The Sword of Swords is a Guard for Kong Jie

Chapter 205 Kong Jie: Go up and attack the city

Chapter 205 Kong Jie: Go up and attack the city (second update)

Captain Yongchuan is the garrison officer of the Jindong Gate.

Although the main force of the Jinzhong garrison has been transferred away, there are still more than [-] devils stationed in the city, a regiment of second devils.

Captain Yongchuan was in charge of two reinforced squads and two companies of the Royal Association Army.

After the big sweep started, although Jinzhong County was much more fortified than usual, and the city gates were closed every day before dawn, the Japanese and puppet troops staying in the city did not become more vigilant because of this.

Jinzhong is located in the hinterland of the occupied area, next to Taiyuan City, and there are no hostile troops around.

Neither the Eighth Route Army nor the Jinsui Army could cross the occupied area of ​​more than [-] kilometers and quietly appear outside Jinzhong City.

Other places in the occupied area may be attacked, but Taiyuan and Jinzhong are impossible.

But in order to cope with the inspection from above, Captain Yongchuan arranged a combat unit and a platoon of the Royal Association Army to keep watch every night...

At one o'clock in the morning, Jinzhong County was completely asleep under the darkness of night. Except for some fires on the top of the city, the rest of the place was completely dark.

Captain Yongchuan also fell asleep early, and there were only about forty Japanese and puppet troops patrolling the huge east gate.

It was already late at night, and many vigilant Japanese and puppet troops also started fighting with double eyelids because they were too sleepy and tired, yawning continuously, and their vigilance was greatly reduced.

The [-]st Battalion and [-]st Company of the Independent Regiment suddenly appeared [-] meters outside the city...

Some were lying on the ground, some were squatting...all armed with guns, staring at the city wall in front of them vigilantly.

Thirty to forty meters behind, dozens of gunners are building artillery positions for two mountain cannons. Behind them are more than a hundred mortar gunners. Eight mortars hold their muzzles up to the top of the city...

The west of Jinzhong, the south of the city, the north of the city...the same thing is happening all over the city. The arrogant little devil doesn't know that Jinzhong has been quietly surrounded by the independent regiment.

The assault company launched an attack from the back mountain of Xiluo and took the Xiluo stronghold in one fell swoop.

In order to avoid alarming the enemy, Kong Jie directly handed over the task of cleaning the battlefield and taking in the prisoners to the chief of staff, and led the main force of the regiment to march towards Jinzhong.

Arriving outside the city in the early morning, the soldiers immediately surrounded Jinzhong in four directions, regardless of the main attack and assist, and launched the attack on time at [-]:[-] am, trying to break through the Jinzhong city defense fortifications within an hour! "

The first battalion strengthened two mountain cannons to storm the east gate. Kong Jie originally wanted the assault company to join in.

The assault tank platoon is equipped with three-door armored vehicles. If they have their cover, the siege troops will surely be able to easily enter Jinzhong!
But this idea was rejected by Huang Yu as soon as it was proposed.

Then Kong Jie was called to the side by Huang Yu, discussing something in a low voice.

Ten minutes later, except for the previous siege order unchanged, the first and second companies of the guard battalion, the supply company, and the cavalry company...all of them were transferred to Huang Yu's command and obeyed Huang Yu's one knew the specific tasks .


At ten o'clock in the morning, the independent regiment equipped more than [-] mortars, ten mountain guns and infantry guns... roared at the same time, and the rumble of the guns instantly broke the quiet atmosphere in Jinzhong...

"Boom boom boom..."

The sound of the explosion was more violent than the sound of the cannon, louder than the thunder, and the city of Jinzhong, Nuoda, trembled twice in the explosion.

More than a dozen fireballs rose from the four city walls at the same time, and they were particularly dazzling under the darkness of night, dyeing half of the sky in Jinzhong red.

The east gate defended by Captain Dongchuan was hit by two mountain artillery shells and eight mortar shells...

The two mountain cannons fired directly at the city gate and shot the shells into the city gate hole and hit the city gate.

The Jinzhong city gate is very thick, and it is also covered with a layer of iron sheet, which is very strong.

The two mountain cannon shells did not move at all...

But this does not mean that the two city gates are indestructible.

During the explosion, the heavy city gate visibly shook a few times and became loose.

As long as the shells continued to hit the city gate, five or six more shells would surely destroy him.

Most of the mortar shells that hit the top of the city failed to achieve results, but they shocked Captain Yongchuan who was resting in the gate tower.

He jumped up from the bed and rushed out without any clothes on.

"Boom boom boom..."

In the second round, a cannonball hit the gate tower, and in the splashing flames, a corner of the gate tower was instantly blown to pieces...

This scene made Captain Yongchuan tremble with fright.

If he had come out more than ten seconds late just now, he would have been buried in the bombed city gate tower.

"Comrades, go...beep...beep...beep..."

Before Captain Yongchuan recovered his senses, the loud charge horn sounded outside the city.

Out of nowhere, more than a hundred Eighth Route Army appeared, lined up in skirmish lines, yelling and charging towards the city wall.

There were only more than forty guard soldiers on the top of the city, more than half of them were killed and injured in the artillery raid, and there were less than twenty people huddled in the corner of the city wall. No, let alone counterattack.

Lieutenant Yongchuan was sweating profusely. Facing the Eighth Route Army who did not play cards according to common sense and launched a general offensive as soon as they came up, he could only bite the bullet and order the defenders in the east of the city to immediately go up the city wall and defend the city against the shells constantly falling on their heads. head.

"Boom boom boom..." The sound of explosions in Captain Yongchuan's ears continued without any intention of stopping.

The Eighth Route Army attacking the city outside the city ran faster and faster, and in the blink of an eye they rushed to a distance of [-] meters...

If the defenders in the east of the city didn't get up to the city wall to block their attack, it would only take ten or twenty seconds for the east of the city to be over.

"Captain, here we come!" A second lieutenant rushed to the top of the wall and shouted.

"All enter the position, shoot immediately, and block the Eighth Route Army outside the city at all costs!" Captain Yongchuan ordered with a sigh of relief.

Nearly ten light and heavy machine guns brought by the reinforcements suddenly joined the battle, and the intensive firepower instantly killed a company of platoons of troops.

The rest of the troops retreated to the offensive position like a tide, coming quickly and withdrawing quickly.

But during the whole process, the siege artillery fire of the Independence Regiment never stopped...

The Japanese and puppet troops were exposed to fight on the bare city, as long as a shell hit them, they would blow up a large area...

In contrast, the Japanese and puppet troops in Chengtou suffered more casualties than the Eighth Route Army's attacking troops.

But no matter what, the first round of the Eighth Route Army's attack was repulsed by myself, and the garrison in the east of the city finally had time to adjust its deployment.
Captain Yongchuan was just about to breathe a sigh of relief when another bad news came: "Captain, the city gate was smashed by the Eighth Route Army's mountain artillery..."

"Immediately send people to block the city gate with sandbags, and dispatch a combat unit and a platoon of the Imperial Association Army to defend the city gate. We must not let the Eighth Route Army rush in through the city gate... Hurry up!" Captain Yongchuan immediately said. Response, very fast...

"Sir, a new round of offensive by the Eighth Route Army has begun!" Another bad news reached Captain Yongchuan.

"Ba Ge Ya Lu, why are they so fast... Are they trying to force us to death, not giving us time to rest?" Captain Yong Chuan immediately looked outside the city, cursing as he watched.

"Troops immediately ready for battle... Stop them at all costs..."

"The troops guarding the city gate are ready to fight immediately, and the Eighth Route Army must not be allowed to rush into the city gate..."

"Boom boom boom..."

The independent regiment's shells hitting the city head did not stop for a moment.

The Japanese and puppet troops originally wanted to evacuate from the top of the city to avoid artillery fire, and wait for the second round of the independent regiment to attack before going to the top of the city to fight.

As a result, the independent regiment did not give them a chance to evacuate from the city.

Before they had time to retreat, the second round of attack began, forcing them to defend the city against artillery fire. Every minute, a large number of Japanese and puppet troops were killed and injured...


Two mountain artillery shells roared and flew into the city gate.

The devil finally used sandbags to pile up a sandbag wall more than one meter long. When two shells exploded, the sandbag wall was instantly razed to the ground. Even the Japanese and puppet troops hiding behind the sandbag wall suffered heavy casualties and had to retreat. Arrange the temporary defense line [-] to [-] meters behind the city gate.

"Doo doo... Doo doo... Doo doo... Boom boom..."

The resounding charge horn sounded once again on the battlefield... but this time there was also the sound of heavy machine gun fire.

Eight heavy machine guns were mounted two hundred to three hundred meters outside the city, spitting out flames, pouring bullets desperately towards the city.

As soon as a few devil machine gunners shot back, the battlement where he was located was smashed with rubble, and bullets flew everywhere...

There were also a few unlucky machine gunners who were shot in the forehead and fell into a pool of blood!

"Light and heavy machine guns shoot immediately... The Eighth Route Army is about to rush over, stop them at all costs, and shoot!" Captain Yongchuan looked with pain in his face, but he was more nervous and anxious.

The offensive firepower of the Eighth Route Army is getting more and more fierce, far beyond my imagination.

The attacking troops were getting closer and closer. If the blocking troops didn't fire to stop them, the city wall under their feet would definitely not be able to defend. That's why there was the order just now to block the Eighth Route Army's attack at all costs.

But he had too few Japanese soldiers in his hands.

The continuous bombardment and the last round of attack by the company have killed and wounded more than fifty devils, and just now more than a dozen devils were assigned to guard the city gates. There are less than thirty devils left on the city that stretches for hundreds of meters. No matter how hard he tried, he could only operate four or five light and heavy machine guns and more than twenty rifles.

This little firepower can't stop the attacking troops at all.

As for the puppet army on the top of the city, under the crazy suppression of eight heavy machine guns and more than twenty light machine guns, they dare not even show their heads from the battlements, let alone shoot outside the city.

There were devils who forced them to shoot, but they just fooled the devils and shot with their eyes closed.

As for whether the bullet can hit the target, only God knows.

"Shoot, stand up and shoot... You must stop the Eighth Route Army, or we will all die on the top of the wall..." Captain Yongchuan became more and more anxious as he watched. At the same time, he also saw that the puppet army did not intend to fight back. Hug fire at the two puppet soldiers who closed their eyes and shot...

"This is what happens if you don't fight with your heart and fool me..."

"I aimed and shot them all... If someone shoots outside the city without aiming, they will all be shot..."

"Boom, boom, boom..." The offensive firepower of the independent regiment became more and more fierce. Although Captain Yongchuan's painful killers shocked many puppet troops, their blocking firepower was still vulnerable to more than [-] light and heavy machine guns.

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(End of this chapter)

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