Chapter 1199: Return of Carriage (Second Update)

The chief of staff showed no worry at all on his face and answered confidently: "Leave a regiment of the Imperial Army to defend the county..."

"All other troops went out of the city to sweep away the guerrilla brigade..."

"Sir, think twice..."

The captain who raised this question didn't care whether his next words would anger the chief of staff, which would affect the rest of his military career, so he spoke out and said the right thing.

"There are too few Imperial Army soldiers in one regiment."

"With the combat power of the Imperial Alliance Army, let alone the main force of the guerrilla brigade, as long as they send two or three main battalions to attack Fangshan County for a second time, they may not be able to hold on for even an hour."

"This is simply giving away military exploits to the guerrilla brigade for free. I don't understand."

The chief of staff was not angry because of his subordinate's rebuttal, and still replied with a confident expression: "I hope the guerrilla brigade will attack Fangshan, so that we can wipe them all out in Fangshan."

"The combat effectiveness of the Kehuang Alliance Army is too poor. I'm worried that the guerrilla brigade has occupied Fangshan for the second time and withdrawn before our troops to return to Fangshan are in place."

"They can't run away..." the chief of staff replied still looking confident.

"Do you think I really only arranged for one regiment of the Imperial Army to stay in Fangshan?"

"Wrong, that was all staged for the Eighth Route Army."

"On the surface, the troops left behind in Fangshan are a group of Imperial Army troops. Their combat effectiveness is very poor. They are like a piece of fat on the lips of the Eighth Route Army."

"In fact, they are indeed a full infantry brigade of the Imperial Army."

"As long as the Eighth Route Army dares to kill us and attack Fangshan County for the second time, this brigade will drag them inside Fangshan City at all costs."

"As soon as the encirclement troops are in place, we can attack them from both inside and outside and annihilate them all."


Guerrilla brigade temporary headquarters.

The latest news from the front line is constantly being collected here for Zhang Xuan to analyze.

Not long after dawn, the sound of horse hooves sounded on the pipeline not far away. Two cavalry soldiers turned over and fell off their horses, then rushed towards Tang Lin, panting and reporting.

"team leader……"

"The Japanese and puppet troops stationed in Fangshan last night were dispatched."

"One regiment of the Imperial Alliance Army stayed behind in Fangshan County to protect the seriously wounded. All the remaining Japanese and puppet troops were dispatched. They were divided into three groups in groups, with a certain number of puppet troops, artillery, and tank troops, separated by ten kilometers from each other. , leave the city from the west gate and push directly towards the mountain where the base area is located..."

"West of Fangshan..." Zhang Xuan stared at the map for less than ten seconds before showing an expression of sudden realization.

"I understand……"

"The Japanese formed a three-way formation and swept toward our base. It was clear that they wanted to seize the Shibao stronghold first, block our access to the mountain, and then sweep in other directions to fight us decisively."

Political Commissar Li Wen replied calmly: "Captain..."

"We are not in the Japanese sweep area for the time being..."

"Then leave them alone."

"If they are willing to occupy the stone fort, let them occupy it. Anyway, we don't plan to return to the base for the time being."

"Anyway, the task given to us by the divisional headquarters is just to hold them back. Then we will take them in a circle within Fangshan."

"The fat ones are dragging down the thin ones, and the thin ones are dragging down the small ones. When the time comes, we will fight with them."

Zhang Xuan did not answer, and kept looking at the map. After two minutes, he shook his head and refused: "Although it is safe to fight like this, the killing speed of the enemy is too slow. If the deputy chief of staff launches an operation, the Japanese and puppet troops decide to come back for reinforcements." Peiping, and they are very strong, if we can’t stop them, then we won’t be able to complete the mission.”

"We'll go around in circles, but we must seize the time to kill more Japanese and puppet troops."

"Even if they want to retreat from Fangshan, they have to wait for our nod."

"If the guerrilla brigade doesn't agree, they won't be able to evacuate Fangshan even a single soldier." Chief of Staff Feng Jiashan suddenly answered: "I agree with the captain's idea."

"Fighting guerrillas is back to fighting guerrillas. Our main goal is to consume a large number of Japanese and puppet troops."

"I suggest we come to Fangshan twice."

"Since the Japanese have left a regiment of puppet troops to defend Fangshan, we will first kill more than a thousand puppet troops, and then go to deal with the other Japanese puppet troops."

Li Wen was silent for a moment and replied: "If the Japanese army really only left more than a thousand puppet troops in Fangshan."

"With the combat power of our guerrilla brigade, we can take it down in two hours at most."

"We will attack after the main force of the Japanese army has marched fifteen kilometers away from Fangshan. Even if they return to the county seat immediately, it will take two and a half hours. This time is enough for us to end the battle, evacuate the battlefield, and let the Japanese reinforcements attack one in Fangshan County. null."

Seeing that the two partners were unanimous in wanting to kill Fangshan County, Zhang Xuan also felt that there was nothing wrong with doing so, and immediately made a decision: "Then we will attack Fangshan County again."

"We have just attacked Fangshan County. We may be more familiar with the fortifications and terrain of Fangshan than the puppet troops who stayed behind in Fangshan."

"After this analysis, the terrain advantage is also on our side."

"There are only a thousand puppet troops left in Fangshan, and their combat effectiveness is far lower than that of the little devils..."

"The advantage in strength and firepower is also on our side."

"It's hard for us not to win this offense."


On top of Fangshan City.

The little Japanese squadron leader wearing a puppet army uniform was observing the outside of the city with a telescope.

He disliked the puppet army uniform, but in order to confuse the guerrilla brigade and attract them to be fooled, he had to keep wearing it.

At eleven o'clock at noon, a group of figures suddenly appeared at the end of the road.

With the rifle in his hand, the light and heavy machine gun on his shoulder, and the mortar on his shoulder, he pushed the mountain cannon and charged towards the city gate in a mighty manner.

The squadron leader was so excited that he almost jumped up from the ground and shouted with excitement: "The guerrilla brigade is coming towards us with murderous intent..."

"All the troops left behind are ready for battle... According to the predetermined plan, we will block the guerrilla brigade at every level, put it into Fangshan County, and use street fighting to hold them back."

"By the way, send a telegram to the Chief of Staff..."

"The guerrilla brigade has been fooled. All the main forces have gathered outside Fangshan City and are preparing to launch an siege. Please bring troops back immediately, sir."

Outside Fangshan City, Zhang Xuan also held up a telescope to observe the city.

Seeing that the puppet army on the top of the city had fallen into chaos, a smile immediately disappeared from his serious face, and he said happily: "The puppet army on the top of the city is about to collapse."

"Let the artillerymen set up the mortars quickly."

"There is only one principle for today's battle: hurry..."

"Surge into Fangshan as quickly as possible, eliminate the remaining Japanese and puppet troops, capture Fangshan for the second time, and then evacuate Fangshan with the loot."

"Prepare artillery fire for one minute..."

"As soon as the time is up, the attacking troops will rush forward, blast open the city gate as fast as possible, and rush into Fangshan."

"Then quickly intersperse, divide and surround the enemy and defeat them one by one."

"Capture them if you can. Kill them all if you can't. Don't be merciful. The faster the better."

(End of this chapter)

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