If you get lost on the love map

Chapter 137 Action Begins

Chapter 137 Action Begins

Nazukahiko left Jingu in the morning, and at noon, someone came to visit Himuro Bookstore.

Nazukahiko, who was invited to guard the bookstore, knew that he was about to leave just after seeing the two of them.

The two men standing in front of him were inconspicuous in appearance and inconspicuous in height. Everything was ordinary except for their demeanor.

Putting it on other people may be regarded as a loss of confidence in life, so it is simply lifeless.

But for Nazukahiko, of course he understands that this is the support that Jingu gave him.

Two subordinates of the shrine who mastered various skills and were not afraid of death.

The kind that would never show up on weekdays.

"You two wait a moment, I'll say hello to the people inside, and I'm ready to go." Facing the two Jingu subordinates, Nazukahiko just smiled.

"Please." The man on the left replied in a calm tone.

Nazukahiko nodded, turned around and entered the Himuro family's house, and then went straight to Izumi Yuzuki's room.

After knocking three times and saying that he wanted to come in, Nazukahiko waited for a few breaths before pushing the door open and entering.

Inside the door, Miss Quan was sitting at the table, staring out the window in a daze.

Nazukahiko looked amused for a moment.

"Miss Quan, do you think it's too boring to be here?" He teased, "If you feel that you really have nothing to do, you can replace me as a shop assistant to receive customers."

"Hmph..." The girl snorted without turning her head, "So, Nazukahiko, are you going...to leave?"

Nazukahiko opened his mouth.

He didn't expect the girl to directly guess his purpose and speak so directly.

However, he didn't want to be mean, "Yes."

"Can you succeed?" The girl asked an unanswered question.

Nazukahiko sighed, "For this kind of thing, you can only do your best and obey the destiny. What answer can you give?"

"Then you don't want your money for your three-year contract?" Quan Youyue suddenly turned her head, her beautiful big eyes were shining brightly.

"How could it be? I still need it." Nazukahiko laughed, "I still hope that Ms. Quan will become a big star."

Miss Quan looked at him, stood up suddenly, and walked in front of him step by step.

Nazukahiko didn't move, just looked at the girl quietly.

Suddenly, the girl stretched out her hand a little rough, hugged his head, and caught off guard, leaned closer.

Nazukahiko only felt a little moist, and some warm touch touched his lips, blocking his mouth.

He closed his eyes.

The girl also closed her eyes.

The two were having an experience they had never had before in silence.

After a long time, he felt fresh air pouring into his mouth again.

Nazukahiko opened his eyes, looked at the flushed girl in front of him, and felt a hint of sweetness in his mouth.

"Why bother, Miss Quan?" He looked at Quan Youyue quietly.

"Although it's definitely not good to say that, I'm still worried that you won't come back." The girl was a little out of breath, "So, before you go, I want to leave a mark on you."

"Mark?" Nazukahiko was amused for a while, "Why does it sound like something a dog would do?"

"In case someone finds your body, they don't know whose pet it is!" The girl glared at him, then lowered her head, "You... will come back?"

"Of course, I'm still looking forward to the second time." Nazukahiko laughed on the spot.

"You..." The girl stared blankly for a moment, and then bumped into him, "Who said I will give you a second time?"

"I know the taste, of course I want a second time, Miss Izumi doesn't know?" Nazukahiko gently hugged the girl, felt her slender and soft waist, and then let go, "I should go, Izumi Miss, you have to take care of yourself."

"I'm fine here, and Auntie Himuro is taking care of me!" The girl yelled at him, "You should take good care of yourself!"

"Yeah." Nazukahiko responded with a smile, turned around, "I'm leaving."

He didn't stop, just took steps, getting further and further away.

"Nazukahiko, aren't you going to tell Himuro-san?" Seeing that his figure was about to disappear, Quan Youyue couldn't restrain herself and asked aloud.

Nazukahiko's figure paused.

Also just paused.

"This time, I made a promise to Himuro-san." After a while, he replied loudly, "Miss Quan, please tell Himuro-san for me, and I will come back to fulfill the promise."

After speaking, he strode away without any hesitation.

Only the girl was left standing outside the door, not moving for a long time.


After joining the two subordinate men of Jingu, Nazukahiko followed them in a car all the way to Aichi Prefecture.

Aichi Prefecture, which is adjacent to Shinmindo forces and within its scope the important city of Nagoya, has gradually been penetrated like a sieve in the past few decades.

The left half of Aichi Prefecture, or the west half, has been held in the hands of Shen Mindao openly.

And the right half of Aichi is nominally still in the hands of Chaotic Seat.

But actually, for Kansai people who go in and out of the right half of Aichi...

The subordinates in the chaotic seats here don't even open one eye and close one eye, but close both eyes and let people come and go.

Passing through Aichi County, and entering Shizuoka County, the guard was slightly increased.

When passing through Hamamatsu City, the car that Nazukahiko was riding in was stopped and interrogated.

But seeing that the other party’s documents are complete, and there are many related specialties at the back of the carriage, such as visiting relatives, or selling small things, the Jidao who is in charge of the inspection does not take too much care. He just collects some money and puts the name Tsukahiko and his party let it go.

After all, Hamamatsu City was originally the residence of the three factions of Yaoguang, Kaiyang and Yuheng.

Although the Yuheng faction was nearly crippled by the attack of the Tianshu faction and was being rebuilt in Shizuoka City, the extreme Taoists of the Kaiyang faction and the Yaoguang faction obviously wouldn't be too wary of those coming from the west.

So, it's just a bribe.

It wasn't until the destination of the trip, Shizuoka City, the center of Shizuoka Prefecture, that the car the group of people were riding in was checked carefully.

However, nothing was found.

After all, the ones in charge of law and order are just ordinary jihadists. Even if they check carefully, without the assistance of high-tech equipment, they will only be easily concealed by the subordinates of Jingu.

What's more, the two subordinates of the Jingu Palace did not carry powerful firearms, but just chose pistols-you know, even the seven chiefs of the Chaotic Seat have only a few bursting rifles. Heng's old department, no one will take the risk to save him.

Therefore, if there are powerful firearms or bursting rifles, it must be the intervention of external forces.

In order to play a full set, the two Jingu subordinates not only changed their accents to pure central region accents, but they didn't even choose to carry more than the standard firearms, but chose pistols that could be obtained in the black market in Shizuoka.

In this way, even if all three of them were lost here, there would not be any suspicion because of weapons or accents—Nazuka Hiko was bewitched by the beauty of Saiyuan Temple Yukie, and ran to the central region recklessly to save people.

The two men are Yuheng's former subordinates and want to rescue Yuheng.

Because the two parties have similar goals, they come together and want to act together.

At about eight o'clock in the evening, the three finally entered the urban area of ​​Shizuoka.

However, they did not choose to act immediately.

The first reason is because it is a bit conspicuous to go straight to the destination as soon as you enter the city, and there is no room for people not to pay attention.

The second reason is that if you want to choose to go to the Tianshu resident, you must choose late at night or even early in the morning.

And with the three of them running around for a day, going straight to Tianshu's resident, the possibility of problems will inevitably increase.

So in the end, Nazukahiko and the two Jingu subordinates checked into a hotel under false identities and went to bed early.

During this period, the three did not communicate.

Instead, when they were still in the car, Nazukahiko just asked what their names were.

At that time, the man sitting on his left only said that the two had no names, only code names.

The codename of the man on the left is Lve Ying Jingfan, and the codename of the man on the right is Juechen Kuaihang.

As for the reason for taking this code name, the man on the left didn’t hide it, he only said that their bosses like horse racing, so they gave them two names on their own initiative—names that can be used as racing horse names.

It even found inspiration from "Three Kingdoms"-referred to as Jingfan and Kuaihang, which are said to be Sun Quan's mounts.


At eight o'clock the next night, when the pedestrians on the street began to go less and less, Nazukahiko and the two men left the hotel successively and gathered in a secluded alley nearby.

Unlike Shenmindao or Tianzhaofu, where the power gathering points have quite conspicuous architectural signs, the leaders of the chaos are all scattered around Shizuoka City.

Previously, there were four factions of Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianji, and Tianquan.

Up to now, there is still a reconstructed "Yuheng School".

Therefore, the three of them walked through the city, and they were seriously tossing in the heart of the enemy, so they needed to be extremely careful.

Fortunately, their original foothold was not too far from Tianshu's residence, about 9000 meters away.

Although there are many roads that need to be crossed, they are better than taking a car.

After all, it is easy for a person to hide his body, but it is much more difficult for a car not to be discovered.

In the night, Nazukahiko was wearing black short sleeves and a dark peaked cap, just following the two Jingu subordinates.

At nine o'clock, the three arrived at a location 5000 meters away from Tianshu's residence.

Passed through two sentry posts in the middle, and carefully bypassed some extreme roads that were crazy on the street.

At ten o'clock, the positions of the three of them moved closer, leaving only about 2000 meters.

"Feiden, next step." Standing in the shadow of the building, the taciturn Kuaihang looked at the Yakuza cruising back and forth on the street while waiting for Nazukahiko's answer.

By the way, Nazukahiko was also given a horse racing code name by the two.

Feidian in the whole cloud, referred to as Feidian.

"Judging from the current situation, it is impossible to enter head-on..." Nazukahiko also looked at the polar road on the street, and muttered, "The other roads are only the woods on the side?"

"Yes." Jingfan, who was a little more active, nodded and replied, "Looking at the number of poles in front of us, it is almost impossible to sneak in head-on... On the contrary, if we rush out from inside, there may be some possibility of success .”

Nazukahiko nodded slightly.

In fact, the firepower conditions of those poles cruising outside were extremely poor.

Lots of melee weapons, few throwing weapons, and a few pistols.

After all, it has not yet been inside Tianshu's garrison, and having such a weapon is already "armed to the teeth" compared to ordinary poles.

Of course, a frontal charge will provoke a violent reaction, and naturally you can't do it if you want to save someone.

But if Xiyuan Temple Xuehui and Quan Youyue's adoptive father Quan Yiyi can be rescued, then as long as there is a vehicle, it is not impossible to rush out.

The foundation of the chaotic seats is the extreme way. It is said that they can swarm up when fighting, but their real mobilization ability is not strong.

"Go to the jungle, even if it takes more time, you have to sneak in first." Thinking of this, Nazukahiko simply ordered.

The two men nodded in response and immediately turned into the woods.

Shizuoka is near the sea, and the humidity and sweltering heat of summer nights are even more powerful in June.

Enduring the mosquito bites, Nazukahiko and Jingu's two subordinates walked one after another, moving forward slowly.

Time passed by, and when the three of them finally crossed the jungle and arrived near Tianshu's residence, it was already past twelve o'clock in the middle of the night.

It's a new day.

Nazukahiko crouched in the jungle, looking at the buildings in the distance, he couldn't help frowning.

Haruyo Watanabe gave him information, telling him that Yukie Xiyuanji was arrested at the Tianshu resident, but it was impossible to tell him where the girl was being held.

Therefore, even though they have arrived at their destination, the current situation of the three of them is still darkened.

After all, in order to grab time, Nazukahiko didn't have extra time to collect information and understand the information, so he rushed directly to Tianshu's resident.

But now, the problem he faces is "how to find out Xiyuan Temple Xuehui".

"Feidian, the next move." Kuaihang waited for a long time, but did not wait for Nazukahiko's order, and now he finally asked.

"We need to find someone to understand the situation... At least we need to know where Xiyuanji Xue'e is being imprisoned." Nazukahiko whispered to himself, "Fortunately, this place is not completely surrounded by walls, it is just a complex of buildings. If you want to sneak in, It’s not that there are no gaps to drill.”

"Feidian, we were indeed able to catch the single Jidao. But how can you be sure that the captured Jidao will reveal the location of Xiyuan Temple Xuehui and Quan Yiyi?" Jing Fan asked seriously, "The area of ​​this complex is not small."

"Inversely." Nazukahiko said without hesitation, "There can only be two heavily guarded places. One is where Tianshu is located, and the other is where Xiyuanji Xuehui and Quan Yiyi were imprisoned."

"The position of Tianshu should not change at this point in time, so the positions of Xiyuanji Xuehui and Quan Yiyi are no longer a problem." Nazukahiko took a breath, "The matter of arresting Jidao Just leave it to the two of you, and ask about the extremes, please leave it to me."

He knew that his hand-to-hand combat skills were not as good as those of the two trained Jingu subordinates beside him, but if it was interrogation skills, then the remaining points on his panel were no joke.

Jingfan took a deep look at Nazukahiko.

"Okay, Feidian."

 I got really stuck today, so I lost a thousand words...

  The last part of the plot, at least at the beginning, is not in the daily direction, so it is a bit difficult to write, please forgive me.

(End of this chapter)

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