The Sword of Swords is a Guard for Kong Jie

Chapter 254 The landlord's family has no surplus

Chapter 254
In the Baipogou Independent Regiment Headquarters, all the cadres above the regiment battalion gathered in the small meeting room, with solemn expressions, lowered their heads, and said nothing...

It wasn't until Shen Quan and Huang Yu walked in that the oppressive atmosphere was broken.

"Shen Quan, Xiao Huang... Have you checked everything out?" Kong Jie asked anxiously.

"If Er Gouzi in other strongholds is like Liuzhuang, fearless of death, our offensive plan must be stopped!"

Shen Quan lowered his head and replied: "Reporting to the head of the regiment, the chief of staff... the specific situation is even worse than we expected!"

"The soil in Northwest Shanxi is barren, and the economy is not as developed as other places. The Japanese army paid far less attention to this place than other places, and the garrison was much less!"

"In order to make up for their lack of troops, they can only form a large number of Imperial Association Army locally!"

"Considering that the second devils in other places have low combat effectiveness and weak fighting will, they are often defeated in one blow on the battlefield, and they are captured by the Eighth Route Army in batches. Many people even joined the Eighth Route Army directly, turning their guns and attacking the imperial army instead! "

"The little devils here have found another way to train the Imperial Association Army by themselves!"

"In the puppet army: platoon commanders, company commanders, and battalion commanders are all served by little devils who can speak Chinese, and these little devils will personally train them!"

"The devils also transferred a large number of hard-core traitors from North Korea and Northeast China, and asked them to serve as squad leaders to help the devils manage the puppet army!"

"Punishment measures of continuous sitting are still implemented in the army!"

"On the battlefield, if there is a class of two dogs who are afraid of fighting, the whole platoon will be punished!"

"If there is a class of Er Gouzi who surrenders to us as a prisoner, the whole platoon will be shot..."

"Under this kind of high-pressure supervision, even if there are two dogs who want to surrender, they dare not reveal it. Any mistakes may be reported by people around them, and they will be killed by the Japanese as an example."

"After a long time, those two dogs we met would rather fight to the death than be captured when they go to the battlefield!"

"What a ruthless little devil..." Kong Jie clenched his fists and replied through gritted teeth.

"Train the puppet army by yourself, improve the combat effectiveness of the puppet army... and then use the method of continuous sitting to make the puppet soldiers feel insecure and dare not surrender as prisoners...Forcing those second devils to work for them... What a powerful method!"

After speaking, he said to Li Wensheng on the side: "Chief of Staff, the enemy situation in Northwest Shanxi is far more complicated than we imagined!"

"I suggest that the troops suspend the original expansion plan... re-investigate the surrounding enemy situation, the more thoroughly the better... and then designate an expansion plan based on the latest enemy situation!"

"The previous plan to mobilize prisoners to join the independent regiment also needs to be changed!"

"Before the Japanese army's control over the puppet army was disintegrated, we must have rarely captured prisoners, so we would not be able to mobilize many people to join the independent regiment!"

"We have to report this matter to the brigade headquarters immediately!"

"If Lao Li and Lao Ding haven't started to act yet, immediately ask the brigade commander to remind them to pay attention to the Ergouzi in the defense area. We must not use the method we used to deal with Ergouzi to deal with the Ergouzi in Northwest Shanxi!"

"I also need to remind the brigade commander to prevent the devils from spreading this new method of training the puppet army, then our combat pressure will definitely increase exponentially!"

Li Wensheng nodded and said, "The plan must be interrupted!"

"If you attack a medium-sized stronghold of [-] people, you will lose hundreds of veterans... Our independent regiment has a limited family and cannot afford it!"

"I'll send a telegram to the brigade commander in a while!"

"But there is one thing I must remind everyone!"

"This time we attacked the Liuzhuang stronghold, we only seized [-] catties of grain, and less than [-] rounds of ammunition... It's not as good as the weapons and ammunition we seized in a small stronghold in the old base!"

"Especially food, more than [-] catties of food seems to be a lot, but our independent regiment has nearly [-] people, and there are more than [-] war horses, more than [-] mules and horses... This little food is not enough for us to eat for three days! "

Kong Jie frowned and asked quickly, "Is it because the food in the base is almost eaten up by the Japanese and puppet troops, or is there not much food in the base?"

"There are not many grains, weapons and ammunition stored in the stronghold!" Li Wensheng replied.

"I learned from the captives that...the county sends ammunition supplies to the stronghold every ten days, and each time only sends ten days' worth!"

"It is said to prevent the stronghold from being conquered by us and seize a large amount of weapons, ammunition and food supplies, and take the opportunity to develop and strengthen ourselves!"

Kong Jie analyzed with a calm face: "In this way, our way of expanding our strength through war will not work?"

"In theory, it is true!" Li Wensheng replied after a moment of silence.

"The idea of ​​going to build strongholds when encountering a good opportunity before has to change!"

"In the past, we made a steady profit in our strongholds. If the other strongholds in Northwest Shanxi were similar to the Liuzhuang stronghold, we would lose money in every tough battle. If things go on like this, no matter how solid our wealth is, it will be wiped out!"

This is the cruel fact that Kong Jie least wants to accept.

But the enemy's situation is here, and he has to accept it.

Suddenly, he glanced at Huang Yu from the corner of his eye, and saw that he was calm and unaffected in the slightest.

Kong Jie's eyes lit up and he asked, "Xiao Huang, what do you think?"

"The enemy is at present, if you have any ideas, feel free to bring them up... With so many of us discussing together, we will definitely be able to come up with a way to break the situation."

"I agree with the chief of staff's analysis... Temporarily abandon the attack on the devil's stronghold and change our thinking on expanding the army!" Huang Yu said bluntly.

He is not only the future commander of the assault battalion, but also the deputy chief of staff of the independent regiment appointed by the headquarters.

In the absence of a political commissar and deputy head of the independent group, he is the third-ranked cadre of the independent group and has absolute right to speak.

Coupled with his amazing performance before, everyone is looking forward to his next answer.

Huang Yu did not disappoint everyone, and replied while thinking: "Let me talk about the expansion of troops first..."

"We brought back a lot of weapons and ammunition from Jinzhong and Taiyuan. At present, there is no shortage of weapons...Since this is the case, we can completely shift the recruitment target to the local people!"

"They have been exploited and oppressed by the Japanese and puppet troops all year round. There must be many people who are holding back their anger!"

"In the Battle of Liuzhuang, we have already given away the reputation of the Independence Regiment. As long as we put up a recruiting sign, many people will definitely come to hear the news!"

"Take out some weapons and ammunition to support the local troops and guerrillas, and recruit some recruits from them. At least the first, second, and third battalions must be filled first, so that they can form combat effectiveness as soon as possible!"

"Otherwise, the devils would send more than a thousand Japanese and puppet troops to deal with us, and the independent regiment would not be able to confront us head-on, and could only be a coward..."

"Then we will lose our reputation..."

"The next step is to fight devils..."

"Since the stronghold is not easy to fight, let's change the way of fighting, force the Japanese and puppet troops out of the stronghold, and deal with them slowly!"

"Didn't the captives say that each stronghold has only ten days of ammunition supplies? We will only pick them to fight!"

"It can not only capture the ammunition supplies that the troops urgently need, but also cut off the ammunition supplies of various strongholds, forcing them to leave the stronghold and go to the surrounding villages to collect food."

"Then our chance has come!"

Kong Jie suddenly realized: "Xiao Huang is right!"

"The devils' strongholds don't stockpile food, weapons and ammunition, so we can't support war with war... But it also means that they are prone to running out of food!"

"Cutting off their ammunition supplies, each stronghold can't last for ten days!"

"In this case, let's use the method of siege to force out the Japanese and puppet troops in the stronghold and eliminate them bit by bit!"

As he spoke, he shifted his gaze to Huang Yu again, and continued to ask with a face full of anticipation!
"If you have any other ideas, say them all!"

Huang Yu continued: "The siege can not only force out the Japanese and puppet troops in the stronghold, but also force the Japanese and puppet troops in other places to send heavy troops to reinforce the stronghold. Let's take this opportunity to encircle the stronghold and fight for reinforcements!"

"The last is the ammunition supply for the troops!"

"War support can't meet the needs of the troops, we can only find other ways to get food, weapons and ammunition!"

"Build the repair shop first, and learn to reload bullets as soon as possible."

"Although the reloaded bullets are not as good as the original bullets we seized, they are still no problem for training recruits!"

"In this way, we can concentrate all the limited original bullets on the battlefield and win a few more battles!"

"And learn to produce grenades..."

"The grenade is easy to operate. If there are enough grenades, five or six grenades will be given to each recruit..."

"On the battlefield, I specially use grenades to smash it... If one hundred is not enough, I will throw two hundred, and if two hundred are not enough, I will throw five hundred... If you don't believe that you can't defeat the little devil..."

"Food can only be purchased... I don't know if the chief of staff has bought food these days!"

Li Wensheng shook his head, and replied with a wry smile: "The situation in Northwest Shanxi is bad, and the Japanese and puppet troops exploited it severely, leaving the landlord's family with little food left."

"In the past few days, we have only bought more than [-] catties of grain after traveling all over the defense area, and we almost entered the county town!"

"But I heard that the county town can't buy a large amount of grain!"

"In order to prevent food from falling into the hands of our Eighth Route Army, the devils strictly control the rations of ordinary people!"

"The people in the city must have a certificate of good citizenship to buy food, and they can only buy rations for ten days at a time!"

"When the independent regiment is full, it will consume seven or eight thousand catties of food every day..."

"The food we have bought so hard won't last even ten days!"

After finishing speaking, he stared at Huang Yu and asked, "Xiao Huang, look at your calmness, do you have a channel to get food..."

"Come on, let's discuss together!"

"With food in hand, don't panic when fighting..."

"No matter what we do, we must reserve at least one month's rations for the troops!"

"I thought of two ways!" Huang Yu replied.

"There are several groups of bandits entrenched in our defense area. Some of them never plunder the common people, and some of them do all kinds of evil... They eat delicious food and drink spicy food every day. They must have a lot of food and finances in their hands!"

"Killing those bandits who do all kinds of evil will not only eliminate harm for the people, but also harvest a lot of ammunition and supplies, killing two birds with one stone!"

"The second way is to buy food, but we have to change the target!"

"In Northwest Shanxi, there are not only Japanese and puppet troops, but also our Eighth Route Army, and other anti-Japanese armed forces... Not all anti-Japanese armed forces are like our Eighth Route Army. There is no ammunition supply, and they all rely on self-sufficiency!"

 The second one was delivered today!Ask for full order!

(End of this chapter)

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