The blood of the heavens

Chapter 174 The Eve

Chapter 174 The Eve
The big camp at the foot of Kongtong Mountain is also an extremely lively scene.

A total of [-] soldiers completely blocked the way down the Kongtong Mountain!
The inside and outside are even more heavily guarded!

This is especially true in the large tents of the Chinese army.

At this time, the chief general had a face of determination.

Since he came here, he came here with the determination to die!
After all, when fighting Zhang Yuzhu, the chance of death is too great, basically there is death but no life.

However, Zhang Yuzhu is now more hateful than those martial arts people!

He is already a serious threat to Da Yuan's rule!

This general is also Yuan Ting's absolute confidant, and his life is not long!

He came here this time with the determination to die, just to give his family a chance!
Under the tent of the Chinese army, [-] catties of explosives have been buried and can be detonated at any time!

It can be said that the current chief general is really sitting on the powder keg!

This is also determined by Yuan Tingzhong after analyzing Zhang Yuzhu's several combat styles!

Zhang Yuzhu, as long as this person is killing, especially such a large-scale killing, he will definitely rush to the front!
As long as Zhang Yuzhu arrives in the tent of the Chinese army, the general will directly detonate the [-] catties of explosives!

Although they are all low-power black powder, it has to be said that quantitative changes will lead to qualitative changes!
Not to mention being an innate master, this huge vibration and air wave, as long as it is within a radius of [-] meters, there must be no vitality!

With an army of [-] to bury Zhang Yuzhu, Zhang Yuzhu's death is considered an honor!

As for the tens of thousands of troops summoned temporarily, the general didn't care at all!
How could Yuan Ting not know that these troops all came from the sphere of influence of the Kongtong faction, and they might have been infiltrated by the Kongtong faction long ago!

Maybe there is a possibility of getting cold feet!
Therefore, these people are dead, and Yuan Ting will not feel the slightest distress!

The big tent of the Chinese army has been completely martial law!

The surrounding area is full of cronies brought by the lord from Yuan Ting, or people who are absolutely loyal to Da Yuan!

Any operation here is done by these people.

Therefore, the news that there are explosives buried here has never been rumored at all!
The most important thing is that there are several masters of the Yuan court here as supervisors!

As long as anyone dares to go out of this range, they will be killed directly!
When Zhang Yuzhu starts to attack, these masters will retreat!
At that time, as long as Zhang Yuzhu arrives at the Chinese military camp, the explosives will detonate without hesitation!
This is the plan of these Yuan armies!

Therefore, Kongtong Mountain is still stable at this time, but there is nothing to send to the mountain!
Unless these people want to starve to death, otherwise, they can only go down the mountain to fight!

As for the martial arts masters from all over the world?
That's not something he should worry about. What he thinks is, the more people come, the better!

Even if the [-] jin of explosives can't kill Zhang Yuzhu, it's worth it if it can kill these hidden rebels!
Therefore, both Kongtong Mountain and the army at the foot of the mountain fell into silence, a strange silence.

In the main hall of the Kongtong faction!

"Sect Master!"

The five elders of Kongtong have already returned, and all five of them are innate, so to inquire about news is really overkill!
"This Yuan army is weird!"


Zhang Yuzhu glanced at Guan Neng suspiciously.

"They besieged and did not attack, obviously wanting to starve to death these people on the mountain!"

You know, although the Kongtong School is named after Kongtong Mountain, there are not only Kongtong School people on Kongtong Mountain!

This mountain is a famous mountain and great river, and there are quite a few people who practice Taoism here!
It is naturally impossible for the Kongtong faction to expel all these people.

Basically, they don't have much stock, and most of them rely on the stock of the Kongtong faction during the siege.

However, the inventory of the Kongtong faction can't last too long!

Yuan Ting really came too fast!

They originally thought that the Yuan army was going to deal with the nearby rebels, but they didn't expect that they directly surrounded Kongtong Mountain!
They didn't have any preparations at all!
"Then don't care!"

Zhang Yuzhu looked at these people from the Kongtong faction, as well as the people on Kongtong Mountain!

Most of these cultivators on Kongtong Mountain were unwilling to submit to the Yuan court, so they came to the Kongtong sect to escape from the world!
Therefore, I don't have a good impression of Yuan Ting!

I admire Zhang Yuzhu very much!
Zhang Yuzhu was the first master in the past hundred years to defeat [-] cavalry by himself!
These people who miss the clothes of the Han family have long regarded Zhang Yuzhu as the key figure to overthrow Yuan Ting, even the most promising person!
It is a great honor for them to be able to live and die with such a character now!

Especially, this time, they may not necessarily die!

They may still completely wipe out the [-] troops!
As long as the [-] troops can be completely wiped out, then Yuan Ting will also fall!

The matter of restoring the clothes of the Han family is just around the corner!

"Stop investigating!"

Zhang Yuzhu looked at the people in the hall, "Take a good rest today!"

"Tomorrow, I will go to the battle alone!"

Seeing what these people wanted to say, Zhang Yuzhu waved his hand.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine!"

"Besides, if you go, I may not be able to use my hands and feet!"

In fact, what Zhang Yuzhu thought was, if these people followed, how would Zhang Yuzhu use the blood light?

After the blood glow, there are pieces of bones!

If this is discovered, Zhang Yuzhu must be the enemy of the world!
At this time, Zhang Yuzhu's affairs in this world are far from being completed, and he doesn't want to reach the point where he is the enemy of the whole world.

After all, Zhang Yuzhu still has a lot in mind!
The bones of Chinese people are very hard!

Some things are not what you want!

Only after these people are convinced, will they hand it over!
"Sect Master!"

The matter of Kongtong Five Elders surrendering to Zhang Yuzhu, at this time, has already spread among the Kongtong faction!
However, it did not cause any disturbance at all. In the eyes of these people, this is the wise choice!

In particular, these cultivators on Kongtong Mountain, seeing hope at this time, also want to surrender to Zhang Yuzhu's subordinates!
These people are all scholars, at least there is no problem with literacy!

Cultivating the Dao, is that what you want to cultivate?
If you don’t know how to read, even if you are given a Daoist scripture, you don’t know anything!

This time the Yuan army encircled the mountain, Zhang Yuzhu immediately had a large group of men!

And they are all educated!

However, Zhang Yuzhu is still thinking about how to use them!

The people in the main hall gradually dispersed, leaving only Zhang Yuzhu sitting there alone!
There is no energy left in his blood light!

As long as they go into battle tomorrow, they must immediately use the blood light to accumulate energy!
Otherwise, no matter how great his strength is, it is not endless.

The most important thing is that Zhang Yuzhu also wants to know how strong his = combat power is now!

Since forging the bone, he hasn't made a move!

Now it has been forged even more. Although the strengthening is not obvious, and the bone forging has not been completed, but the strength of his whole body has increased a lot!

The sledgehammer weighing more than [-] jin was as light as nothing in Zhang Yuzhu's hands.

The two sledgehammers weighed [-] jin, plus Zhang Yuzhu's strength, as long as they can completely destroy these Yuan troops this time!

Zhang Yuzhu is no longer Megatron, but suppressing the world!
No matter which way the rebel army is, in front of Zhang Yuzhu, they all want to stay low and be small.

A single person can smash a hundred thousand troops. Isn't this power, this force, enough to suppress the world in such a world?

"Big bald head, are you sure?"

The woman in the yellow shirt suddenly appeared in the hall.

She felt that she was suddenly worried about Zhang Yuzhu.

"Of course I'm sure!"

Zhang Yuzhu nodded, "I never do anything I'm not sure about!"

"I cherish my little life more than anyone else!"

"Until my career is completed, I will not seek death!"

Zhang Yuzhu looked at the woman in the yellow shirt in front of him, "I was wondering, why did you come out with me?"

This is what Zhang Yuzhu has always wanted to ask.

You know, the Ancient Tomb Sect is famous for being a dead house, and basically they never leave the tomb of the living dead.

This is also the reason why there is no news about the tomb of the living dead in the rivers and lakes after that!
There are too few people, and if one dies, the inheritance will basically be completely broken!
And the woman in the yellow shirt now took the initiative to follow Zhang Yuzhu out of the Ancient Tomb School, which made Zhang Yuzhu extremely curious!
"When the family ancestor was dying, apart from missing his grandmother,"

The voice of the woman in the yellow shirt resounded, "What I want to see most is my Han family's rivers and mountains!"

"And you are the one who is most likely to restore my Han family!"

"So, I came out with you, and I want to see if you can do it!"

"This matter is very simple!"

Zhang Yuzhu is quite confident about this point, unless the heaven of this world comes out to stop Zhang Yuzhu, otherwise Zhang Yuzhu will definitely be able to restore the Han family!

The woman in the yellow shirt looked at Zhang Yuzhu's confident expression, and there was a trace of confusion in her eyes.

However, it quickly disappeared.

"Then I will wait for you to restore the Han family's rivers and mountains!"


Zhang Yuzhu began to close his eyes and meditate. Tomorrow's battle must be a hard one!

The woman in the yellow shirt stood quietly aside.

In fact, apart from this question in her mind, she just wanted to know whether Zhang Yuzhu was human or not!

In particular, Zhang Yuzhu's method of recovering from his injuries proved that he was not simple!
Coupled with his inhuman strength and his ability to quickly recover his vitality, the woman in the yellow shirt became even more curious.

With such means, it is either a god or a devil!

The night is slowly passing, and the sky is gradually getting brighter!
(End of this chapter)

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