The Sword of Swords is a Guard for Kong Jie

Chapter 620 The Arabian Nights!

At the headquarters of the Beiping Guerrilla Brigade, Zhang Xuan was taken aback by the sudden arrival of Huang Yu, but when he thought of the tense situation outside the mountain, he couldn't help but worry about the captain's safety: "Captain, it's too risky for you to come to the Guerrilla Brigade now." It's..."

"Are the Japanese and puppet troops outside the mountain ready to sweep you?" Huang Yu guessed that Zhang Xuan would say this on the road, and asked directly.

"How do you know that the little devil is going to sweep us?" Zhang Xuan asked in shock.

In order not to cause trouble for Huang Yu and prevent him from taking risks alone, Zhang Xuan has not yet reported that the Japanese army is about to sweep Maoer Mountain with heavy troops.He planned to notify the captain after the big raid started, and command the anti-sweep independently, but he didn't expect the captain to know about it.

Huang Yu glared at him fiercely and said, "Why, just after commanding the troops to win a battle, you didn't pay attention to the little devil, thinking that you can win this big raid by yourself?"

"Absolutely not, captain, I definitely don't have such an idea!" Zhang Xuan shook his head like a rattle, and quickly denied it.

"The Japanese and puppet troops swept Mao'er Mountain with heavy troops, and there were only more than 300 guerrilla troops left to continue fighting. To be honest, I have no confidence in defeating the little devils at all. I have already prepared the troops to abandon Mao'er Mountain."

"It's not because you are afraid that if you know the news, you will risk your life, and you will be in danger on Mao'er Mountain. That's why you didn't report it. You definitely don't mean to underestimate the enemy."

Huang Yu smiled and comforted him: "Don't worry, I was joking with you just now, I know what kind of character you are, if you are really crazy because of a victory, I will not recommend you to be the chief of staff of the guerrilla brigade. "

"You killed more than 500 little devils in a single shot, not only angered the Japanese and puppet troops in Fangshan, but even Neiji Okamura in Beiping City was angered."

"The last time we raided Beiping, Neiji Okamura lost all face. He managed to mobilize [-] elites to help Beiping. He wanted to avenge his shame, but he wasted nothing in Fangshan again. He didn't get anything. I was feeling depressed. Bend."

"The guerrilla brigade's attack at this time is tantamount to adding fuel to the fire. Neiji Okamura will definitely eat you at all costs to vent his hatred."

"Even without your enemy's report, the regiment leader and I have guessed the crisis you are about to face."

"In order to win this anti-sweep and make the guerrilla brigade stronger as it fought, I took the initiative to ask the head of the group to bring a reinforcement company to reinforce you."

"Besides, as the captain of the guerrilla brigade, if the troops are in danger, I should stay with the soldiers and advance and retreat together. It's nothing to hide in the base of the wings alone."

A wry smile flashed across Zhang Xuan's face, he didn't even think that the captain relied on his analysis even if the guerrilla brigade was about to usher in an unprecedented sweep.

Huang Yu didn't talk nonsense, immediately put away the smile on his face, walked to the map and asked: "How are the devils planning? How many troops are they planning to gather to attack us, and when will they start their operations?"

"The attack will be launched the morning after tomorrow at the latest..." Zhang Xuan immediately told the information he had investigated.

"They are still using cars to transport weapons and ammunition to the front line, replenish mules and horses for the troops participating in the war, and look for guides."

"A total of three full-staffed infantry brigades, one cavalry squadron, one mountain artillery squadron, and two regiments of the Royal Association Army were dispatched."

"The troops are divided into three groups. Each sweeping group includes a full infantry brigade, a mountain artillery squad, a cavalry squad, and two battalions of the Royal Association Army. They are separated by seven or eight kilometers, forming a huge sieve with a width of more than 20 kilometers. Enter the mountain from the southeast, and push it directly to Maoer Mountain.”

"If we stick to Mao'er Mountain, we will definitely be trapped here, and they will gather and annihilate them."

"If we cut off one of the fingers and concentrate our superior forces to attack one of the Japanese and puppet troops, the remaining two Japanese and puppet troops will only need an hour and a half to outflank us, and they will also gather us and wipe them out."

"The only way is to abandon Mao'er Mountain, disperse the troops, attack them with cold guns, and fight against them."

"It's impossible for the devils to follow us all the time to drill the ravines. When we exhaust their fighting spirit and run out of ammunition and supplies, they will naturally withdraw from the mountains. At that time, we will regain Mao'er Mountain and rebuild the camp."

As far as the current strength of the guerrilla brigade is concerned, it is undoubtedly the best choice to abandon Maoer Mountain for self-protection.

It can be seen from this: Zhang Xuan really put his heart into the matter of anti-mopping up.

He patted Zhang Xuan on the shoulder and said, "Yes, your ideas are very good."

"If the Maoershan garrison is lost, it will be lost. As long as people are alive, the guerrilla brigade will have the opportunity to retake Maoershan and rebuild the garrison."

"If we fight the devils desperately to keep the Maoershan garrison and wipe out all the troops, we will lose all chances of turning defeat into victory in the future."

"I totally agree with your style of play, but add two."

"In addition to the three main companies that have initially formed combat effectiveness, the three recruit companies that have been fully staffed but have not yet completed training will also participate in the battle."

"Temporarily mixed with three veteran companies, one veteran leads one recruit, acts independently in squads and platoons, brings enough rifles and supporting ammunition, if there are mines, you can send them all, and give me all the roads the devils must pass Set it up as a battlefield."

"If the Japanese and puppet troops enter the mountain, they will be attacked. Every step forward will have to pay a price. It is best to be unable to move an inch, and try to delay the time for them to capture Maoer Mountain."

"If God opens his eyes and sends us one or two fighter planes for free, the troops must grasp it and concentrate all artillery and heavy machine guns to fight one or two battles of annihilation, severely deterring the Japanese puppet troops entering the mountains."

"If there is no opportunity, we have to find a way to create our own fighters."

"You are more familiar with the terrain in the mountains than the devils. As long as they show a little bit of weakness, I will seize the opportunity, rush up and bite them hard, and run away after hitting them."

"Cavalry is not suitable for mountain warfare. The devil went the other way and brought a cavalry squadron into the mountain. This is simply asking for death. Don't you want to form a cavalry company? Find a way to eat this cavalry squadron. The equipment and equipment for forming a cavalry company There are war horses."

"If we can take down their mountain artillery squadron together, the machine gun company can be upgraded to a mountain artillery company immediately."

"How many devils the troops can eliminate on the battlefield and how much results they can achieve depends on how big your appetite is."

An illusion suddenly appeared in Zhang Xuan's mind, he looked at Huang Yu suspiciously and asked: "Captain, are you right?"

"Now the little devils are pressing down on the territory and sweeping Maoer Mountain. We are the weak side. It is good to keep the troops. How can there be so many opportunities to fight devils annihilation, let alone destroy their cavalry squadron and seize all the horses and equipment."

"From what you said just now, it seems that we are attacking the Japanese and puppet troops, and they belong to the weak side."

Huang Yu replied confidently: "Who told you that the enemy is strong and we are weak, you can only escape, and you have no chance to fight annihilation."

"Thinking back in Northwest Shanxi, the Japanese and puppet troops in the anti-sweeping campaign were no more powerful than us. As a result, they were defeated every time, losing troops and generals, while we fought stronger and stronger in the anti-sweeping campaign."

"As long as you learn to create and discover fighter opportunities, you can find opportunities to wipe out the enemy no matter how bad the battle situation is, and turn defeat into victory."

Zhang Xuan felt that what Huang Yu said was still a bit of fantasy, he frowned and asked in disbelief, "But there is a big gap between us and the Japanese puppet army in terms of strength."

"Their total strength is more than 20 times that of ours, and each of them can wipe out hundreds of us with a single spit, no matter how they fight."

"Then how did you kill more than 500 little devils and six or seven hundred puppet troops in a row with more than 500 people on hand?" Huang Yu felt that Zhang Xuan was too pessimistic about the next anti-mopping up. Encourage his fighting spirit, look at Zhang Xuan with interest and ask back.

The battle of Guanjiabao was personally commanded by Zhang Xuan. No one knew the essence of this battle better than him, and said directly: "Use the opportunity of the little devils to divide the troops and defeat them one by one?"

Huang Yu continued to ask: "In the face of more than 2000 Japanese puppet troops, you can defeat and wipe them out one by one. Why don't you have the guts to face the [-] mopping up troops?"

"You have to know that the battlefield where more than 2000 Japanese puppet troops were wiped out is still outside the mountains, and the terrain there is more powerful against devils."

"But the battlefield against the Japanese and puppet troops' mopping up troops was in the mountains, and the terrain advantage was even more powerful to us."

"As long as you have confidence, ideas, good at spotting fighter opportunities, and dare to do it, you will be able to fight a few battles of annihilation in the anti-sweeping campaign."

Zhang Xuan didn't answer immediately, and thought for a while before answering: "Please don't worry, captain, I will definitely find a way to fight a few battles of annihilation, so that the little devils can take a good look at the combat effectiveness of our guerrilla brigade."

After he finished speaking, he suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly asked, "That's not right...captain..."

"Didn't you come to Mao'er Mountain? You are the captain of the guerrilla brigade, and I'm just the chief of staff. It's up to you to give orders on how to fight against mopping up. It's not my turn to make the decision anyway?"

"But I only heard what you told me to do, not what you planned to do?"

"I have other tasks!" Huang Yu said bluntly.

"All the troops in the mountains are under your command."

"While using guerrilla warfare to consume the Japanese and puppet troops, we must do everything possible to slow down their attack on Mao'er Mountain."

"Maybe they will be transferred from the mountain by Neiji Okamura before they make it to Mao'er Mountain, and return to Beiping."

Zhang Xuan was no longer the Xiaobai he was at the beginning. After listening to it, he suddenly realized: "You want to divide the troops into two groups, lead the troops to the outside line, threaten the safety of the devil's rear, and force Neji Okamura to send troops back to help..."

"No, I don't agree with..."

"I was going to raid Beiping to divide the troops, and you stayed in the mountains to command the troops to fight against the mopping up?"

The reason for Zhang Xuan's refusal was simple. Although fighting in the mountains was dangerous, the terrain was more conducive to the guerrilla brigade. In case of accidents, they could evacuate from the battlefield under the cover of the mountains at any time.

It's different outside the mountain. There are plains everywhere. If you are targeted by devils, you have nowhere to go if you want to move. You can only be chased and beaten by devils all the way. The danger is much greater than the anti-mopping up in the mountains.

Huang Yu is the captain of the guerrilla brigade, and he is the chief of staff. If he can't let him put himself in danger, if he wants to go, he will go there by himself.

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