The Sword of Swords is a Guard for Kong Jie

Chapter 623 Was posed by Neiji Okamura

Chapter 623 Was put together by Neiji Okamura (first update)
At the Maoer Mountain Guerrilla Brigade Headquarters, Zhang Xuan was frowning and studying the map.

After Major General Ikeda strengthened a large number of light and heavy machine guns and grenades for the forward search team, although the results of the sneak attack troops in the battle did not change, their own casualties continued to increase.

On average, if two Japanese and puppet troops were killed, one guerrilla brigade would suffer one casualty.

Such a casualty ratio seemed like a big victory, but Zhang Xuan was not happy at all.

There were more than 6000 Japanese and puppet troops mopping up troops, and the guerrilla brigade participated in the battle with less than 600 people. If the casualty ratio continues, the guerrilla brigade can only kill more than 1000 Japanese and puppet troops.

"Let the raiding troops attack the Devils' grenadiers and machine gunners first?" Zhang Xuan thought of an impossible solution.

Wang Yu, the deputy political commissar, shook his head: "I tried the sneak attack on the troops. It worked at first, but it was useless when the devils reacted."

"They let the puppet troops stand on the periphery to search and move forward. The little devils followed closely behind. The artillerymen, grenadiers, and machine gunners walked to the back. No matter how powerful the sneak attack troops were, it was impossible to bypass the two or three rows of infantry in front to sneak attack the ones behind. The grenadier."

"The devils also strengthened a large number of grenadiers and mortars for the forward search team. It doesn't matter if the sneak attack troops kill a few by chance."

"What's the matter? Everyone is frowning. Could it be that the army lost the battle in the mountains?" Huang Yu's voice suddenly came from the command department, and when he turned around, he saw him rushing in.

"Captain, why are you back?" Zhang Xuan was startled by Huang Yu's sudden appearance, and hurriedly asked.

"Didn't they attack the Japanese and puppet troops outside the mountain and force Neji Okamura to retreat? Didn't the operation outside the mountain go well?"

Huang Yu didn't hide his defeat at the airport. He shook his head and replied with a helpless face: "After leaving the mountain, I underestimated the enemy, and was put together by Neji Okamura. The troops suffered heavy losses and had to retreat to the mountain."

"Looking at your dignified expressions, the battle situation in the mountains is not optimistic."

The worried expression on Zhang Xuan's face immediately became serious.

The anti-mopping up in the mountains is not going well, as long as you support yourself and the captain moves smoothly outside the mountain, the guerrilla brigade still has a good chance of winning the anti-mopping up.

Now the captain also lost the battle outside the mountain, and thinking about the harsh situation in the mountain, the last hope of victory in his heart was also shattered.

Looking at Huang Yu, he said bluntly: "Please punish the captain, we didn't fight well..."

"From yesterday to now, the troops participating in the war have lost 200 people, only eliminated more than 400 Japanese and puppet troops, and failed to stop the Japanese and puppet troops' offensive. Not surprisingly, they will be able to kill Mao'er Mountain tomorrow night, and they will be able to attack us the day after tomorrow. station."

As he spoke, he told how the Japanese army counterattacked the sneak attack troops.

Huang Yu's face became more serious as he listened. He was caught by the devil's artillery outside the mountain, suffered heavy losses, and had to retreat to the mountain.

Unexpectedly, the guerrilla brigade in the mountains was also beaten by the devil artillery and grenadier troops with heavy casualties.

What Zhang Xuan said was right, if the guerrilla brigade did not have a good strategy to break the situation as soon as possible, the situation would definitely become more and more unfavorable, and finally ended in a disastrous defeat.

But Huang Yu doesn't believe that there are [-]% perfect tactics in the world. As long as you use your brain and eyes wide open, you can definitely find loopholes.

Immediately asked: "Tell me about the real situation of the Japanese and puppet troops after entering the mountain. The more detailed the better."


At [-] o'clock in the morning the next day, the Japanese and puppet troops who had rested for one night continued to advance, intending to go all out to Mao'er Mountain before dark.

After walking the mountain road all day yesterday, the battle between the forward search team and the Eighth Route Army was almost uninterrupted.Although the loss was great, a lot of experience and lessons were also gained.

Yesterday morning, in the face of the incessant sneak attacks by the Eighth Route Army, the forward search team basically suffered the most on the battlefield, and the troops lost a lot.

In the afternoon, the two sides actually drew a tie, and even gained some advantages.

Major General Ikeda was very satisfied with the result.

In his memory, the imperial army almost never won the mountain battle with the Eighth Route Army.

It is definitely a great victory that I can draw with them, and my opponent is the Yizhong Eighth Route Army that has made Neji Okamura deflated.

He decided to continue to implement yesterday afternoon's play today.

Use mortars and grenades to counter the Eighth Route Army's sneak attack troops. If three are not enough, five will be arranged, and if five are not enough, ten will be arranged.

No matter how fast the opponent's transfer speed is, it can't compare with the flying speed of the shell.

As long as the artillery fire covers a large enough area, the Eighth Route Army that attacked you can be wiped out on the way to escape.

"General, the forward search team is ready..." The captain trotted over, looked at Major General Ikeda and reported with admiration.

Facing the sneak attack of the Eighth Route Army, yesterday he was helpless, the only way he could think of was to fight hard and take the initiative to attack.

The mopping-up troops were not familiar with the terrain in the mountains, and attacking rashly was like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth. As soon as he thought of this method, he himself vetoed it.

The result of the hard work was very tragic. Five casualties in the forward search team may not be able to kill an Eighth Route Army, which is too bad.

In desperation, Major General Ikeda made a move, replacing his hard-hitting method with artillery counterattack.

Although a lot of ammunition was consumed in the battle, the loss of the forward search team has plummeted, while the casualties of the Eighth Route Army have skyrocketed.

"How many mortars and grenadiers have been arranged?" Major General Ikeda didn't have time to think about his subordinates' thoughts, so he directly asked the question he was most concerned about.

"Six mortars, six grenade launchers... and six light machine guns and six heavy machine guns for the forward search team. The firepower is stronger than half of the brigade." The team leader looked forward to the report.

"Guarantee that the Eighth Route Army's sneak attack troops will never come back."

Major General Ikeda was very satisfied with this arrangement, he glanced at his watch and ordered: "Yoxi, let them start now, the main force still keeps a distance of one kilometer from them..."


On the eight-kilometer mountain road directly in front of the devil's middle road mopping force, more than a dozen soldiers are laying booby traps and laying landmines on the mountain road and all places where people can walk on both sides of the mountain road.

The only strange thing is that none of these landmines or booby traps are on the strings, even if the little devils mopping up troops step on them, they will not be detonated.

After more than half an hour, these fighters disappeared between the mountains and fields like ghosts.

Another 10 minutes later, the Devil's forward search team appeared at the end of the mountain road, holding various weapons in their hands, and advancing cautiously.

The landmines and booby traps under our feet were not hung, and the Japanese and puppet troops passed through the minefield without any danger, and did not find anything wrong.

The mountain road here is very winding. The forward search team walked to the back of the hill and disappeared at the end of the mountain road just after leaving the minefield for more than 100 meters.

The dozen or so soldiers who had just disappeared appeared out of nowhere, and cautiously returned to the minefield to hang strings on the mines.

The minefield that was set up in half an hour was set up in only one minute, and the minefield was quickly evacuated.

"Boom boom boom... da da da... dong dong dong..."

Suddenly there was a violent firefight on the back of the hill, and the rolling black smoke could be clearly seen from a kilometer away, and Major General Ikeda was no exception.

The forward search team is only equipped with six mortars and six heavy machine guns, and all of them can't make such a violent firefight.

As soon as they heard the sound of guns and guns, they knew that they had encountered an accident. They were worried and expecting, so they hurriedly ordered.

"The forward search team was attacked, and the troops immediately reinforced them."

"The second squadron's left wing outflanks, and the third squadron's right wing outflanks. The other troops and I will attack in the front. If they can wipe them out, they will wipe them out. Of."

When the brigade commander gave an order, the sweeping troops immediately turned into a war machine, and the marching speed suddenly accelerated. The rifles carried on the soldiers' backs were held in their hands at the same time, the bullets were loaded, and they were ready to fight at any time.


Just after running more than 300 meters, two explosions sounded in front of the team.

The devil's determination to reinforce the forward search team was not affected, and continued to move forward.As a result, the sound of the explosion was like thunder, and it was out of control. It reached Major General Ikeda's ears continuously, and the fast-moving team had to stop because of the heavy casualties.

"General, there is a minefield set up by the enemy ahead. More than 30 troops have been bombed, and there is no way to move forward..." A second lieutenant rushed to Major General Ikeda to report.

Major General Ikeda has seen a lot of smoke rising from the battlefield, and this alone can tell that the opponent is very strong.If you go late, not only will the forward troops be completely wiped out, but the main force of the enemy who finally encountered will also slip away from under the nose, which would be a great loss.

After scanning the terrain in front of the team, he ordered anxiously: "Abandon the mountain road, bypass the minefield and continue forward. The battlefield is on the back of the hill. You can kill it in a few minutes. Speed ​​up!"

The second lieutenant frowned and replied: "Both sides of the mountain road are also mines laid by the enemy, and we can't get around. Our captain begs for support from the engineers."

"Baga!" Major General Ikeda became angry on the spot, pointing at the second lieutenant's nose and scolding: "Wait for the engineers to clear the landmines, the enemies attacking the forward search team will have already run away."

"Let your captain arrange for the Imperial Army to help us open the way. We must quickly pass through the minefield. If someone is afraid of the enemy, he will be shot directly. The Imperial Japanese Army does not raise waste."

In the eyes of many devils, the puppet army is the existence of cannon fodder.

As long as they are not allowed to be human minesweepers, it doesn't matter how many puppet soldiers die.

After a while, the team that stopped on the mountain road started to move again.

A platoon of puppet soldiers was sent to the front of the line, and the devils held their backs with the muzzle of their rifles, and shot anyone who walked slowly.

At the beginning, this group of puppet soldiers didn't want to be human minesweepers, and wanted to argue with the devils. After three of them were killed on the spot, the remaining puppet soldiers were scared.

If you don't move forward, you will die now, there is no way out; if you bite the bullet and move forward, if you are lucky enough to not step on a landmine, you can still survive.

Taking ten thousand steps back, even if you step on a landmine, you may not necessarily die.

If it was just an injury, not only would he not have to die, but he could also take the opportunity to withdraw from the battle.

But no matter how the devil urged, under the threat of death, the marching speed of the Japanese and puppet troops was much slower than before.

 The first update is delivered today, please make a full order!

(End of this chapter)

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