Under no talent, is a world famous general

Chapter 607 Luocheng is in danger!

Chapter 607 Luocheng is in danger!

Like a tide, Xiang Rong began to retreat, leaving behind a messy scene.

Above the city of Luocheng, it can be said to be a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. There are stumps and broken arms everywhere, blood, brains, broken arms... all mixed together, the smell of blood is extremely strong!

Almost all the remaining guards were wounded, their armor was stained with blood, and they were gasping for breath.

Although they knew that Xiangrong was extremely powerful in combat, they only discovered after the confrontation that they were so powerful!

What shocked them most was that Xiang Rong didn't know the pain!

After the Yuan family was injured, both their courage and combat power would decline.

But after Xiang Rong was wounded, he became enraged like a ferocious beast and unleashed even more astonishing combat power.

Therefore, in this battle, the guards paid a high price to defeat Xiang Rong.

After fighting fiercely for more than an hour, the casualties caused were shocking.

A corpse like a hill is enough to cover the city!

Most of these corpses were guards of Luocheng. After the hand-to-hand combat started, Xiang Rong's casualties were far less than that of guards of Luocheng.

Most of Xiang Rong's dead bodies were under the city, killed by long-range sharp weapons.

Therefore, the soldiers who survived were full of joy.

But they also knew that the bloody battle would be endless!

Luo Cheng blocked Xiang Rong's way to invade the south, and the other party would never give up!
Leaning against the city wall, panting for a long time, Jing Xun finally recovered, stood up, and said, "Send a letter to Dingyue Junzhen to inform them of the result of this battle."

"Everyone in the city, regardless of whether they are injured or not, should return to the barracks to rest and be replaced by soldiers on duty. If there are any wounded, they should be treated by the doctor accompanying the army immediately."

"Order the officers and men who came to take turns to clean up the corpses on the city as soon as possible, and the corpses outside the city should also be burned, so as not to cause epidemics!"

"Count the casualties, report as soon as possible, and replenish arrows and logs, and take precautions. Xiangrong's next attack may come soon!"

As Jing Xun's orders were passed down one after another, the guards at the top of the city began to change their defenses, and the blood and blood in the city continued to disappear, and slowly returned to its original state.

But in the cracks of the bricks on the top of the city, the dark red blood stains cannot be removed, showing to the soldiers who came to change defenses, how tragic and bloody the previous fierce battle was!
Although Jing Xun was exhausted, he didn't go down to rest. Instead, he continued to stay at the top of the city and kept delivering instructions.

Soon, the battle report came, Luocheng guards killed 5000 people and injured 3000.

Injuries are less than deaths, because in front of the brutal Xiangrong, being injured means death, and the opponent is like a beast, and will not let go of the opportunity to slaughter.

Jing Xun also understood that the casualties in this battle were not small, but not too great.

After all, in Yinglan City before, tens of thousands of people died in a battle, which happened from time to time.

Today, the casualties are not particularly large, which is related to two factors.

The first is the structure of Luo City, with mountains on both sides, Xiang Rong can only attack the north, and the defenders in the city only need to defend the north wall, the troops do not need to be scattered too much, and can rely on the partial number advantage to resist Xiang Rong. Reduce damage.

The second is the use of long-range sharp weapons, which caused Xiang Rong to suffer unexpected injuries. To a certain extent, it affected the morale of the opponent, and also made Xiang Rong Tianshen more sensitive to damage.

Seeing that they were unable to attack for a long time, they decisively withdrew their troops. Therefore, the hand-to-hand combat at the top of the city did not last long.

But even so, five thousand deaths and three thousand injuries were extremely difficult for Jing Xun to accept.

After all, in the past, when following Qin Yi to fight in the wild, more than ten thousand people killed tens of thousands of enemy soldiers, and his own damage was only a few thousand.

Now, it's just the first match, with such loss, the casualties in the future...unimaginable!
Although frightened, Jing Xun also knew that this was normal, and it was because Xiang Rong was so sharp that Da Li was defeated.

To avoid defeat, the only way to keep Luocheng going is with the least amount of damage!

Dingyue Junzhen, the lobby of the town commander's mansion.

All the generals gathered in the hall, some were sitting in their seats, some were constantly pacing, looking quite anxious.

They are all waiting for the battle situation in Luocheng.

Now, estimating the time, the first battle is over, and it's time to send back the news.

But waiting left and right, but no news came, the generals couldn't help but feel uneasy, and a thought arose in their hearts.

Jing Xun is stationed in Luocheng and has many powerful weapons, so he won't be able to survive even one game, right?
Just when they became a little uneasy because of this thought, they suddenly heard footsteps coming from outside the hall.

All the generals suddenly turned their heads to look!
The soldiers rushing in were stared at by all the generals at the same time, and they couldn't help being stunned, but they didn't dare to delay, and said quickly, "Generals, a letter from Luocheng!"

Han Lin immediately stepped forward to take it, seeing the words on the cover, his heart felt a little more at ease.

The handwriting was not messy, and the envelope was not stained with blood, so it should be good news.

He quickly opened it, browsed it quickly, laughed immediately, and said to everyone, "I won!"

The generals were immediately delighted, clapping their hands in congratulations, their faces full of joy.

After everyone was overjoyed, Han Lin reminded at the right time, "It is said in the letter that Xiangrong did not attack with all its strength. In addition, Xiangrong may also use the mountains on both sides, so it is still unknown whether it will last for a long time."

Hearing what Han Lin said, all the generals nodded their heads and turned away their joy. They only hoped that Jing Xun could hold on for as long as possible.

After all, for the many cities north of Dingyue, the southward retreat of the army and civilians has not yet been completed, and it will take a lot of time!

Behind Xiangrong's position, in a forest.

Hundreds of war elephants scattered, gnawing on the leaves, and hissing from time to time, which was extremely deafening!
Not far away, many mammoths were eating. They ate some fruits and dried meat of unknown species.

Compared with the black mammoths who only ate raw meat, the light mammoths had a more similar diet to those of the Yuan people. They not only ate dried meat, but also fruits and vegetables, and their eating habits were more mixed.

And in the middle of the forest, there is a simple camp. In the tent, the leader of Zila is eating the dried meat offered by his tribe.

In the corner of the camp, there was a man from the Yuan clan dressed in animal skins, kneeling on the ground with his forehead touching the ground, motionless.

As a servant of the Xiangrong tribe, only when the master has finished eating can he eat the remaining food.

Foods such as jerky will become extremely cherished after the fresh meat is exhausted. Only leaders, elders and other high-ranking elephants can eat it, and other elephants may not be able to share a piece.

So slaves, let alone enjoy it.

Foods such as fruits and vegetables were what the servants of the Yuan clan used to feed themselves.

The man of the Yuan clan kneeling in the tent had never eaten meat since he was taken captive by Xiang Rong.

He didn't have his share of dried meat, and he couldn't swallow bloody raw meat either.

Now, being summoned by the leader Zila, the man of the Yuan clan was a little puzzled, not knowing why the other party called him here.

The shallow mammoth army is still in the rear and unable to participate in the battle, but the Zila tribe knows very well about the frontline battle situation.

Even the men of the Yuan clan knew something about it.

Today is the fourth day since Xiangrong arrived under Luocheng.

In four days, there were three fierce battles, and Xiang Rong paid a big price for these three times.

Especially in the first battle, when facing the long-range weapon of Lin Zhan for the first time, Xiang Rong suffered great damage.

The Yuan man heard that the god was furious because of this.

Afterwards, an elder suggested cutting down trees and making wooden shields against impending weapons.

The gods accepted it, and at the beginning of the second battle, when Xiang Rong attacked the city, he was already holding a simple wooden shield.

However, it was still unable to resist the crossbow arrows with thick arms, and there were many casualties. Only when climbing on the ladder, the wooden shield could reduce the damage caused by continuous crossbow arrows.

Compared with the first battle, the damage was only a little less, but it was still a lot of casualties, and the gods were still furious.

The experienced Elder Xiang Rong suggested again, saying that they can be arranged in a formation of skirmishers to avoid the situation of killing two people with one arrow. If necessary, they can also run diagonally to weaken the shooting accuracy of the Yuan people.

The gods accepted it again.

Therefore, in the third battle, Xiang Rong attacked the city with fewer casualties and started a bloody battle.

According to Xiang Rong who had withdrawn from the front line, there were dead bodies everywhere on the Yuan Clan city!
The blood flowed down the city wall continuously, and the entire outer wall of the city wall was covered with blood!

Hearing this, the Yuan man was frightened on the spot.

He didn't expect that with such tragic casualties, the soldiers of Luocheng could defend the city.

Maybe it's God's blessing.

Although he is a man of great distance, the man of the Yuan clan still hopes that Luo Cheng can stick to it.

After all, the hope of the Yuan Clan lies in the prospect!
But now, he began to worry a little, because there were some proposals in Xiangrong, suggesting that the gods send people to climb the peaks on both sides of Luocheng and attack from top to bottom.

But for some reason, the gods didn't seem to accept it.

The man of the Yuan clan faintly felt that it was probably not that the gods didn't accept it, but that something happened.

This change is difficult to know at his level, but perhaps the leader Zila can know.

Therefore, the Yuan man couldn't help asking, "Master, why didn't the gods send people to attack Luocheng from the mountains on both sides?"

Since the last time, both he and the leader Zila guessed that Dali set up a trap beside Jilu Lake to lure Xiang Rong over, but they tacitly did not tell anyone, and the two sides had a sliver of mutual trust.

At least in terms of their attitude towards the Tina tribe, the two are similar, so the man from the Yuan tribe dared to ask this question rashly.

The leader Zila raised his head and glanced at the Yuan man.

There seems to be a meaning in his blue pupils, that is: "I know what you are thinking."

The Yuan man was startled, and was about to explain, but he heard the leader Zila say slowly in Yuan language, "He tried, but it didn't work, the mountain is too high, it's a bit difficult to climb up, and it will take a lot of time."

When the Yuan man heard it, he was overjoyed. It turned out that it wasn't that he didn't accept it, but that he couldn't do it.

It is also true that if Luocheng can be captured by a frontal attack, the gods will not be so stupid as to waste time climbing the mountain.

But the current situation is that in the short term, it is very likely that Luocheng will not be captured. What will the gods do?
As soon as this idea arose in the Yuan man's heart, he heard the difficult words of the leader Zila, "But now, the gods have sent people to start climbing the mountain."

When the Yuan man heard the words, his pupils shrank suddenly, and fear suddenly arose in his heart!

Isn't Luocheng in danger?
(End of this chapter)

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