The Sword of Swords is a Guard for Kong Jie

Chapter 243 Li Yunlong: Is it easy for me to save some property?

Chapter 243 Li Yunlong: Is it easy for me to save some property (two chapters in one)

The four mortars that the devil had just moved to the new position had to use their small skills to fire shells at the new group of mortar positions.

The remaining sixteen mortars of the Independence Regiment then counterattacked.

Although the shooting accuracy is poor, the number of shells is sufficient.

After only one round of salvo, the remaining four mortars in the No. [-] and No. [-] artillery positions of the Devils were covered by artillery fire, and no one was spared.

Dazuo Sakamoto is now trying to drive the ducks to the shelves, so he has to continue to fight with the Eighth Route Army, otherwise the artillery unit under his command will be crushed and beaten by the opponent, and the entire army will be wiped out in the end.

Instead of doing this, it is better to fight to the end with the Eighth Route Army and die together, and no one will take advantage of it!
As soon as his face sank, he began to give orders: "The remaining mortars in the No. [-] and [-] artillery positions immediately counterattack..."

"The No. [-] and [-] artillery positions and the remaining artillery of the Shanye artillery position are ready for battle. I will fight to the end with the artillery of the Eighth Route Army..."

At the same time, the remaining 12 mortars of the New Second Regiment also participated in the battle...

Then there are six mountain cannons left in the Independent Regiment, and four mountain cannons left in the New Second Regiment...

The remaining four mountain artillery, infantry artillery and 14 mortars of the new regiment finally participated in the battle...

Half an hour later, the artillery battle that had been roaring for half an hour was finally coming to an end...

"Pa..." Sakamoto slammed on the ammunition box in front of him in a circle, his face was full of anger.

After being silent for a while, he asked back with a sullen face, "Are you sure that the entire artillery unit was wiped out, and there was not a single cannon left?"

A brigade captain said awkwardly: "To be precise, there are two mortars and one mountain cannon left, which is equivalent to the destruction of the entire army!"

"Nani... what's the use of only three cannons left... the Eighth Route Army can kill them all with seven or eight cannons at will." The more Sakamoto heard, the more angry he became.

The other team leader said helplessly: "The joint captain calm down..."

"The Eighth Route Army at the foot of the mountain is too cunning. They used mountain artillery and infantry artillery in advance, making us misunderstand that their mortar equipment has been exhausted."

"In the end, they actually hid ten or twenty mortars, and fired them after we ran out of cards..."

"This is obviously a conspiracy against our artillery unit..."

"The base suspects that the intelligence reported to us by the military department is also false!"

"The Eighth Route Army that attacked us did not suffer heavy casualties in the daytime raids. Everything was an illusion they performed, which made us think of underestimating the enemy!"

"Otherwise, based on our knowledge of the artillery unit of the Eighth Route Army at the foot of the mountain during the day, we certainly wouldn't easily reveal our hole cards in the artillery battle!"

"What's the use of hindsight!" Yoshio Shinozuka scolded angrily.

"The artillery battle was defeated, so I'm only telling me this now. Can the gunners who died in the battle be resurrected? Can the artillery that was blown up be restored?"

After finishing speaking, he stared at one of the captains and asked, "How many artillery pieces are left in the Eighth Route Army at the foot of the mountain?"

"No more than thirty doors!" The captain replied hesitantly.

After speaking, he shook his head again, and continued: "No, the last round of artillery fire counterattacked, and we killed several of their artillery...and detonated several of their artillery shells during the artillery attack. The result is not small!"

"If all these losses are added up, the remaining artillery pieces of the Eighth Route Army should not exceed twenty pieces!"

Hearing this result, Sakamoto Dazuo looked a lot better.

The less artillery the Eighth Route Army had left, the less pressure the defenders would face after the attack began, and the easier it would be for them to block the Eighth Route Army's attack and defend Jinniu Mountain.

After thinking for a while, he began to issue an order: "Notify the gunners of the remaining three guns, they are our only remaining long-range attack troops, and they must not act rashly unless it is absolutely necessary!"

"After the offensive begins, the Eighth Route Army will definitely move its artillery forward and attack the bunker we built on the position at close range."

"The next task of the artillery is only one... to precisely strike the artillery that has advanced under our noses!"

"If these guns come within range of front-line grenadiers, they can fire too!"

"As long as we keep those bunkers, the Eighth Route Army will not be able to break through our defenses!"

In the former enemy headquarters of the independent regiment, although the artillery successfully killed the devil artillery unit, the faces of the three regiment leaders did not show the joy of victory.

I don't know how long it took before the phone to contact Chen Daliang rang first. Kong Jie picked up the phone and heard the other party's heartbroken report: "Reporting to the regiment commander, the casualties of the artillery participating in the battle exceeded [-]%."

"There are still 139 gunners in the mortar and mountain artillery units, but there are too many artillery losses. There are only two mountain artillery, one infantry artillery, and five mortars. They all add up to less than one even!"

Kong Jie was also very heartbroken, but when he thought that almost all the forty or fifty artillery pieces equipped by the devils were destroyed, most of the gunners under him survived.As long as the artillery can be obtained in the future, the artillery company can be rebuilt immediately, and the heartbroken expression on his face immediately eased.

Hurry to comfort: "As long as people live!"

"The artillery company directly under the regiment headquarters is temporarily compressed into an artillery platoon, equipped with two mountain cannons and one infantry cannon. You will be the platoon leader!"

"The artillery companies directly under each battalion are compressed into artillery squads, equipped with a mortar!"

"When we break through the Jinniu Mountain blockade and return to the base area, I will definitely rebuild the mountain artillery company and the mortar company."

When Kong Jie put down the phone, Li Yunlong put down the phone at the same time, and scolded with a sullen face: "You son of a bitch, is it easy for me to save up some property after working so hard, but I lost it in one battle. I will pay for this account sooner or later." They count."

After cursing, he said to Kong Jie: "The loss of the New Second Regiment is similar to that of the Independent Regiment. There are 116 gunners left, two mountain cannons, and four mortars!"

"Fortunately, I listened to your suggestion. After being bombarded, ignore the artillery and withdraw the gunner first, otherwise the gunner's loss will increase by several percent!"

"At present, twenty gunners are equipped with only one mortar, but as long as the artillery is captured in the future, it can be put into use immediately, and there will be no embarrassing situation where there are guns and no one uses them."

Ding Wei finally put down the microphone and said: Xinyi regiment joined the battle last, with a little less loss than yours! "

"There are 126 gunners left, two infantry guns, and seven mortars!"

"It's almost the same!" Kong Jie finally concluded!
"But our artillery cannot let down their guard!"

"It is not ruled out that the little devil still has artillery to participate in the battle... In addition to covering the infantry attack, we must also allocate some mortars to stand by at any time to attack the artillery that the devil may survive!"

"Make sure that our attacking troops are not hit by the devil's artillery fire!"

After finishing speaking, he ordered the combat staff on the side: "Send a signal, prepare to storm Jinniu Mountain!"

"Bang bang bang..."

Three signal flares lifted off slowly, bursting out three brilliant red lights at the highest point in the sky.

During the artillery battle just now, the main attacking force of the independent regiment had already reached a position more than [-] meters away from the devil's first trench, and would enter the killing range of their machine gun bunker any further.

The moment the signal flare was lifted into the air, the sound of artillery enveloped the battlefield again.

But the artillery unit did not fight the devil's artillery position this time.Except for the six mortars waiting in full force, the remaining dozen or so artillery were all aimed at the front line of the Japanese army and poured shells.

In a short while, the first line of trenches was enveloped by artillery fire, and there were orange fireballs and billowing smoke everywhere.

Although the devils kept firing flares into the sky, they still couldn't see clearly the front of the position.

The attacking troops took the opportunity to emerge from their hiding place and quickly advanced a hundred meters.

Compared with the usual offense, tonight's offense is very strange.

In addition to weapons and ammunition, there are also a large number of soldiers carrying sandbags and engineering shovels...

Although the little devils in the bunker didn't have to worry about being bombed, the fierce artillery fire completely covered the shooting holes, and the devils inside couldn't see anything.

In order to prevent the Eighth Route Army from taking the opportunity to advance forward, they can only shoot forward blindly based on experience.

The effect was very poor, and the independent group only paid a small price to advance to the predetermined position...

The soldiers carrying the sandbags immediately piled the sandbags on the ground, forming bunkers half a meter high...

Soldiers holding engineering shovels immediately dug trenches behind the bunkers, and the dug out soil smashed into bags, used as sandbags to continue to raise the bunker...

In less than ten minutes, more than a dozen sections of bunkers one meter high and more than ten meters wide appeared in front of the devil's camp...

The attacking force hides behind, awaiting the final assault order.

Huang Yu led an assault company and three engineering platoons to follow behind the attacking troops. Five or six soldiers were in charge of a thunder cannon, two soldiers carried oil barrels, and the other soldiers carried explosive packs. The devil's dark castle was forced out...

"Tick tock... tick tock..."

The shelling has not yet ended, and the loud charge has already spread among the attacking troops...

"Comrades, let's go..."

The battalion and company commanders who were scattered in the middle of the team seemed to have had chicken blood, raised the box cannon and submachine gun and rushed forward...


The moment the attacking troops jumped out of the bunker, the shelling stopped...

"Go forward... Let's set up the flying thunder cannon behind the bunker, find the devil's bunker in front of us, and kill him with the flying thunder cannon..." Huang Yu ordered at the same time.

At the Japanese Army's former enemy headquarters, General Sakamoto stared at the battlefield without moving.

A few messengers stood behind him, each with a telephone next to them, ready to convey the latest orders of the regiment leader to the front line.

The garrison in the position was covered by artillery fire, and the Eighth Route Army's attacking troops could not be seen...

Sakamoto stood on the top of Jinniu Mountain, overlooking the entire battlefield from a condescending height, and could clearly see every move of the Eighth Route Army. .

Seeing them building an offensive position in front of the position, building bunkers, and digging trenches... He was so angry that he smashed two binoculars in a row, and immediately ordered the defensive troops to launch a counterattack with grenades, and they were not allowed to build an offensive position.

Otherwise, the dozen or so bunkers on the front line would not be able to completely wipe out the attacking troops, seriously affecting their performance!

But as soon as this order was issued, it was stopped by several captains.

The front-line positions are being attacked by artillery fire from the Eighth Route Army, and fragments are flying everywhere.

Now letting the grenadiers go out of the anti-gun holes to fight back is tantamount to letting them die.

Sakamoto Dazuo also realized that he was dazzled by anger, and quickly withdrew the order, but he did not give up the idea of ​​​​destroying the Eighth Route Army's offensive position.

Seeing the Eighth Route Army suddenly jumping out of the offensive position, I immediately realized that their general offensive had begun: "The Eighth Route Army's shelling will stop..."

"The grenade is ready to counterattack, first destroy the Eighth Route Army's offensive position, and then hit their offensive firepower point!"


A messenger hurriedly grabbed the microphone and gave an order...

"All the garrisons on the front line have entered the position and counterattacked across the board..."

"All machine gun bunkers open fire, concentrate all firepower to kill them!"

"The Eighth Route Army has limited strength. The more offensive troops we kill, the weaker their next offensive will be. The greater our chances of holding Jinniu Mountain!"

"The Eighth Route Army has begun to attack...all enter the position..." A devil second lieutenant shouted to his subordinates after receiving the order.

As a result, when he rushed out of the bomb defense hole, he was shocked by the dilapidated position in front of him.

The artillery fire of the Eighth Route Army caused so much damage to the battlefield that a complete battlefield could not be seen within the field of vision, and the light and heavy machine gun positions repaired in advance were all destroyed.

But the team leader reacted quickly. The chief had reminded them before the war that the Eighth Route Army's artillery fire was likely to be stronger than they had imagined, so they calmed down after a brief shock.

"Use shell craters as cover... The machine gunners find cover by themselves... Get ready for battle right away... The Eighth Route Army is coming up!"

"The grenade is aimed at the Eighth Route Army's offensive position, shoot now...destroy the sandbag bunkers there..."

"Boom boom boom..."

Before the team leader finished speaking, several explosions rang in their ears.

One of the explosions was less than ten meters away from him. If he hadn't reacted quickly and immediately fell down, the fragments from the explosion would have pierced into his body.

The squad leader's face turned into a disastrous defeat, and he instantly understood his dangerous situation, and cried out aloud.

"Bageya Road... The Eighth Route Army is also equipped with grenades... They want to use grenades to disrupt us, destroy our firepower, and prevent us from stopping their attacking troops..."

Think of ways to deal with it.

"We must not let their conspiracy succeed..."

"The grenadiers fired back immediately, first kill the Eighth Route Army grenadiers, and then destroy their offensive positions..."

The same order appeared in every corner of the Japanese positions,
Dazuo Sakamoto was also caught off guard by this sudden accident. He didn't expect that the Eighth Route Army would use grenade launchers to strike first, forcing him to temporarily give up destroying the Eighth Route Army's offensive positions and attack the Eighth Route Army grenadier troops first...

"Dong dong dong..."

As soon as the gunpowder smoke that shrouded the position cleared, the light and heavy machine guns that the devils set up in the bunker began to increase their firepower output.

The bullets hit the attacking troops like money, killing more than a hundred soldiers in an instant...

"Lie down...all down... cover with machine guns, suppress the machine guns in the bunker..." Shen Quan threw himself on the ground, commanding with a heartbroken face...

"Boom boom boom... da da da..."

The sound of light and heavy machine gun fire soon sounded behind him, and several tongues of flame flew towards the bunker...

But the machine guns in the bunker were not affected and continued to fire at the attacking troops.

Even if a bullet is lucky and flies into the firing hole and hits the machine gunner, the devil will quickly replace it with a new machine gunner and continue firing...

"Battalion Commander, the devil is hiding in the bunker and can only be bombed!" The company commander shouted from a long distance away.

"No..." Shen Quan shook his head and replied.

"In the artillery battle just now, our artillery was almost blown out, so there must be no way to support us at close range!"

"I'll organize the blasters right away...destroy the bunker with explosives!" The company commander gritted his teeth and replied, and was ready to organize the blasters...

"Don't worry..." Shen Quan stopped Yilian and said.

"The head of the regiment said that Staff Huang has a way to destroy the devil's artillery bunker... Let us lie down on the spot after encountering the bunker, crawl forward, and force them to keep firing..."

"Wait for a while... If Staff Officer Huang's method doesn't work, we'll send out the Death Squad!"

"Let everyone crawl forward and slow down... I believe in Staff Officer Huang, he will definitely do what he says!"

 Today, the two chapters are combined into one, please book in full!

(End of this chapter)

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