The Sword of Swords is a Guard for Kong Jie

Chapter 144 Brigadier: You Can't Learn It Even If You Teach them

Chapter 144 Brigadier: Teach them and they won't learn (seeking subscription)

"Tuan Zuo, I think you are too arrogant..." Fang Ligong did not approve of Chu Yunfei's analysis, and frowned to defend himself.

"Our [-]th regiment is a reinforced regiment with a total strength of more than [-] people and a mountain artillery battalion. If we really want to replace the independent regiment that attacked Yangquan with us, we will definitely be able to take down Yangquan and kill a brigade of little devils! "

Chu Yunfei shook his head and explained: "Brother Ligong, it's not that I underestimate myself, it's just the fact..."

"The combat effectiveness of our [-]th Regiment can be ranked first among the Jinsui Army. If it really goes to the Eighth Route Army, it will be good to be ranked in the middle and upper reaches!"

"I have studied the Eighth Route Army... Their beliefs are very firm. Although they are poorly equipped, they are not afraid of death and have the determination to fight the little devil to the end..."

"We have been neighbors with them for so long, have you ever heard of cases where the Eighth Route Army fled without fighting because they were afraid of the devils... Even if there were, there were very few, only a handful..."

"Look at our Jinsui Army..."

"Fleeing without fighting is good. Many troops lost the courage to continue fighting as soon as they saw the little devil. Even the ancestors forgot, and directly raised their hands and surrendered as prisoners..."

"Look at the Imperial Association Army in the enemy-occupied area. How many of them are the Jinsui Army who joined the puppet army..."

"Let's talk about our [-]th Regiment... how many troops can fight the devils without collapsing with more than [-]% casualties...or more than [-]% casualties without collapsing, and are determined to fight the Japanese army to the end..."

"I can tell you for sure, very few..."

"Look at the Eighth Route Army..."

"I don't know about the other troops, just Kong Jie's independent regiment..."

"Back when the Sakata United team came to the enemy-occupied area, they had an encounter with the [-]th Brigade Independent Regiment..."

"The independent regiment of more than [-] people fought hard against the Sakata United Army of [-] to [-] people. The troops suffered more than [-]% casualties and did not collapse. They continued to defend their positions until the mission was completed..."

"After the battle, the Sakata Alliance fought us again..."

"A reinforced battalion of more than a thousand people participated in the battle. Within half an hour of the exchange of fire between the two sides, our troops suffered more than half of the casualties, and we withdrew from the battlefield in embarrassment..."

"If it weren't for the fact that the Bantian United team suffered a lot from the independent regiment, and they were unfamiliar with the place, they didn't dare to rush after them... They might have killed us all the way to the headquarters of the [-]th regiment..."

"It's a shame... I, Chu Yunfei, have fought for so many years, and I have never experienced such a defeat!"

Fang Ligong fell silent...

Chu Yunfei said that this incident is still fresh in his memory... After the battle, he killed the battalion commander in the name of fearing the battle, which caused quite a stir among the Jinsui Army, and felt that Chu Yunfei was making a fuss out of a molehill ...

In the Jinsui Army, there were too many officers who ran for their lives on the battlefield because they lost to the little devils. If everyone was killed, the Jinsui Army would definitely be in chaos.

If it weren't for Chu Yunfei's strong background and the support of the Chongqing guy, the position of head of the [-]th Regiment would have been lost long ago...

Judging from the morale of the army and the determination to fight to the end, the Jinsui Army is indeed inferior to the Eighth Route Army.

Even if the [-] regiment with strong soldiers and horses is compared, I still lose...

Just when he didn't know how to answer, Chu Yunfei continued: "Brother Ligong... I remember that Shangfeng planned to organize a group of brigade commanders and regimental commanders to go to the Eighth Route Army to learn guerrilla warfare... Our [-]th regiment will also send people Was there such a thing in the past?"

"Yes!" Fang Ligong replied with a nod.

"But many brigade commanders and regimental commanders have pushed this family's affairs away... they look down on the guerrilla warfare of the Eighth Route Army, and think that we are a regular army. It's too embarrassing to learn guerrilla warfare from them!"

"I was just about to ask you if you want to participate, so that you can reply to Shangfeng?"

"Go, of course... This is the best way to get to know the Eighth Route Army up close!" Chu Yunfei replied without hesitation.

"Go and contact Shangfeng. If possible, I want to go directly to the Independent Regiment of the [-]th Brigade of the Eighth Route Army to observe and study!"

"As for those officers who are unwilling to let go of their dignity, they are no different from frogs in a well, and I, Chu Yunfei, will not learn from them.

In the Independent Regiment Headquarters, Kong Jie, as usual, was going to inspect the battalions after breakfast.

Before anyone moved, the regiment headquarters phone rang.

Although the independent regiment is equipped with a radio, the battery is too precious. Unless the troops are fighting outside, they can't pull the phone line, so they have to use it... usually they are turned off, and they use the phone to communicate with their superiors.

Li Wensheng answered the phone and listened to it for a few seconds, then covered the receiver and said to Kong Jie: "Regimental's the brigade commander's call, I have something important to call you!"

"Report to the brigade commander, I'm Kong Jie!" Kong Jie hurriedly answered the phone.

"Kong Jie, the theater command will send some Jinsui army regiment commanders and brigade commanders to our Eighth Route Army to exchange and study in the next few days... I want to see how we use guerrilla warfare and mobile warfare to fight devils!"

"Chu Yunfei, the commander of the [-]th Regiment of the Jinsui Army, called to go to your independent regiment. I can't refuse, so I can only agree..."

"After Chu Yunfei joined the independent group, as long as it doesn't involve secrecy, you can say whatever he asks, and you can teach whatever you want to learn. Don't worry about it!"

"Both sides are friendly forces, and they should help each other. Their combat effectiveness has become stronger, and our combat pressure will be much less!"

Kong Jie froze for a moment, and asked back with a look of disbelief: "Brigade Commander...Guerrilla warfare and mobile warfare are our housekeeping skills...Do you really leave it all to them? You are not afraid of teaching apprentices and starving the master to death!"

The brigade commander replied firmly: "As long as they want to learn, we dare to teach. There is nothing to be afraid of!"

"Besides, the reason why our guerrilla warfare and mobile warfare are invincible behind enemy lines... Do you think it's just because of tactics?"

Almost all regiment commanders in the Eighth Route Army are experts in guerrilla warfare and mobile warfare, and Kong Jie is no exception. As soon as he slapped his head, he understood the hidden meaning of the brigade commander's words: "Brigade commander, I understand..."

"Guerrilla warfare and mobile warfare are inseparable from the support of the people in the base areas... This is the true meaning of our invincibility behind enemy lines!"

"The Jinsui army obviously can't get along with the common people, so they can't get the full support of the common people!"

"Even if we teach without reservation, they can only learn superficially!"

"Please don't worry, brigade commander, I will definitely entertain the regimental commander sent by the friend army!"

Kazuki Yamamoto is reporting his investigation results and action plan to Shinozuka Yoshio at the Taiyuan Japanese First Army Headquarters.

"Your Excellency, Commander... According to our investigation, after the Independence Regiment finished fighting Yangquan, the Eighth Route Army headquarters added two new battalions to them!"

"The current independent regiment has five main battalions and one new battalion, with a total strength of more than [-] people..."

"There is also an artillery company, a cavalry company..."

"The artillery battery is equipped with eight to ten mortars, two infantry guns..."

"The cavalry company is equipped with more than one hundred horses, and has initially formed combat effectiveness!"

"The ammunition reserve of the Independent Regiment is very sufficient...Each soldier can average up to a hundred bullets..."

Shinozuka Yoshio's face became more serious the more he heard it, and he punched the table and ordered: "The independent group can't continue to grow..."

"Otherwise they will definitely develop into a serious problem for the Shanxi garrison..."

"How's your secret service recovery going?"

Kazuki Yamamoto replied confidently: "Please rest assured, Commander..."

"Dozens of members of the latest supplementary special agent team have fully formed combat effectiveness and are ready to participate in action at any time!"

"Yoxi..." This was the best news Yoshio Shinozuka had heard in the past few days.

The mood suddenly improved a lot, and he turned to look at the chief of staff: "How is the recovery of the Fourth Mixed Brigade?"

"The supplementary soldiers have all been in place...the supporting materials, weapons and ammunition have also been delivered in place!" the chief of staff replied.

"In order to get rid of the shame, Major General Miyazawa also dispatched an infantry brigade and a regiment of the Imperial Association Army from surrounding counties and strongholds to enter Yangquan..."

"Minus the remaining troops to protect Yangquan...he can send three infantry battalions, one cavalry squadron, one mountain artillery squadron, one field artillery squadron, one chariot squadron...a regiment of imperial association troops...a total of [-] People attack the independent regiment!"

"I also prepared ammunition that can be used for half a month, which is enough to destroy the independent regiment!"

Yoshio Shinozuka shifted his gaze to Kazuki Yamamoto again: "How do you plan to raid the independent regiment headquarters..."

"The Fourth Mixed Brigade that cooperates with you is ready to fight!"

"As long as you successfully destroy the headquarters of the Independent Regiment, kill Kong Jie, the head of the Independent Regiment, and Li Wensheng, the Chief of Staff, and leave the Independent Regiment leaderless and in chaos..."

"The Fourth Mixed Brigade will take the opportunity to launch an attack and kill the Independent Brigade in the first battle!"

Kazuki Yamamoto hurriedly brought Shinozuka Yoshio to the sand table: "According to our investigation, in order to protect the flank of the Eighth Route Army headquarters, the Independent Regiment has switched to Chenjiayu..."

"I specially sent people there to investigate: Chenjiayu is only two kilometers away from the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army, and it can be killed by a quick march in ten minutes..."

"If we succeed in taking down the Independent Regiment Headquarters, the secret service team will not suffer much losses, and they can continue to fight and continue to raid the Eighth Route Army headquarters!"

"Even if you can't catch big fish, it's good to catch some small fish and shrimps. It can also damage the morale of the Eighth Route Army and let other officers of the front army see the possibility of the special agent team successfully raiding the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army!"

"There is a cliff at the entrance of Chenjiayu Village. It is almost impossible for ordinary troops to climb up. The independent regiment only arranged a platoon to guard!"

"But our special agent team can easily climb up the cliff, solve the security forces of the independent regiment defending the cliff within a minute, and attack their regiment headquarters from behind the independent regiment..."

"Chenjiayu only has one guard battalion stationed. We have strong firepower and strong melee assault capabilities. If we are fast, the battle will end in fifteen minutes..."

"The secret service team continued to attack the Eighth Route Army headquarters, forced the Eighth Route Army headquarters to move, and then destroyed their headquarters, hitting the Eighth Route Army's morale and morale!"

Seeing that Kazuki Yamamoto was full of confidence, Yoshio Shinozuka suddenly had a bold idea in his mind. After thinking about it against the sand table for two minutes, he decided to give it a try!
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(End of this chapter)

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