Chapter 1195 A wake-up call (second update)

The chief of staff did not miss this good opportunity to make meritorious deeds.

There are four full infantry brigades, two regiments of the Imperial Army, and a large number of tanks and heavy artillery units to assist in the battle. Comparing the enemy and ourselves, both the advantage in troops and equipment is on our side.

What's more important is that the decisive battle between the two armies is decided by themselves, which means that the initiative in the battle between the two armies is in the hands of the imperial army.

As long as the commander of the imperial army is not a fool, this battle will be won.


Fangshan Japanese Army Brigade Headquarters.

When Zhang Xuan arrived here, the fighting in the city had ended, and political commissar Li Wen was going around counting the results, counting the battle losses, and collecting the spoils of war.

The guerrilla brigade will have a big operation next. With one more heavy machine gun in the army, it will be able to kill a few more Japs during operations in the future.

Moreover, today's guerrilla brigade is no longer the guerrilla brigade it was when it was first formed, with a full strength of more than 3,000 people.

If the weapons equipped by the troops fire a salvo on the battlefield, tens of thousands of rounds of ammunition can be fired in a few minutes.

Although the guerrilla brigade is backed by the Sixth Army Division of the Wing, it receives a large amount of ammunition supplies from the Wing, and its financial resources are relatively strong. However, as the scale of the battle becomes larger and larger, there will be times when the financial resources cannot survive.

There are more than one regiment of Japanese troops stationed in Fangshan, and there are also a large number of puppet troops assisting in the battle. There must be a lot of ammunition stored in the city.

A small amount captured by the troops is enough for the guerrilla brigade to fight one or two major battles.

"Captain..." The political commissar came over with a joyful look on his face, holding the list of trophies he had just calculated.

"The little Japs stationed in the Pingjin area are indeed wealthier than those in other places."

"Not only did we seize more than 100,000 rounds of various ammunition from the Japanese troops, we also seized more than 600,000 rounds of reserve ammunition in Fangshan City. More than 2,000 mortar shells and mountain artillery shells."

"Not only have we replenished all the ammunition we consumed in fighting Fangshan and the reinforcements, but more than half are left."

Before Zhang Xuan could be happy, the operator rushed towards him and reported nervously: 'Captain...'

"Urgent call from the divisional headquarters..."

"In order to block the offensive of the guerrilla brigade and protect the safety of Peking..."

"Okamura Neiji also mobilized four full infantry brigades, two regiments of the Imperial Army, half a tank brigade, a mountain artillery brigade, and a large-caliber mortar squadron from Peiping, Peking Airport, and Tianjin Wharf. , personally led by the Chief of Staff of the North China Front, marched towards Fangshan in a hurry, intending to fight us decisively at Fangshan."

"The headquarters requires us not to confront the Japanese head-on, but to use guerrilla warfare and mobile warfare to drag the Japanese and puppet troops into Fangshan to create conditions for the main force to raid the Tianjin dock."


After hearing this, Zhang Xuan took a breath and said: "Okamura Neji really thinks highly of our guerrilla brigade."

"The action will be six to seven thousand days of puppet troops..."

"This is treating us as the main brigade..."

"Fangshan definitely can't stay any longer."

"The Japanese have brought large-caliber mortars and tank troops. If we insist on defending Fangshan, it is like throwing an egg against a rock. We are courting death."

Political Commissar Li Wen immediately stood up and answered: "The enemy is coming with great force, and they must be sure of victory..."

"I suggest that we avoid their sharp edges and follow the orders of the divisional headquarters and use guerrilla warfare and mobile warfare to deal with the Japanese and puppet troops."

Zhang Xuan nodded and replied: "I will definitely execute the order."

"But with so many Japanese and puppet troops coming towards us, if we just run away without firing a single shot, that's not my Zhang Xuan's fighting style."


"If we don't teach the invading enemies a lesson and anger them..."

"Do you think the little Japs will be willing to be dragged by us to fight guerrillas in Fangshan?" Chief of Staff Feng Jiashan stood up and said in support: "I also suggest giving the Japs a slap in the face first to anger them before retreating."

Although Li Wen felt that what the captain and chief of staff said made sense, he still reminded him with worry: "Would it be too risky to fight like this..."

"The enemy has six to seven thousand men, and they are also assisted by tanks and heavy artillery."

"If we fight them head-on, if we are not careful, we may be dragged on the battlefield by the enemy. At that time, it will be difficult to retreat and engage in mobile warfare with them."

Zhang Xuan smiled and replied: "Who said that a decisive blow must be met head-on."

"The political commissar just said that we seized more than two thousand various artillery shells in Fangshan City..."

"I decided to use five hundred artillery shells to prepare a big gift for the enemy..."

"Long-distance artillery fire..." Li Wen understood as soon as he heard it, and shouted in sudden realization.


On the road from Peiping to Fangshan, six or seven thousand Japanese puppet troops marched forward in mighty force. There were many mountain artillery and chariots in the ranks. It was obvious at a glance that this was a strong army.

"chief of staff……"

The captain of the forward brigade came towards the chief of staff.

In order to prevent the troops from being ambushed by the guerrilla brigade again, the chief of staff assigned a full brigade to serve as the forward, and the captain of the forward brigade assigned a squadron to serve as the forward of the forward brigade to ensure that the troops could escape unscathed even if they ran into the Eighth Route Army's pocket formation. .

"Fangshan County is just five kilometers ahead..."

"According to the forward scout report in the city..."

"The guerrilla brigade that captured Fangshan had evacuated the county three hours ago, and its destination is unknown..."

“I don’t know if we should leave troops to take back Fangshan County!”

The chief of staff shook his head and replied: "Dividing troops before a war is a taboo for military strategists..."

"The overall combat effectiveness of the guerrilla brigade is far beyond our imagination. They are also very cunning and invisible when fighting. If we divide our troops in front of them, it will be easier for them to be defeated individually..."

"Before the guerrilla brigade is eliminated or severely damaged, no one should mention the division of troops to me. Anyone who disobeys the order will be subject to military law!"

"As long as we eliminate the guerrilla brigade, Fangshan County will naturally return to our hands without attacking..."

"Boom boom boom..."

Just as the captain was about to say a few compliments, a series of violent explosions sounded in his ears.

Before the chief of staff could react from his shock, the guard next to him threw him to the ground.

The guards further away rushed towards him at the same time, forming a human shield around him with their bodies.

Only then did the chief of staff react from the shock and shouted anxiously: "We were attacked by at least fifty mortars from the enemy..."

"Does the guerrilla brigade want to ambush us here and annihilate us..."

"Then their appetite is too big..."

The captain of the forward brigade had more actual combat experience. He shook his head and replied: "Chief of Staff..."

"It doesn't seem like an ambush..."

"If the Eighth Route Army really wants to ambush us here, it will definitely let the light and heavy machine guns fire together. Before our troops are dispersed, they will kill a large number of our effective forces..."

"But there were only explosions of artillery shells around us, and no gunfire was heard... This is probably a long-distance artillery attack launched by the enemy!"

(End of this chapter)

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