Chapter 210 First few games (first update)
Taiyuan Airport is very large, and the defense of the airport is particularly strict...

There were two full circles of barbed wire surrounding the area, and the devils had built positions where they could be attacked. There were bunkers piled up with sandbags, and bunkers built with bricks and stones.

Several watchtowers were built with logs along the barbed wire. A searchlight was placed on each watchtower, and three devils were arranged to guard against it...

Patrols go back and forth between positions, not giving opponents a chance to touch the airfield.

On the tarmac on both sides of the runway, combat forces, bombers, reconnaissance planes... parked in their positions neatly.

At the take-off position on the runway, two planes with bombs attached are ready to take off, and they will soar into the sky at dawn.

At four o'clock in the morning, a siren sounded "Woooooo..." suddenly sounded in the airport.

The airport, which was already brightly lit, became brighter and brighter.

The little devils who were resting in the barracks divided up and rushed to their positions...

The ammunition hand also became busy, sending boxes of ammunition to the position.

The air defense positions located at the four corners of the airfield are ready at the same time...

The devils bullied that the Chinese army did not have a decent air force. Although they had set up an air defense position at Taiyuan Airport and brought in an air defense squadron to garrison it, the little devils in this squadron were more like decorations.

Each air defense position is equipped with only one small-caliber anti-aircraft gun and three anti-aircraft machine guns...

If there is a plane attacking, this little anti-aircraft firepower can't stop the opponent at all.

At the airport control tower, the captain of the aviation brigade and the captain of the airport garrison walked in at the same time.

The rank of aviation is one level higher than that of infantry, so Fujita, the captain of the aviation brigade, is a lieutenant commander, and the captain of the garrison, Murakami, is a major.

Officials crush people to death at the first level, especially in the army of little devils with strict hierarchy.

Although Major Murakami had several times more troops than Nakasa Fujita's aviation brigade, Nakasa Fujita had always been the main force at Taiyuan Airport.

"Why did the alarm sound all of a sudden!" Fujita Nakasa, as the head of the airport, spoke first.

"Report sir, we found the figure of the Eighth Route Army on the south side of the airport... There is at least one company in the force!" The staff officer on duty hurriedly told what he knew.

"Say it again... how many Eighth Route Army troops were found outside the airport?" Fujita Nakasa asked in a bad tone.

"One company?" The staff officer on duty didn't know why the captain suddenly got angry, and the report was obviously much quieter than before.

"Baga... a company of the Eighth Route Army scared you like this... don't you think it's a bit of a big deal?" Fujita Nakasa's dissatisfied expression immediately turned into anger, staring at the staff officer on duty and scolding!

"It's not that this kind of situation has never happened before. It's okay to deal with it now. Is it necessary to make such a big fanfare and alarm the entire airport?"

The on-duty staff officer was from the airport garrison. He was aggrieved by the scolding, and wanted to stand up and refute a few words, but he swallowed the words again.

Fujita Nakasa was in a fit of anger, no matter whether his refutation was justified or not, it would anger him, which would lead to more dissatisfaction, and finally backfired.

It's better to bear it now, and when Fujita Nakasa finishes scolding and his anger subsides, this matter will be over.

Major Murakami has always been dissatisfied with Fujita Zhongzuo's behavior of laymen commanding experts.

An aviation captain who has never even been on a frontal battlefield is dictating an infantry captain from the army every day.

But who makes the opponent's military rank higher than his own?As long as the opponent's decision will not cause danger to the airport, Major Murakami will choose to back down and resolutely implement it.

But the immediate situation is obviously much more serious than before.

The situation has changed, and the corresponding tactics and tactics will definitely change, so Major Murakami does not feel that there is any mistake in the decision of the staff on duty, on the contrary, he very much agrees.

It is said that beating a dog depends on the owner.

Seeing Nakasa Fujita scolding more and more fiercely, the staff officer on duty lowered his head very aggrieved, without saying a word.

As his captain, Murakami couldn't take it anymore and decided to help him out once.

"Fujita-kun calm down..."

"In the past, there was more than one brigade of troops stationed at Taiyuan Airport... There were almost no organized hostile armed forces in Taiyuan, only some local armed forces and stragglers, which could not threaten the security of the airport."

"That's why we dare to take the initiative to attack and destroy all enemies who dare to attack the airport!"

"Today is different from the past. The airport garrison has been reduced to [-] people... The troops are empty. If the troops are deployed to take the initiative to attack, there will definitely be a large number of defensive loopholes at the airport..."

"If this is the enemy's tactic, then Taiyuan Airport will be in danger!"

"Jinzhong County is being attacked by the Eighth Route Army, and it is in danger... The Eighth Route Army outside the airport is probably from Jinzhong!"

"If there are other Eighth Route Army around, they really want to attack the airport. Not only can we not send troops, but we have to ask the Taiyuan headquarters for help..."

As soon as he heard that the Eighth Route Army might really attack the airport, Zhongzuo Fujita panicked.

Jinzhong is protected by a city wall, and there are more than a thousand garrisons, all of which can be beaten to death by the Eighth Route Army.

There are only five or six hundred garrisons at Taiyuan Airport. If the Eighth Route Army really plans to attack the airport with all its strength, everyone will not be able to hold on for two hours!
Relying on his high military rank, Fujita Nakasa has always been the boss at the airport, but at least he has self-knowledge.

When the airport is not in danger, no matter how messed up I am, nothing will go wrong.

The airport at the scene was in danger, and if he messed around, he might lose his life.

Throwing this hot potato decisively to Major Murakami: "Mr. Murakami, you are the commander of the airport garrison... From now on, you will be responsible for all the defense of the airport, and I will cooperate!"

Major Murakami looked at Fujita Nakasa with disdain, but didn't say much.

The airport is at stake, and the two of them, as the airport's deputy, must unite with sincerity.

After taking over the command, he began to issue orders: "All troops enter the position and prepare for battle..."

"The pilot is on standby... take off if possible, and attack the Eighth Route Army who wants to attack the airport from the air!"

"There is no need to report this matter to the Taiyuan headquarters for the time being!"

"In case the Eighth Route Army we discover is just a suspicious soldier, used by the other party to bluff, our report will mislead the Taiyuan Command instead!"

"Report to Taiyuan after the airport is actually attacked!"

When Major Murakami gave an order, the airport garrison was like a war machine that was activated in an instant.

All the infantry entered the blocking position...

The anti-aircraft positions raised black muzzles and muzzles...

The little devil guarding the watchtower is very vigilant and stares at the surroundings...

Searchlights sweep around the airport, looking for suspicious targets...

Behind a bush about [-] meters away from the airport, Kong Jie was leading Huang Yu to observe the airport.

Seeing that the chaotic airport immediately became quiet, and hundreds of devils all entered the position, Kong Jie glanced at Huang Yu beside him appreciatively.

If he hadn't prevented him from launching a surprise attack on the airport, even if the troops rushed into the airport under the cover of armored vehicles, the raid would have turned into a chaotic battle. It would take a lot of time just to find the devils hiding everywhere, let alone eliminate them.

The cost for the troops to win the airport will also increase several times because the enemy is in the dark and they are in the light.

"Little Huang, the devil's reaction is exactly what you judged!" Kong Jie became happier the more he watched.

"We showed our feet a little bit, and the airport garrison became so nervous..."

"When the offensive begins, we will cover all their positions with artillery fire, and the artillery alone will be able to blow up a large group of little devils!"

This is what Huang Yu wanted, with a smile on his face all the time.

There must be a lot of shells seized in Jinzhong City, and the independent regiment has limited strength, so it is impossible to take them all away.

Rather than blowing up in vain, it is better to be around the brave devil...

Even if five shells can only kill one devil, thousands of shells can kill an infantry brigade...

But soon he couldn't laugh, the devil actually built a lot of machine gun bunkers on the battlefield...

This is something Huang Yu didn't expect.

Although the machine guns the devils set up in the bunker could not hurt the armored vehicles, the machine guns on board also couldn't hurt the little devils hiding in the bunker.

If there are a lot of bunkers in the airport, they will attack the attacking troops with crossfire, and the infantry hiding behind the armored vehicles will also suffer heavy casualties.

"Captain, have you seen the dark fort the devil built on the ground?" Huang Yu hurriedly reminded Kong Jie.

"Notice it!" Kong Jie didn't take it too seriously, and replied confidently.

"But don't worry too much... We not only brought three mortar batteries, but also ten mountain artillery and infantry artillery..."

"They are a sharp weapon against the dark fort."

After finishing speaking, he ordered the correspondent behind him: "Notify the artillery company Chen Daliang, let him dismantle the artillery company directly under the regiment, reinforce the three main companies of the first battalion with the platoon as a unit, attack the airport with the infantry, and blow up all the machine guns blocking the way bunker!"

"We finally managed to overwhelm the devils in terms of firepower, and we must not give up our advantage to fight for our lives with the devils!"

Ten minutes later, the communicator of the artillery company touched Kong Jie: "Commander, the artillery has locked the four Japanese air defense positions, and the three blocking positions directly in front, ready to fire at any time!"

"The infantry artillery and mountain artillery have also been in place, ensuring that they will follow wherever the infantry rushes!"

"Where's the armored platoon?" Kong Jie turned to look at Huang Yu!
"In order to avoid alarming others, they are still one kilometer away!" Huang Yu replied seriously.

"After the shelling starts, they will move to the periphery of the airport under the cover of the shelling!"

"As soon as the artillery fire stopped, we immediately covered three infantry companies to attack the airport... first destroy the three blocking positions directly in front of us... and then make a deep raid inside the airport to destroy the remaining positions..."

Kong Jie nodded and said, "That's no problem!"

"The cavalry company is on standby on the road leading to the airport in Taiyuan City!"

"If the devils send troops to reinforce the airport, the cavalry company doesn't need to wait for my order, just go out and kill them!"

After giving the order, Major Murakami climbed to the commanding heights of the tower, holding up the binoculars to observe the surrounding situation.

As a result, ten minutes passed...there was no movement around...

Twenty minutes passed, and the expected raid still hadn't happened.

Fujita Nakasa was a little impatient at first, and handed over the control of the airport. He was already very upset, but the airport was not attacked.

He felt that Major Murakami was bluffing with him again, forcing himself to be afraid, and voluntarily surrendered his command, making him the highest commander of the airport... In fact, the airport will not be attacked.

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(End of this chapter)

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