Chapter 196 The Counterattack Advances (Please Subscribe)

In the headquarters of the Fourth Mixed Brigade of the Japanese Army in Yangquan, Major General Miyazawa did not rest just like last night.

In his words to his subordinates: the independent regiment has got into his stomach... If he doesn't eliminate it, he can't sleep in bed.

At one o'clock in the morning, Hara Tanaka Zuoxing hurried towards him: "General, the reinforcements are urgently calling...they have the last three kilometers away from the Independence most one hour can catch up with them in the Xingling area!"

"In order to paralyze the independent regiment, to prevent them from suddenly speeding up their march, and to get rid of the pursuit... The reinforcement troops want to divide their troops in advance, and the detour troops give up their heavy weapons and advance lightly. Start outflanking now!"

Major General Miyazawa immediately looked forward to it: "I agree with their division of troops..."

"But we must strengthen our vigilance, and don't be ambushed by the Eighth Route Army at the last moment!"

Colonel Matsushima was the supreme commander of the Japanese army's return troops. As soon as Major General Miyazawa's consent telegram arrived, he summoned the three captains together: "My gentlemen... the independent regiment we are chasing and killing is ahead!"

"In order to prevent them from realizing the danger, they suddenly speed up their march and slip away from our noses!"

"After reporting to His Majesty the General for approval, I decided to divide the troops in advance!"

"An infantry brigade followed and pursued... Two brigades gave up their heavy weapons and moved forward with light equipment, making more detours, rounding to the front of the independent regiment and blocking them on the two wings..."

"You are all the most elite warriors in the Great Japanese Empire. I hope that you will take the initiative to sign up and take on the important task of outflanking!"

"Your Excellency, Captain, I am willing to lead the team to outflank the independent regiment!" Major Hirosue was the first to stand up and ask for a fight.

"Leave the infantry artillery team, half of the mortars and half of the heavy machine guns. The other troops and I will outflank from the east, go straight to Xingling, block the independent regiment there and annihilate them!"

Major Ikuchi then stood up and challenged: "Your Excellency, Captain, leave another outflanking task to us!"

"Xingzhi is confident that we will take Xingling ahead of the Eighth Route Army!"

Colonel Matsushima did not give the third battalion captain a chance to speak, and immediately ordered: "Hirosue battalion outflanks from the east, Ikuchi battalion misunderstands and outflanks from the west, and other troops follow me to attack..."

"After the meeting, let's divide the troops!"

"The roundabout troops can only carry half of the heavy machine guns and mortars, and the infantry artillery and the rest of the heavy weapons are all kept!"

"All troops must advance bravely, block the independent regiment in Xingling within an hour, and then gather and wipe them out!"

In the middle of the independent regiment, Kong Jie, Huang Yu, Li Wensheng, and several battalion and company commanders are holding the last meeting before the battle to confirm their respective combat missions and time to participate in the war.

"Commander, I just got the news that the devils have divided up..." Li Wensheng reported seriously.

"They also seem to have chosen Xingling as the battlefield...the outflanking troops go straight there, the goal is very clear!"

"Xingling is good!" Kong Jie smiled and sighed!

"Since the Japanese army themselves have taken a fancy to Xingling, then we will turn it into their grave!"

As he spoke, he shifted his gaze to Huang Yu: "Xiao Huang, what else do you want to add!"

Huang Yu thought for a while before answering: "Commander, I think it's a fool's trick for the devils to divide their troops in advance. If we use it well, it will be of great benefit to us!"

Seeing Kong Jie listening to his explanation seriously, Huang Yu didn't talk nonsense, and said it bluntly as an analysis.

"According to our planned plan, after the battle begins, the assault company, cavalry company, and artillery...cooperate with each other to defeat the infantry brigade that followed and killed us within [-] minutes, and then turn around and counterattack the two brigades that the little devils outflanked us!"

"During this period, in order to relieve the trailing troops, the outflanking troops will definitely attack a few main battalions desperately, and let us mess up."

"The fiercer the devil's offensive, the greater the defensive pressure on the main battalions, and the greater the casualties in the battle!"

"Everyone definitely doesn't want to see this result!"

"Now that the devils divide their forces in advance, we can also launch an attack in advance!"

"The troop continued to slow down the marching speed, and fought against the trailing devils first. When the raid was about to end, several main battalions fought with them to outflank the troops, entangle them, and prevent them from slipping away..."

"I think this method is feasible!" Kong Jie thought for a while.

"Our real mission of interspersing enemy-occupied areas has not yet begun!"

"Although the independent regiment has a strong force, no one knows if there will be a big battle to be fought next!"

"Fighting tonight, our casualties must be as small as possible!"

Li Wensheng reminded: "The timing of the exchange of fire between the main battalions and the devil's outflanking troops must be well grasped to prevent them from slipping away from our noses when they see the situation is not good!"

Kong Jie said, "This is simple!"

"Let a few battalions send some small troops pretending to be probing troops to surprise them and harass them. The main force will press up after ten minutes of counterattack!"

"The devil has always been arrogant. After being provoked by us, he will definitely find his way back!"

"Even if they receive the news that the follow-up troops have been attacked and suffered heavy losses, they will not retreat easily!"

"A few main battalions will fight against them for ten minutes less, and we will lose one or two companies less troops!"

Colonel Matsushima marched with the follow-up chasing troops, plus the artillery and heavy machine gun troops left behind by the outflanking troops, there were more than [-] devils on the road, and he had the most troops, the most heavy weapons, and the most firepower among the three-way devils. The strongest force.

In Master Matsushima's plan, after the Independence Regiment was blocked at Xingling, even if they wanted to break out, they would choose to outflank the troops. Their troops would not be attacked, and they were very safe.

More than half an hour later, Colonel Matsushima could already see the blurred figure of the Independent Regiment through the telescope!

Another five minutes later...the vanguard of the Independent Regiment climbed up Xingling...

At this moment, "Papapa..." Three flares suddenly rose into the air behind Xingling.

Colonel Matsushima laughed as soon as he saw it: "Yoxi...the outflanking troops have already moved in place...the independent regiment's way forward is blocked by us!"

"Immediately accelerate the marching speed, the troops attack and move forward... After catching up with the independent regiment, launch an attack directly, no need to ask me for instructions!"

The three or four hundred devils walking in front of Colonel Matsushima immediately put their rifles in their hands, light machine guns in their arms, loaded with bullets, and charged forward in battle formation...

More than twenty balls of fire suddenly rose up in front of the team, and it took a second for the explosion sound of "Boom..." to reach his ears. In the dazzling firelight, groups of soldiers were like paper toys, forming into pieces. The film was overturned...

There were also many subordinates who were directly blown away, and fell silent on the ground.

"Baga... Where did the artillery fire come from? Could it be that the Independence Regiment wants to take the initiative to attack us..." Colonel Matsushima was shocked and confused, and roared loudly at a group of subordinates.


A violent explosion is the best answer.

The more Matsushima looked, the more frightened he became...

More than [-] meters in front of the team, more than [-] Eighth Route Army appeared at some point, armed with submachine guns and light machine guns in their arms, charging while holding fire, like a group of killing gods, heading straight for the subordinates who were being covered by artillery fire.

"Boom..." The bombardment continued, and the Eighth Route Army's attack became faster and faster.

When there were still [-] to [-] meters away from the artillery coverage area, the artillery shells that fell on the heads of the forward troops suddenly began to move backwards, directly hitting themselves...


A shell happened to hit the road ten meters away from Osamu Matsushima, where a heavy machine gun team was staying.

In the splashing flames, the heavy machine gun carried on the shoulder was instantly overturned, and the four machine gunners were blown over at the same time...

The two were silent on the spot, and the two lay on the ground howling...

It wasn't until this time that the bloody reality brought Major Matsushima back to reality. The unit he thought was least likely to be attacked was the first to be attacked by the independent regiment...

The hatred in my heart can't be described in words.

While transferring under the protection of the guards, he ordered: "Are our artillery all scrap iron? Why don't we fight back?"

"The artillery unit counterattacked immediately, and killed the artillery attacking us... Hurry up and fire..."

"Boom..." The artillery fire from the Independence Regiment was very intense. A round of more than [-] shells dropped more than [-] shells on the road in the blink of an eye, knocking the subordinates off their feet.

The most troublesome thing for Colonel Matsushima was the Eighth Route Army's raiding force...

They have been strangled with the vanguard.

The forward troops had just been covered by artillery fire, and the casualties were heavy. The living soldiers were lying on the ground with their heads in their arms.

After the shelling shifted to another location, just as they were about to stand up and fight back, the rain of bullets from the assault company had already flown in front of their eyes, and there was no way to hide, and they were instantly smashed into a sieve!

The entire assault company is like an unstoppable chariot, constantly advancing under the cover of artillery fire.

Wherever the shell hits, the bullets they shoot will fly...

A sound of "rumbling..." horseshoes suddenly reached Colonel Matsushima's ears, which made him almost lose his footing in fright, and ordered with a panicked face.

"It's cavalry... There are cavalry coming towards us!"

"Heavy machine guns immediately set up a line of defense, blocking the cavalry at all costs, absolutely not allowing them to enter the ranks..."

"Boom boom boom..."

The violent explosion quickly overwhelmed his previous order, and the artillery squadron and machine gun squadron were being covered by artillery fire, making a mess.

Heavy machine guns and mortar parts were scattered everywhere, and the surviving soldiers desperately moved around, trying to stay away from the road covered by artillery fire. During this process, soldiers were constantly killed and injured, which was very tragic...

"Cavalry company, kill me..." Zhang Dashan joined the battle immediately, and the assault speed was very fast.

A heavy machine gun team had just escaped from the artillery fire and was still gasping for breath. Zhang Dashan, holding a saber, had already rushed in front of them.

With the knife in his hand, the devil machine gunner in the front fell to the ground, and the heavy machine gun on his shoulder immediately hit the ground...

Not to be outdone, the other cavalry roared past the heavy machine gun team...

A flash of saber flashed, and the remaining devils were all chopped to the ground by the saber.

There are cavalry companies slaughtering back and forth on the periphery, assault companies attacking from the front, and shells are constantly falling on the top of the head...

The devils had been driving for several hours, and they were all out of breath. They were suddenly attacked, and it was difficult to form a strong resistance...

Looking down from the sky, more than a thousand devils are being consumed rapidly...

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(End of this chapter)

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