Chapter 8 The Iceberg Beauty Speaks

Quan Feibai was stunned for a moment, then his face was gloomy, like a cloud.

Liu Yuan was also stunned. He didn't expect Qin Yi to answer like this. After recovering from his senses, he sneered, "What a big tone. Since you are so crazy, do you dare to compete with Fei Bai?"

Everyone shook their heads, they knew that Qin Yi would never dare to agree.

After all, sand table deduction involves many aspects, without a rich reserve of knowledge, if you rely on lip service alone, you will undoubtedly lose.

As expected, Qin Yi shook his head, "Not interested."

Everyone couldn't help but underestimate it. Qin Yi's performance yesterday was indeed beyond their expectations, but a truly powerful staff officer can't just rely on guesswork, he needs to be top-notch in all aspects. Qin Yi's refusal at this time obviously shows that he is acting in the sand. Ability is extremely weak.

"Don't you dare?" Liu Yuan sneered.

Qin Yi smiled coldly and did not argue.

There is no need to explain anything to this guy who is willing to be a running dog.

Xu Zhen was a little disappointed, he had wanted to come out to smooth things over a long time ago, and seeing that the situation was developing in the direction he expected, he kept his mouth shut.

Unexpectedly, it has come to this point, Qin Yi is still not stimulated, I don't know if it is because of his extraordinary temperament, or because he dare not fight.

Could it be that he really only uses his lips without any strategy?
"If the winner can get a score, will you compete?" A pleasant female voice suddenly sounded slowly.

Everyone turned their heads and found that the speaker was Xuan Lingyao, and they were shocked.

Qin Yi was also taken aback, why did this iceberg beauty talk?
Does she want me to accept the competition?

This woman just wants to see me show off?

Xu Zhen was slightly taken aback, then nodded and said, "Yes, the winner will get twenty points."

"If that's the case, then I'm a little interested." Qin Yi smiled slightly, stood up, and looked at Xuan Lingyao.

Since the beauty invited him and he had a score, it was not impossible for him to agree.

Everyone was a little surprised that Qin Yi dared to agree, so he was not afraid that he would not be able to come down later?
Quan Feibai was overjoyed, and Qin Yi agreed, then he would trample this guy into the dust in front of Xuan Lingyao!
"Since there is a competition, let's do something difficult. Do you dare to push secretly?" Qin Yi said lightly.

Everyone was shocked, this...

Is this knowing that you are going to lose, so you give up on yourself?
Even Quan Feibai didn't dare to compare secretly, where did Qin Yi have the courage?
Xuan Lingyao looked at Qin Yi steadfastly, a trace of curiosity flashed in his clear eyes like autumn water.

Quan Feibai was stunned for a moment, then responded with a sneer, "As you wish."

No matter what way, he will trample Qin Yi under his feet!

Xu Zhen nodded, "Alright, then follow me to push the room secretly."

Immediately, everyone followed Xu Zhen to an equally spacious Antui Shayan Hall. Unlike the Mingtui Room, there was a small room on each side of this room.

There is also a stone platform more than ten meters long in the center, filled with a lot of sand.

After everyone went in, Xu Zhen asked, "Do you want to fix the types and numbers of soldiers and horses, or decide by yourself?"

Fixed means that the two soldiers have the same type and number of soldiers and horses, while custom means to customize different types of soldiers within the same number.

"For the sake of fairness, just fix it." After Quan Feibai finished speaking, he looked at Qin Yi.

"Then fix it." Qin Yi didn't care, he ignored Quan Feibai who was looking at him with a sneer, but looked at Xuan Lingyao, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Seeing Quan Feibai, he couldn't help gnashing his teeth and clenching his fists.

He finally understood that the most hateful thing was not that the enemy underestimated him, but that when the enemy underestimated him, he frankly flirted with the woman he liked.

The most hateful thing is that the woman he likes only looks at him, not himself!
Damn guy, I'll make you lose face later on!

"Then each should get [-] soldiers and horses, [-] archers, [-] light armored infantry, and [-] light armored cavalry." Xu Zhen said.

Quan Feibai nodded, and gave Qin Yi an annoyed look, gritted his molars and walked towards a room, while Qin Yi leisurely walked towards the other room.

There are not many furnishings in this room, only a wooden table and chair, Qin Yi went to sit on the chair, and the old god was humming a song from his previous life.

The original body has participated in open push, but has never tried secret push, but has never eaten pork, and has seen pigs run, so Qin Yi knows the follow-up process. After Xu Zhen leads other students to make a sand table, he will draw a Two simple maps were given to the two sides of the competition, and all troops and horses were mobilized in accordance with this map.

In addition, there will also be a student as a herald to transmit his military orders to the hall, and other students will move the wooden model of soldiers and horses to simulate the battle on the battlefield.

Not long after, a black-robed student entered the room with a map, "Qin Yi, this is the map, take a look first."

Qin Yi nodded, took the map and looked at it carefully. This map is quite complicated. There are thirteen places in the forest alone, most of them are around, only one is in the center, and there are six peaks and three valleys. In addition, there are many rivers, lakes, corridors, cliffs and other terrain.

It's so complicated, it seems that Xu Zhen didn't want to have a face-to-face confrontation between himself and Quan Feibai, probably because he wanted to test his strategy.

That being the case... Qin Yi smiled faintly, put the map on the table, clasped his hands together, and the old god was sitting there.

The black-robed student who acted as the herald stood aside. He didn't have any idea at first, but after waiting for a while, seeing that Qin Yi was still sitting leisurely, he couldn't help being surprised, and stared at him blankly.

At this time, it is right to line up troops, why is Qin Yi silent?

In the hall, everyone thought the same way. Quan Feibai's messengers kept coming in and out, passing many orders to the students who were in charge of moving the models of soldiers and horses, while Qin Yi's side remained motionless. Comparing the two, it seemed extremely strange .

Someone couldn't help laughing, "Look, this guy probably has a headache, and he doesn't even know how to deploy troops."

Someone nodded secretly, that's true, otherwise Qin Yi wouldn't stay still for a long time.

In the room, the black-robed student became more and more anxious. Although he was standing, he felt as if he was sitting on pins and needles. He wanted to remind Qin Yi, but he was worried about interrupting his meditation.

But Qin Yi didn't seem to be thinking at all, he sometimes touched the scratches on the table, and sometimes bent down to look at the old table legs, very leisurely.

Not long after, Quan Feibai's side had already set up the formation, while Qin Yi's side did not move. Xu Zhen frowned slightly when he saw it.

What the hell is Qin Yi doing?

He immediately said to a student, "Go and urge Qin Yi, if you don't make an formation, it will be considered that he has surrendered."

Everyone couldn't help shaking their heads. After taking sand acting lessons for so long, it was the first time they saw such a situation, and they even wanted to be urged by the teacher.

Could it be that Qin Yi fell asleep?

Or did you give up knowing you were going to lose?

But since he was defeated, why bother to fight?

Too self-sufficient!

(End of this chapter)

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