The Sword of Swords is a Guard for Kong Jie

Chapter 360 Li Yunlong: I have also become a rich man

While talking, Li Yunlong suddenly had an expression of enlightenment on his face, turned back to the map and said, "I see!"

"It's probably because the little devil has a problem with the blockade separating us from the Xinyi Regiment and the Xin Er Regiment!"

"Kong Er's idiot wanted to take down the blockade from the very beginning. In order not to affect our ambush and mopping up troops, he kept holding back, but they must have a way to break through the blockade!"

"After the ambush started, they launched attacks on two blockades at the same time. As long as one of the blockades is taken down, the main force of the independent regiment will continue to rush into our defense area and block the Japanese puppet army's retreat!"

"If the devil's other raiding force continues to reinforce here, even if the remaining Japanese and puppet troops in the encirclement are rescued, they will still face the joint attack of the New Second Regiment and the Independent Regiment. The situation is even worse than it is now."

"Maybe it will trap another raiding force.

After thinking through all this, Li Yunlong was no longer in a hurry, and easily ordered: "Tell our troops!"

"The devil's reinforcements have been withdrawn, and we have plenty of time to eliminate the remaining Japanese and puppet troops in the encirclement!"

"Everyone must fight steadily, don't be in a hurry... Be sure to end the battle with the least cost..."

"I don't want my troops to be wiped out after the battle!"

On the Yantoupo battlefield, Huang Yu was not idle either.

Lead a platoon of guards to look for the bomb holes where the Japanese and puppet troops hid ammunition.

A bomb crater more than two meters deep suddenly caught Huang Yu's attention.

This is the Devil's artillery position, and only mortars have fired shells here.

Mortars will never blow up such a large crater.

Taking ten thousand steps back, even if a heavy artillery misses, the heavy artillery shells will not be able to blast such a deep crater.

After such an analysis, Huang Yu faintly felt that the bomb crater under his feet was probably caused by a collapse, and immediately showed an expectant expression: "There must be a blasthole below here..."

"Next to it is the devil's artillery position, maybe the shells we urgently need are hidden in it... Hurry up and dig...

A squad of soldiers started at the same time, and dug up the collapsed hole in just ten minutes...

More than [-] ammunition boxes were neatly stacked inside, and Huang Yu knew he had guessed right with a glance.

"Battalion Commander, there is indeed a bomb hole where the devil hides shells under the crater. There are twelve boxes of mortar shells and ten boxes of infantry artillery shells!" The guard platoon leader said excitedly after getting out of the bomb hole.

"Battalion Commander... We also found something here..." Wei Dayong, the commander of the Tuyi Company, shouted from a long distance away.

After running in front of Huang Yu, he panted and reported: "There are only four guns left in the devil's mortar squadron that can still be used, and the other mortars have been blown up!"

"Two of the three infantry cannons have been blasted, and one is still working!"

"We also found three anti-bunker holes where artillery shells were hidden. There were a total of 380 mortar shells and 160 infantry artillery shells..."

After hearing this, Huang Yu was overjoyed, and pointed to the bomb defense tunnel dug out by the guard platoon and said, "This is a bomb defense cave that was blown down, and there are more than a hundred shells hidden in it!"

"Other artillery positions must have such bombed-out holes, so we must find them all!"

As soon as Wei Dayong left, Zhong Chengjun, the deputy battalion commander, ran over: "Battlemaster, the blocking position is basically cleaned up!"

"We used a lot of heavy artillery in the battle, causing many weapons to be blown up, especially light and heavy machine guns!"

"We searched the entire blocking position, and we only found four heavy machines, 13 light machine guns, and 586 rifles, just enough to form a battalion!"

"If we make up for our own lost equipment first, the remaining equipment is just enough for us to form half a battalion!"

Huang Yu immediately showed a bitter face.

Zhong Chengjun only counted the weapons consumed by the troops in the battle just now, not the casualties of the troops in the attack.

Hundreds of soldiers shed blood on the battlefield, and in the end they only got back half a battalion's equipment, which is definitely a very loss-making business for the independent regiment.

Zhong Chengjun seemed to see what Huang Yu was thinking, and continued to report: "The weapons and equipment accounted for only a small part of all the seizures, and the real big one is the ammunition!"

"Devils also know the truth that eggs cannot be put in one basket. Ammunition is hidden in every bomb defense hole in the blocking position. There are a few thousand rounds at least, and ten or twenty thousand more..."

"A small amount makes a lot, just now there are more than [-] rounds of [-]-caliber bullets, [-] rounds of [-]-caliber bullets, [-] rounds of heavy machine gun bullets, and more than [-] grenades and hand grenades! "

"There are still a lot of bomb defense holes and machine gun bunkers that have been blown down. Battalion Commander Xiao is organizing troops to dig. If all the ammunition inside is also dug out, it will be no problem to seize another [-] rounds of various bullets!"

Huang Yu's complexion suddenly became better.

Although the independent regiment's repair shop is reloading bullets, due to various restrictions and problems, it can only reload [-]-caliber bullets and [-]-caliber bullets. The quality is uneven, and it cannot be used for machine guns.

In order to ensure the combat effectiveness of the troops, those reloading bullets are basically used in training.

In the event of a big battle or a tough battle, only the captured original bullets can be used.

As a result, the Independent Regiment's reliance on captured ammunition remains substantial.

The troops seized [-] to [-] rounds of ammunition here at one time, which is enough for the troops to fight several major battles at the rate of ammunition consumption of the Independent Regiment.

Looking at Zhong Chengjun, he was very happy to order: "The troops leave the battlefield before dawn!"

"Before withdrawing, all soldiers acted to find out all the ammunition buried in the ground!"

"The bullet casings found will also be taken away!"

"The Japanese and puppet troops have been guarding here for nearly half a month, consuming [-] to [-] rounds of ammunition a day, and there are millions of rounds in total!"

"With so many bullet casings, not only can they be taken back to reload bullets, but they can also be remelted to make new bullets!"

On another battlefield of the Independence Regiment, Kong Jie was watching the battle in the war room.

As soon as the heavy artillery battalion's artillery coverage against the blockade line ended, a battalion of troops rushed up.

In his plan, this was the final attack on the blockade.

Success or failure depends on one action, so he can't help being nervous.


A thunderous explosion suddenly sounded from the blockade, and a huge fireball rose into the air with a height of twenty or thirty meters.

The heavy artillery battalion did not fire, and the explosion just now could only be due to the death of ammunition.

If it was just an accident, it would be fine. The big deal is that the troops would not seize some ammunition on the blockade.

If this was done on purpose by the Japanese and puppet troops, it would be a disaster.

It shows that they have realized that the blockade cannot be defended, and they want to blow up excess weapons and ammunition, and die with the blockade...

Or want to evacuate the blockade, blow up the weapons and ammunition that cannot be taken away, so that the independent regiment cannot seize any weapons.

Neither of the two reasons was what Kong Jie wanted.

Immediately raised the binoculars and looked in the direction of the explosion.

"Boom... boom..."

Two more explosions reached Kong Jie's ears.

One or two explosions can still be called an accident, but now that three explosions sounded one after another, it would not make sense to explain it by accident.

The observation post on the side suddenly shouted: "Regimental Commander, the Japanese and puppet troops on the blockade seem to be running away!"

"Alternate cover and retreat to the rear position..."

Kong Jie looked in the direction of his subordinates' fingers, and a dozen or so Japanese and puppet soldiers were retreating to the second trench carrying weapons and ammunition...

The blocking firepower from the first trench has obviously weakened...

Kong Jie instantly understood the real intention of the Japanese puppet army to blow up the ammunition, and snorted coldly: "It's okay to retreat and run away, but don't blow up my ammunition!"

"The artillery fired immediately to prevent the Japanese and puppet troops from blowing up the ammunition they couldn't take away, and forced them back..."

"As soon as the three-minute artillery attack was over, the attacking troops pressed on me, took down the blockade with lightning speed, and drove the remaining Japanese and puppet troops out of the blockade."

"All the guard battalions pressed up to let the Japanese and puppet troops see our determination to storm the blockade."

"If they procrastinate and refuse to retreat in order to blow up the ammunition they can't take away, when our main force presses up, they won't be able to leave even if they want to!"

"Boom boom boom..."

The artillery fire rushed quickly and went quickly.

The Guard Battalion and the Sixth Battalion then entered the blockade...

Except for the bombed trenches and the corpses of Japanese and puppet soldiers, there was not a single living person on the blockade line full of scorched earth.

After listening to the report, Kong Jie knew that his judgment was right, and ordered with a happy face: "The troops will clean up the battlefield immediately!"

"Xiao Huang sent a telegram saying that the Japanese and puppet troops hid all the ammunition in the bomb defense holes and bunkers. Although the devils blew up some before leaving, many of the bomb defense holes and bunkers were blown down by us, and the ammunition was buried in the soil. The devils can't blow it up even if they want to!"

"Find out those bomb holes and machine gun bunkers, and you will definitely find a lot of ammunition!"

"Don't miss the bullet casings on the cordon!"

"Xiao Huang seized millions of bullet casings in Yantoupo, and we won't lose much here. Bringing them all back to the base area is a huge fortune!"

On the Zhaojiayu battlefield, as soon as the three rounds of artillery raids ended, the attacking troops did not encounter any resistance, and a single assault drowned the last wave of Japanese and puppet troops in the crowd.

"Leader, political commissar, we have won!" Zhang Dabiao was the first to rush into the headquarters to announce the good news.

"I took a look at the Devil's artillery position. At least half of the artillery is intact, including two large-caliber mountain cannons!"

"I have been fighting devils for so long, and this is the first time I have seen such a large-caliber artillery... the barrel is thicker than the mouth of a bowl!"

"There are also several large-caliber mortars and field artillery, which can be used by the troops!"

"This time it's finally our new second regiment's turn to make a fortune!"

"I think that after the battle is over, the artillery battalion directly under the regiment headquarters can be directly expanded into a heavy artillery battalion!"

"Where's the cannonball?" Li Yunlong asked with bright eyes!
"Without shells, even the best artillery is just a decoration!"

Zhang Dabiao nodded immediately: "There are shells..."

"The three carts are all loaded with heavy mountain artillery shells, at least two hundred and forty rounds..."

"There are also seven or eight vehicles of field artillery shells and large-caliber mortar shells. The largest number are 81mm mortar shells and infantry artillery shells, a total of 12 vehicles..."

Li Yunlong laughed after hearing this: "Great, with these cannons and shells, I will become a local rich man."

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