Under no talent, is a world famous general

Chapter 601 Defending the Lijiang River!

On the north bank of the Lijiang River, many refugees crowded together, vying for the chance to board the boat.

But at this time, someone took the opportunity to do some illegal activities.

I saw a woman in ragged clothes tightly hugging her waist-high daughter, pushing forward.

She didn't realize that a hand had been inserted into the package wrapped around her waist, and she kept groping.

After groping for a while, the hand suddenly pulled out, with a piece of broken silver between the fingers, and was about to put it in his arms, but was suddenly held down by a hand.

The man who took the opportunity to steal was startled, quickly lowered his head, and saw a white catkin holding him down.

He was extremely surprised, and when he looked up, he saw a beautiful woman beside her, staring at him with anger in her beautiful eyes.

Seeing the other party, the thief was furious. He didn't expect that someone would dare to stop him at this time!

Immediately, he was full of desires, this woman is so charming and plump, if she is dragged into a corner...

Before the thief could think too much, the beautiful woman yelled coldly, "Little thief, return the silver!"

Hearing the yelling, the refugees around were startled and quickly dispersed. Seeing a piece of silver in the thief's hand, they immediately pointed at him and reprimanded him.

Even though they are hungry and full, many refugees still uphold morality and rationality, and there are not many criminals.

Unexpectedly, someone would take the opportunity to steal other people's money, it is really hateful!

The woman who had the silver taels stolen touched the bag at her waist and found that the only piece of silver left was missing. She was furious and rushed forward, yelling, "You scolded thief for stealing my money!" Give me back the money, give it back to me quickly!"

Although the thief didn't want to return it, but his hands were held down, and in full view, if he insisted on taking the silver taels, it would definitely provoke public outrage. He could only helplessly watch the silver taels in his hand being snatched back by the woman.

He could only snort angrily, and suddenly withdrew his hand from the beautiful woman's hand, staring at her with resentment and desire in his eyes.

He didn't expect that there would be such a fair and beautiful woman in the refugee team, and meeting him now would be considered a blessing in eight lifetimes.

Not only can you rob money, but you can also rob sex!

Whatever he says, he has to enjoy it!
Therefore, the thief did not leave immediately, but endured being criticized by everyone, and stood aside, staring at the beautiful woman.

He has made up his mind to pay attention, and from now on, he will follow this woman until the other party places an order!
But who knows, a dozen men suddenly came up from the side, standing behind the beautiful woman, looking at the thief with piercing eyes.

The thief was startled, and only then did he realize that the other party was not alone, no wonder he dared to take care of his affairs!

With a bah, he could only turn around and walk away, cursing angrily as he walked, looking like a coward.

Seeing the thieves go away, the beautiful woman sighed softly. She knew that it was okay now. The food and money everyone brought was not completely exhausted, and they could still maintain their rationality.

When everyone is hungry and there is nothing to eat, order and morality will fall crazily.

Not to mention theft, robbery, rape, adultery and robbery, there may even be a situation where everyone changes their children and eats them!
I only hope that Linzhan can treat the refugees kindly, maintain food, clothing and order, otherwise, these refugees from Dali may not survive even one out of ten!

The deputy leader of the Eliminator League at the side glanced at the beautiful woman, that is, Nian Xinya, and asked slowly, "This time, it should be your first visit to Linzhan in several years, right?"

Nian Xinya nodded and looked at the wide river with nostalgia in her eyes.

Back then, she crossed the Lijiang River by boat to join the Elimination of Rong League.

In a flash, several years have passed.

"Where should we go next?" the deputy leader asked.

Except for the withdrawal of the Rongmeng to the south, it would be inconvenient for a group of nearly a thousand people to act together, so they went south in batches and divided them into fifty batches of 20 people each.

Nian Xinya and the deputy leader are nephews, so they are divided into the same group.

Besides, the deputy leader of Rongmeng hadn't returned to visit for ten years, so he didn't know much about it, so he left it to Nian Xinya to formulate the southward route, and that's why he asked this question.

Looking into the distance, Nian Xinya replied, "Go to Zhanjing, I'm not sure if other cities can stop Xiang Rong, but Zhanjing will definitely be able to."

The deputy leader was a little surprised, "Why are you so sure?"

"Because Zhanjing is Qin Yi's capital!" Nian Xinya said steadily, and the figure of that heroic man appeared in her mind.

Qin Yi can always create miracles!

In Guilian City, on the top of the city, all the generals stood, looking at the bustling refugees outside the city, communicating in low voices.

"Jing Xun, how did you arrange the defense against Li Jiang?" Gan Zijin asked aloud.

After several years, the immaturity on his face gradually disappeared, and there was a trace of calmness on his face.

Jing Xun turned his head and replied, "I have sent people to fortify the wall and clear the fields on the north bank of the Lijiang River, taking away and destroying all available grain and wood, leaving Xiang Rong with nothing to use!"

"In addition, a lot of scouts have been sent out. As long as Xiang Rong is found, all ships will be sent back to the south bank immediately to avoid being used by Xiang Rong!"

"As for the south bank, I have also arranged a lot of soldiers. Every hundred feet, I set up a camp. In each camp, there are five guards who can set up defenses and monitor the river. Whenever an elephant ferry boat is found, immediately Sound the warning!"

"During this time, I have ordered the soldiers to rush to make catapults. Now there are hundreds of them all over the river. If Xiang Rong crosses the river, his ships will be destroyed in the river!"

Hearing what Jing Xun said, everyone nodded slowly. This arrangement is complete.

It's just that I don't know, with such careful precautions, coupled with the natural danger of Lijiang, and our own defense with all our strength, can we stop Xiangrong in Jiangbei.

They secretly looked forward to it, hoping that these elephants would kill enough and retreat in the face of difficulties, not daring to cross the river to disturb Linzhan.

But they faintly felt that it was impossible.

Xiang Rong is brutal and bloodthirsty, there is no reason to kill enough, if not stopped, these violent people are likely to kill all the way to the south of Linzhan!
As for Xuan Lingyao, she frowned slightly and turned her head to look to the west.

She is still worried that Xiang Rong will choose to spend a lot of time and energy on detours instead of crossing the river.

Gan Zijin suddenly asked, "Can the deserters from Dali be recruited?"

Jing Xun didn't think about it, and immediately replied, "I also had the same plan before. I wanted to recruit deserters, organize them into an army, and listen to them under the tent. But these deserters have been frightened by Xiang Rong and refused to obey. I am worried that they will be forced to join the army. It will affect the morale of the army, so I dismissed this idea."

When everyone heard the words, they could only nod their heads.

It is enough to have the natural moat of Lijiang, plus 15 soldiers in front of the army, and it is not necessary to forcibly recruit the deserters from Dali.

At this moment, a soldier ran up to the wall and said to Jing Xun and the others, "General, there is a convoy outside the city. The leader claims to be Lin, a doctor, and brings Gu Yulan, a famous general from Dali, to ask to enter the city!"

The generals were shocked when they heard this, and couldn't help but look at each other!
They had already learned that Gu Yulan was seriously injured and was evacuated to Lidu to recuperate.

But now, Lidu was captured by Xiang Rong, and everyone was quite concerned about whether Gu Yulan had escaped.

After all, he was a famous general, so it would be a pity if he died.

Unexpectedly, the other party came to Guilian City!

Among the generals, some were quite happy. They had never seen Gu Yulan before, and they were extremely curious about how elegant Dali No. 1 would be.

More importantly, they knew that Qin Yi and Gu Yulan were quite ambiguous.

Now that Gu Yulan is not dead, they are naturally happy for Qin Yi.

Jing Xun responded immediately, "I'll go and have a look!"

How could Gan Zijin miss this opportunity to join in the fun, and said, "I'll go and have a look too."

Xuan Lingyao had also heard of the rumors that Qin Yi and Gu Yulan cherished each other as heroes, and that their love was secretly born. Naturally, she was curious about what the number one beauty in Dali looked like, so she took a lot of steps and followed.

How could the others be left behind? Suddenly, all the generals walked down the wall one after another.

The city gate was opened and the convoy was put in, while the fifty soldiers from Dali stayed outside the city.

Jing Xun went up to meet him, only to see the convoy stop, a middle-aged woman jumped out of the car, and respectfully said to Jing Xun, "Master Lin, see the general!"

Jing Xun nodded, "There is no need to be too polite."

He looked into the carriage, "Where is General Gu?"

With a bitter expression on his face, Doctor Lin replied, "The general is still in a coma, and he is in the compartment."

When the generals heard this, they couldn't help but startled, they didn't expect Gu Yulan to be injured so badly that he still didn't wake up.

Jing Xun nodded, "I will take a look."

The last time, on the banks of the Li River, when the No.1 generals Lin Zhan and Da Li fought for the first time, Jing Xun was there, so he met Gu Yulan.

The reason why he asked so was to confirm whether Gu Yulan was really in the carriage.

Doctor Lin nodded, and immediately led Jing Xun to the carriage.

Gan Zijin was a little moved and wanted to go up to have a look, but he heard that the other party was unconscious, and he might not be well-groomed at the moment, so it would be inappropriate to go to watch.

After all, Gu Yulan is likely to be the future imperial concubine. As a courtier, how can he be indecent, so he can only stand still.

The same is true of all the generals, only Xuan Lingyao stepped forward lightly and followed.

When Gan Zijin saw it, he couldn't help showing a strange expression.

He was a little curious, if Gu Yulan was sober and Xuan Lingyao met him, would there be a scene of verbal confrontation.

Dr. Lin lifted the curtain lightly, and Jing Xun approached slightly with vigilance, only took a look, then looked away, and let go of his guard.

It was indeed Gu Yulan, who was lying in the carriage, neatly groomed, but with his eyes closed and his face slightly pale.

Xuan Lingyao stepped forward and looked at this woman who was still extremely beautiful even though she was in a coma.

She couldn't help pursing her lips. No wonder she was able to attract Qin Yi. This woman is indeed beautiful. Even in a coma, she still has a beauty that makes people dare not look directly at her.

Immediately, Xuan Lingyao was full of pity. Gu Yulan, a woman, led the army alone and guarded Yinglan for several months. She was in danger of life and death every day. The strange woman!

Dr. Lin put down the curtain, and said sincerely to Jing Xun and Xuan Lingyao, "The reason why the two generals, the daughter of the people entered the city, is to ask the two generals to send people to escort General Gu to the south. Today's guards are Da Li Soldiers, if they follow each other all the way, it will inevitably cause inconvenience and misunderstanding."

Jing Xun nodded, "This is what it should be!"

Leaving aside that Gu Yulan is a famous general, if Lin Zhan can get her, she will benefit a lot. More importantly, she is the concubine of Lin Zhan's future emperor. There may be a little possibility that she will become the imperial concubine, so she must be closely protected.

Therefore, Jing Xun did not hesitate, and continued, "I will send 200 people to escort General Gu south to Dingyue Army Town..."

Xuan Lingyao interrupted him suddenly, "Send it to Zhanjing."

She had a vague feeling that if Gui Liancheng couldn't defend for a long time, Dingyue Junzhen would bear the brunt and fall into crisis. It would be safer to send it to Zhanjing!

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