The Sword of Swords is a Guard for Kong Jie

Chapter 291 Commander, I want to reinforce Commander Li

"Concentrate your troops to ambush the weaker reinforcements, and divide your troops to block the stronger reinforcements with a small number of troops!" Kong Jie knew everything, grabbed a pencil and began to study the map, looking and analyzing.

"Three reinforcements...the Japanese and puppet troops on the left will not exceed [-] troops...the Japanese and puppet troops on the right will not exceed [-]...the strongest should be the Japanese and puppet troops in the middle, with more than [-] soldiers. Three thousand people..."

"After this period of development, the total strength of the independent regiment is at least [-] people, and its firepower is no worse than that of devils..."

"Let's fix the time difference. It will definitely be no problem to ambush the two Japanese and puppet troops on the left and right..."

Huang Yu interrupted suddenly: "Regimental missed a troop..."

"There are not only the main force in the defense zone, but also a large number of local troops..."

"I guessed and calculated, three county brigades, more than a dozen district squads, and dozens of guerrilla teams. There are at least two thousand people in total!"

"The total strength of the main force is far more than [-] people..."

"Take the assault battalion as an example. More than a month ago, the total strength of the troops has exceeded [-]..."

"In the past month or so, many bandits and traitors have been destroyed, and two transport convoys have been ambushed. Not only have they seized a large amount of food and weapons, but they have also captured more than [-] prisoners."

"After mobilization, more than [-] captives volunteered to join our Eighth Route Army!"

"Our action still caused a huge sensation in the local area, and more than [-] local people joined us!"

"This is the new recruit we recruited after we strictly controlled the recruitment conditions. If the conditions are relaxed, it will be no problem to recruit two or three hundred more!"

"Despite this, the total strength of the assault battalion has increased to more than [-] people!"

"I don't know the situation of other troops, but they are definitely not worse than the assault battalion..."

"We have six main battalions, one guard battalion, and one assault battalion... No matter how eight main battalions there are, there are more than [-] people."

"In addition, the regiment is directly under the artillery company, the supply battalion, the cavalry company... [-] people must be indispensable."

"Add more than [-] local troops, and we can mobilize at least [-] people to participate in the ambush..."

"It will definitely be no problem to eat the left and right reinforcements!"

Kong Jie became happier after his analysis, and immediately ordered: "Then this action is decided!"

"I will give an assembly order to all the battalion and company commanders now... When the chief of staff returns, we will designate an ambush plan..."

Huang Yu didn't answer immediately, but showed a hesitant expression of hesitating to speak.

Kong Jie knew what he was up to at the first glance, and immediately asked, "Speak up if you have something to say...a man, don't stick around with me here, like a bitch!"

"Reporting Commander...I don't want to participate in the next ambush...I want to take the assault battalion to reinforce Commander Li..." Huang Yu summoned up his courage to report.

"Although the Independent Regiment and the New First Regiment can block many reinforcements from the Japanese and puppet troops, there are still many reinforcements that need to be blocked by themselves!"

"No matter how bad Ping'an County is, it can gather more than [-] troops, and there are solid fortifications to defend the city. The pressure of the new second regiment's siege must be very high. I'm worried that they won't be able to spare too many troops to fight against it!"

"If I bring the assault battalion there, at the very least, I can help Commander Li block the way for reinforcements, so that the new second regiment can gather more troops to attack Ping'an County!"

"The sooner he wins Ping'an County, the less pressure we will have to stop him..."

Kong Jie didn't speak, but replaced the map in front of him with the map of the new second regiment's defense zone.

After some research, he ordered: "The strength of a battalion is too small..."

"I'll hand over the cavalry company of the regiment headquarters and the special operations team to you..."

"They are good at raids, it's too wasteful to stay here to block, but following you can play an unexpected role!"

At the Japanese Garrison Command in Ping'an County, General Yamamoto was in a very bad mood...

The telecommunications room kept calling for the special agent teams attacking the headquarters of the Xinyi Regiment and the Independent Regiment, but until dawn, neither of the two special agent teams responded.

At this time, the fool also guessed that the two secret service teams had lost, and it was still a disastrous defeat... It is very likely that none of the secret service members were withdrawn, otherwise they would definitely try to contact him.

"Sir... Our radio contact with Zhangjiachong's stronghold has also been cut off... I suspect that it has been occupied by an independent regiment..." The captain of the defense walked up to Yamamoto and reported with a long sigh...

From the bottom of his heart, Mr. Yamamoto didn't want to admit that he had failed...

But in the face of the bloody facts, he had to accept the reality.

A battle plan for besieging the Second Second Regiment in Ping'an County quickly flashed through his mind...

Only by killing the new second regiment can I give an explanation to the military, and it is possible to keep the Yamamoto special team!
Otherwise, with the end of the Yamamoto Secret Service's losing streak in the Eighth Route Army, Shinozuka Yoshio would not be able to resist the general trend of disbanding the Yamamoto Secret Service no matter how optimistic he is...

Thinking about the hope that was rekindled on General Yamamoto's face full of despair, he stared at the captain of the defense and asked, "How is the new second regiment, have you sent troops to besiege Ping'an County..."

"Sir, the latest information shows that the main force of the New Second Regiment gathered in Zhaojiayu has exceeded [-] people... There are still a large number of local troops of the Eighth Route Army on their way there, and the total strength may exceed [-]!"

Yamamoto Dazuo didn't show any worry on his face, but smiled instead: "It's okay..."

"The more troops the New Second Regiment gathers, the greater the results we will achieve in Ping'an County..."

"Continue to keep an eye on Zhaojiayu, and report immediately if there is any situation!"

"Contact the two nearest strongholds across the county again! Get them ready to evacuate!"

"As long as the main force of the New Second Regiment heads towards Ping'an County, they will immediately abandon their stronghold and march back to the county with only weapons and ammunition!"

"Then strengthen all the light and heavy machine guns in the arsenal of the Imperial Army and the Imperial Association Army in the city..."

"Leave [-] light and heavy machine guns to strengthen the reserve team, and the remaining light and heavy machine guns will be divided equally between the city defense forces in the four directions of Ping'an County..."

"This time, I must turn Ping'an County into the grave of the New Second Regiment... to avenge the warriors who died in the secret service team!"

"Get rid of the New Second Regiment, let's find a way to kill the Independent Regiment and the New First Regiment, and completely disintegrate all the Eighth Route Army operating in Northwest Shanxi!"

"Sir, you are wise... I will make arrangements for the humble staff now!"

At Zhaojiayu New Second Regiment Headquarters, more than [-] battalion and company commanders gathered in the meeting room, staring at the map on the table without blinking, pricking up their ears, listening to the regiment commander's combat orders...

"Where is the Sixth Company?" Li Yunlong pointed to the map and asked.

"Here!" Lieutenant Huang of the Sixth Company immediately stood up, looking expectantly at the leader, waiting for his order!

"I heard that you are very good at blocking!" Li Yunlong raised his head and stared at Captain Huang and asked.

"People are on the ground... As long as there is one soldier in the Sixth Company alive, I guarantee that the Japanese and puppet troops will not let the Japanese and puppet troops go too far!" Company Commander Huang did not talk nonsense, and directly said a sentence he often said to his subordinates.

"Well said, I like your ruthlessness!" After Li Yunlong finished speaking, he pointed to a point on the map to order.

"There is an earth temple here, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack. I ask Liulian to nail me here for eight hours like a nail!"

"The eight hours I'm talking about start counting after you encounter the enemy, not when you enter the position. Do you have the confidence to complete the mission..."

"People are fighting on the ground!" Captain Huang still didn't say a word of nonsense, and directly issued a military order.

Zhao Gang suddenly interjected: "Company Commander must be more cautious after entering the position!"

"After research, the regiment headquarters concluded that there were at least [-] Japanese and puppet reinforcements passing through the Earth Temple!"

"In order to speed up the march, they will give up some heavy weapons, but they must be equipped with a large number of mortars and heavy machine guns!"

"I want to block them for eight hours under the attack of the puppet army for more than [-] days, and the pressure is very great!"

"Considering that the sixth company has less than [-] people, the strength of the Japanese puppet army is too big... The regiment decided to transfer a county brigade and four district teams to cooperate with you in defending the Earth Temple!"

Company Commander Huang's expression became more and more serious. Looking at Li Yunlong and Zhao Gang, he took a deep breath and said, "Please don't worry, the political commissar of the regiment leader... If you don't complete the blocking mission, there must be no soldier from the Sixth Company who will withdraw from the battle alive!"

Li Yunlong was not a procrastinator, and he ordered with a wave of his hand: "I won't talk nonsense... You go to prepare now... The stronger the blocking position you build, the more it can block the attack of the Japanese and puppet troops, and the fewer casualties!"

Company Commander Huang paid a military salute and hurriedly left the meeting room of the regiment headquarters. Li Yunlong continued: "The third battalion and the ninth company are the most powerful of all the companies in our regiment. You go to stop the Japanese and puppet troops who are reinforcements in Ping'an County in the southeast."

"Although there are not many enemies there, there are too many routes that can be marched. Only you have the strength to split up and block all the reinforcements..."

"The other troops followed me to attack the county..."

"The rules have been told to you a long time ago... The [-]st, [-]rd and [-]th Battalion, regardless of main attack and assist, launch attacks from four directions at the same time, whoever enters Ping'an County first will be the main attacking force..."

"The fifth battalion and the troops directly under the regiment headquarters serve as the reserve team..."

"After the siege troops opened the gap, they immediately rushed into Ping'an County, wiped out the remnants of the enemy, and ended the battle as quickly as possible!"

"I heard that the arsenal in Ping'an County has a large amount of weapons and ammunition... After the troops enter the county, they must take down the arsenal as quickly as possible!"

At the Japanese Garrison Headquarters in Ping'an County, the captain of the garrison rushed into the war room with a face full of excitement: "Sir..."

"The Second New Regiment is dispatched... More than [-] troops are marching towards Ping'an County..."

"Equipped with four mountain artillery and infantry artillery, more than ten mortars, more than ten heavy machine guns, and a large number of light machine guns..."

General Yamamoto was so happy that he almost jumped up from his chair, and immediately ordered: "Quickly issue a retreat order to the bases outside the city!"

"The New Second Regiment is equipped with so many artillery pieces, and staying outside the city to defend the stronghold is no different from dying. It's better to withdraw from the county town and join the city defense force!"

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