Under no talent, is a world famous general

Chapter 632 The speed of life and death!

"General, the scouts report that Xiang Rong is attacking Zhanjing, and we should hurry south to rescue!" A general in the hall said anxiously.

Sun Xinglen frowned, remained silent, and thought quickly.

He never expected that the situation would deteriorate to such a degree!

Why did these damned elephants invade the south with all their strength after the prince left?
What should we do now in this situation?
He knew that Pingliu Junzhen was quite far away from Zhanjing, and it would take a lot of time for the news to pass.

They had just received the news that Xiang Rongbing had sent to Beijing, but this was news a few days ago.

It is very likely that now, Xiang Rong has arrived at Zhanjing and started to attack the city!
Whether or not troops should be sent to rescue is a point of contention among many generals in the military town.

Some said that Zhanjing was visiting the capital, and the capital was in trouble, and all officials were in danger, so they should be rescued.

Some said that the Pingliu Army Town had not been ordered by Zhanjing to move without permission.

Some said that there is a road like soldiers and horses attacking Tianyou, and Tianyou is likely to be destroyed.

At that time, this group of soldiers and horses will go south, and the Pingliu army town should be heavily guarded to block the elephant army and avoid being attacked by the enemy.

The generals were quarreling, but after Sun Xinglen thought for a long time, he preferred not to send troops.

If Zhan Jing wanted to, he would send an order ordering them to send troops, but no order has been sent so far. It can be seen that Zhan Jing has no such intention, so they are not allowed to send troops without authorization.

In addition, as some generals said, there is a group of Xiang Rong on the north side, gradually approaching.

Once Tianyou perishes, these Xiang Rong will go south and invade brazenly.

Therefore, the Pingliu military town needs to stay in the army!
After a long silence, Sun Xingleng said with difficulty, "Wait for the order, don't act without authorization!"

After all, he still frowned.

Now is a time of crisis, every move needs to be carefully considered.

Otherwise, there will be endless disasters!
Involuntarily, he looked towards the east, expecting Qin Yi to return as soon as possible.

He somewhat missed the days when he followed Qin Yi's orders and acted without worry.

It's not that he's not good at using his brain, it's just that now, the matter is too important and his decision-making has become extremely important, which makes him feel great pressure, as if walking on thin ice, every step is taken cautiously!
If he made a wrong step and caused a catastrophe, he would be a sinner through the ages!

He couldn't bear the guilt, so he made the decision to wait for the order.

Seeing Sun Xingleng looking towards the east, all the generals knew what he meant and couldn't help but looked towards the east together.

They are all waiting for the same person!


Under the quick operation of the sailors, the strong wind drove the warship and sailed rapidly on the Ting River!
In a short while, Dingyang Ferry is in sight!

Everyone on board couldn't help but get excited and nervous!
Once they got off the boat, they had to face the situation that would make a strong man like Qin Yi suddenly change color!
After the boat sailed into the ferry and docked, Qin Yi quickly got off the boat!

The school lieutenant guarding the ferry rushed forward with many guards, his face full of joy.

When they saw the warship sailing back from a distance, they knew that Qin Yi was back, and they were all overjoyed.

Most likely, Linzhan is saved!
The captain hurriedly cupped his hands, "I have seen the prince in my humble position!"

Qin Yi had no time to say more, and quickly ordered, "Prepare two fine horses!"

The captain quickly responded and arranged quickly.

Immediately afterwards, the rest of the people disembarked.

Wu Xiang, Mu Haoran, and several generals all came to Qin Yi's side and looked at him solemnly.

They knew that if the matter was urgent, Qin Yi would make arrangements here instead of waiting until he returned to Pingliujun Town.

They didn't know much, they only learned from Qin Yi that Xiang Rong was attacking Zhanjing, and they didn't know anything else.

But this is enough for them to understand how serious the situation is!

After the guards brought the two steeds, Qin Yi said to Prime Minister Wu in a deep voice, "Teacher, Zhanjing is in danger, so I'm sorry the students can't stay with you for a long time!"

Wu Xiang nodded solemnly, "Do what you should do."

With a serious expression on his face, Qin Yi arranged in a deep voice, "Next, I will ride a horse first, rush back to Pingliu Army Town, and lead the [-] Yizi Battalion south to rescue Zhanjing!"

"Teacher, you will lead 15 soldiers and horses, and these [-] powerful soldiers, and go north to rescue Tianyou, Xing Leng and Hao Rang as assistants. Please also, teacher and everyone, be careful along the way, put yourself first, and act cautiously!"

After learning that Zhanjing was in danger, Qin Yi thought all the way before making this decision.

Time is running out, and no one can be sure how long Zhanjing can stay there, so he has to return as soon as possible.

And it just so happened that when he left Zhanjing and went to Pingliujun Town, he took away [-] Yiziying, and now they are staying in Pingliujun Town, so he can bring them back to help Zhanjing!
As for the Xiangrong on the north side, troops must also be sent to stop them, so as not to be attacked by the enemy. That's why he asked Prime Minister Wu to lead his troops northward.

If you can't save Tianyou, there is nothing you can do, everything is to protect yourself!

When Mu Haoran heard the words, he said anxiously, "My lord, you only brought [-] Yizi battalions, which is not enough at all. Why don't you bring more soldiers and horses?"

Qin Yi shook his head, and replied in a deep voice, "Going back to help Zhanjing is like putting out a fire, you have to be quick, and only with cavalry can you return as soon as possible!"

Wu Xiang frowned, "Why don't you lead your troops to the south first, and Pingliu Junzhen will also send some soldiers and horses, and then rush to Zhanjing?"

The pawns will indeed slow down the speed, but there are only [-] Yizi battalions. It is extremely difficult to rescue Zhanjing!
That's why he proposed it.

"No need, there are still soldiers and horses in Shubei Army Town and Weixi Army Town. At that time, I can mobilize them according to the situation!" Qin Yi shook his head and said.

Through the system map, he has discovered that Zhanjing only mobilized some Weixi soldiers and horses, and neither the Shubei Army Town nor the Liujun Town was mobilized, obviously because he felt it was unnecessary.

But now, he has returned, and when it's time to fight back with all his strength, all troops should be mobilized!

There are still tens of thousands of Xiang Rong on the north side. If Wu and others want to stop them, they must have tens of thousands of troops to do it.

This is also the reason why he did not mobilize his troops to go south.

Seeing that Qin Yi had made up his mind, Wu et al. didn't say any more, but just looked at him solemnly.

Even though they knew that Qin Yi had repeatedly created miracles and never lost a hundred battles, everyone was still full of worries.

Especially Wu Xiang, from the invincibility of Xiangrong to the record under Zhanjing, he knew that this group is very powerful!
Far surpassed Yuan Clan!

So he didn't know how the situation would become after Qin Yi Nan's aid, and he didn't know if this farewell would be the last meeting...

But Zhanjing is in danger, Qin Yi can't rescue him, he can't dissuade him, he can only look forward to it.

I hope that Qin Yi can turn the tide and save the common people in Linzhan as before!

After the arrangements were made, Qin Yi didn't dare to delay, got on his horse quickly, waved goodbye to Wu and others, then hurriedly urged the horse, and rushed towards Pingliu Junzhen alone!


"General, general, the prince is back!"

Sun Xinglen, who was sitting in the hall with many generals, his face was serious, when he heard the soldiers shouting, he was startled and overjoyed.

He stood up abruptly, went forward to meet him, and asked anxiously, "Your Highness really returned?"

All the generals were also ecstatic, got up one after another, and gathered together.

The soldiers rushed into the hall and nodded repeatedly, "The scouts came to report that they met a man outside the city and came towards the military town on horseback. After the scouts stepped forward to stop them, they found out that the other party was actually the prince!"

After receiving an affirmative answer, Sun Xingling couldn't help but smile, all the generals also smiled, and the heavy burden in their hearts suddenly eased a little.

Qin Yi is back!
He's back to save everyone!

After rejoicing, Sun Xingling couldn't help wondering, "Only the prince?"

At the beginning, Qin Yi took [-] powerful soldiers to the country of Wo to rescue Wu Xiang.

Could it be that the military minister was not rescued, and the entire army under his command was wiped out?
The soldiers nodded quickly, "The scouts report, there is only the prince alone!"

Hearing this, Sun Xinglen became more and more puzzled, but he had no time to think about it, as long as Qin Yi came back.

He immediately said, "Quick, I'll go out of the city to meet you soon!"

So, Sun Xinglen led many generals and rushed towards the city gate in a mighty manner.

But on the way, another soldier rushed up and shouted loudly, "General, after the prince entered the city, he went to the camp of Yiziying!"

Sun Xinglen was a little surprised, but he also guessed something, turned around quickly, and rushed towards Yiziying's camp.

After walking for a while, before he got there, he saw in the distance, a tall and straight heroic man riding on a horse, it was Qin Yi!

Just at this time, Qin Yi also looked back, his eyes were full of determination, determination, and eagerness!

Sun Xinglen's heart trembled suddenly, he was awed by the sharp eyes of the other party.

He hurriedly led the generals to catch up and bowed to salute, "The last general pays homage to the prince!"

Qin Yi got off his horse and said to the crowd, "You have worked hard to defend the army town!"

Not daring to delay, Sun Xingling said hastily, "My lord, Zhanjing is now..."

"I know," Qin Yi interrupted him, and said in a deep voice, "I rushed back first to lead Yiziying and go south to rescue. You prepare dry food as soon as possible. Every strong soldier needs five days of dry food!"

Pingliujun Town is some distance away from Zhanjing, and it will take a few days to rush back.

Sun Xingling hastily responded and made arrangements.

He never questioned Qin Yi's orders.

But he also felt that the Pingliu army town had to do something, so he asked, "My lord only brings Yiziying? Don't you need me to accompany you to the south?"

Qin Yi replied in a deep voice, "Yi Zibattalion is enough, you should be ready, and when the military minister and Jin soldiers arrive, follow the orders of the military minister and go north with him to support God!"

Hearing this, Sun Xingling was pleasantly surprised. Unexpectedly, Qin Yi actually rescued Prime Minister Wu!
He thought before that only Qin Yi survived!

Even though he was in a foreign country, with enemy soldiers everywhere, Qin Yi was still able to rescue Wu Xiang, he was really incomparably strong!

Maybe, such a powerful Qin Yi might really be able to save Lin Zhan who is in danger!
Sun Xinglen was quite excited and nodded repeatedly, without any objection to Qin Yi's arrangement.

Past experience told him that Qin Yi said that [-] Yizi camps are enough, and that is enough!
Maybe others only bring [-] Yi Ziying, which is not enough at all, but Qin Yi is different!
Didn't wait too long, when the dry rations arrived, the Yizi Camp was ready, Qin Yi immediately led his long-lost subordinates, and began to head towards Zhanjing, rushing back for help!
Next, it is the speed of life and death. Only when every second counts, can it be possible to save Zhanjing who is in danger!
But this possibility is full of variables!
Qin Yi is not sure whether Zhan Jing can persist until his return.

But if it's a step late...

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