The Sword of Swords is a Guard for Kong Jie

Chapter 232 Li Yunlong: I also fight the rich and generous

Chapter 232 Li Yunlong: I also fought back the big fight
"Boom boom boom..." The shelling continued, and the streets were full of fireballs flying into the air.

In a blink of an eye, the counterattack troops were killed and injured nearly a hundred people.

The three to four hundred meter long street has been filled with dead soldiers.

"Boom..." The roar of the engine suddenly reached Yoshio Shinozuka's ears, and the two armored vehicles blocking the street rushed forward suddenly, and began to charge towards the inner city, shooting as they advanced.

The counterattack force in front of him was not an opponent at all. They were defeated in one blow, and were swept to the ground piece by piece by the vehicle-mounted machine gun...

"Boom boom boom..." The heavy machine gun troops in the yard on both sides of the street also started to join the battle.

The three heavy machine guns formed a crossfire, and together with the vehicle-mounted heavy machine guns, they shot and killed the subordinates on the street.

Every second, a large number of soldiers died tragically on the way to counterattack.

The outflanking troops are also making rapid progress, at most two or three minutes will be able to completely block the counterattack troops on the street, and they will be unable to withdraw even if they want to.

Shinozuka Yoshio couldn't hold on any longer.

There were very few garrisons in the inner city. If the battle in front of us was really a conspiracy laid out by the independent regiment, the inner city, which lost hundreds of garrisons in an instant, would definitely fall into crisis.

The independent regiment took the opportunity to kill a carbine in the inner city of Taiyuan, and the inner city of Taiyuan is likely to be lost.

Yoshio Shinozuka couldn't bear the responsibility of losing the inner city, let alone die in Taiyuan.

The hesitant expression on his face immediately turned firm, and he opened his mouth and began to order: "Retreat...all counterattack troops retreat to the inner city!"

"No one can leave the inner city until the reinforcement team kills the independent regiment!"

More than half of the devil's counterattack troops have been killed or injured.

Regardless of whether there are other plots for the independent group to set up an ambush here, they can't attack anymore, otherwise everyone will die here.

This is the consensus of every devil in the counterattack force.

As soon as Yoshio Shinozuka's retreat order reached their ears, they turned around and retreated, without any sign of the momentum of the attack just now.

If he saw this scene normally, Shinozuka Yoshio would definitely be so angry that he would curse on the spot.

Today is an exception!

Although his face was sullen and he was in a very bad mood, he didn't scold a word.

The situation on the battlefield is really too critical. If the counterattack troops retreat a second earlier, there will be fewer casualties.

In order to survive a few more subordinates, he no longer cared about the retreat formation, as long as he could withdraw them to the inner city.

Half an hour later, the chief of staff walked into the military headquarters with a heartache on his face, and he hesitated for a while before he dared to speak to Yoshio Shinozuka: "Your Excellency, Commander... the casualties of the counterattack troops have been counted!"

"Five hundred and thirty-six imperial troops fought out of the inner city, only 182 came back, and the remaining three hundred and fifty people all died in battle!"

"The team leader is also dead!"

"Bang..." Yoshio Shinozuka didn't speak, but he punched the table in front of him with his fist to vent his inner anger and dissatisfaction.

The chief of staff immediately lowered his head, not daring to say a word.

After a long silence, I heard Yoshio Shinozuka say leisurely: "My order on the top of the wall remains unchanged!"

"Until the return troops kill the independent regiment, no one can attack without authorization and kill out of the inner city of Taiyuan!"

"The intelligence department closely monitors every move of the independent regiment, and finds the main force of the independent regiment at all costs!"

"Didn't they already get a radio station? Report the situation to me as soon as they find out, and don't waste a minute!"

On the Tanjialing plateau, ten kilometers northwest of Zhujiapo, Li Yunlong was staring at the end of the road at the foot of the mountain, his brows were sometimes furrowed and sometimes relaxed, and his expression was very anxious.

"Old Li, be safe and don't be impatient... The battle plan formulated by Commander Kong must be fine, and the devils will come to outflank the troops in a while!" Zhao Gang stood aside and comforted.

Li Yunlong shook his head and said, "A cooked duck may slip away from your mouth, let alone a well-equipped little devil..."

"Any accident may let them slip away from our noses!"

"Has all of Sun Desheng's cavalry company been dispatched..."

"Be sure to keep an eye on all the intersections around the Pocket Formation to ensure that the little devil's intelligence personnel don't find us in advance!"

"We also need to send people to keep an eye on the little devils and outflank the troops, and report immediately if there is any situation."

This is the third time Li Yunlong has issued the same order.

After Zhao Gang heard it, he sighed and comforted him: "All sent out!"

"Don't worry about that boy Sun Desheng... If you really encounter any situation, you must report to the regiment headquarters as soon as possible!"

"They also brought a radio station, which is very convenient to connect, and there will be no accidents!"

"Head, there is a situation..." The operator behind suddenly interrupted the conversation between the two.

"Commander Kong sent an urgent message...they have already started to storm Zhujiapo, and the Japanese mortar squadron and mountain artillery squadron have suffered devastating blows!"

"The bait has been released, just wait for the fish to take the bait!" Zhao Gang became excited after hearing this.

Li Yunlong suddenly put down the binoculars and went straight to the ambush position, ordering as he walked: "Old Zhao, you stay at the headquarters, and I will go to the position to have a see if there is anything I missed!"

"Although I have fought a brigade of little devils, I have never wiped out an infantry brigade in one battle!"

"Next we have other big battles to fight, not only to wipe out the devils and outflank the troops, but also to end the battle with the least cost. We must be cautious!"

Seeing Li Yunlong being cautious once in a while, Zhao Gang was very relieved.

He knew it was stimulated by Kong Jie.

In this anti-sweeping campaign, the Independent Regiment not only wiped out a large number of Japanese and puppet troops, but also captured the outer city of Taiyuan, captured the Taiyuan Arsenal, and seized a large amount of military equipment!
This credit is unmatched in the entire Eighth Route Army.

If Li Yunlong didn't work hard, he would definitely be left further and further behind by Kong Jie.

He said casually: "By the way, help me check the morale of the soldiers!"

"By the way, explain to the participating troops: this is the first time that our new second regiment has used artillery and heavy machine guns on a large scale, and some of them have enough ammunition to attack devils!"

"After the ambush begins, we must give full play to our firepower advantage!"

"When you encounter a hard nut to crack, don't fight for your life like before!"

"As soon as the artillery coverage of the devils is over, the mortars will be reinforced to each company to provide them with close fire support."

"Don't get dizzy when attacking, charge up when you get excited, and remember to call for artillery support at any time!"

"Enemies that can be dealt with by shells are determined not to use light and heavy machine guns!"

"Enemies who can be dealt with with light and heavy machine guns are determined not to risk their lives!"

Li Yunlong smiled awkwardly and said, "I almost forgot about this!"

"Thanks to the fool Kong Er, I will also fight a rich battle today. Six mountain cannons, nearly twenty mortars, and more than [-] shells. Even if they are smashed with shells, I will kill all the devils outflanking the troops!"

In a valley ten kilometers away from Tanjialing, more than a thousand devils are all lurking here to recharge their batteries.

In a tent not far from the entrance and exit of the valley, the team leader was staring nervously at the operator in front of him.

He was receiving the telegram, and soon passed the telegram to the captain: "Captain, the military department is urgent!"

"The Independent Regiment is storming the Zhujiapo position, and the mortar squadron and mountain artillery squadron of the Kishiya Brigade have been completely wiped out!"

"We are required to send troops immediately and march to reinforce Zhujiapo. The faster the better!"

"Great!" The captain said with anticipation: "We have been driving for dozens of hours, and finally we can go to the battlefield!"

"Pass me an order: the troops must gather immediately, run forward, march quickly to reinforce Zhujiapo!"

"The Independence Regiment is the confidant of my Shanxi garrison. It is hard to come across an opportunity to wipe them out. We must not let the boiled duck fly away from our mouths!"

The deputy captain asked for instructions: "Captain, do you need to arrange an infantry squad to explore the way in front of the team?"

After hearing this, the team leader shouted, "By the time you finish exploring the road, Zhujiapo's line of defense has already been breached by the independent regiment... What's the use of us killing them again?"

The deputy captain bit the bullet and reminded: "What if the Eighth Route Army has set up a pocket formation on our reinforcement road, and we didn't send troops to explore the road in advance, what should we do if we are ambushed by the Eighth Route Army?"

"You are confused!" The team leader scolded directly with a look of hatred.

"Did you not read the information that the military department reported to us?"

"The above said that the main force of the independent regiment has dropped to [-] people..."

"The Kishiya Brigade was attacked by the independent regiment in Zhujiapo, and suffered heavy losses. Judging from the firepower, there are at least half of the independent regiment there."

"The troops dispatched from the inner city of Taiyuan were ambushed by the Eighth Route Army in the outer city, causing heavy casualties to the counterattack troops..."

"Your Excellency, Commander, judges that there is at least one reinforced battalion of the Eighth Route Army!"

"Based on this calculation, the independent regiment can at most allocate a main battalion that is not equipped with heavy weapons to help!"

"We have two outflanking troops flanking the independent regiment, and the reinforcement troops are divided into two, and at most two hundred Eighth Route Army will deal with us!"

"We have more than a thousand people. No matter how powerful the Eighth Route Army is, it is impossible for us to ambush us. At most, we will attack us on the road and slow down our marching speed!"

"The troops marched in a group, and without giving the Eighth Route Army any opportunity, we could kill Zhujiapo in the shortest time, rescue the Kishiya brigade, and take the opportunity to wipe out the independent reunion in Zhujiapo!"

The team leader's analysis was well-founded, and the vice-captain had no reason to insist on his own opinion, so he could only nod and accept the order: "The humble job will make arrangements now..."

"If all goes well, the troops will set off in ten minutes... march all the way in a hurry, and reach Zhujiapo in three and a half hours..."

Tanjialing Highland, just as Li Yunlong returned to the headquarters from the position, the signal light of the radio station began to flash!
"Regimental Commander... Cavalry Company Commander Sun has an urgent call!" The operator put down his earphones and ran to Li Yunlong with the telegram to report.

"The fish has been hooked..."

"The troops are huddled together, and no forward troops are arranged... March quickly towards Tan Jialing... At most, there is still an hour and a half to enter the pocket formation!"

"The cavalry company is trying to figure out the enemy's equipment situation and specific formation, and will continue to report any new news..."

Li Yunlong couldn't help but rubbed his hands together and said, "You son of a bitch, I finally waited for you..."

"Notify the artillery unit to prepare for battle... I will not go to the artillery position..."

"Don't save me shells after the war, but fight hard..."

"The battle is over, I will punish whoever brings the shells that have not been fired!"

Twenty minutes later, the second telegram from the cavalry company appeared in Zhao Gang's hands. After reading it, his face was filled with joy: "Old Li, it's very arrogant for the devils to encircle the troops..."

"Not only did they not arrange forward troops, they didn't even do the minimum firepower reconnaissance. They marched forward with a dull head, and the speed was very fast!"

"They were equipped with ten mortars, two infantry guns, nine heavy machine guns... and brought more than a hundred mules and horses full of ammunition..."

"The two infantry squadrons are in the front, the artillery, the heavy machine gun squadron, and the supply squadron are trailing behind...the remaining two infantry squadrons are at the rear, which is similar to the marching formation we guessed between us!"

After hearing this, Li Yunlong's eyes lit up and he ordered: "Give another order to the artillery company commander..."

"Devil Artillery, Heavy Machine Gun Squadron, and Baggage Team... all concentrated in the middle of the team, and more than a hundred mules and horses transported all ammunition!"

"The artillery unit must be killed in one blow according to the plan, and the ghost gunners and heavy machine gunners will not be given a chance to counterattack..."

"Kill them and seize the ammunition they brought..."

"How many shells the artillery company consumes today, how much will I replenish for them!"

"The machine gun teams scattered on the ground don't need to save bullets for me, just fire as much as you want... Use the fiercest firepower to defeat the little devil's reinforcements and end the battle!"

More than [-] devils were unprepared, just like a blind man, slamming his head into the pocket array of the new second group.

Li Yunlong excitedly ran to the entrance of the command department to fire the signal flare.

"Bang bang bang..."

The moment the three signal bombs lifted off, there was a roar from the artillery position very close to the headquarters.

That was the salvo of dozens of mortars and mountain cannons, and then the battlefield was shrouded in the shriek of shells across the sky... It was very ear-piercing..."

"Boom boom boom..." The sound of the explosion then reached Li Yunlong's ears. Before that, more than [-] fireballs of different sizes soared into the sky on the road, and the dazzling red light instantly illuminated the surrounding ghosts clearly.

In addition to the dozens of devils around the impact point being blown up, the dozen or so devils closer to the impact point were directly blown into the sky by the air waves, like paper toys that fell silent on the ground.

"Boom boom boom..." The heavy machine guns mounted on the high ground on both sides of the road joined the battle at the same time.

Long tongues of flame spewed out from the muzzle of the gun, and the dense bullets were like rain, covering the road at the foot of the mountain in an instant.

Many devils had just escaped the sudden artillery attack just now, and before they could react from the rest of their lives, the rain of bullets had already flowed in front of them...

The captain and the artillery walked in the middle of the team and bore the brunt.

Before he could react from the sudden accident, dozens of subordinates had already been killed and injured by shells.

The heavy machine guns they carried on their shoulders, mortar parts... scattered everywhere...

"Boom boom boom..."

The second round of artillery shells fell quickly, and dozens of subordinates were blown up and fell on the road either dead or injured.

It wasn't until this moment that the captain calmed down, and shouted with disbelief on his face: "How is this possible... how can the independent regiment send out so many troops to ambush us... Aren't they attacking Zhujiapo? Could it be that they want to gather around to send reinforcements?" ?”

The captain was frightened by his last guess, and quickly raised his binoculars to look around.

There were heavy machine guns roaring on the surrounding high grounds, and four heavy machine guns were deployed on one of the high grounds... The bullets seemed to be free of money, and they were desperately spraying flames towards the road!

Although there is no gunfire between the high ground and the high ground, some figures of the Eighth Route Army can be faintly seen...

Holding a gun and holding a light machine gun, he quickly pressed towards the road...

Take another look at the road around you...

The opponent's third round of artillery shells has been dropped, and more than [-] subordinates were killed by the enemy's artillery fire alone... There are still a large number of subordinates who were killed by heavy machine guns farther away...

According to preliminary statistics, the casualties of his subordinates have exceeded [-]!

And it's only been half a minute since the battle started.

If I don't make a quick decision and let the troops be beaten passively... Maybe more than half of the casualties will be killed in a few minutes...

At this time, he was [-]% sure that he was besieged by the main force of the independent regiment.

 Dear readers, I’m sorry: I had something to do at home yesterday, so I didn’t have time to update it. Today I temporarily updated more than [-] words, and tomorrow I will restore two updates of [-] words. Please subscribe!
(End of this chapter)

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