Who says knights can't backstab

Chapter 418 Persuasion and counter-persuasion

Chapter 418 Persuasion and counter-persuasion
The entrance of the Baisong Clan into the Black Forest was actually near the Qingxinzi Clan, which was completely unexpected to Cyril.

There are only two entrances in the forest area they are in, and the other one is far to the north of them.Being able to immediately encounter another Baisong clan entering through another entrance in such a short period of time can only mean that one of the two has been advancing obliquely in the direction of the other——

At this time, Cyril had no time to think about which party was disturbed by the Black Forest and led to the wrong direction to meet early.He and everyone around him had already drawn their weapons, and Caroline, who was weak in combat, was blocked behind by Elena and Misha.

He looked ahead, and the expressions of those heavily armored Adlai Navy guards were all hidden under the visor.They moved forward quickly, and at the same time, the formation was still stretched apart, forming a "one", as if they were going to wrap the Siliki army inside——

"Hmph!" Upon seeing this, Azike snorted coldly. This was clearly a sign that the people of Austrian Saint Emma did not pay attention to their individual combat power!

But with such a big deal, do you really think you can eat us?

He stood still in the middle of the army, but said softly: "Lord Lord, the opponent's strong hand will be handed over to you."

And the half-elf boy beside him lifted his long sword slightly, and his eyes had already locked on the group of generals behind the Adlai Sea Guard, Alvin Bridges.The latter was also staring at him with no emotion in his eyes.

As if looking at a dead man.

The magic power in Cyril's elemental pool couldn't help but started to run. Even though he knew there was a gap in strength, the opponent's attitude of not taking them seriously still made him want to directly shoot thirteen bursts of the Meteor Hammer.However, the sudden activation of the wind element made the listening to the wind technique collect further information for him——

His pointed ears trembled slightly, and the sound of footsteps, breathing, or the shaking of the armor while running, all came into his ears clearly at this moment.But what alerted him even more was the constant rustling sound in the distance. It seemed that a large group of things were crushing the blades of grass, colliding with tree trunks from time to time, and coming straight towards them!

"Stop." He said, "Let's retreat immediately."

"What?" Atzik almost staggered, but Cyril's expression without the slightest joking made him react immediately, and then shouted loudly: "Full speed, retreat!"

The group of shield soldiers who had already opened their posture were suddenly stunned, but the absolute discipline made everyone without any hesitation, immediately put away their equipment, turned around and started running wildly!
The effect of running around the city every morning is reflected at this moment. This sudden turn and retreat is very similar to a soldier fleeing in embarrassment after seeing the commander died in battle.At the beginning, the people of St. Emma thought that these La Rochelle people were frightened by themselves, and they still kept their formation and pressed close.

But after realizing that his opponent really didn't even dare to touch him once, the contempt in Alvin's eyes became even stronger.When Cyril looked back, Alvin was raising a hand, ordering the soldiers to stop chasing the fleeing La Rochelle people.

"Lord, why did we withdraw without fighting? We didn't want to have too much loss at the beginning, or—" Azike turned his head to look, halfway through his breathless words, he suddenly closed his mouth.

Where they had just stood, large stretches of towering trees collapsed, and one after another of decently sized black shadows quickly slammed into the Adlai Sea Guards who were still standing there, and the shouts of killing resounded instantly. This forest!

"What is that?" He said in shock, but he heard an archer not far from him shouting loudly: "My lord, something is approaching us, very fast!"

As soon as the archer finished speaking, he uttered a horrified cry—the forest beside him suddenly cracked and cracked, and a huge black shadow stepped on the broken tree, its white fangs pointed towards the Famous archers go straight!
"Get away!" The archer captain Chloe beside him stretched out his hand and grabbed his shoulder, pulling him directly to his side.But that giant didn't intend to stop its attack at all, so its fangs gnawed towards Chloe's head!

Chloe was not unprepared. The moment she stepped forward to save someone, she pulled out the dagger at her waist—it was similar in shape to an elf sword, but smaller in size, and it was the melee equipment designated by Memphis.

But when the snow-white fangs attacked her, she realized how much she had misjudged the size of this giant—the fangs alone were thicker and longer than her sword.She bit her lips tightly, screaming with distorted face and swung the knife forward, but before the sword arrived, she heard a loud bang, and the giant's head was hit in the head by a cyan giant hammer. It collapsed in half in an instant.

And then the sound of heavy footsteps sounded from behind her, and the huge sword in the hand of the knight in strange armor swung in a circular arc, passed by her, and slammed heavily on the joint of the giant, directly removing the ferocious head. down!
Thick blue blood sprayed Chloe and Leonardo in front of her. She stood there for a moment, her legs were inexplicably weak, and she almost fell to her knees.

And the archer she protected was even more unbearable, and had already sat down on his buttocks—as archers, they were always in a safe position in the team, and how had they ever experienced such a threat?
But fortunately, Azike's voice sounded in time, and all the soldiers watching this scene breathed a sigh of relief: "Everyone stop, turn around and organize the army, and the shield soldiers are on alert."

The soldiers who had finished running were not very tired. Compared with their crazy training in Siliki, this distance and speed were nothing, and the team was quickly integrated.

Azike and Cyril stepped forward to inspect the giant that was killed by Cyril's meteorite hammer and Leonardo's giant sword, and sighed:

"I know why this black forest is called the Forest of Dead Spiders. Giant spiders of this size are still in groups..."

The one lying on the ground still bleeding blue blood was a giant spider, the edges of its eight long and thick legs were extremely sharp, able to cut through the extremely fragile trees in the Black Forest with ease.

Even if the head has been chopped off, its protruding rear, a man-high spider belly and the steel thorn-like fluff on it still make people feel creepy.

"It's just a group of giant spiders with a mutated size. The Black Forest doubled their estimated size, and it wasn't that exaggerated before. It's just superficial." Cyril judged the strength of this giant spider and estimated it in the game. It's level [-] to [-], and the experience he got is only a little bit, which is not enough to look at.

"So you chose to evacuate first when you noticed their attack?"

"There is a reason for this, but I don't want to fight to the death with the people of Osan Emma at the beginning." Cyril said seriously, "Alvin Bridges is a vengeful person, he likes to kill him with a stick, no Leave a way for the opponent to retreat. Our goal is to stir up trouble, to be able to backstab... If it is a sneak attack, it is natural to choose a sneak attack, and it is best to find a suitable ally so that we can fight more and less."

He turned around and glanced at the soldiers who had settled down behind him: "You don't want them to die here, do you?"

Azike looked at Cyril's side face seriously, and he let out a long breath after a while, sighed and said: "It sounds like you really know a lot about these people from O'San Emma, ​​don't you still go to O'San Ayre?" Ma has traveled... No, that's not enough to explain your knowledge of the enemy's general."

Cyril waved his hand and said: "A person's appearance is always related to his heart. You can see how vicious Alvin is in his heart by looking at Alvin's expression. I am different. Look at my heart and my appearance Just as outstanding."

"Bah." Atzke spat, "Then what should we do now?"

"You are the commander, of course I will obey you." Cyril helped the archer up, patted Chloe on the back encouragingly, and whispered to the latter: "Well done, Memphis will Pleased with your performance."

And Azike seemed to have been waiting for Cyril's words for a long time, and then he raised a hand: "It's all good, now the group of Osan Emma people are being beaten by such a guy, what should we do?" What, don't I need to say more?"

The eyes of the soldiers who waited silently lit up, even without Atsk's order, Hagen Trogne, who was leading the sword fighters on one side, had already shouted loudly: "Swordsmen follow me to the front, Prepare to charge, let's fight back!"

"Get ready to charge, let's fight back!"

The swordsmen roared loudly in unison, and the formation of the team changed again in an instant—the sharp spear points were placed at the forefront, forming an arrow in the front row, and the guard's shield became the pillar of the team, turning into an arrow. body.

Leonardo was carrying a huge sword, one behind the other, standing at the forefront of the team.

Afterwards, the whole team started running wildly again——

They returned along the same route they retreated just now, as if they had already entered the charging state, their speed was even faster than before.The sound of heavy and powerful footsteps resounded in the forest, and within a few minutes, they returned to the battlefield where they hadn't fought before!

The excellent qualities of the Adelaide Sea Guard allowed them to successfully withstand the attack of this group of giant spiders in the black forest, and they are still fighting fiercely at this moment.Alvin swung his long sword from time to time, causing three or four giant spiders to fall at the same time——

But there are too many of these giant spiders. Although their individual combat abilities are indeed not strong, their huge size brings extremely strong vitality. A normal slash hit can only make their bodies tilt, and they cannot attack them at all. cause fatal injury.The Adelaide Sea Guard with the top shield in the front row has changed two groups, and the physical strength of the soldiers is declining sharply!

This made Alvin feel annoyed for a while. Even in the Black Forest, he still did not dare to do his best, for fear of attracting some horrible existence—the White Pine Clan gave him a lot of information in the Black Forest, the Forest of Dead Spiders Even the poisonous spider with the most lethal power is difficult for him to deal with.

And they just launched a charge against the despicable La Rochelle people, and attracted a group of giant spiders!
Damn it, that bastard half-elf lord—

Alvin cursed Cyril crazily in his heart. He could see that the reason why the people of La Rochelle suddenly retreated was definitely related to that half-elf!

What's more, because of him, they failed to win the first level of archery and the second level of riding, and even lost his adjutant Swift - if Swift was here, the soldiers would think It is easy to crush this group of giant spiders.

But more importantly, he made the most important Diana disappear. Their most talented animal trainer is also the guarantee for winning the first place in the third ring!
His heart was in a mess, but the expression on his face only became more indifferent.He stared at the battle between the soldiers and the giant spiders, and suddenly swung his sword again, splitting the giant spiders in the front row into two, and at the same time ordered: "The first team is back, let the third team go down and rest!"

The Adelaide Sea Guards took advantage of this gap to change their formation again, and the soldiers who were trimming in the back row came forward again with their shields on their backs, letting the soldiers who had just supported for a long time go to the rear to rest.

Although this kind of battle is a bit tormented, as long as there are no accidents, it can still be won smoothly.All Alvin can do for the soldiers is to fight for a window period for replacement and recuperation——

"Damn La Rochelle... If I have the chance, I must break through your capital—"

He looked up towards the west, as if imagining that Solkonan was right in front of him, with a sickly twist appearing on his always cold face.

But before his imagination could last for a few seconds, he heard the voice of the soldier beside him: "Sir, something is coming towards us, from the side, our side!"

He came back to his senses immediately, but heard a rumbling sound in the direction the soldier had spoken.At this moment, his eyes were almost narrowed to the extreme, and he listened and stared in that direction as much as he could——

What is it, is it a new group of giant spiders?


The sound of footsteps, the sound of heavy footsteps getting closer, the bushes are ringing, the grass blades are ringing, someone is rushing——

It's them, they dare to turn back?

Are they charging me?
"The people of La Rochelle!" Alvin roared violently. Amidst his roar, a row of flickering swords had torn through the darkness in the dark woodland. Before the Adlai Seaguard could react, they slammed into their flanks!

In an instant, screams resounded through the forest, and a row of Adlai Navy guards were torn apart by the big sword without any chance.The great sword in the knight's hand in strange armor seemed to be more than two meters long, and the dark yellow earth element attached seemed to coat the weapon with a layer of gold, directly chopping up those expensive armors.

And the thunder light beside him didn't have his momentum, but its movement was more light, and it twisted and shuttled through the soldiers, as if it was really a bolt of lightning.

Behind them, the well-trained sword fighters almost used the full power of their swords after obtaining their ideal position to enter the field from the side, almost stabbing the Austrian Saint Emma team in an instant. Wear it right!

(End of this chapter)

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