The Sword of Swords is a Guard for Kong Jie

Chapter 618 The greater the risk, the greater the opportunity

"Enemy attack, someone is attacking the stronghold, quickly enter the position..." The little devil in the barracks was the first to wake up, grabbed the weapon leaning against the corner and rushed outside, shouting as he rushed, wishing to fly into the position.

"Boom..." The second round of two infantry artillery shells exploded quickly, with flames splashing and rocks flying across.

The impenetrable turret began to crumble, and could collapse into a pile of ruins at any time.

"Everyone enters the position, don't panic, bring your weapons and ammunition..." A little devil second lieutenant stood up and shouted.

The stronghold garrison is dominated by the Royal Association Army.

The Japanese are used to all kinds of war scenes. Although they have not fought for a long time, they have not forgotten the tactical actions that have been integrated into their bones. They take up weapons and ammunition and rush to their fighting positions without orders from the commander.

The puppet army is no good, their combat literacy is much worse, and they have almost forgotten how to fight after a long period of peace.

When suddenly attacked, the first reaction is to panic.

One by one, they were like headless chickens, rushing out of the barracks and scurrying around, disrupting the imperial army that had entered the position in an orderly manner.

If everyone continues to be in such a mess, by the time the enemy rushes into the stronghold, the troops have not yet entered the combat position.

Faced with this critical situation, the little devil officer mixed in the ranks had no choice but to stand up and preside over the overall situation.

But the chaotic situation in front of him did not improve, and he decisively pulled out his pistol and pulled the trigger at the two puppet soldiers.

Under the threat of death, the chaotic puppet army finally regained some sanity.

While they were stunned by the gunshots and stunned on the spot, the second lieutenant immediately threatened in the loudest voice: "Bageya Road... calm down for me, return to the construction immediately, follow the platoon leader of your respective squad into the position, don't run around, whoever If you don't obey the command, I will shoot... Boom boom boom..."

Several shells exploded in the crowd suddenly, interrupting the second lieutenant's order, and screams sounded at the same time, at least twenty soldiers were blown to the ground.

Some people lay motionless in a pool of blood, their bodies were bloody from the blast, and their stumps and broken arms were splashed everywhere; some people were injured, and when they moved a little, they let out heart-piercing screams, which made everyone terrified.

The puppet army who had just regained some calmness fell into panic again, and even the little devils were much more chaotic than before.

This is the backyard of the stronghold and also the training ground of the stronghold. The ground is flat and there is not even a place to hide.

In case a shell hits the side, there is nowhere to hide.

Under the threat of death, everyone wants to leave here quickly, and the little devil is no exception.

But no matter how fast their transfer speed was, they could not compare to the rate of fire of mortars. They only ran seven or eight meters before the second round of shells roared in.

The flames splashed, and another ten or twenty Japanese and puppet soldiers fell to the ground either dead or injured.


Two more violent explosions sounded afterwards, and the gun tower that brought great courage and confidence to the Japanese and puppet troops collapsed, turning into a pile of ruins under their gaze.

The shelling continued, the casualties of the Japanese and puppet troops increased sharply, and the fighting will and courage of the survivors plummeted in inverse proportion.

Especially the puppet soldiers in the crowd were completely panicked.

The impenetrable gun towers were blown into a pile of ruins by the Eighth Route Army, and the remaining fortifications of the stronghold were even more vulnerable, and the hope of holding the stronghold was shattered at once.

If you enter the position now, you will definitely be blown to pieces by artillery fire, and you won't even be able to leave a complete body.

Some clever puppet soldiers decisively lay down on the ground and pretended to be dead.

There is no doubt that you will die if you enter the battlefield. It is better to stay here and pretend to be dead. As long as the shells do not hit you, you have a chance to live...


At nine o'clock in the morning the next day, the brigade leader walked into the headquarters with a look of anticipation.

One night has passed, no matter how poor the intelligence department is with the reconnaissance force, they should find out the opponent's strength.Not surprisingly, the mixed brigade can send troops to Guanjiabao today to wash away the shame that the Eighth Route Army in Yizhong once brought to itself.

The atmosphere in the headquarters was not as good as he had imagined. Many people were so embarrassed that he thought the intelligence department and the reconnaissance unit hadn't completed their mission.

His face suddenly collapsed, and when he walked into the war room, he stared at the chief of staff and asked, "Has the headquarters not figured out the real strength and equipment of the enemy yet?"

The chief of staff shook his head and replied: "I figured it out, but the Eighth Route Army captured four of our strongholds last night..."

"They tore open a huge gap more than 30 kilometers wide in the blockade line surrounding Dashan. They lost 298 imperial troops, five companies of the imperial association army, and a large amount of weapons and ammunition."

"Nani?" The brigade leader hurried to the sand table.

The four captured strongholds on the blockade line have been marked by the staff. In addition to the Guanjiabao stronghold lost the night before, the five strongholds just connected into a 35-kilometer long blockade line.

The third brigade as a mobile force was wiped out, and the blockade was torn to pieces. As long as the Eighth Route Army in the mountain was willing, it could enter and leave the mountain at any time.

During the day yesterday, the head of the brigade was only a little apprehensive about the guerrilla brigade, and he didn't dare to send troops to attack rashly, he was not afraid.

At this moment, he immediately panicked.

If the main force of the Eighth Route Army attacks again, bypassing the Fangshan garrison and heading straight to Peiping, it will definitely cause an uproar again.Even if you lead your troops to kill them in time, it will be difficult to block them and gather them together to wipe them out.

Looking at the sand table, he asked anxiously: "Where are they now, how many troops are there, and have they left Fangshan?"

The chief of staff replied very seriously: "Information shows that after the Eighth Route Army conquered our four strongholds, they did not stay on the battlefield any longer, and marched back to Dashan with the trophies and prisoners in a hurry."

"Judging from the captured traces left on the battlefield, they used a large number of mortars and infantry artillery in the battle, and their firepower was very strong. The artillery towers and bunkers in the four strongholds were all razed to the ground by artillery fire, and many garrisons were buried in the ruins. "

"We were lucky to find a few seriously wounded who were still alive, and rescued three of them. According to their account, the Eighth Route Army that attacked them was very strong, equipped with a large number of artillery and light and heavy machine guns, and there were people everywhere. There was at least one regiment in strength."


The person in charge of intelligence hurried into the war room, and heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the head of the brigade: "The humble job has locked the foothold of the Eighth Route Army."

"After they entered the mountain, they all retreated to Mao'er Mountain. The terrain there is complex, easy to defend and difficult to attack. Our army is under great pressure to annihilate them there."

The head of the brigade did not respond to the intelligence chief's report, his eyes were fixed on the sand table, his face became more serious as he looked at it, and he suddenly frowned with emotion.

"What a tough opponent, even more cunning than a fox."

"Using our ignorance of their real situation and our attitude of not daring to attack rashly, we will retreat after tearing off two pieces of fat from us, without giving us a chance to fight them decisively."

"But war is fair, and it is impossible for any battle to take advantage and not lose."

"Now that their foothold has been locked, the next battle will be big."

"Although the terrain of Mao'er Mountain is complicated, its scope is not large. As long as we gather enough troops to sweep Mao'er Mountain with a net, no fox can escape our pursuit, no matter how cunning."

"The chief of staff immediately formulated a relevant battle plan, formulated according to the dispatching standards of the three infantry brigades, and added some cavalry and artillery to cooperate with the operation. I plan to gather [-] imperial troops and [-] imperial alliance troops to besiege Mao'er Mountain together. "


At the regiment headquarters of the Duer Regiment, Huang Yu was reporting to Kong Jie the huge results of the Beiping guerrilla brigade's active attack for one day and two nights.

"Captain, Zhang Xuan is more powerful than I imagined. He can not only apply what he has learned, but also develop new tactics based on the actual situation on the battlefield."

"We killed more than 500 little devils, six or seven hundred puppet soldiers, and captured more than 400 puppet soldiers. If I didn't believe in Zhang Xuan's character, even if I killed him, I wouldn't believe this battle report is true."

"They now want guns and cannons. As long as they are given time, it will be no problem to expand the guerrilla brigade to 500 people."

His subordinates won the battle. Kong Jie was happy from the bottom of his heart, but the smile on his face was replaced by seriousness after only half a minute. He stared at the map and reminded with worry: "The victory is indeed great, but it also angered the Japanese and puppet troops in Fangshan City. Maybe that old devil, Neji Gangcun, will be enraged."

"The last time we raided Beiping, Okamura Ningji suffered a lot. He is still holding back his anger and has nowhere to vent it."

"Zhang Xuan suddenly played such a trick on the devil. If Okamura Neji knows, it will be like adding fuel to the fire. Maybe Okamura Neji will regard the guerrilla brigade as the target of his anger."

"The anti-sweeping pressure that the guerrilla brigade will bear will definitely be unprecedented."

Speaking of this, Kong Jie suddenly had a flash of self-blame on his face, then shook his head, and said helplessly: "We are still too anxious, in order to hold back the five thousand elites sent by Neji Okamura to Fangshan, and prevent them from reinforcing again Baoding, let the guerrilla brigade attack in advance."

"If the attack is delayed one month later, at least 900 people can join the battle at the rate of development of the guerrilla brigade."

"It's not like now, all the troops participating in the battle are only in the early 300s. If there are some casualties in the battle, it would be good to have [-] troops participating in the battle at this moment."

"Although the terrain of Mao'er Mountain is complex, the area is limited."

"If Gangcun Ningci launches a ruthless attack and gathers heavy troops to encircle and suppress Mao'er Mountain, we will conduct a sweeping sweep."

"With the current strength of the guerrilla brigade, it is tantamount to hitting an egg against a rock."

Huang Yu did not agree with this point of view, and shook his head to retort: ​​"Commander, the battlefield is full of surprises, and few battles are fought after the two sides are ready."

"The early action of the guerrillas did put a lot of pressure on them, but there are also huge benefits hidden behind the pressure."

"Neiji Okamura wants to encircle and wipe out the guerrilla brigade, so he must send troops into the mountains."

"Although Mao'er Mountain is not big, from the moment the devils enter the mountain, we can use our good mobile warfare and guerrilla warfare to launch attacks everywhere, so the battlefield where the guerrilla brigade fights with the devils is far larger than Mao'er Mountain."

"For such a large-scale battle, the little devil will definitely send a large number of puppet troops into the mountain together."

"The guerrilla brigade is most short of veterans. If you are lucky and capture 800 people, the overall combat effectiveness will not be weakened in the anti-mopping up, but will become stronger and stronger."

"As long as they succeed in winning this anti-mopping campaign, the guerrilla brigade will definitely be reborn and grow into a truly elite team that cannot be dragged back or beaten."

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