The Sword of Swords is a Guard for Kong Jie

Chapter 293 Li Yunlong: I Don't Believe It Anymore

Li Yunlong snorted and said, "Old Zhao, you underestimate Huang Yu too much!"

"His command ability is far beyond our imagination... I have been jealous for a long time. I tried to get him from Kong Jie several times. I even took out the infantry artillery, but Kong Er's idiot would not let him go..."

"Take a step back, do you think someone who is valued even by the brigade commander and the boss is an idiot?"

"If Huang Yu can't even defend the Earth Temple, then Kong Er's trust and support for him will be in vain!"

"Just relax!"

"This kid will definitely be able to defend the Earth Temple, and maybe he can create miracles in the Earth Temple!"

"I have a feeling... After Huang Yu entered our defense zone, he went straight to the Earth Temple defended by the Sixth Company. He must have set his sights on it a long time ago... If this is the case, he probably already has a specific strategy to stop the Japanese puppet army in his mind." !"

"Combined with his self-confidence when he took the order just now, I am even more convinced of my own judgment!"

"Let's get over this matter. With Huang Yu here, the reinforcement troops in the direction of the Earth Temple definitely don't need us to be more concerned... The troops continue to advance, and the sooner they capture Ping'an County, the less combat pressure the blocking troops will have!"

At the Japanese Garrison Headquarters in Ping'an County, Yamamoto Osamu is comparing the map to calculate how many reinforcements he can get.

The guard captain was very happy.

He has been appointed by Yamamoto as his deputy to assist in directing the entire encirclement and annihilation campaign.

This will be a great capital in his military career, and it will also have unlimited benefits for his future promotion.

He attached great importance to this military operation, and expressed his thoughts to Yamamoto after the statistics were completed.

"Sir...According to the requirements of the military department, there are a total of eight counties that can send reinforcements to us..."

"The reinforcement troops in the three county towns can exceed [-] people...the reinforcement troops in the three county towns can exceed [-] people...and the reinforcement troops in the three county towns can exceed [-] people..."

"Combined with the troops that can be dispatched from the surrounding strongholds... the total strength of the reinforcement troops will definitely exceed [-], and encircling the [-]-odd Eighth Route Army will definitely be easy!"

"Killing the New Second Regiment, there will be a big gap in the Eighth Route Army's defense line in Northwest Shanxi. We can still take advantage of the victory and pursue it, enter the hinterland of the Eighth Route Army's base, and continue to attack the Independent Regiment and the New First Regiment..."

Colonel Yamamoto pinned all his hopes of turning himself around on this big battle, and the captain of the guard was also full of confidence in this battle, and his confidence was even stronger. He immediately ordered: "Immediately contact all the counties we have just identified!"

"Let them prepare the reinforcements in advance and gather them on standby..."

"As soon as the new second regiment started to attack the city, they set off immediately..."

"Be sure to encircle the new second regiment outside Ping'an City!"

"Da da da... bang bang... boom..."

As soon as the words fell, a faint sound of firefighting spread to the headquarters. The smile on Yamamoto's face was replaced by seriousness at the same time, and he immediately looked at the several staff officers in the war room.

"Sir... I will go and find out where the sound of the firefight is coming from now..." A combat staff officer understood it and immediately stood up...

As soon as he ran to the door of the war room, the phone rang "Dinglingling...".

The telephone soldier picked up the receiver and listened for a few seconds, then covered the receiver and reported: "Sir, the garrison in the east of the city reported...they found a large number of Eighth Route Army vanguard troops outside the city..."

"The sound of firefighting was made by them, to prevent the Eighth Route Army from approaching the city wall and attacking the county..."

"Dingling..." Another phone rang...

"Report sir, the Eighth Route Army has appeared in the west of the city, equipped with heavy machine guns and mortars..."


Three explosions suddenly came from the south of the city, and the phone that had just put down the handset rang again in a hurry.

"Sir, the south of the city is being attacked by the Eighth Route Army..."

"There are at least a thousand people on the other side, equipped with mortars and heavy machine guns... two companies were dispatched to attack the city... and they brought a siege ladder... the city defense forces are desperately blocking..."

Immediately afterwards, there was also the sound of intensive firefights in the north of the city. Although there were no gunshots, just hearing the gunshots, you can tell that the battle there is also very intense...

Yamamoto Osamu was not nervous at all, on the contrary, he was very excited.

He punched the table, opened his mouth and began to issue an order: "Contact all city defense forces... Repel the Eighth Route Army's attack at all costs..."

"The light and heavy machine guns given to them by the headquarters are not just for decoration. I will use them all. The Eighth Route Army must not be allowed to approach the city wall and break through our city defenses!"

The captain of the garrison suddenly stood up and proposed: "Sir, the reconnaissance troops report that the new second regiment attacking us is equipped with a large number of mortars, mountain artillery, and infantry artillery..."

"Heavy firepower is no weaker than ours..."

"Should we strike first and destroy their artillery units..."

"No..." Colonel Yamamoto denied without hesitation.

"Destroy their trump card to attack Ping'an County at the beginning of the battle. Do you think the New Second Regiment still has the confidence to continue attacking Ping'an County?"

"Not only can we not strike first, but we have to send a few mortars to destroy the New Second Regiment..."

"In their eyes, there is only half a mortar squadron and an infantry artillery squadron in the city. There are eight artillery pieces in total. Once they are finished, they will be gone!"

"I didn't know there were six mortars in the arsenal in the city!"

"Let the New Second Regiment destroy a few of our artillery pieces, and they will feel that we have no heavy weapons to counter them..."

"In the next siege battle, they will definitely attack us unscrupulously!"

"Wait for the reinforcements to form an encirclement circle around Ping'an County and launch an attack from behind the New Second Regiment. Then we will take out the hidden artillery and launch a counterattack. We will definitely hit the Eighth Route Army hard and cooperate with the reinforcements to encircle and wipe them out!"

"The chief is wise, it's because he didn't think well in his humble position..." The captain of the defense was taken aback by Yamamoto's explanation, and admired him sincerely.

Yamamoto continued to order: "I won't talk more nonsense..."

"Continue to contact the city defense forces and let them immediately find out the total strength of the Eighth Route Army attacking them..."

"As long as the main force of the New Second Regiment is outside the city, we can be sure that the New Second Regiment really wants to attack Ping'an County, and is not encircling a point for reinforcements..."

"Of course, even if they want to surround the spot for reinforcements, they don't have that many troops."

"But don't be afraid of [-], just in case... Only when we get more evidence that the New Second Regiment stormed Ping'an County, can we let the reinforcements set off immediately, so that we won't come to Ping'an County to rush to nothing!"

"Humble job, go and arrange it now..." The captain of the defense was very active, and started calling the city defense force after receiving the order...

Twenty minutes later, the garrison captain returned to Yamamoto with an excited expression on his face.


"There are more than [-] Eighth Route Army in every direction outside Ping'an City... Their offensive is very fierce. No matter from the analysis of firepower or combat effectiveness, it is certain that they are the main force..."

"In the past twenty minutes, they not only dispatched a large number of heavy machine guns and mortars to participate in the siege battle, but also all four mountain artillery and infantry artillery..."

"The city defense forces in the east of the city also found the cavalry of the Eighth Route Army outside the city. From this, it can be concluded that the main force of the New Second Regiment is all outside Ping'an City!"

General Yamamoto let out a long breath, his eyes became hot at the same time, he stared at the captain of the garrison and continued to give orders: "Contact all the reinforcements immediately, they can be dispatched!"

In the east of Ping'an City, Li Yunlong hid behind a mound [-] meters away from the county seat. He saw that the attacking troops were repulsed by the Japanese and puppet troops in a few minutes, and they left dozens of corpses on the attacking road. Wrinkled deeper.

Zhang Dabiao slammed his fist on the mound in front of him, drew out his favorite ghost-headed broadsword, and challenged Li Yunlong: "Regimental Commander... I will personally go to the First Battalion to command the troops to attack the city... I don't believe we can't conquer the city!"

"Shut up for me..." Li Yunlong said angrily.

"Didn't you see that the devils have deployed twenty or thirty light and heavy machine guns on the top of the city?"

"Shooting and shooting at the same time, even if we send out a battalion, it won't be enough to kill them!"

Zhao Gang replied with a sullen face: "The enemy's firepower is stronger than we imagined!"

"Information shows that there are at most [-] Japanese puppet troops in the city, equipped with sixty or seventy light and heavy machine guns..."

"Now there are twenty or thirty light and heavy machine guns in the east of Guangcheng... If the light and heavy machine guns in other directions are similar, there are at least [-] light and heavy machine guns in Ping'an City, and the level of firepower far exceeds ours!"

"If we attack rashly, we will be the ones who will suffer!"

"Regimental Commander, I suggest that the troops suspend the attack... first find a way to destroy half of the blocking firepower of the Japanese and puppet troops, and then launch an attack. Only then can we hope to capture Ping'an County!"

Zhang Dabiao frowned immediately into a big Sichuan character, looking at the Ping'an county town in front of him like a fire hedgehog, he said helplessly.

"How to plan... The Japanese and puppet troops are huddled inside Ping'an County, and they will definitely not attack rashly... We are outside, and we can't get in. How can we destroy half of their blocking firepower!"

Li Yunlong kept his face sullen and did not speak until Zhang Dabiao was about to go to the front line in person, when he suddenly slapped the bullet box in front of him and said, "I have figured out a way..."

"Order the troops to continue the attack...but change the assault into a feint..."

"The main force took the opportunity to dig trenches and dig the offensive position to a position [-] meters outside the city..."

"If possible, it would be best to dig [-] meters outside the city!"

"The devils will definitely not let us dig trenches easily, and the artillery and grenadier troops will definitely attack our trench-digging troops without interruption."

"Put the artillery unit on standby, ready to knock out the artillery unit and the grenadier unit exposed by the devil..."

"Political commissar, go back to the regiment headquarters immediately, take all the horses of the cavalry company, bring all the black powder in our inventory, and bring over the flying thunder cannons left in the regiment!"

"At the beginning, I thought that the flying thunder cannon had a short range and low accuracy. It was only suitable for field combat and not suitable for siege, so I didn't bring it!"

"Now it seems that we may have to rely on them to win Ping'an County."

Zhao Gang understood at once, and immediately understood the real purpose of Li Yunlong's call for Feilei Pao, and immediately took the order: "I will arrange it now...the horse is will be back in ten hours at most."

Li Yunlong continued: "The siege troops just used these ten hours to advance the offensive position to a position of one or two hundred meters outside the city, and dig out the firing position of the flying thunder cannon by the way..."

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