The Sword of Swords is a Guard for Kong Jie

Chapter 106 Li Yunlong, Why Did I Offend You?

Chapter 106 Li Yunlong, Why Did I Offend You (Please Subscribe)

"There is a team in front, the enemy is unknown, stop advancing immediately, and strengthen your guard!" On the way back to the base, the forward platoon suddenly stopped the troops.

Kong Jie ran to the front of the team with a binoculars, his expression very nervous.

In order to evacuate the Zhuma Village stronghold, Shen Quan not only used all the rescued prisoners of war, each soldier also carried a box of ammunition or a few rifles on his body, which was very heavy.

In case of encountering devils, it is necessary to give up some of the seizures.

Just halfway through the run, I collided with a soldier in the forward platoon: "Report to the commander..."

"The team in front is the second battalion, our own people, they also won a battle, the troops can move on!"

The tense expression on Kong Jie's face immediately eased, and when he looked up, he saw Xiao Yuan and Chang Xing running towards him in a hurry: "Regimental Commander, the Second Battalion is fortunate to have lived up to their orders and successfully completed the blocking mission!"

"The garrison in Pingding County is limited, only more than [-] devils and more than [-] puppet troops were dispatched to reinforce Zhuma Village, and they were not equipped with heavy weapons!"

"I first used guerrilla warfare and mobile warfare to sneak up on the little devils, and stared at their machine gunners and grenadiers to kill them. Finally, I found a gentle slope to ambush them, and the effect was very good!"

"Before the ambush started, the Devil's machine gunner and grenadier soldiers were almost killed by us!"

"After the ambush started, I concentrated two heavy machine guns and eleven light machine guns, staring at the devils in the team and beating them hard..."

"Only one round of shooting killed the Devil's infantry squadron to the very last..."

"Follow the trend to blow the charge and launch an attack on the Japanese and puppet troops..."

"Without the support of the devils, Er Gouzi has no power to parry under our attack. They collapsed with just one assault, rushing to surrender and become prisoners!"

"You captured the prisoners?" Kong Jie suddenly became very excited, staring at Xiao Yuanchang and asked.

"More than two hundred and eighty!" Xiao Yuanchang replied with a hint of complacency.

"A battalion of Ergouzi, except for a dozen diehard officials who were killed by us, the others were all taken prisoner."

"Then why are you still standing there?" Kong Jie ordered immediately!
"Immediately let the captives transport the loot, and free up the hands of the soldiers of the first battalion!"

"Just now I was worried that the troops were too heavy, and they all became heavy soldiers. After encountering the devils, there were no troops to attack and stop them. The prisoners you brought can free up at least two companies. I won't be afraid if I encounter little devils. !"

As soon as Kong Jie led his troops to the entrance of Yangcun, Tan Lin, the instructor of the third battalion, hurried towards him.

"Regimental Commander, Commander Li and Commander Ding are here. The Battalion Commander told them that you are no longer there, so he just waited at the headquarters and said that he will not go back until he sees you today!"

"I think their posture seems to be asking for a crime. Did you offend them somewhere, why don't you go out and hide?"

Kong Jie shook his head and smiled bitterly: "This old Li's reaction is really fast!"

"He actually arrived at Yang Village one step ahead of me. He must have rushed here as soon as he received the news that I had captured Zhuma Village."

"Old Ding too, when did he get mixed up with Lao Li!"

"It seems that I won't be able to send away my old comrade-in-arms without bleeding a lot today!"

"Don't worry, it's not a big deal. The old comrades help our independent regiment to fight against it. If we win the battle, we can't take all the benefits by ourselves. They are here to share the benefits!"

"I wanted to invite them, but I didn't expect these two guys to come here uninvited and run faster than me!"

"You go to arrange troops... gather all the captured spoils together!"

"As for how much benefits Lao Li and Lao Ding can share, it's all up to the brigade commander. I'm not that villain!"

"Idiot Kong Er, tell me quickly, how many little devils and special agents have you killed in the Zhuma Village stronghold!" Li Yunlong has been thinking about his submachine gun platoon, and he can't directly ask Kong Jie how many submachine guns he captured, so he can only ask first. For the situation of annihilating the enemy, judge the capture by the number of enemies eliminated, and then consider how many submachine guns you can share.

"Six secret agents ran away, and 39 were killed, including a major!" Kong Jie knew his victory well, and blurted out without thinking.

"What did you do? So many troops went to attack the stronghold of Zhuma Village and let the little devil run away..." Li Yunlong frowned when he heard it, and cried out in dissatisfaction.

"That's six submachine guns and six Mauser pistols. If I kill them all, I can get a few more guns!"

"It's a pity that such a good weapon was taken away by devils!"

"Good old Li... I guessed when I walked in the door that your boy came here with no good intentions, eyeing the spoils seized by the independent regiment in Zhuma village!" Kong Jie gave Li Yunlong a rude meal.

"As expected, I just wanted to share the weapons and ammunition brought back by Lao Tzu without saying any polite words. It's too much."

Li Yunlong didn't feel embarrassed, and answered the words unceremoniously: "Idiot Kong Er, to tell you the truth, I really came here for the spoils in your hand!"

"You're a rough boy, and you're not a big girl, so it's not worth my trip!"

"The new second regiment has just been formed, and its foundation is weak. In order to help you block the reinforcements from the direction of Niangziguan, half of the regiment was almost lost, and several bridges in the defense area were blown up. Whatever you say, you must compensate me for the loss!"

"By the way, give me one or two companies of equipment!"

"My hometown is paid as a short-term laborer for the landlord!"

"The New Second Regiment has worked hard to help you fight, and the wages that should be paid must not be less!"

"If you can't win the battle, you will take all the benefits. Lao Tzu and Ding Wei paid such a high price, but in the end they didn't even have a mouthful of soup!"

Ding Wei, who had been silent all this time, interrupted suddenly.

"Old Kong, don't listen to Lao Li talking like a lion!"

"My new regiment will help you block more than a thousand Japanese and puppet troops. I won't say much about the various losses. You just need to make up for the weapons and ammunition we consumed on the battlefield, and give me twenty or thirty submachine guns and matching bullets." , let’s treat it as if we don’t owe anyone anything!”

"Old Ding is kind!" Kong Jie did not refuse Ding Wei's request.

Looking at Li Yunlong, he said back: "It doesn't look like you... You are simply a money fanatic, and you want two companies' equipment, why don't you grab it!"

"Fortunately, we are still old comrades in arms, and we know to take advantage of Lao Tzu all day long!"

Li Yunlong was really a little embarrassed after being coaxed.

The total number of Japanese and puppet troops in the Zhuma Village stronghold was only more than [-]. After deducting the losses on the battlefield, it would be good to capture more than [-] guns.

It is indeed a bit too much to ask for two companies' equipment by opening your mouth.

He smiled embarrassingly and said, "My requirements are similar to Lao Ding's!"

"Make up for the loss of the new second regiment on the battlefield, and give me dozens of submachine guns and matching bullets!"

Kong Jie shook his head and refused: "I have a submachine gun, but I can't give it to you?"

Seeing the face of the old comrade-in-arms suddenly become ugly, Kong Jie hurriedly explained.

"I wiped out 39 Devils agents on the battlefield, but many of them were buried in the rubble, their weapons and ammunition were smashed, and only a dozen submachine guns and more than [-] Mauser pistols were seized!"

Li Yunlong was disappointed for a while, but he had already come, and he couldn't return empty-handed, so he could only say indifferently.

"It's okay, I don't think it's too little. The independent regiment has already equipped more than [-] submachine guns, and it must not be equipped again!"

"The submachine guns and Mauser pistols seized this time can be divided into half of each of us."

"Listen to me first!" Kong Jie interrupted again.

"We seized sixty unopened submachine guns and sixty unopened Mauser pistols at the Yamamoto Special Forces station!"

"They are all spare weapons of the Yamamoto Special Forces. Nearly [-] rounds of training pistol ammunition and submachine gun ammunition have also been seized. Each gun can be allocated [-] ammunition!"

"I think the quantity is too large. It must be handed over to the brigade headquarters, and the brigade commander will distribute these equipment and ammunition!"

"No... Kong Er's idiot, these submachine guns and Mauser pistols must not be turned in!" Li Yunlong became jealous when he heard it.

"This battle was won by the cooperation of our three regiments. We don't even have enough loot for ourselves. How can we hand it over!"

"It's not like you don't know the brigade commander's temper. If you send it up, you can share ten submachine guns for each of us!"

"Anyway, I don't agree to hand it over!"

"Li Yunlong, I didn't offend you, did I! How dare I arrange this in front of Kong Jie and Ding Wei..." The brigade commander's curse suddenly sounded from the command department.

The three of them were startled, and when they looked up, they saw the brigade commander rushing in angrily.

Seemingly still not relieved, he stared at Li Yunlong and continued to scold: "You kid must make it clear to me today!"

"What's wrong with my temper? Is it because I withheld the salary of the New Second Regiment, or I gave you some shoes to wear!"

"Don't make it clear, let's see how I deal with you today!"

"Hello Brigadier... why didn't you notify me when you came here!" This is the headquarters of the Independent Regiment, Kong Jie hurriedly stood up to smooth things over, and did not forget to cast a glance at Tan Lin, the instructor of the third battalion who followed in, as if to say: Brigadier Commander is here They didn't report it, so that everything they said just now was heard by the brigade commander.

Tan Lin was very aggrieved and could only smile wryly at Kong Jie...

The brigade commander saw the two people's small movements, and interrupted directly: "Don't embarrass Tan Lin, I didn't let him report it!"

"But it didn't come in vain, otherwise I wouldn't have heard Li Yunlong secretly arrange Lao Tzu's words!"

"Hello Brigadier...I was just joking just now, don't take it to heart. You are definitely the best brigade commander in my heart. You have rich command experience and senior qualifications. The person I, Li Yunlong admire the most is you !"

"Okay..." The brigade commander interrupted with a wave of his hand.

"I don't know what kind of character you are, so don't put a high hat on me!"

"I heard what everyone said just now..."

"Now I can tell you clearly: You can share some of the submachine guns and pistols that Kong Jie brought back from the Zhuma Village stronghold, but don't expect too much!"

"The Yamamoto special team was formed by the devils to raid our headquarters at all levels, and the headquarters is their key raid target."

"If you want to defeat them in a close-range firefight, you must not only improve the combat effectiveness of the guards at the headquarters, but also equip them with weapons that can go head-to-head with the Yamamoto Special Forces!"

"I decided to take thirty submachine guns, ten Mauser pistols, each with a thousand rounds of ammunition, and send them to the headquarters immediately!"

"The brigade guard battalion doesn't need so many, give me twenty submachine guns, ten Mauser pistols, each with a thousand rounds of ammunition!"

"You three share the remaining weapons and ammunition equally!"

Li Yunlong was overjoyed. He thought that these weapons would be of no use to him if the brigade headquarters were separated from the headquarters, but the brigade commander actually left them with more than [-] submachine guns and more than [-] Mauser pistols...

Even if the two regiments are divided equally, the new second regiment can form a submachine gun squad and a pistol platoon.

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(End of this chapter)

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