The Sword of Swords is a Guard for Kong Jie

Chapter 1191 The situation takes a turn for the worse

Chapter 1191 The situation takes a turn for the worse (first update)

"Boom boom boom..."

A series of violent explosions suddenly sounded on the road, and thick smoke billowed. Dozens of soldiers were instantly blown over, including many of the cavalry squadrons that Okamura Neiji reinforced for him.

"Boom boom boom..."

Mortars fire very quickly...

Before one round of explosions ended, a second round of shells roared down, overturning dozens of soldiers again.

The soldiers who were gathered together had to scatter in order to avoid the shells hitting their heads.

The formation also became chaotic at this moment.

Although the captain's breakout order was immediately transmitted to the troops, because the soldiers were too scattered, the soldiers could not find the generals, and the generals could not find the soldiers, making it impossible for them to counterattack or break through.

"Dong dong dong... da da da... boom boom boom..."

The rain of bullets from Bao Valley is still flying on the road, harvesting the lives of his men.

The Japanese captain is well aware of the dangerous situation of the reinforcements.

When the heavy machine gun squadron and mortar squadron are killed by the guerrilla brigade immediately, if the troops stay in the pocket formation for one more minute, countless soldiers will die tragically here.

He had to change the method of breaking out of the encirclement by giving up cavalry to protect infantry. Instead, he used machine gunners to switch to defense on the spot, and each unit broke out on its own.

The cavalry troops have been blown apart. It is impossible to gather together in a short time to launch a counterattack against the guerrilla brigade's ambush troops. They can only rely on themselves.

It's a pity that the guerrilla brigade did not give them this opportunity.


The loud sound of the charge horn suddenly reached the ears of the battalion leader. He looked up and saw nearly two thousand Eighth Route Army troops rushing out of Bao Valley. In company units, they rushed towards the road from all directions with rifles and machine guns.

The captain was completely desperate.

I thought that the main force of the guerrilla brigade was really outside Fangshan City. Although the firepower to ambush him here was very fierce, there were not many Eighth Route Army troops.

As long as the reinforcements react quickly enough, there is still a high chance of breaking out of the pocket formation and retreating to Peiping.

Unexpectedly, the guerrilla brigade actually arranged two thousand people to ambush him here.

The total number of reinforcements totaled only more than 1,300 people. In the initial ambush battle, an infantry squadron and nearly two cavalry squadrons had been killed, and the total strength was reduced sharply to about 1,000 people.

When the main force was ambushed and faced with the powerful surprise firepower of the Eighth Route Army, at least 300 of its men were killed by the guerrilla brigade in just ten seconds.

Including the casualties caused by the artillery raid just now, it would be good if the total strength of the reinforcements could only be 500.

The Eighth Route Army attacking in front of them had 2,000 men, with a strength advantage of four times.

They also have the advantage in firepower and artillery fire, so how can they fight this battle?

In order to avoid the artillery attack, the troops who were originally gathered together were scattered on both sides of the road.

Facing the Red Army who suddenly came out of Baogudi, they fired back immediately, hoping to block their offensive or consume a large number of Eighth Route Army troops through blocking battles.

However, their scattered firepower could not be concentrated. Apart from causing some sporadic casualties to the Eighth Route Army's attacking troops, it was completely unable to stop their offensive.


"Boom boom boom..."

The shells fired by the guerrilla brigade were like rain, continuously hitting the city and exploding.

He used several mountain field guns to retreat directly to a position more than 300 meters away from the city head, and fired directly at the battlements. In a few minutes, he destroyed a large number of battlements and blew up the Japanese and puppet troops hiding behind the battlements.

Without the protection of the city battlements, the bullets fired from the light and heavy machine guns could only fly close to the city wall and fly up to the top of the city.

The Japanese and puppet troops will be beaten into a sieve if they are not careful.

In order to reduce casualties, the Japanese and puppet city defense troops had to retreat to the city head. While the Eighth Route Army was preparing for artillery fire, they withdrew the troops behind the city wall to repair, and then transferred them to the city head after the guerrilla brigade began to attack. "Sir, the Eighth Route Army's offensive troops are coming towards the city wall..."

An exclamation suddenly sounded above the city east of the city. The squadron leader who was hiding behind the city wall with his subordinates quickly ordered: "Everyone go up to the city wall. The Eighth Route Army has begun to attack. Pay attention to the artillery."

When the squadron leader climbed up to the top of the city, the number of shells fired by the guerrilla brigade at the top of the city was significantly reduced.

This situation made him more sure that the Eighth Route Army was about to start attacking the city, and he quickly greeted his subordinates behind the city wall who had not yet reached the top of the city.

"Bage Ya Road...The Eighth Route Army's offensive troops are about to rush forward..."


"Enter the position immediately... fire all light and heavy machine guns to block the Eighth Route Army's attacking troops."

"We must not let them get close to the city..."


There were originally 400 Japanese and puppet troops at the east wall of the city. After continuous fighting, the total strength has been reduced sharply to more than 300 people.

Equipped with more than twenty light and heavy machine guns.

They opened fire together, and the powerful blocking fire quickly intertwined into an airtight fire network outside the city.

The Eighth Route Army's attacking troops, which were charging forward quickly, were blocked in an instant. Dozens of soldiers were killed and injured. It was difficult to move forward while lying on the ground.

Seeing this scene, the squadron leader couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, feeling that he had withstood another Eighth Route Army attack, and that the city's east city fortifications could last at least half an hour longer after this battle.

"Boom boom boom..."

As a result, I was only happy for ten seconds before a violent explosion sounded in my ears.

Turning his head, he saw a ball of fire rising into the air twenty meters away from him. A heavy machine gun team was instantly blown over, and the two machine gunners were blown directly out of the city and hit the ground heavily outside the city.


Several more violent explosions reached the squadron leader's ears at the same time.

A section of the battlement that had not been completely destroyed was hit by a cannonball and was blown to pieces on the spot. The rubble and bricks were like scattered flowers, flying everywhere on the top of the city.

If someone is hit by these stones, even if they are not killed on the spot, they will be injured and temporarily lose their combat effectiveness.

A light machine gun team hiding behind the ruins was also submerged in the artillery fire because the transfer speed was too slow, and not a single soldier survived.

The situation on the top of the city took a turn for the worse.

After only one round of artillery shells from the Eighth Route Army, more than a dozen of his subordinates were killed and injured before the eyes of Squadron Leader Guang.

In addition, what he did not see was that at least forty or fifty people were killed or wounded in the already small city defense troops in the east of the city, which was equivalent to one-sixth of his troops being wiped out in an instant.

Subconsciously, he had to order the troops to evacuate the city, hide behind the city wall, and wait for the Eighth Route Army's artillery preparations to end before going to the city to fight.

As a result, before the order was uttered, the exclamations of his subordinates reached his ears again.


"The Eighth Route Army attacking us outside the city has moved again. Their target seems to be the city gate hole, and they also brought explosives..."

"They must want to blow up the city gate and rush directly into the county seat through the city gate hole."

The squadron leader immediately gave up the idea of ​​evacuating the troops from the city.

If the Eighth Route Army offensive troops took the opportunity to rush into the city gate and blow up the city gate, it would be meaningless even if the city defense troops in the east of the city were still there.

(End of this chapter)

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