The Sword of Swords is a Guard for Kong Jie

Chapter 109 Can't be compared to Li Yunlong

Chapter 109 Can't be compared to Li Yunlong (please subscribe)

"Jingle Bell……"

The phone of the Independent Regiment Headquarters rang suddenly, and the chief of staff picked up the phone and listened for a few seconds before handing the receiver to Kong Jie.

"Leader Li of the New Second Regiment is on the phone, calling for you to answer the call!"

"Old Li, I'm Kong Jie... I suddenly called my old comrade-in-arms, did something good happen?" Kong Jie teased Li Yunlong casually.

"Old Kong, brother, I'm sorry for you!" Li Yunlong's voice came from the microphone immediately, seemingly apologizing, but Kong Jie heard a hint of showing off.

"It was a great thing, but it was cut off by the brigade commander!"

"Do you still remember the big gift that Lao Ding gave me when he took over Xinyituan?"

"I sent a battalion to attack fifty miles last night, and suddenly launched an attack. They successfully captured the cavalry battalion of the Imperial Association Army in Wanjia Town, and seized more than [-] horses and supporting cavalry equipment!"

"I planned to give you equipment for a cavalry company, but as soon as the first battalion returned to the station with the spoils, the brigade commander called."

"Say that I violated discipline, deployed troops privately, and directly asked for equipment from two companies!"

"Brother, I have no choice but to hand over the horses and equipment of the two companies to the brigade headquarters!"

"But don't worry, I, Li Yunlong, say what I promise, and I will do what I promise you. As long as the new second regiment has a chance to capture horses and cavalry equipment in the future, I will definitely send them to you immediately!"

Kong Jie put down the phone and the chief of staff asked, "What good happened to Lieutenant Li? Let me call you by name!"

"Set up a cavalry company, show off to me!" Kong Jie said.

"It was originally a cavalry battalion, and it was going to send us a company of equipment, but was cut off by the brigade commander, so he left a company of horses and equipment for him!"

"Say sorry to me on the phone, but it's actually showing off. He also said that the next time he seized horses and cavalry equipment, he must send them to us. I believe he is a ghost!"

"It's better to rely on yourself than to rely on others!"

"The three main battalions of the New Second Regiment have not yet been fully formed, so a cavalry company has been established. Our independent regiment has strong troops, so we also want to build a cavalry company."

The chief of staff agreed deeply: "The cavalry's assault ability is several times that of the infantry's, let alone its maneuverability. If we have a cavalry company, when we encounter little devils, as long as the opponent's strength does not exceed a squadron and is not equipped with heavy weapons, the cavalry Even a single assault can kill them all!"

"I support the formation of a cavalry company!"

"Although the cost of feeding one cavalry company can feed two or three infantry companies, the role of cavalry is several times that of ordinary infantry."

"With the current strength of the independent regiment, it is fully capable of supporting a cavalry company!"

"I remember that among the more than [-] prisoners we rescued from the Zhuma Village stronghold, there are ready-made cavalry!"

"They come from the Northwest. They joined the Northwest Army as cavalry when they joined the Northwest Army. After being reorganized into the Jinsui Army, they became infantry!"

"After mobilization, take the initiative to ask to join us!"

"I'm just worried that I don't know how to arrange them!"

"If we do get the cavalry companies together, it's time for them to get back to their old jobs!"

After listening to the chief of staff's analysis, Kong Jie was more motivated to form a cavalry company than before, and followed up with the analysis: "According to what you said, we have already settled the number of soldiers to form a cavalry company."

"As long as the horses and equipment are disposed of, the cavalry company will immediately become an army!"

"Almost!" The chief of staff gave an affirmative answer.

"Then let's find a way to deal with the horses and equipment..." Kong Jie concluded.

Guard, let Huang Yu of the assault platoon come to the regiment headquarters, hurry up! "

"This kid probably has forgotten that he is also the staff officer of the regiment headquarters. He has been watching the assault rehearsal all day long, and he will not come to the regiment headquarters to report unless he is called!"

"Regimental Commander, Chief of Staff, are you looking for me?" The assault platoon was stationed next to the regiment headquarters, and Huang Yu ran over in only five minutes.

Kong Jie nodded to Huang Yu and told his purpose of looking for him.

"Commander Li of the New Second Regiment has just established a cavalry company, and our independent regiment can't be left behind. The chief of staff and I also want to form a cavalry company. The personnel have been selected, and the only thing that needs to be equipped is the equipment and horses!"

"You kid has a lot of ideas, I want to hear your ideas first."

After hearing this, Huang Yu knew that Li Yunlong's raid on the cavalry camp in Wanjia Town had already happened, but he still pretended to be puzzled and asked, "Where did you get the cavalry equipment and horses for the New Second Regiment?"

"Wanjia Town!" Kong Jie introduced.

"A cavalry battalion of the Imperial Association Army was stationed there. Li Yunlong dispatched a battalion to attack for fifty miles, and took down the battalion with almost no resistance!"

"The brigade commander wants to leave two companies' equipment, and Li Yunlong keeps one company for himself!"

"Our independent regiment is strong and strong, but it lacks mobile troops that can quickly maneuver and attack."

"After discussing with the chief of staff, we decided to form our own cavalry company!"

Huang Yu himself did not yearn for cavalry so much.

In the face of heavy machine guns and armored troops, cavalry can only be tortured and killed.

However, the proportion of heavy machine gun equipment on the Chinese battlefield is very low, and armored units are even rarer, which makes cavalry units useful.

Whether it is Li Yunlong or Kong Jie in front of him, they all dream of having a real elite cavalry under their hands.

Looking at Kong Jie, he thought and analyzed: "Ergouzi's cavalry are equipped with Mongolian horses, and the regiment's correspondents are also equipped with this kind of horses. They have good stamina, but compared with the oriental war horses equipped by the little devil, they are not as good in size or explosive power. , there is not a small difference!"

"If the head of the regiment wants to form a cavalry company, I suggest that we bring back a batch of oriental horses!"

"Hi Dongyang Warhorse!" Kong Jie nodded repeatedly.

"I've seen the little devil's Oriental war horse... It's nearly a head taller than a Mongolian horse, and its assault speed is faster than a Mongolian horse..."

"The strength and firepower of our independent regiment are much stronger than Li Yunlong's new second regiment, and the establishment of a cavalry company cannot be inferior to them..."

"Just listen to Huang Yu and find a way to bring back a batch of oriental horses."

Kong Jie also had a competitive heart, otherwise he would not have been anxious when he heard that Li Yunlong was forming a cavalry company, and pulled the chief of staff to form his own cavalry company.

If he could form a cavalry company with all oriental warhorses, he would definitely not need Mongolian warhorses.

The chief of staff suddenly gave a wry smile: "Commander, Xiao Huang, the oriental warhorses you guys are treating as little devils are weeds on the roadside, we can seize them if we want!"

"The Japanese North China Front Army has hundreds of thousands of little devils, and the real cavalry unit is less than [-]. The total number of cavalry in Shanxi is less than [-], and they are basically stationed in larger counties!"

"I can't even touch it at ordinary times, how can I capture the oriental horses they equip!"

"I think we should be more realistic. If there is a chance, we can get back a batch of Mongolian war horses first!"

"Just staring at the little devil's Eastern warhorse, the year of the monkey may not be able to build a cavalry company!"

Kong Jie seemed to have been splashed with cold water, and the excited expression on his face disappeared instantly.

Although the chief of staff's words were a bit harsh, they were all true.

Compared with Mongolian horses, the chances of troops capturing oriental horses are too low.

Just as he was about to nod to accept the opinion of the chief of staff, Huang Yu suddenly interjected: "Chief of staff, it is true that there is no organized little devil cavalry unit around our defense zone, but we can find a way to attract the cavalry here!"

Kong Jie showed an expression of interest on the spot: "What method, please be more specific?"

Huang Yu asked thoughtfully: "The cavalry is the best unit to deal with the cavalry! If the devils mistakenly believe that we have a cavalry company in our hands, what do you think they will do?"

Kong Jie suddenly patted the table in front of him and said, "Good way!"

"The cavalry come and go without a trace, and the ordinary infantry can't do anything about it."

"The devils want to destroy us, so they can only send cavalry from other places to help in the battle. Then we have the opportunity to destroy the devil's cavalry troops!"

The chief of staff hadn't fully caught up with Kong Jie's thinking, so he frowned and asked: "The problem is that we don't have an organized cavalry unit... Could it be possible to send an infantry to pretend to be cavalry?"

"The devil is not stupid, how could he not be able to tell the difference between real and fake cavalry!"

"How about we borrow a cavalry company from the brigade headquarters?"

Kong Jie had already begun to conceive the entire battle process in his mind, and then the chief of staff explained: "You are a fan of the authorities and a bystander!"

"Although we haven't formed an organized cavalry unit, it's no problem to gather all the horses of the whole regiment together to form two cavalry squads!"

"The cavalry is also readily available!"

"For a temporary training, I will definitely be able to confuse the little devil near the stronghold."

"If it doesn't work, we can still let the infantry cooperate to fight two battles..."

The head of the new second regiment, Li Yunlong, and the newly appointed political commissar, Zhao Gang, all looked at the horses in front of them with smiles on their faces...

Zhang Dabiao introduced as he walked: "Regimental Commander, Political Commissar, there are a total of 336 horses here, and the cavalry equipment is also complete. As long as the personnel are in place, we can immediately form a cavalry unit!"

"They are all good horses..." Li Yunlong touched a war horse with emotion.

"It's just a pity, the brigade commander is about to leave the horses and equipment of two companies!"

"If all of them stay in the New Second Regiment, I can pull out a cavalry battalion in no time, and I won't be afraid to meet the devil's infantry brigade in the future!"

"Regimental Commander, I think it is for our own good that the Brigadier Commander wants to take the horses and equipment of two cavalry companies!" Zhao Gang's thoughts were completely opposite to Li Yunlong's.

"We are just a regiment-level unit with limited funds. It is already difficult enough to support a cavalry company!"

"If you really pull out a cavalry battalion, the soldiers won't even have food!"

After seeing Zhao Gang, Li Yunlong looked down on him from the bottom of his heart, thinking that he is just a white-faced scholar who can play tricks and doesn't understand anything.

What he said just now made him feel refreshed. He realized that the political commissar was not useless. He told himself through logistical supplies that it was better for the new second regiment to form a cavalry company than a cavalry battalion.

Li Yunlong has fought for so many years, it is impossible to ignore such an important factor as logistics supplies, otherwise he would not want to give Kong Jie a company of horses and equipment.

It's just that the extra horses were all cut off by the brigade commander, so that he had no chance to show off to Kong Jie, felt aggrieved and complained.

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(End of this chapter)

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