The Sword of Swords is a Guard for Kong Jie

Chapter 272 Brigadier: This is what Huang Yu did too

Chapter 272 Brigadier: This was also created by Huang Yu (second update!)
Kong Jie was very embarrassed to answer: "We are newcomers, and the forces of the Japanese and puppet troops in Northwest Shanxi are intricate, and the combat pressure on the troops is indeed very high!"

But we are confident that we can gain a firm foothold here, develop troops, and establish new bases! "

When he said the last sentence, Kong Jie exuded a lot of confidence, and looked at the brigade commander and answered seriously.

The brigade commander was most satisfied with Kong Jie.

No matter what happens, you can stay calm, stay calm, and fight high!
Satisfied answer: "It is good to have confidence, but the problems that should be solved will not be reduced because of your confidence!"

"Your telegram to the brigade headquarters and I have seen the teacher: Considering that you are newcomers, you have no foundation in Northwest Shanxi, and it is difficult to raise food. The division headquarters specially approved [-] catties of food for you, [-] catties for each regiment. No matter what, it can solve a lot of rations for the troops!"

"After the food problem is solved, you will have enough energy and time to deal with the little devils and win more battles!"

Kong Jie didn't expect the superior to pay so much attention to him!
The independent regiment only sent a few notification messages, and did not ask for help from the superiors. The head of the division even saw at a glance that the independent regiment was short of food, and even saved [-] catties of food for himself.

Excited, he quickly nodded and accepted: "Thank you brigade commander, thank you division chief... These tens of thousands of catties of food can really solve our urgent needs!"

After talking, the two had already entered the independent regiment headquarters.

After a quick glance at the war room, the brigade commander fixed his eyes on Huang Yu's map full of various data.

Kong Jie understood, and quickly took it over to introduce: "Brigade Commander... This is the distribution map of the enemy and our forces in the defense zone..."

"The data above were gathered to the regiment headquarters after investigation by each battalion. There is no problem..."

The brigade commander didn't answer, and stared at the map for a long time before speaking again: "After reading the map, I realized that the pressure you are facing is greater than I imagined..."

"If I'm not mistaken, the total number of Japanese and puppet troops facing the Independence Regiment alone now exceeds [-], not to mention the reinforcements sent by Yoshio Shinozuka from other places!"

"Although the puppet army accounts for the majority here, under the personal training and command of the devils, their combat effectiveness should not be underestimated!"

"Tell me quickly, do you have any other problems that you need my brigade commander to help with! If you have any, feel free to mention it. The division chief asked me to personally escort the food for you, in order to help you solve your problems!"

"If you have something to say, don't hesitate...I'm not a man-eating tiger!"

If the brigade commander had raised this question ten days and a half months ago, Kong Jie would have been overjoyed and asked him the question with his fingers.

It's different now.

After more than ten days of development, every unit dispatched by the regiment headquarters has gained a lot, especially the assault battalion commanded by Huang Yu!

As long as the troop expansion rate is not too fast, self-sufficiency is no problem.

Although the slower-developing troops did not seize much, they still had enough food for more than half a month.

And Huang Yu's second transaction with Jinsui Army is about to start.

In addition to the more than [-] rounds of various bullets that the soldiers love most, there is also a lot of food.

After the transaction is completed, even if the independent regiment expands to [-] people, it will still be enough to feed the troops for a month!

Pointing to the map, he replied confidently: "Don't worry, Brigadier, even if we encounter any problems, we can solve them ourselves!"

While talking, he pointed to the map and introduced: "In addition to the guard battalion, I have sent out the five main battalions and the assault battalion of the Independence Regiment to develop in five different places..."

"Every battalion has gained a lot, especially the assault battalion!"

"Not only killed three or four hundred Japanese and puppet troops, but also seized a large amount of weapons, ammunition and food!"

"Huang Yu's report: Their food reserves are enough for two or three months of independence!"

"More than a hundred recruits were also recruited from the captives to join the assault battalion, and the remaining captive soldiers were organized into a company of prisoners of war and sent to the depths of Nanfeng Mountain to cultivate wasteland!"

"Depending on the magnitude of the crimes they committed at the hands of the devils, they will be sent to labor camps for one month but one year... and then they will be released and returned home after the labor reform is completed!"

"They also recruited more than a hundred recruits from the surrounding villages!"

"Combining the more than [-] veterans in the assault battalion, the total strength has exceeded [-] people. There are three main companies, one guard platoon, one machine gun platoon, and one air defense platoon..."

"Huang Yu also contacted the Jinsui Army operating in the west of Shanxi as a bandit in Nanfengzhai, and bought weapons, ammunition and food from them as a bandit!"

"The first batch, a reinforcement company's equipment has been traded!"

"Although the price is a bit high, the weapons I bought are all good, and they can be used by the troops!"

"After more than ten days, the second transaction will be made, this time mainly to buy ammunition and food!"

"If it is done, at least one month's rations can be bought for the independent group..."

The brigade commander was like listening to the scriptures, his face was both shocked and unbelievable.

It has been less than half a month since the last telegram contact. At that time, the independent regiment was in danger, and it had just suffered a big loss at the hands of the Japanese puppet army.

If what Kong Jie just said is true, the current independent group can definitely be described as "not seeing each other every day is like three autumns"...

Pointing to another point on the map, he continued to ask: "The mark here is the first is the situation of the first battalion, you must tell me the truth!"

"Shen Quan is also a clever ghost, and his level of commanding and fighting is not much worse than Huang Yu!" Kong Jie introduced with a smile.

"It took just half a month for the new regiment to divide its troops, and successfully captured a small stronghold, and wiped out more than [-] Japanese and puppet troops in total..."

"Although not much food was seized, the food left in their hands must be enough for half a month!"

"The total strength of the first battalion has grown from more than [-] people to more than [-] people!"

"Continue to develop with this momentum, at most one month, they will be able to expand to [-] people!"

"Are there many casualties in the attack on the stronghold?" The brigade commander continued to ask, staring at Kong Jie.

"The last time you attacked a medium-sized stronghold, you lost more than a hundred veterans... It seems like a big victory, but overall it's a loss!"

"Veterans are very important. Over time, it is no problem for a veteran to pull out a squad."

"More than a hundred veterans were lost in one battle, which is equivalent to the backbone of two or three battalions at the grassroots level. After reading the telegram, my teacher and I were heartbroken for a long time!"

"If they attack a small stronghold and lose dozens of veterans, then we might as well not fight!"

Kong Jie replied confidently: "Brigade Commander, don't worry!"

"As soon as the last battle against the Japanese and puppet army's medium-sized stronghold was over, we held a post-war summary meeting to discuss ways to break the situation!"

"Research decision: until you don't have the strength to fight a big battle with the Japanese and puppet troops, try to avoid head-on confrontation with them!"

"In order to prevent us from supporting our war with war, the Japanese and puppet troops only stock up on ammunition supplies for ten days in each stronghold..."

"Aiming at this point, Comrade Huang Yu proposed the method of blocking small strongholds!"

"Use the small strongholds that are short of food as bait, or surround the points to fight for reinforcements, or lure snakes out of their holes, and slowly consume the strength of the Japanese and puppet troops..."

"We will launch an attack after their combat power has dropped significantly!"

"Where's the puppet army?" The brigade commander continued to ask.

"You just said that Huang Yu captured more than two hundred puppet troops in only half a month!"

"I remember you said in the telegram: Under the training and command of the devils, the puppet army has greatly improved in terms of combat effectiveness and fighting will. Is it difficult to fight?"

"That kid Huang Yu captured more than [-] puppet soldiers no matter how he took action. Could it be that he has a way to break down the morale and fighting will of the puppet soldiers and force them to surrender!"

Kong Jie shook his head and smiled bitterly: "There is no way, but he came up with a ghost idea!"

"When fighting, hold the initiative on the battlefield tightly in your own hands, and don't disrupt the battle, melee, or night battle, otherwise the puppet army will definitely fight us to the death under the pressure of the devil officer!"

"Tell me more specific?" The brigade commander asked with great interest.

Kong Jie hurriedly explained: "When the battlefield is chaotic, we can't distinguish the devil officers hiding among the puppet troops, and we can't preemptively kill them and remove the magic spell on the puppet soldiers' heads!"

"After several bloody battles, we feel that the nature of the puppet army not wanting to fight and not wanting to be a traitor has not changed."

"It's just that the devil put a curse on his head, so he had to fight us desperately."

"Take off the magic spell, kill the devil officers and hardcore traitors in the team... Ordinary puppet troops will collapse immediately, lose their combat effectiveness, and surrender obediently as prisoners!"

"Only when we grasp the initiative on the battlefield and launch an attack on the predetermined battlefield, can we clearly distinguish the devil officers and hardcore traitors in the puppet army."

"Kill them first after the battle begins... Ordinary puppet troops will lose their will to fight in an instant, and they will be forced to surrender by us!"

"Huang Yu came up with this too!" The brigade commander nodded in satisfaction, staring at Kong Jie and continuing to ask.

"He introduced it in the battle report...I have already notified the battle report to all battalion and company commanders of the Independent Regiment..." Kong Jie nodded.

"If it is really useful, I will definitely inform Li Yunlong and Ding Wei as soon as possible!"

"Great!" The Brigadier's smile widened, and he praised Jane without hesitation.

"Kong Jie, I came here this time not only to deliver food to you, but also with an important mission!"

"Remember your reminder telegram to brigade headquarters?"

"If Yoshio Shinozuka promotes the method of training and commanding puppet troops in Northwest Shanxi throughout Shanxi, the combat pressure on our Eighth Route Army will definitely increase exponentially!"

"In order to prevent this possibility, you must fight two big battles in Northwest Shanxi, and a big battle against the puppet army!"

"Let Yoshio Shinozuka see that the puppet army personally trained and commanded by the devil is also vulnerable in front of us, and a lot of low-level officers, weapons and ammunition were wasted in vain!"

"As long as Shinozuka Yoshio doesn't approve of this training method and thinks it's not worthwhile, he won't promote it in Shanxi..."

"Although Huang Yu only captured more than [-] puppet troops, the significance is very great!"

"It means that the puppet army trained and commanded by the devils is in front of us, and they still can't get rid of the life of being a prisoner!"

"In the long run, we have seized more weapons and ammunition from the puppet army in Northwest Shanxi than in other places. Yoshio Shinozuka will definitely not watch this happen!"

 The second one was delivered today!Ask for full order!

(End of this chapter)

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