The Sword of Swords is a Guard for Kong Jie

Chapter 337 Eight Ga!We overlooked 8 big problem

Colonel Ando didn't pay much attention to the blocking position in front of him, and still regarded him as the blocking position he encountered before.

I felt that as soon as the artillery coverage ended, the Eighth Route Army on the position would either be scared away, or almost blown up.It only takes a single assault from infantry to take it down.

"Start the attack, take the blocking position as quickly as possible, and go straight to Baipogou!" As soon as the artillery coverage stopped, Ando Dazuo calmly ordered.

More than a hundred devils immediately rushed out of the offensive position, armed with guns, and rushed towards the position in skirmish lines.

It looks very vigilant on the surface, but the reality is quite the opposite.

In the past few days, they have conquered no less than ten blocking positions.

Except for the first few positions that were defended by the Eighth Route Army, which caused a lot of losses to the attacking troops.

Not even a figure of the Eighth Route Army was seen in the blocking position behind.

In the eyes of more than a hundred devils on the battlefield, there must not be a single Eighth Route Army in the blocking position ahead, and their attack is more like going through the motions to gain military exploits.

Although the rifles were in their hands, many people did not even open the safety and pull the bolt.

There are also many devils who are chatting with the soldiers around them as they advance, and it is not at all obvious that they are attacking their opponents.

When the two sides were [-] meters apart, there was no movement in the blocking position except for the rising smoke!

The devil's attacking troops were not very vigilant in the first place, but now they became more relaxed.

Little did they know that black gun barrels were slowly protruding from the trenches...

The seven light machine guns equipped in the company were also set up one after another, aiming at the devils who were getting closer and closer, ready to shoot at any time.

More soldiers took out grenades and grenades, pulled out the fuses, and placed them in front of them...

"Kill it..." The leader of the ghost squadron waved his command knife, shouted and ordered his subordinates to speed up the assault, rushed through the last few tens of meters in one go, and took down the blocking position.

"Prepare the grenade!" The company commander ordered in a low voice, conveniently put the box cannon aside, picked up a grenade with a wooden handle, and prepared to throw it.

More than a hundred devils rushed forward screaming, and quickly crossed the line fifty meters in front of the formation, and went straight to the blocking position.

"Grenade greeting, throw it out..." the first company commander ordered decisively.

At the same time, pull off the fuse of the grenade, wait for the grenade with white smoke to stay in your hand for three seconds, and then throw it out!

At this time, dozens of grenades flew out of the blocking position, and fell on them under the dumbfounded gaze of the devils...

"Baga, there is the Eighth Route Army on the ground..." A second lieutenant yelled, and fell to the ground, holding his head in his hands...


The grenade that hit his feet just exploded, the flames splashed, and the smoke filled the air.

He got down on the ground in time, and the flying fragments did not hurt him, but he was dizzy from the shock of the air wave generated by the explosion of the grenade.

But this does not affect his hand movements.

He quickly got up from the ground and continued to attack, shouting as he charged: "Scatter the assault... Get ready for the grenade... Go forward for more than ten meters and throw it out..."

"Kill it..."

After giving the order, he didn't forget to shout the devil's signature slogan.

"Da da da……"

Seven crooked hands suddenly joined the battle, and the captain of the second lieutenant had just rushed forward five or six steps, when a string of bullets flew from the front, whizzing into his body...

"Baga..." The second lieutenant's eyes widened quickly, and before he had time to shout out these two words, he fell on his back to the ground, dying...

The former enemy command post of the first battalion.

The corner of Shen Quan's mouth suddenly turned up, and a smile flashed on his serious face at the same time, and he punched the log pillar beside him again, very happy: "Well done!"

"A good company is the main company of our first battalion. If half of the platoon is lost, half of the devil's squad can be killed with a single shot... The soldiers who died in the artillery fire just now can rest in peace!"

"Let the artillery platoon fire immediately as planned to destroy the devil's heavy machine gun position, disrupt their offensive rhythm, and reduce the defensive pressure of the company!"

Japanese attack position.

Colonel Ando was totally taken aback.

Looking at the sudden battle scene in front of him, his face was full of disbelief, and he muttered to himself.

"How is it possible... Shouldn't the Eighth Route Army on the ground be scared away by the artillery fire? Why is there still such a strong blocking firepower!"

"The regiment leader... the blocking position has at least one company's strength!" The adjutant made a judgment with a sullen face.

The sound of firefights on the battlefield became more and more intense, and all the heavy machine guns that provided fire cover for the attacking troops joined the battle!
Under the frantic strafing of the six heavy machine guns, the blocking firepower on the position weakened significantly.

Seeing this, Colonel Ando looked much better.

But before I had time to be happy, four explosions of "Boom..." suddenly sounded in the heavy machine gun position, and my mood fell to the bottom again...

A heavy machine gun instantly misfired, and several machine gunners were blown over together.

Although the remaining five heavy machine guns were not hit by shells, the explosion point was near them, and no one could guarantee whether the next round of artillery fire would hit them.

One by one, like frightened rabbits, they began to move after carrying a crane gun.


The second round of shells fell quickly...

A machine gun team that had just raised the heavy machine gun was hit by shells. In the splashing flames, several medium machine gunners fell to the ground, and the machine guns hit the ground at the same time.

Without the heavy machine gun to make trouble, the blocking firepower of the company that had just been suppressed was strengthened again.

The devils managed to get past the grenade interception net, and before they had time to catch their breath, the rain of bullets from seven light machine guns had already swept towards them...

It was like a piece of ripe wheat being cut down to the ground one after another.

It wasn't until this moment that Colonel Ando reacted from the blind circle, staring at the battlefield and ordered anxiously: "The attacking troops retreat immediately..."

"We ignored a big problem and made a big mistake of underestimating the enemy..."

"This is the last blocking position for us to attack Baipogou. Once we take it down, there will be no danger to defend from behind, and the attacking troops will be able to smash into Baipogou directly!"

"The independent regiment wants to defend Baipogou and buy enough time for their regiment headquarters to transfer. They will definitely stop us here!"

"We underestimated the enemy too much. We ignored that the front is Baipogou, the headquarters of the independent regiment. Taking down the blocking position is equivalent to taking down Baipogou..."

"The artillerymen continue to fire... contact the air force and ask them to send planes to bomb the blocking position immediately, and launch a new round of attack after the artillery is ready..."

"For this attack, at least two companies of the Royal Association Army, two infantry squadrons... gather together five hundred people to attack together..."

"After taking the blocking position, the attacking troops should not stop, continue to charge forward, and directly capture Baipogou!"

The Japanese army retreated quickly, leaving more than [-] corpses in front of the blocking position.

Shen Quan was guarding the command post, and before he had time to shout, the sound of shell explosions had already sounded in the blocking position!

"Weng buzzing..."

A plane came to the battlefield at the same time, and after hovering in the sky with a punch, it suddenly began to dominate.

It's like a falcon that has been spotting its prey, heading straight for the blocking position.


When there were still one or two hundred meters away from the ground, the fuselage suddenly pulled up, and the two aerial bombs got rid of the constraints of the fuselage at the same time, and continued to fly towards the blocking position under the action of inertia...

The violent explosion sound spread throughout the battlefield like thunder.

Flames mixed with a lot of black smoke rose from the ground, forming a huge mushroom cloud at a height of more than ten meters...

The smile on Shen Quan's face was once again replaced by seriousness, and he said with a serious face: "Aerial bombs are several times more powerful than heavy artillery shells. The devil's artillery fire must have lasted longer than before. The continuous defense is under great pressure!"

After finishing speaking, he ordered to the correspondent on the side: "Let the second company get ready for battle!"

"After the bombardment, replace the company!"

"After the artillery platoon entered the new position, it immediately aimed at the devil's new heavy machine gun position..."

"The task is the same as before. After receiving the bombardment order, each cannon will fire four rounds rapidly, and then transfer after the shooting is over!"

The former enemy headquarters of the Independence Regiment saw that the devils began to cover the blocking positions again, and Kong Jie's face also changed from sunny to cloudy, and sank instantly.

"The devil reacted very quickly. Knowing that he had suffered the loss of underestimating the enemy, he immediately stopped the loss, stopped the attack, and switched to artillery and aircraft to continue the attack. Give full play to his firepower advantage!"

"If the attacking troops withdraw two minutes later, the first battalion will definitely kill twenty or thirty more devils!"

Chief of Staff Li Wensheng walked over with a sullen face: "The first battalion is under a lot of pressure to stop!"

"I just received a report from the instructor of the first battalion: only the first round of artillery coverage, the first battalion and one company lost more than half of the infantry platoon and a heavy machine gun!"

"The devil's artillery fire coverage is more intense this time, and there are planes participating in the battle, so the losses must be greater!"

"The damage caused to the fortifications is also more serious. We must be mentally prepared in advance for the first battalion to suffer heavy casualties!"

Kong Jie was silent for a while and replied: "When the assault battalion fought against the Earth Temple, the Japanese and puppet troops were only equipped with six large-caliber mortars. As a result, the troops were almost wiped out!"

"The devils who attacked the first battalion were not only equipped with large-caliber mortars, but also equipped with heavy artillery and field artillery. The pressure can be imagined!"

After finishing speaking, he turned and returned to the map, and analyzed seriously: "If you want to reduce the pressure of the first battalion's blocking and reduce their casualties, the outflanking troops must move into place as soon as possible!"

"As long as they launch an attack, the Japanese and puppet troops will be surrounded by enemies, and there is no way to concentrate on attacking the first battalion!"

"If the artillery and the cavalry cooperate properly, we can successfully take down the devil's artillery position..."

"The Japanese puppet army in the encirclement will become a tiger without fangs, and its combat effectiveness will drop sharply. It will be easily divided and surrounded by us and eaten bit by bit!"

Li Wensheng understood, pointed to the map and said, "Four main battalions and twelve main companies are rushing to the predetermined battlefield!"

"But there are ghost planes staring at the sky, and many troops have to take a detour to avoid exposing their targets!"

"According to the analysis of the latest battle report I received, they will all be in place in another [-] minutes!"

"Where's the Sixth Battalion in charge of censoring?" Kong Jie continued to ask, staring at the map.

"The movement has been in place, and the fortifications are being repaired..."

"Also because of the devil plane, the progress is [-] minutes slower than planned!"

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