The Sword of Swords is a Guard for Kong Jie

Chapter 401 Chief, the hardest level has been passed

Chapter 401 Chief, the most difficult level has been passed (second update)
In addition, those Japanese businessmen have a more or less unclear relationship with the local garrison, especially in the past two years.

Japan's domestic food production and fiscal revenue are limited, and it cannot support more and more troops. It can only let the troops raise their own military rations and military expenses in the Chinese occupation army.

The military rations are easy to say, the worst thing is to grab them from the hands of the common people.

Military spending is different.

Ordinary people don't even have stuttering, let alone money, and the Japanese can't grab it if they want to, so they can only earn military expenses from the rich through businessmen.

The Japanese businessmen in the city not only have domestic chaebols as their backers, but also the local garrison.

No matter how stupid the city gate garrison is, they will not attack their God of Wealth, and make trouble for their own pockets.

The more Huang Yu thought about it, the more excited he became, before Zhang Weiguo could speak, he made a decision: "I have a way to enter the city!"

"Duan Peng, take your people and set off immediately. Keep an eye on the road for me. When you find the Japanese businessman's transport car, take it down quietly, but don't hurt anyone..."

At the north gate of Taiyuan, a car full of supplies appeared at the end of the road.

Huang Yu was dressed as a samurai and sat in the co-pilot, holding a samurai sword in his hand, staring straight ahead without blinking.

The driver Chen Feng was sitting in the driver's seat, his forehead was covered in cold sweat because of nervousness, feeling like he was sitting on pins and needles...

He was driving a Japanese businessman, and he heard that there was a brigade commander standing behind the Japanese businessman, and the usually high-ranking devil Shaozuo brigade leader respected him in front of him.

Relying on having such a powerful boss behind him, he has gradually developed a high-spirited personality, and he feels superior to others wherever he walks.

Especially when entering and leaving the city gate, other Chinese people have to be questioned and inspected by the city gate garrison, but I don't need it.

If you encounter the Imperial Association Army, you will greet yourself respectfully, for fear of annoying yourself and the Japanese behind you.

The result just happened to fulfill an old Chinese saying: the higher you climb now, the harder you will fall in the future...

No, it should be that no matter how high you climbed before, how hard you fall now.

During the day today, he delivered goods outside the city as usual, and transported supplies into the city...

Just as he was about to enter the city, a group of Chinese in imperial uniform stopped him.

At that time, he didn't know that the other party was Chinese, and when he saw more than a dozen "imperial soldiers" beckoning to him to stop, Chen Feng dared not disobey the Japanese order no matter how courageous he was, so he had to park obediently...

After realizing that they were Chinese pretending to be Chinese, Hei Dongdong's muzzle was already aimed at his head.

Then he was strapped with a grenade and returned to the driver's seat to help them transport some things into Taiyuan.

If everything goes well, the other party will not only let him go, but also give him a small yellow croaker as a reward.

If the transportation fails, the grenade strapped to his waist can blow him into pieces without the opponent's shot.

He is particularly jealous of the reward of a small yellow croaker, but he has to spend it with his life.

Seeing the city gate getting closer and closer, dozens of Japanese and puppet troops guarded the city gate buildings step by step, questioning the passing people and checking the items they wanted to bring in and out of Taiyuan. , I am afraid that the items I have carried will be found out.

The cold sweat on his forehead came out because of nervousness.

"Wipe off all the sweat beads on your head, don't be nervous, just go in and out of the city gate as usual!" Huang Yu reminded in a low voice.

"You are doing things for the Japanese, and with the Japanese backing, not only the puppet soldiers dare not check, but the devils will not check the things on the car... As long as you are not nervous, no Japanese puppet army will suspect you!"

"After entering the city, once we leave, if you keep this incident in your heart, no one will know that you brought contraband into the city."

"Of course, if you slip up and we cause trouble in the city, the devil will definitely vent his anger on you."

"For your own safety, forget about us when you enter the city!"

Chen Fengsheng was afraid that Huang Yu would think that he was not cooperating and detonate the grenade, killing himself, so he hurriedly said: "Please rest assured, I will forget what happened just now when I enter the city..."

"I've never seen any of you today... I just went straight into the city when I got what my boss needed, and I didn't meet anyone in the middle!"

After finishing speaking, he decisively wiped off the cold sweat on his forehead, and took a deep breath to calm down his inner tension.

In less than five seconds, the tense face just now was replaced by a smile, and the car drove straight to the north gate!
The Japanese and puppet troops stationed at the north gate obviously knew the transport vehicle, and before Chen Feng approached, they began to evacuate the people in the city gate and give way to the vehicles.

Chen Feng stopped as usual, and said to the company commander of the puppet army: "Company commander Wang, my boss asked me to bring a batch of grain into the city..."

"The one sitting in the car is another prince whom my master asked me to pick up...I heard that he is a warrior..."

"Hurry up and check it out...I'll send the Taijun into the city after I'm done..."

"After a bumpy journey, the Taijun's bones are almost broken... I heard that the master has prepared a banquet in the city to welcome him. I dare not delay the important business of the master!"

Company Commander Wang saw an old acquaintance sitting in the driver's seat, and a displeased samurai sitting in the co-pilot, holding a samurai sword, staring at him with big eyes.

It seemed that his answer caused him dissatisfaction even if he was about to draw his sword, so he quickly said with a smile, "So it's Driver Chen..."

"There is no need to check the vehicle that the Taijun transports grain...and there is another Taijun sitting in the car, let alone check, you go to the city immediately..."

"Yoxi..." Huang Yu said in Japanese with satisfaction.

The company commander of the puppet army king suddenly burst into joy.

In his eyes, being praised by the Japanese is more beneficial than being praised by the battalion commander.

In case I am valued by a Japanese, with a little mention, the company commander will be promoted to the battalion commander immediately... If you are lucky enough, the regiment leader may be...

The car entered the city smoothly, turned left and right in Taiyuan City, and stopped in a yard...

Ten minutes later, the transport vehicle left the yard and disappeared at the end of the street.

"Immediately load the weapons and ammunition into the cart and move them to the No. [-] yard. It's not safe here!" Looking at the several subordinates who had entered the city in front of him, Huang Yu ordered seriously.

"Captain, are you worried about that Chen Feng revealing this?" Duan Peng asked back.

"I don't think he will... If we are exposed, he himself will be questioned by the Japanese... After all, he helped transport these weapons and ammunition into Taiyuan!"

"Only by keeping this matter in his heart, can he continue to be a driver for the Japanese!"

"I think normal people would take this matter to heart!"

Huang Yu shook his head, looked at Duan Peng and said seriously: "Remember, we are a special force, not an ordinary combat force..."

"Basically, they are performing tasks in enemy-occupied areas, and a little carelessness will bring a devastating blow to the troops..."

"So we can't take any chances in our actions!"

"It's better to move a few more hiding places than to expose the position of the special forces!"

"Just like you said: Under normal circumstances, Chen Feng really wouldn't tell what happened today!"

"What if there is an accident, he is drunk, delirious, and accidentally speaks out?"

"The Japanese are very vigilant, and they will definitely arrest Chen Feng and torture him if they notice something strange... Do you think he can withstand the devil's torture and not let go?"

Duan Peng was silent for a while and shook his head, "Chen Feng is a soft bone..."

"Don't talk about torture, as long as you are caught by the devil, you will tell all about it like beans in a bamboo tube!"

"I'll arrange the transfer now..."

"Large cars are easy to attract attention, let's take the burden and go out!"

"Although Taiyuan is heavily guarded, they are all aimed at the city gates. The guards inside the city are very lax. At worst, we will run a few more times, so that it is even less likely to attract the attention of the enemy!
Huang Yu nodded and said, "Just do as you say..."

"After all the special forces enter the city, use the sub-units as units to hide separately!"

"If someone is exposed, we won't be wiped out!"

At the Baipogou Independent Regiment Headquarters, Zhang Xuelin, the communication platoon leader, rushed in beaming, and hurriedly reported before Kong Jie could speak: "Regimental Commander, all the leaders... Deputy Chief of Staff Huang has news..."

"This is the telegram he just sent back..."

"The special forces have successfully entered the city... All the equipment and gunpowder carried by the troops have also entered the city..."

"I plan to lurk for three days and start acting..."

After reading the telegram, Kong Jie reported to the brigade commander and the deputy commander: "Chief...Xiao Huang told me..."

"Entering Taiyuan City is the most difficult step for the Special Forces to take revenge on the little devil!"

"They successfully broke through this level...the next revenge operation must be very smooth..."

After reading the telegram, the deputy commander-in-chief said with emotion: "I still believe what you say!"

"Since you, the regiment leader, are not worried, I am even more relieved!"

"By the way, when are you going to take me to the commando camp..."

"It's the first time I've heard that earthworms can raise chickens..."

"If it is true, we must promote it to the whole army!"

"The Eighth Route Army is too poor, and many troops don't get any meat for a month or two... As a result, the soldiers are malnourished and their physical fitness is very poor!"

"If you can eat a meal of chicken and two boiled eggs from time to time... the physical strength and nutrition of the soldiers will definitely be replenished slowly, so that they won't be unable to block even a single blow from the devil when they fight the bayonet!"

Kong Jie didn't answer, but the embarrassed expression on his face told the deputy commander the answer.

The brigade commander also wanted to see the legendary chicken farm earlier, but he was very dissatisfied when he saw Kong Jie's reaction: "The chicken farm you mentioned in the telegram can't be fake!"

"Otherwise, why didn't you arrange for me and the chief to go over there to inspect it... or you have something to hide from me. The commando camp has hidden good things, and you don't want me and the chief to see it!"

Kong Jie quickly explained: "Report to the brigade commander, there is indeed a surprise in the assault battalion...but I don't intend to hide it from you!"

"If I didn't know that you came to inspect, I would have reported it on the radio!"

"I dare not arrange for you to go there because I am afraid that there will be danger there!"

"Information shows that there are two small devil action teams hidden in the base area, with more than [-] troops... I'm afraid they will target the chief and attack while we are inspecting the chicken farm!"

"I plan to wait for the troops to kill these devils before going to the assault battalion station."

 The second one was delivered today!Ask for full order!

(End of this chapter)

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