prosperous age

Chapter 661 Chapter 660 Refund

Chapter 661 Chapter 660 Refund
On the second day, Lei Li, Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry, continued to play to beg for rest. This has been played for three consecutive days. Emperor Longqing finally approved the red letter in the memorial, agreeing that Lei Li would return home and give him a post.

Later, the Qianqing Palace issued another decree, which was written by Zhang Juzheng, a cabinet minister, and ordered Zhu Heng, Minister of the Ministry of Industry, to take charge.

When the news came out, it was not too late, and Wei Guangde was a little stunned when he heard the news.

"Why so early?"

According to common sense, Lei Li handed over the memorial to the cabinet, and the cabinet vote was to be entered into the palace, so Emperor Longqing would not reply until after noon.

News came out that afternoon that this was considered a special case, and the efficiency of the cabinet and the supervisor of rituals was extremely high.

"Today, His Majesty summoned the cabinet ministers. He heard that Elder Xu Ge had brought Lei Shangshu's melodies with him. His Majesty asked Elder Zhang Ge to draft an order on the spot, and the Supervisor of Ceremonies stamped and issued the six subjects."

Lu Bu immediately told the news he had inquired about.

"Oh, that makes sense."

Hearing that the decision was made at the imperial meeting, there is naturally nothing to doubt, otherwise Wei Guangde was really worried, whether Emperor Longqing was dissatisfied with Lei Li.

Wei Guangde nodded, and then told Lu Bu: "Then you go down, and report any news in time."

"Yes, sir."

Lu Bu answered with a bow, then stepped back to the door step by step, then turned around and went out.

After Lu Bu left, Wei Guangde looked up at the roof, thought for a while, then shook his head, then lowered his head and began to process the official documents.

Lei Li left Beijing, Wei Guangde had already thought about what gift to give him.

The yellow and white things are too vulgar, and with his family background accumulated over the years as Minister of the Ministry of Industry, Wei Guangde knew that he would not be short of those things.

So, after returning home last night, Wei Guangde asked Zhang Ji to prepare a 200-year-old ginseng.

Now in Forty-Nine City, if you want to buy [-]-year-old ginseng, you can hardly find it unless you come to Wei Mansion to buy it.

Wei Guangde and Meng Chong had some friendship because the old boy asked Wei Guangde to "buy" ginseng last year under the pretext of making up for the emperor.

Wei Guangde didn't refuse either, he sold three hundred-year-old wild ginseng to the palace, and gave Meng Chong another one.

Don't think that Wei Guangde was blackmailed by Meng Chong. In fact, Wei Guangde didn't suffer a loss. The price of these three century-old ginsengs was no different from selling four ginseng plants. This was why the emperor spent astronomically on a daily basis no matter how frugal the emperor was.

The price of a tael of silver had already doubled when it entered the palace.

Wei Guangde didn't have the slightest interest in inquiring about the price Meng Chong returned to the palace, but he knew it must be more or less.

The price did not suffer, and he also got the friendship with Meng Chong, so why not do it.

After all, now that Wei Guangde had already lost to Li Fang relying on his connections in the palace, Chen Ju's current status was far from those great eunuchs in the palace.

But about half an hour later, Lu Bu suddenly ran into the valet again, interrupting Wei Guangde who had just packed up his thoughts and started working.

"What's the matter?"

Seeing Lu Bu's expression, Wei Guangde knew that something good should happen, at least not bad for him.

"Just now, Zhang Qi Shangshu impeached Xu Jie, a senior scholar, for failing to serve in the case of Huke Zuoge."

Lu Bu immediately replied, with a hint of joy in his words.

As long as people in the capital know a thing or two about the relationship between Wei Guangde and his old friends and Xu Jie, it is naturally a good thing for Wei Guangde if someone impeaches Xu Jie.

Moreover, Lu Bu is also a secret agent of Jin Yiwei, a royal eagle dog, so he has a natural affinity with Wei Guangde, not to mention that Wei Guangde is also generous, and it is very happy to give money.

Until now, Lu Bu sometimes doesn't know whether he should be loyal to the court or Wei Guangde.

After all, he also has an errand on his body.

"Zhang Qi? He sued Xu Jie for resignation?"

Wei Guangde was a little curious, wondering why Xu Jie was incompetent.

"He said that Xu Jie had been Emperor Sejong for 18 years, and he approved of all the gods and gods, and that the death of the first emperor was a posthumous edict.

Xu Jie and Yan Song had been married for 15 years, and they never said a word against each other, and Yan's defeated soldiers attacked him with their backs.

Tier is unfaithful as a minister, untrustworthy in making friends with others, and has long lost his fortune. For example, everyone has called on the emperor to repeatedly promulgate decrees. Tier is a little uninformed. There are ranks, but I don't know that there is a majesty, and I would like to hear about it. "

Lu Bu had a good memory, and when he told Wei Guangde about Zhang Qi's memorial to Xu Jie, he said it in Zhang Qi's tone unconsciously.

"Is this the text written by Zhang Qi?"

Wei Guangde wondered.

To be honest, although what Zhang Qi Zuo Shuli said was the truth, he used the wrong timing.

Although Emperor Longqing was dissatisfied with Xu Jie, he still hoped that Xu Jie would resign on his own to save the face of the monarch and ministers, so he had been secretly supporting Wei Guangde, Yin Shizhen and others to frequently cut off Xu Jie's party members.

If Xu Jie is allowed to be impeached, it will ruin the emperor's mind.

This is also the reason why Chen Yiqin, Wei Guangde and others never considered having Xu Jie impeached.

To say that Xu Jie is fine, of course not.

I didn't know it before, but after the incident with Xu Jie's younger brother Xu Zhi, Wei Guangde remembered that Xu Jie's family has always been rumored to be rich as an enemy.

Of course, Wei Guangde has never been checked to see how true or false this rumor is.

Just kidding, without the emperor's will, who would dare to investigate Shoufu's family background.

Although Zhang Qi told the truth, Wei Guangde knew that Zhang Qi suffered from amnesia and forgot all the orders issued by Emperor Longqing earlier.

As far as the crimes he sued Xu Jie, there was no way he was going to rebel or deceive the emperor. In other words, even if these things were true, they were included in the crimes pardoned by Emperor Longqing's amnesty edict.

Although the sentence "The world only knows that there are ranks, but I don't know that there is a majesty" in the memorial, it is even more despicable.

"Understood, you go down."

Wei Guangde didn't want to continue listening, knowing that Zhang Qi was going to be unlucky, who would care about such an unlucky guy.

But when Lu Bu retreated to the door and was about to go out, Wei Guangde suddenly asked again: "Check it out for me, what kind of grudge does this Zhang Qi have with Xu Jie?"

"Yes, sir."

Lu Bu agreed, then turned and went out.

What he said was actually not only because he was curious about the reason for Zhang Qi's attack, but also to show that this matter had nothing to do with Yu Yu, so he left himself out.

According to Wei Guangde's guess, this Zhang Qi should have feuded with Xu Jie for other reasons, and the turmoil caused by Chen Yiqin yesterday made Zhang Qi think that there was an opportunity to take advantage of it, so he impeached him today.

It's a pity that he understands the general trend, but he doesn't understand the emperor.


After Lu Bu left, Wei Guangde muttered something.

If it is really necessary to impeach, Chen Yiqin and Wei Guangde, whoever is not waving, there will be a lot of people scrambling to do things, and it will not be Zhang Qi's turn to impeach.

Sure enough, there was a decree issued by the palace before the Yamen was scattered, "Xu Jie, the chief minister of the prime minister, is loyal to the country. I have learned from it. Zhang Qizhen dared to slander and slander wantonly, and the aunt was appointed outside."

One part of the decree will be sent to the cabinet, and the other part will be sent to the Ministry of Officials, so that the Ministry of Officials can find Zhang Qi an external job.

When Lu Bu came to report, he was still in a daze.

Although Wei Guangde's order in the morning made him smell a little unusual, but what he studied was not the officialdom, but more of the way of the dog, so he didn't want to understand why Zhang Qi was punished.

When Kandao officials initiated impeachment, few were dealt with directly, and most of them were impeached.

"I asked you to inquire about the Shenji Camp. Is there any news?"

After talking about Zhang Qi, Wei Guangde asked about what he told Lu Bu before.

Well, although many people may find it troublesome or dangerous to have Jin Yiwei put a spy by his side, Wei Guangde thinks it is a good thing.

It is necessary to inquire about the news of Jingying. If Zhang Ji is asked to do it, it may take a month or two to get results.

But let Lu Bu go to investigate, and there will be news in ten days and a half months. After all, the factory guard is the local snake in the capital, and the wind and grass outside the city are very sensitive.

As for Lu Bu's report, Wei Guangde was not afraid. After all, Emperor Longqing ordered him to contact Qi Jiguang. After Tan Lun arrived in Beijing, he would like to take care of the military affairs of the Beijing camp, so he also wanted to contact him.

It's okay if you don't know much about the situation in Beijing camp in advance, and it's not a big deal to report this matter to Emperor Longqing.

"Master, I asked the neighbors. The management of the Shenji Camp has been a bit strict in the past few months, and they are not easy to get close to, so there is not much news. Most of the others are controlled by the Xungui family. It is very complicated, and the villain is still sorting out it. relation."

Lu Bu is a native of the capital, so in the past he used to show his usefulness in front of Wei Guangde by being well-informed.

"Then work harder and find out the truth as soon as possible. If you need money, ask Zhang Ji."

Wei Guangde asked him to leave after a word.

The Beijing camp in the Ming Dynasty, from the five military camps established by Zhu Yuanzhang at the beginning, to the three major camps during the Zhu Di period, and then the ten regiment camps appeared in the Jingtai period, and the three major camps were restored after the restoration of Yingzong.

But it's not over yet. During the Xianzong period, the three major battalions were broken up and reorganized into twelve regiment battalions. Emperor Zhengde was also not idle. On the basis of the twelve regiment battalions, the east and west government offices were added, and tens of thousands of elite frontiers were transferred. When the army entered Beijing, it was compiled as "Four Foreigners".

During the reign of Emperor Jiajing, all these changes were abolished, and the old system of the Yongle period was restored. There were still three camps, namely the Wujun Battalion, the Sanqian Battalion and the Shenji Battalion.

After such a round of tossing, the Beijing camp will be in trouble.

During the Hongwu period, the Beijing camp had 20 officers and soldiers. During the Yongle period, it was at its peak, with a strength of more than 16 troops. If you add the 50 "squad troops" of Zhongdu, Shandong, Henan, and Daning, the total strength of the Beijing camp exceeds [-] people.

However, after the civil fort, the soldiers and horses of the Beijing camp never returned to their original appearance, and the 72 guards have always been in a state of dissatisfaction, with only a few hundred thousand troops left.

This is also the reason why Jingtai started, and the Jingying was reduced into ten regiments and twelve regiments.

The establishment has changed tremendously, and the sphere of influence of various nobles in the Beijing camp is also constantly changing, so it is also very troublesome to figure out the distribution of power in the Beijing camp.

Perhaps, even those honorable families now don't know how many official positions they still occupy in the Beijing camp, and how many people they can command.

Wei Guangde had learned about the three major battalions before, only the [-] Battalion and the Shenji Battalion were fully staffed, mainly because these two battalions had less than [-] soldiers and horses combined, so the vacancies were directly transferred from the Fifth Army Battalion.

This is also because the two battalions have to guard the left and right when the emperor goes out, which can be regarded as the facade of the royal family.

After Qi Jiguang arrived in the capital for a while, after visiting various strengths in Beijing, he began to practice the Shenji Battalion, or closed training. Wei Guangde has no idea what the Shenji Battalion looks like.

But thinking of Qi Jiguang's ability, he reckoned that after the training was completed, the Shenji Battalion should be able to be brought directly in front of the emperor for inspection.

Wei Guangde is not worried about the situation of the [-] Battalion. Although he lacks training, those who want to make up for it should be able to ride horses.

For cavalry, all you need is momentum, which is easy to practice.

As long as the momentum is up, Emperor Longqing will also shout well.

For the rest, only the Fifth Army Battalion, which is the most powerful and noble, is a big trouble.

However, although it is troublesome, Wei Guangde has already mentioned this matter to Emperor Longqing, and Wei Guangde still hopes to use the abilities of Tan Lun and Qi Jiguang to select a group of strong men for the Beijing camp and form a capable army.

He, Wei Guangde, will be an official in the capital for many years. If we rely on the current capital camp, even though we know the history, it seems that there is no enemy in the Ming Dynasty who can attack Beijing during this period, but he is not sure whether the Mongols will come from another corner. Corner rushed in and plundered around Gyeonggi.

Well, if such a thing really happened, it would be a disgrace to him as a minister.

What happened in the 29th year of Jiajing was a big commotion, and Wei Guangde knew about it.

However, in the 42nd year of Jiajing’s reign, the border wall collapsed, Shunyi, Sanhe and other places were plundered, and the capital was under martial law. It seems that there are very few rumors in later generations.

Everyone only knows about the "Gengxu Incident", but not about similar incidents after that, so Wei Guangde is not sure whether the Tartars invaded during the Longqing Dynasty.

You can't pin your hopes on others, then you can only improve your own abilities.

Wei Guangde planned to reorganize a Beijing battalion capable of fighting with tens of thousands of people no matter what.

As for the "old battalion", it is still left to the nobles to toss, and they can deduct as much as they want. Anyway, all the old, weak and remnant soldiers are left behind.

We can't take away all the benefits from Xungui, and leave some positions for them in exchange for everyone's peace.

Everything seemed to be the same in the capital. After the yamen were dismissed, the officials still followed their usual habits, either going to restaurants to have a chat, or go to the bar to listen to music.

A few days later, Emperor Longqing issued another decree from the palace. On the Zhongyuan Festival, he sent Xu Wenbi, Duke of Yutian, Jiangcheng Anbo, Guo Yinggan, and Bo Fang Chengyu of Anping to sacrifice Changling, Xianling, Jingling, Yuling, Maoling, In Tailing, Kangling, and Yongling, the governor-general Shen Shen went to the mausoleum of Emperor Jijing, the commander-in-chief Li Yu offered sacrifices to Empress Xiaoyi, the Zhongguan offered sacrifices to Empress Gong Rangzhang and the abolished Empress Wu, and commanded Tongzhi Wangji to mourn Chong The cemeteries of the second prince Zhuang Jing and Zhuang Jing.

On the same day, the Ministry of War also issued an autumn defense alert to the border towns, ordering the guards on all sides to strictly guard the passes and guard against sneak attacks by the Tartars.

As for Xu Jie's self-defense memorial due to Zhang Qi's impeachment, he explained the crimes one by one, and finally resigned, consciously being ignored by everyone.

Emperor Longqing criticized his self-defense on the same day, "The order will be made immediately, and there is no need to resign."

It is enough to show that Emperor Longqing still has a lot of trust in Elder Xu Jie and Xu Ge.

In those years, how many of those things were voluntary.

In the officialdom, for the sake of their respective futures, officials have often committed crimes similar to the impeachment of Xu Jie.

When Yan Song was in power, apart from officials who were not qualified to enter the Yan Mansion, as long as they were qualified, who didn't visit him?

Emperor Jiajing wanted this and that, although everyone talked about it behind his back, but if he really wanted his will to be in his own hands, it was not just a matter of making arrangements.

However, it seemed that Zhang Qi's memorial had calmed down, but a few days later, when Xu Jie made the second begging memorial, the government and the public were in an uproar.

(End of this chapter)

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