler, I heard you have something to ask me?"

The man asked with a serious expression and a serious expression.

In this regard, Thomas Schindler could not help but say with a serious face:

"Kashimura, you're back? Did you find anything when you participated in the new game conference held by the Japanese company 'Mantendo' this time?"

"Yes. Through this press conference, it can be basically confirmed that the code that the employees of the medical device company disclosed to the employees of 'Man Tiantang' and asked us to decipher is probably a simple artificial intelligence program. "

After hearing Thomas Schindler's question, the man named Kashimura also answered truthfully.

"Is it really artificial intelligence?"

After listening to Kashimura's answer, Thomas Schindler's expression became more serious, his hands rested on the table, palms crossed in front of him, thinking, and asked:

"Kashimura... Do you think this matter has something to do with the 'Noah's Ark' who escaped on the Internet two years ago?"

"At the moment, it's impossible to say for sure."

To this, Kashimura replied seriously:
"I can't judge until I see the specific code...Of course, if I follow my intuition, I don't think it has anything to do with it. After all, artificial intelligence technology has developed very rapidly over the years. Many companies and individuals have It is not impossible for people to join the industry one after another, and occasionally something to attract attention and attract investment..."


Regarding Kashimura's answer, Thomas Schindler responded lightly, thought for a while, and then turned his computer screen to Kashimura, and couldn't help saying:
"By the way, Kashimura, take a look at this..."

Speaking, Thomas Schindler pointed to the "reward post" on the forum displayed on the screen, and then explained:
"Look at this bounty post posted on the forum a year ago... Is the program on it the code that the medical device company asked us to decipher?"

Hearing this, Kashimura couldn't help coming up with a little surprise, looked at the naming method and basic information of the program in the attachment of the forum post, and then came to a conclusion:
"Indeed... it looks very similar... Could it be that this code has been posted on the forum?"

"Looking at it this way, it's true."

Thomas Schindler nodded and said:

"It seems that asking you to investigate the source of that piece of code is a waste of effort... The other party may have just copied this program from the forum... But to be on the safe side, let's talk about your investigation results? "


Kashimura had nothing to hide about this question, so he told the truth:
"The reason why the medical device company got that piece of code is because their company recently acquired a patent on a new type of smart medical device, and in the model machine they got about the patented product, the running The core program is this code.

"Therefore, I specifically investigated the holder of this patent and found that the other party is a well-known inventor in Japan."


For this title, Thomas Schindler mentioned it with a little interest.

"That's right. A variety of products are often invented, some of which are of great commercial value...but most of them seem to be just works of interest, and he is a very individual inventor."

Kashimura explained.

"That's it...I see."

In this regard, Thomas Schindler nodded, then waved his hand, indicating that Kashimura can leave.

Therefore, Kashimura nodded knowingly, turned around and was about to leave the office, but was immediately stopped by Thomas Schindler who remembered something——

"By the way! How far is the development progress of 'Cocoon'? And related game development, when will it be officially completed?"

Thomas Schindler couldn't help asking about the company's most important product situation at the moment.

As for this question, Kashimura, who is in charge of the research and development of "Cocoon", couldn't help answering:

"Among the materials left over from 'Nakagawa Entertainment Co., Ltd.' acquired by the company, we found that some of their unfinished technical materials can be applied to the development of 'Cocoon'...I want to wait until we have thoroughly sorted out these materials. Completion of 'Cocoon' development should be within reach...

"As for the games, I plan to invite Mr. Kudo Yusaku to help improve the script of one of the games...but because of the limited technical manpower, it may take a while."

(End of this chapter)

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