Stay away from Conan.

Chapter 480 Follow-up of all parties

Chapter 480 Follow-up of all parties

Xiaolan looked at her mobile phone in surprise. Along with the flashing indicator light, the mobile phone made a "buzzing" vibration sound.

In this regard, Xiaolan quickly turned on the phone, pressed the call button, and shouted anxiously into the microphone:

"Xinyi? Is it Xinyi?"

"You guessed pretty well!"

Shinichi's familiar voice came from the phone, and his tone seemed very relaxed.

Hearing this, a smile appeared on the corner of Xiaolan's mouth, and the tears that were swirling in her eye sockets fell down unexpectedly——

"Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot..."

Crying, but very relieved, after hearing Xinyi's voice, Xiaolan's worried mood was released at this moment, and she couldn't help repeating these words, expressing her feelings to Xinyi.


On the phone, hearing Xiaolan say this, Xinyi's voice sighed helplessly:
"You don't need to say so much..."

"Where's Miss Haley? Is she all right?"

Hearing what Shinichi said, a happy smile appeared on Xiaolan's face, and she couldn't help asking.


Xinyi on the other side of the phone could not help hesitating for a moment when he heard that Xiaolan asked this question immediately, and then said:

"She's fine. I've got her to a safe place."

"Shinichi, where are you now? I want to see you, Shinichi. I want to see you soon..."

Hearing that Miss Haili was safe, Xiaolan couldn't help saying sadly.

"I'm sorry, Xiaolan..."

Regarding this question, Shinichi on the other end of the phone also became a little low-key:

"Just after sending that lady to a safe place, I had other things to deal with, so I left first... Other things are piling up like a mountain..."

Hearing this, Xiaolan couldn't help pursing her lips, feeling a little depressed.

"But don't worry!"

At this time, Xinyi's tone on the phone became very sure:

"One day... I will go back... Go back and see your dull face..."

"'Stay' is redundant!"

When Xiaolan heard Xinyi say this, she hurriedly filled her mouth, but the sadness on her face seemed to be swept away by this joke, and a smile emerged.

"Haha, I'm really sorry."

Shinichi on the phone couldn't help but say:

"Okay Xiaolan, I still have things to deal with, so I'll hang up first!"

Saying that, Shinichi on the other end of the phone hung up the call.

At this time, Xiaolan seemed to be in a much better mood because of Xinyi's promise. After putting down the phone, she wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, her face full of anticipation.


"Huh? The knight next to 'Shirley' turned out to be someone from the FBI?"

In a high-rise apartment in Sapporo, Hokkaido, Hanada Kemi was slightly surprised after receiving the results of the organization's actions tonight——

"And it's related to that Akai Shuichi..."

Tapping lightly with her fingers on the coffee table in the living room of the apartment, Hanada Huiwei looked a little helpless, sighed, and murmured in disappointment:

"I thought that 'Shirley' would appear in Tokyo, it must be related to that person... Forget it, if you want to destroy that person, there are many opportunities, since 'Xue Li' has no contact with him, then there is no need It is necessary to cause more trouble... Now, let's settle the matter here first!"

Saying so, Hanada Huiwei showed a piercing smile at the corner of her mouth...


On the pier of Tokyo Port, there were two men in black standing. Among them, the tall silver-haired man, Gin, was staring intently at the sea in front of him. that continent.

"Brother, there seems to be only one police helicopter..."

Vodka on the side put down the phone at this moment and couldn't help but report to Gin.

As for this, Gin just smoked silently, without any response.

"Our people monitored the hotel for a period of time, and the woman never came out ... Of course, she didn't get off the police helicopter or police car."

Vodka continues to feed reports.

"Hmph... It is estimated that that woman will not appear again in a short time."

Coldly, Qin Jiu said so.

"Brother, do you need our people to continue searching in Tokyo?"

Vodka couldn't help asking.

"Need not."

Gin replied:

"Since we've seen her face, isn't it too stupid for her to stay here?"

"Then... next..."

Vodka couldn't help asking.

"Hmph, as long as she stays in Japan, she will definitely meet again... But the FBI, they should have some action!"

Gin snorted disdainfully, said with a sneer, and quickly put today's matter behind him, changing the subject:

"By the way, what's going on over there at 'Agave'?"


"Jingu Temple, it's really thanks to you that I was able to discover this detail in such a timely manner."

On a white "Mazda RX7" galloping on the elevated road, Toru Amuro was talking to someone through a Bluetooth headset while driving the car.

"That's's just a pity that Shou Hualian died like this. It has a great impact on this 'Miss Hefeng Contest'."

On the phone, the person named "Jingu Temple" said with a little regret, then changed his tone, and couldn't help asking:
"Then, did this action meet your expectations?"

"Although it didn't achieve the original purpose, it gained something else."

Amuro said with a smile, his expression was a little confident, and he couldn't help but affirm in his heart——

"That man probably will come to this country again soon!"

Thinking of this, Toru Amuro's eyes became a little serious——

"Miyano Akemi's death has nothing to do with you. I will never let her only remaining daughter follow in her footsteps!"

Thinking of this, Toru Amuro silently made up his mind...


In the early morning of the next day, Gao Yuan and Xiao Ai finally returned home.

When they went to attend the inauguration ceremony of the "SONOKO" Hotel of the Suzuki Consortium last night, neither of them had imagined that this dinner would be so thrilling that they almost escaped death.

"what should I do now?"

Sitting on the sofa in the living room, Xiao Ai asked calmly.


In front of the refrigerator, Gao Yuan, who took out a drink and poured two glasses, asked with some doubts.

"Although I tried to convince them this time that this incident has something to do with the FBI, they already know that I have appeared in Tokyo, so I can no longer stay here..."

Xiao Ai was a little disappointed, and said with some reluctance.

"It doesn't matter."

Hearing this, Gao Yuan said nonchalantly:

"Because you showed up in Tokyo, it's safest for you to stay here."

Hearing this, Xiao Ai was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood what he meant, so she didn't continue to mention the matter of leaving.

And when Gao Yuan put a glass of iced drink in front of Xiao Ai, Gao Yuan drank the glass of iced drink in his hand, and then sat down on the sofa, feeling very tired——

"By the way, thank you for disposing of all the traces in the laundry room after I passed out."

Gao Yuan couldn't help but thank him at this moment.

Regarding this, Xiao Ai couldn't help but said lightly:

"Of course, after all..."

As she said that, Xiao Ai suddenly remembered that she changed Gao Yuan's clothes in the laundry room when she was in a coma, her face flushed suddenly, and she hurriedly said to Gao Yuan:

"Go take a shower for me! You sweat too much today! Change your clothes quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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