The Sword of Swords is a Guard for Kong Jie

Chapter 363 I'm going to stare at them

"Regimental Commander, the [-]st, [-]nd and [-]rd Battalions are the main battalions of our independent regiment, and they have the strongest combat effectiveness!" Huang Yu first expressed his thoughts.

"The four, five, and six three battalions were established later by us. Although their combat effectiveness is not as good as the three main battalions, they are not far behind!"

"The seven, eight, nine and three battalions have not yet been established. They should be the three battalions with the worst combat effectiveness in the whole regiment."

"Our independent regiment has always paid attention to the old and the new. In order to balance the combat effectiveness of each unit, I suggest that we match up!"

Li Wensheng answered immediately: "I agree!"

"In order not to let the three deputy chiefs of staff say that the regiment headquarters is biased, let's make a simple division: [-] battalions are grouped together, [-] battalions are grouped together, [-] battalions are grouped together, no one has anything to say .”

Kong Jie immediately made a decision: "That's it!"

"There are exactly three counties in our defense area, and a deputy chief of staff is in charge of one county!"

As he spoke, he shifted his gaze back to Huang Yu: "What is your assault battalion going to do, whether to stay where it is or to change it!"

Huang Yu blurted out: "Assault battalion is still a strengthened battalion, with a full staff of [-]!"

"But I want to change to another station, preferably next to the Jinsui Army defense area..."

"I also hope that the regiment headquarters will order the cavalry battalion to train with the assault battalion!"

"Near the Jinsui military defense area?" Kong Jie showed a thoughtful expression when he heard these words, staring at Huang Yu and asked, "Do you want to continue doing business with them?"

Li Wensheng saw the benefits from the previous transaction with the Jinsui Army, and suddenly interjected: "Regimental Commander, Comrade Huang Yu, I think our transaction with the Jinsui Army must continue!"

"In this anti-sweep, the landmines used by the troops are basically bought from them!"

"Without the large-scale transaction before the war, our combat pressure would definitely be much greater!"

"If we can continue to trade with them, we will have another source of weapons and ammunition!"

Kong Jie answered immediately: "Although their selling price is a bit expensive, we can use some weapons, ammunition and nameplates captured by the Japanese to deduct. In this way, our price is completely within the range of the troops!"

"Little Huang, if we can continue to trade with them, we must keep this channel!"

A wry smile quickly flashed across Huang Yu's face, but Kong Jie still saw it, and quickly asked, "Is it difficult?"

"Very difficult!" Huang Yu didn't hide his thoughts, looked at Kong Jie and replied with a serious face.

"How can it be difficult?" Li Wensheng was very puzzled.

"During the last transaction, the other party's leading officer told us... feel free to mention any weapons and ammunition we need to fight the devils. As long as they have what they have, they will sell it to us at a low price!"

"It can be seen that these people have taken advantage of money. As long as we are willing to pay, they will dare to sell us the artillery!"

Huang Yu shook his head and explained: "The situation is different!"

"At that time, the Jinsui army believed that we would be wiped out by the devils, so they took the opportunity to sell us more weapons and ammunition, which could not only make money, but also use our hands to wipe out more Japanese and puppet troops, so that they could reap the benefits!"

"Now we have won the anti-mopping up campaign and hit the Japanese and puppet troops hard, ushering in a period of rapid development!"

"Not only will the Jinsui army no longer sell our weapons and ammunition, but it will become an accomplice in our development and growth!"

"We will try every means to block us, restrict us, and slow down our development!"

"Northwest Shanxi is such a big place. After the Japanese and puppet troops are defeated, the faster we develop and the stronger our strength, the weaker the Jinsui army will be here, and the territory will become smaller and smaller!"

The last time they traded with the Jinsui Army, Kong Jie and Li Wensheng had been focusing on anti-mopping up. As long as the Jinsui Army was willing to sell the independent regiment's weapons, they didn't think too much about it.

After being reminded by Huang Yu, and recalling the situation at that time, the Jinsui army was indeed suspected of killing with a knife.

The current Independence Regiment has just finished a big victory, and it is in full swing. As long as there is time, it will be able to soar into the sky immediately.

The Jinsui Army can definitely see this.

With their previous style, they will never watch the independent group continue to grow and further squeeze their living space.

In this way, Huang Yu's judgment just now is probably correct.

What Kong Jie thought of, Li Wensheng also thought of. At the same time, he looked at Huang Yu and asked with a puzzled face, "Since you already know that the Jinsui Army will not deal with us again, why do you camp next to them!"

"Could it be that you suspect that they may attack our base area, provoke us, and go there to guard against them!"

Huang Yu's face suddenly became very serious. Looking at Kong Jie and Li Wensheng, he answered seriously: "It's just one thing to guard against them. I'm most worried that they will turn to the little devils as traitors!"

Kong Jie and Li Wensheng's eyes widened quickly, and they stared at Huang Yu in disbelief. They didn't expect him to say such a thing.

Then Huang Yu asked: "Why do you have such an idea..."

"Those Jinsui troops rarely fight devils, but they are also Chinese, and there is a steady stream of ammunition and supplies in the war zone. How could they surrender to the little devils for no reason and become traitors!"

"Wait, did your kid find any evidence, tell me what you have!"

"If it is really possible for them to surrender to the enemy and become traitors, the assault battalion and cavalry battalion alone will definitely not be enough. I will also transfer the first battalion to your vicinity for training, and reinforce the assault battalion at any time!"

Huang Yu shook his head and explained: "I haven't collected relevant evidence yet..."

"I made the judgment just now!"

"The Japanese army in Shanxi suffered losses one after another in our hands and lost all face. They will definitely do everything possible to make up for it!"

"Pick the persimmons softly, the most suitable place for them to vent their anger in Shanxi is the Jinsui Army!"

"The Jinsui army sold us a lot of weapons and ammunition before the war. The mines, grenades, and bullets inside...caused a lot of damage to the Japanese and puppet troops..."

"As long as they are found out, they have an even more reason to attack the Jinsui Army because of their character of vengeance!"

"The head of the regiment knows better than I what the virtues of the Jinsui army in the enemy-occupied area are. As long as the Japanese and puppet troops send troops to surround them and there is no need to attack, there will be troops rushing to surrender and become traitors."

"I went to stare at them!"

"If there are any Jinsui troops who surrendered as traitors, send troops immediately, and destroy them directly before the devils have fully controlled them..."

"Not only can we further expand the base area, but we can also capture a large number of supplementary troops from the Jinsui Army who don't want to be traitors, increase our own strength, and kill two birds with one stone..."

"No, it should kill three birds with one stone!"

"After those Jinsui troops who have become traitors are completely incorporated by the devils, the first target to deal with must be us!"

"Sending troops while they were just defecting to the enemy, we can still solve a potential threat of the independent regiment with the least cost."

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